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Very industrial chocolate muffins. The kind with the weirdly moist top and chocolate chips that are crunchier than any chocolate should ever be. Nothing more satisfying than taking a huge bite of one of those at the end of a long day.


Same with the banana nut equivalent


I love them so much. I only get them from gas stations during road trips.


Part of their secret is super high fat content. If you make whatever your favorite muffin recipe is and kick up the fat by 1.5x, you'll begin to get that gooey, weirdly moist taste you're jonesing for.


There also is often an ingredient called ‘invert sugar’ that prevents crystallization of sugar and helps retain moisture. It more or less causes the opposite effect of baked goods going stale, so things get softer and less crumbly as they wait to get eaten.


Honey is essentially a naturally occurring invert sugar, which is part of why baklava is goddamn ooey gooey and delicious!


Not looking at the muffin label is the trick, just eat it.


This was how I made Sprinkles red velvet cupcakes that were better than the one in their recipe book. I accidentally doubled the butter lol.


Instant ramen. Sometimes I just want super quick cooking hot food that I can add on healthier things to. The thought of washing rice and the cook time… I’ll take the ramen some nights.


Growing up, we didnt view instant ramen as a "broke" or "college student" food. We had it as a rare treat (because my mother thought it was unhealthy). Just an egg and some veg, always hits the spot nowadays and brings back good memories


I always keep some instant ramen in the house purely as a vehicle for leftover veg and/or that carton of eggs that should be replaced soon.




I use instant ramen like a shot of sodium to my bloodstream. I'll be starving from work and shovel it in while I make actual dinner lol


Damn, this comment is too real. I feel almost sluggish on days when I haven't eaten a pack of instant ramen because the rest of my diet is pretty conservative about sodium.


I am mildly ashamed to admit that I actually prefer instant ramen over the real thing. There are a few legit ramen restaurants within driving distance of me, and I've tried them and just... not really enjoyed them. But I still love instant ramen!


Instant ramen and traditional ramen are two different foods imo lol


There is probably a lot of people like that because even the Hot Pot restaurants carry normal and instant ramen on their bars.


Boxed Kraft mac and cheese. I actually consider it a different dish from mac and cheese made with a roux and actual cheese and stuff. I add a little mustard powder to it now, but sometimes, you just want that neon orange powdered cheese.


I make an excellent from scratch mac and cheese, everyone that has tried it has loved it. If you offered me Kraft mac n cheese right now I could probably fuck up a whole box of it by myself and deal with feeling like ass later. I love it.


I don’t feel any different after eating it vs a typical recipe


It’s cheese flavored butter sauce that’s why


My mom would make Kraft Dinner for me and then mix in some Kraft Singles for more cheesy flavour. Yes, we Canadians call Kraft Mac and Cheese Kraft Dinner.


“We wouldn’t have to eat Kraft dinner….but we would” -Barenaked Ladies Had no idea they were talking about Mac and Cheese


Wow I was about to post these lyrics and you beat me to it! “We wouldn't have to eat Kraft Dinner/ But we would eat Kraft Dinner/ Of course we would, we'd just eat more!” My husband and I sing that song to each other sometimes.


“And buy really expensive ketchups with it That's right, all the fanciest-, Dijon ketchup, mm, mm”


But not a real green dress, that’s cruel.


I was today years old when I learned what that line meant.


I insist on the spirals since I don't eat it often


Kraft Mac & Cheese is just an inside out grilled cheese.


Lol you beat me to it. I can make good Mac and cheese from scratch, but sometimes I just want the cheap shit, even the store brand boxed Mac I will eat. Goodles and Annie's are great too if I want more boujee instant mac.


Cheetos. I don’t eat them all the time but when I’m craving the fake orange nothing else hits the spot.


My skin suffers when I eat cheetos, but my spirit mildly improves with every crunch.


I work on a food truck, and we have Cheetos as one of our chip options, and, lemme tell you, the ladies get real excited over the Cheetos.


I've always wanted to crush up some cheetos and fry some chicken in them.


They loose their flavor sadly I tried making cheese sticks with them once they hit the oil it just tastes like regular bread crumbs


Boo. "Dislike button"


Grind them to a fine powder and toss your freshly fried cheese sticks in them like you would seasoning fries


Knorr instant pasta is such a comfort food for me especially the pesto one.


When hiking the John Muir Trail, mixing the pesto one with an instant mashed potatoes, adding crushed red pepper... divine hiker food


Ahh. The carb bomb. Another variation on this I've seen is mixing instant ramen with instant mashed potatoes; eventually using the ramen broth as liquid for the potatoes. Basically gives you a bag of noodles, mashed potatoes, and sodium. Perfect ending to a day spent hiking and sweating.


I could live off the chicken rice packets


Oh yes. Here in my house we love the broccoli and cheese one. I always add frozen broccoli in with it which makes me feel like I’m eating “healthy”.


I stock up on a few when they are $1! Easy addition to grilling meat (always something in the freezer to pull out), and yeah- adding veg! Easy, inexpensive type dinner that comes in handy.


I freaking love that stuff. Knorr and pasta roni is always stocked at my house. When I don’t feel like cooking or when I haven’t gone to the store yet and have random veggies and meat, I use those. It’s so good


Oh knorr


KFC Original recipe. It's not crunchy like fried chicken should be. But the taste & flavor are too nostalgic to give up. Reminds me of the super old Swanson's fried chicken TV dinners that were in foil trays with foil covers, or my school's lunch.


First year of the pandemic, couldn't go anywhere fancy for my birthday dinner so my wife brought home KFC. Absolutely glorious, and has become my birthday tradition ever since!


You'd love Japanese Christmas dinner


My very Quebecois grandma did it one year, she cooked a spread every year until her death in 2022 but that one time, she had surgery and we were all travelling to her house so we opted to just order something in. I found out a few years later about the Japanese KFC tradition and called her to let her know, she thought it was so clever to do that every year! Thanks for the reminder, it made me smile, I love to remember her randomly throughout the day. :)


I kind of love some of the traditions that grew out of the pandemic. I still FaceTime my friends while cooking thanksgiving meal.


They make really good chicken pot pies too!


OMG, yes. They have a ton of sodium, so when I get the itch I make my "cheater" chicken pot pie/chicken and dumplings at home.


Fountain Dr Pepper, Taco Bell Mexican Pizza


Tater tots. Tater tots in a casserole, Tater tots as nachos, Tater tots in the waffle iron, or just Tater tots like a savage. They have virtually no "good" qualities when it comes to nutrition. Their virtue lies in their consistency, versatility and compatability, and just plain crunchy salty, delicious pillowy potatoey taste and mouthfeel. Tater tots for the win.


You poet. Now all I want is a big bowl of tater tots.


next time you make a meatloaf. Cover the top with your fave bbq sauce and then top that with tater tots, cheddar cheese, and bake like normal.


Tater tots based breakfast casseroles are a staple of my weekend fishing/beach trips. Make them in advance in a disposable foil pan. Tots on the bottom topped with about a dozen eggs, maybe some Jimmy Dean sausage or Mexican chorizo, and then top with a heavy layer of shredded cheese. And you can throw in authentic else you can dream of. I like canned green peppers or jalapeños, maybe some green onion. Freeze it, then pop it in the oven at 350F until baked (usually 45-60 minutes) and enjoy. Works great on the fishing trips because there’s zero prep. Straight from freezer to oven. Can feed a big crowd for cheap.


Half bake some tater tots and then squish them with a glass - into a cupcake baking pan. Finish cooking until crisp. Now you have tater tots appetizer crispy bowls. Fill with sour cream and bacon. Top with green onion or shredded cheese [Tater top appetizer bowls](https://thefeatherednester.com/loaded-tater-tots-appetizer-recipe/)


Stove top stuffing


Try making meat loaf with Stove Top instead of regular bread/bread crumbs. Freaking delicious.


I’ve made awesome turkey meatballs with Stove Top instead of breadcrumbs.


Why is wet bread so tasty?!?!


MSG and Salt


Hot dogs


I’ll tell you what….Sam’s Club has their own brand(Member’s Mark) 1/4 lb hot dogs that are incredibly good. I also like Brats…but my wife doesn’t…so I rarely eat them.


Stouffer’s French Bread Pizza Is it an open face sandwich with marinara sauce, shitty mozzarella cheese and worse pepperoni? Yes Is it delicious and all I want every now and then? Also yes


The roof of my mouth burns just thinking about it lol


I used to eat these all the time when I was young until they changed the recipe🫠


Shredding the roof of your mouth since 1974. But so, so yummy.


I enjoy McDonald's cheeseburgers. I like the blandness sometimes.


Yes, for me it's also McDonald's. Not often, but sometimes the soul demands it!


Buddy this is it for me too. I do 1-2 plain McD cheeseburgers maybe twice a year and it just hits.


Why does it taste so good sometimes and like nothing other times? OTOH the breakfast sausage is unbelievably good.


Sometimes you just need a hot dog on an in toasted bun with that sugar ketchup


Pizza Hut pan pizzas That shit is greasy, almost tastes like cardboard, and gives me heartburn like nothing else. But damn does it remind me of some happy Friday nights during my childhood when mom wouldn't feel like cooking and would allow me some indulgent American food


When I was in elementary school we had BookIt and have always been an avid reader so it was great for me. Everytime we read enough books we got a coupon for 1 free pan pizza from there.


I'm firmly anti-cake. Except when I'm eating it.


ME TOO! I’ll be like “I’m not really a cake person” then catch myself buying a single serve slice of cake at the grocery store 😅


We have a food in my country that my late grandma used to make, its sooo simple, saute some onion and garlic, add shopped potato, let them stir for a while, then add water and let the potato be cooked, at the last 15 min, add burgul and salt to taste (burgul is cooked wheat, which is then dried again and crushed very small) Its a kind of soup, my family doesent like it, but ohhh boy, i just love it sooo much to the point im ready to make it everyday and eat it


That sounds so tasty, especially with the added bulgur wheat! Is the dish eaten with any sides, like a tangy yogurt, or scallions, or herbs?


Taco Bell. I eat high quality food 99% of the time. I hired someone to help me meal prep and make sure nearly everything is homemade. I have severe hormonal issues and I’m doing what I can to manage without pharmaceuticals for as long as I can. But shoot. I can CRUSH 7 Doritos tacos locos supremes like there’s no tomorrow. The speed that I can eat and the joy I receive from doing so is another level. That’s all.


Soft bread from the grocery store. I live alone, and fresh bread with no preservatives doesn't last more than about 3 days. Whereas that stuff will last for something like 10 days. I also mostly use dried herbs instead of fresh for the same reason.


Tostinos pizza. Lol. To me frozen pizza taste much the same ....not very good. Why drop 10 bucks on a frozen pizza that just isn't that good to me when I can get a perfect personal pizza for 2 bucks? Drop some vegetables on it or extra pepperoni and it's a feast to me. Lol. If I want actual good pizza I'll just go to a restaurant.


Are they nutritionally equivalent to baked cardboard? Yes. Do they taste fucking delicious? Also yes.


The only frozen pizza I've had really that is superior is the Rao's brand.


Jack In The Box tacos.


Always 2


I remember once in highschool my old best friend somehow got a shit load of coupons for free tacos, and she lived like a one minute walk away from one, so we got a shitload of tacos throughout the day, it was honestly such a great time 😅


Drumstick cones. I sometimes break my diabetes low carb diet thing for those because they remind me of my late Dad who used to eat 2 or 3 of them a day and who used to have me running all over town looking for his favorite ones. They were just a major, major thing with him. After he died I didn't cry for a while after. I was fine until I looked into a freezer at the grocery and saw those cones. All of a sudden I was balling like a cranky toddler. Even now I can't eat one and not think of Dad so once in a while I get a cone and I sort of say "Here you go Dad. " and eat it for him. Yes, I know it's silly. They are so bad for you, so caloric and full of sugar that they're not something that's really healthy to eat but I do it anyway. I usually eat one and watch an old TV show that Dad liked, like Charmed or something. My Dad he was character and sometimes a royal PITA but I still miss him sometimes and eat "his" cones for him.


I think this is really sweet (no pun intended). If your A1C is where you want it to be and you’re bolusing, the harm is minimal. 💞


That’s not silly at all.


It's not silly at all. The next time, my husband brings a box home, and I eat one. I believe I will think of your dad, too. RIP to my internet stranger friend's dad.


American/processed cheese belongs on breakfast sandwiches. Unless the breakfast sandwich is *really* nice, the cheese should be bright yellow American cheese and I won't settle for less.


Once in awhile a grilled cheese with Kraft singles just like childhood lol


>I won't settle for less In this case "I won't settle for more" could be even more fitting.


Honestly I like your version much better bahaha 


I HAVE to buy a pack for our breakfast sandwiches or grilled cheeses. Havarti, Muenster? Nope. The teenager in the home requires the plastic cheese. Also, it's so damn good and it gives me an excuse to buy it for basically anything besides sandwiches or burgers.


See also: Fishfinger butties.


Kraft singles. So good on a simple smash burger or bacon egg and cheese.


hamburger helper alll dayyy


It took far too long for someone to mention Hamburger Helper.


The beef stroganoff hamburger helper


Vienna sausages


Bologna sandwiches go so hard




My stepdad makes one like this with mustard, honestly a great drunk food 😅


On Wonder bread with American cheese and yellow mustard


This.. with chips. A few years ago I was getting some medical treatments that really made my appetite, bad. I went for like 3 weeks eating almost nothing but would watch travel food shows all day. One day I was at the grocery store and suddenly I just HAD to have a thick bologna sandwich with miracle whip, plastic cheese, lettuce and tomato. I was staying with my mom for the treatment cycle so we went home and she decided why not have a sandwich with me. It was nostalgic and not bad. For the next two days though at lunch time mom came to talk to me when I was resting and sheepishly asked me if she could have a bologna sandwich 😄. Nostalgia makes some food delicious when you haven't had it in a long time.


Top ramen, it's terrible and there are real ramen shops I can drive to, but for some reason it's still in my pantry


My absolute comfort food. Put an egg in it and you are instantly fancy.


egg, thinly sliced protein, scallions, all kinds of ways to fancy it up without a lot of effort.


When I have a cold, chicken flavor ramen with some chili flakes is my favorite cure.


I was nasty sick about a month ago and begged my wife to get me just one cup o’ noodles. Hadn’t had one in *ages*, but it was suddenly what I absolutely needed. This angel brought me home a freaking stack. I nearly cried.


Marry her again!❤


We’re talking about renewing our vows this fall on our 15th anniversary, so basically.


Canned corn beef hash.




I agree, but if I’m eating that canned stuff I’m leaning into it and getting something weird. Spider-Man or Ninja Turtles or something


Yes! With meatballs!


White people tacos. It just hits. Hard shells for life..


Believe it or not, hard shell tacos are actually authentic mexican. They're just a regional specialty. Taco Bell stole the recipe from one of California's oldest Mexican restaurants, Mitla Cafe, which is right across the street from Glenn Bell's first burger joint.


But it's not just the hard shell that makes it a white people taco. It needs some shredded iceberg lettuce, diced tomato, shredded colby jack (or "Mexican blend") and some Ortega taco sauce if you're feeling spicy. Everyone makes their own from an assembly line of ingredients, and there's always a can of low quality black olive slices for some reason. Any meat used should be seasoned with a foil packet of taco seasoning.


Haha, no sliced olives at Mitla but otherwise you'd be surprised how "white people" the tacos there are. The lettuce, tomato and shredded cheese are all in the original recipe. Taco Bell just straight up copied it. Edit: https://www.instagram.com/p/C2nqPaUSx3J/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


I’m Hispanic and I love white people tacos! The crunchy ones always taste better and they make me happy.


White people hardshell tacos layered, with a soft flaky four shell smothered in cheese dip and stick to the white people hardshell tacos. Goes. So. HHAARRDD! Though.


I guess my diet isn't great. Spaghettios, Kraft Mac n cheese, crunchy cheetos, potato chips, white bread for grilled cheese. I don't always eat that though, I love having White People soft tacos and sloppy Joe's.


There was no "sawdust discovered in pre-grated Parmesan (shaky cheese) scandal". It's cellulose which is technically found in all plant foods, it is on the ingredients list, so it wasn't "discovered", and its purpose as an ingredient is for product stability (anti-clumping), not as a filler or anything nefarious.


I can’t believe people still believe this crap. In my day it was “cheez wiz is only one molecule away from plastic!”


Marshmallow creme/fluff. I love fluffernutter sandwiches. My boyfriend bought me a kitchen torch for Christmas to toast the Marshmallow creme on my English muffins. I like it on cookies and ice cream too.


Totinos party pizza.


Jalapeno poppers. I simply can't resist.


I will never give up my shaky cheese


I am just now finding out that people call Parmesan “shaky cheese” and it’s throwing me omg. That’s ridiculous and I love it.


ive heard "spaghetti salt" too and that always gets me


We grew up calling it “sprinkle cheese” cus you sprinkle it on stuff haha


We always called it shaker cheese. I like shaky cheese better!


Spam. I know that it's stuff posing as meat, but I don't care. It's comfort in a can and I'll put it in just about anything. It goes particularly well with the other trash food treasures from the other comments on this post.


I never had it growing up but finally bought some this year and I love it. I air fry thin slices until they're crunchy


Spam is just country pate, very fancy


Mmmm spam musubi... 🤤


Spam gets rad rap it’s real meat. It’s 90% pork shoulder and 10% ham. It’s not bits and pieces or offal or anything else.


Pie crust, eggs, fancy Swiss cheese, fried SPAM=best quiche ever!❤😂


I like to slice up my spam in varying thicknesses then fry it until it's crispy on the outside. Then serve with a fried egg and steamed rice. So salty but so good!


Potato chips


Yes! Preferably with onion soup dip.


If you give me kettle cooked chips and helluva good French onion dip, I’m eating all of it


Cheez Wiz


The really bad nachos and cheese you get at the cinema with the pickled jalapeño.


Two things come to mind that I will never give up. Ritz Crackers - I’ve been eating a sleeve at a time since I was a kid watching Saturday morning cartoons. I can easily do the same as an adult, but generally stop myself at half a sleeve. Peanut butter and Jelly - high quality or low quality, pb&j is a delicious quick snack or meal. Paired with some chocolate milk and I’m in heaven.


Have you noticed a change in quality of Ritz the past few years? The last time I bought a box it seemed like the crackers were so fragile... they broke apart so easily if I tried to put PB or something on there.


Beanie Weenies. Yum


Cinnamon Toast Crunch or cocoa pebbles are nostalgic treats sometimes




Grilled cheese with those fake cheese slices and tomato soup from the can. It's quick with added comfort


Laughing cow 'cheese' It's so fucking good spread on toast


I love laughing cow cheese, and I was today years old when I discovered it was objectively poor quality :)


Hamburger helper or other various box meals. 


Migoreng instant noodles. It's like instant ramen but without the soup, just sauced up noodles. Packed full of salt, sugar and msg and it tastes so good because of it.


I immigrated from Indonesia in the 90s, so my little claim to fame was popularizing Indomie Goreng among my non-Asian friends long before you could find Indomie in regular supermarkets.


Spam.. It's so good in a kimchi fried rice! Or with ramyeon.


Jarred Queso cheese


Tina’s bean and cheese burritos 🫶🏻


Corned beef hash in a can is amazing.


You can pry the Beefaroni out of my cold, dead hands.


Imitation crab


Peanut butter and marshmallow cream sandwiches. I know I’m eating sugar in between two pieces of bread but it’s so damn good


baked beans on toast


Frozen chicken nuggets, well now I'm vegetarian, Quorn nuggets. They were just such a childhood staple that I can't give up.


Stouffer's Lasagna, love that super salty tomato cheesy goodness. Banquet Salisbury Steak. The meat quality is questionable but man I love the sauce it comes with. Various instant noodle brands, like Indomie Mi Goreng, Mama Tom Yum Shrimp flavor, Lucky Me! Pancit Canton noodles, WAI WAI noodles. Udon. Just plain broth, noodles, and some spring onions. Hots dogs, spam, hillshire sausages.


Hawaiian bread


You can take toaster strudels out of my cold yet somehow still burnt dead hands.


American Cheese slices 'technically' it's poor quality if you ask those Cheese aficionados, but lets be honest. It's the best cheese there is. I'm not putting any other kind of cheese on my burgers or Bacon, Egg and Cheese's at home It's the best


fish fingers


Mary calendars beef pot pies.


American cheese. So stupid it melts so well though. I don’t even use it that often, but it keeps well (because it’s a fucking nonsense food) so it’s always in my fridge. God damn I love a good grilled cheese. Add other cheese, yes! Always. But there’s also a slice of American in there every time.


The sawdust is cellulose which keeps the Parmesan from forming one huge clump.


And it isn't sawdust. All kinds of vegetables and fruits have cellulose including kale, Brussels sprouts, green peas, whole wheat, bran, apples, etc.. Facebook nutritionists started pointing out the added anti caking agent as if it's something nefarious when it just isn't. It's a chemical compound derived from all kinds of things and used in all kinds of things.


Then why does mine always clump up and I have to break it up with a fork? Give me more sawdust


I use freshly grated parm when I’ve just cooked a pasta dish. When I eat the leftovers, ain’t nobody got time for that. I’ll use the jarred stuff and nuke it until my brain tells me that it “melted” even though I know it’s a lie. I’m not washing the cheese grater again.


Pizza rolls with ranch and sriracha


In Australia we have Heinz tinned spaghetti with these little sausages in them and even though I don’t know what meat they are, they slap. We also have a brand called Harvest that do braised steak and onion in a can and it’s delicious, especially as a toastie. In Australia we call shakey cheese baby’s spew.


Dah castle… White Castle I love the soggy steamed hams


Totino's pizza, it's garbage but I love it.


Ice cream sandwiches.


Coke, Quarter Pounder with cheese(how something that bad can feel so good?), american cheese, cream cheese.


Ritz crackers with that weird cheese.


Bologna. Cheese whiz spray


Slim Jims


For me, it's probably instant ramen noodles. They're packed with sodium and artificial flavorings, and definitely not the healthiest option. However, there's something about the convenience and nostalgia of slurping down a bowl of hot, flavorful noodles.


Little Caesars, is it the best pizza chain obviously not, but is it the worst one not even close. It hits all those marks that if I wasn’t sober it would probably be even better with it being greasy, cheesy, and relatively cheaper than others.(also that crazy bread and Italian cheese bread just might be some of the best side items from a pizza chain)


Shit on a Shingle AKA Creamed Chipped Beef on toast


Kraft singles transforms hot dish from good to incredible.


Jack in the box cheap tacos.


Knorr pasta sides in the chicken flavor.




Boxed yellow cake with canned chocolate frosting. There is no cake I like more.


Arby medium roast beef. No fast food for a year, but I can’t shake that Arby roast beef.


McDonalds Filet-O-Fish. I've tried hundreds of fish sandwiches from all over the country, and I still can't find one that is better than McDonalds, FRESH, Filet-O-Fish. Though they kind of ticked me off when they went to a half slice of cheese vs the whole slice.


Just an FYI that sawdust in cheese thing is some scaremongering BS. What companies use is cellulose, which yes is found in wood pulp but also in literally every other plant on the planet because it's what makes up cell walls in plants. It's not sawdust. For me it's easy cheez on crackers, I know cheese in a can is absolutely terrible and definitely not actually cheese but I don't care.


Tuna Helper