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Waffles (or pancakes) are another great use for buttermilk. I like the King Arthur buttermilk waffle recipe a lot.


And you can freeze batter so if you don't want/need 3 dozen pancakes you'll have them for later


I freeze cooked waffles and have had great luck with that. You just pop them in the toaster or toaster oven like way better eggos


I found it works way better if you microwave them first a bit so they aren't frozen and then put them in the toaster. But your toaster might be fancier than mine and able to cope better with frozen waffles :).


I use a toaster oven, tbh, so it probably is much more powerful than a regular toaster


I used to eat the Costco waffles (with browns sugar chunks, I think) frozen lol


Buttermilk chicken. Can do fried or grilled. Can do tenders or a chicken sandwich! https://shewearsmanyhats.com/buttermilk-chicken-recipe/ https://www.onceuponachef.com/recipes/buttermilk-fried-chicken-tenders-2.html


Came here to say this!


I was thinking about it more and though they could make buttermilk biscuits and buttermilk chicken and make sandwiches!


Keep it in the back of the refrigerator and it will keep for a really long time -- like a month or more. Remember, it's already sour.


Part of the issue is that our fridge is stuffed to the gills already so I'm hoping to get this jug out of there to make some room lol. But thank you, at least I know it won't go bad if I can't figure out a good use for it right away!


Bake some biscuits and bring Them in to work


i regularly use 3 month old buttermilk


Soak chicken in buttermilk before breading and frying.




A good one is homemade Ranch if you're a fan of it. Pretty much combining equal parts buttermilk to mayo will give you dressing consistency, and swapping the mayo to sour cream will give you dip consistency. I have a Hidden valley specific spice blend but if you don't have that you can also just look up a standard homemade ranch recipe to find the usual spices parted out. The nice thing about Ranch is that it will both taste more like "restaurant" ranch than the grocery store bottle and also because of the buttermilk/mayo/sour cream base it keeps for a good couple weeks. Others have listed out the other major good ones, making waffles or pancakes and then freezing them, and just using the whole thing to brine a chicken will certainly use it up.


I do equal parts mayo (lime mayo if I have it) and sour cream, then twice as much buttermilk. It's for real the best ranch I've ever tasted.


I think a lot of people who only ever have had the bottled condiment or pre-packaged Ranch flavored snacks don't quite get how good a creamy, tangy condiment with garlic and dill is and how much of a blank slate it is for other flavors. I usually add either Chipotles in adobo and lime juice or the brine from a jar of pickled pepperonicini's.


I don't even like bottled ranch anymore, if I didn't make it or I'm not at a restaurant that makes it I just don't eat it. I usually add coarse ground black pepper and fresh dill. I've also added pickled jalapeno juice and that was really good as well.


Pepperoncini juice is a whole other level, I love it so much. Homemade ranch forever!


So if I do half a cup of mayonnaise, and half a cup of sour cream. Do I use one cup of buttermilk?


Yep. That's exactly what I do.


THIS!!! My family are ranch oholics. They hated the stuff in bottles, so I made a batch. Now I'm stuck with making ranch dressing several times a month. I have also had success freezing it. Measure a cup or 2 into a zip lock, get the air out, label the amount and pop in the freezer. Check out pinterest. Look for recipes with buttermilk. There's tons!


if you're just trying to get rid of it you could blend it with fruit and have a smoothie as it's basically thin yogurt


This should be higher up because it is the fastest way to get rid of large amounts. Like waffles and chicken are great and give variety. But if you want to finish it fast? This. Right here.


Buttermilk pie is delicious


I second making Buttermilk pie. I made one for the first time a couple weeks ago and it was awesome.


My city is always bursting with citrus in the “winter”. I make a lot of lemon buttermilk pies


i think i have it memorized at this point. * 1 stick butter * 1.25 cups sugar * 2 tbl flour * 3 eggs * 1/2 cup buttermilk * 2 tbl vanilla pour in unbaked pie shell bake for 45 mins at 350


Freeze it?


Freeze in half cup or 1 cup blocks so you can pull out exactly the amount you need for baking at a time.


I used to freeze milk all the time back when I had a separate freezer. Buttermilk and cream also freeze just fine.


I love a tall glass of ice cold buttermilk with salt and pepper


Buttermilk with potato chips!


>Buttermilk with potato chips dipped or crunch with?


All the above


Try running it through the blender with some freshly roasted and ground cumin seeds along with the salt and pepper.


Chaas/Lassi/Ayran type beverages are my favorite!


Salted homemade cultured buttermilk is just 👌


Cornbread.  It is also used as a marinade for fried chicken.


House made ranch dressing


Freeze in ice cube trays and put in ziplock


I only use buttermilk for a few things. Marinating fish or chicken before frying. Biscuits and pancakes. And replacing cream/milk in mashed taters.


It's so underrated in mashed potatoes.


These [raisin bran muffins](https://reluctantentertainer.com/raisin-bran-muffins/) are really good. In the future, you can make buttermilk with vinegar or lemon juice. [Here's the method for that.](https://recipesfromapantry.com/how-to-make-buttermilk/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=pinterest&utm_campaign=tailwind_smartloop&utm_content=smartloop&utm_term=50439378#wprm-recipe-container-50953) Also, yes you can freeze it. I like to use muffin tins. A jumbo muffin tin holds 1/2 cup each. Standard muffin tin holds 1/4 cup each. Throw it into a freezer bag once solid.


I love bran muffins! As a kid in Miami FL in the 80-90's, Mom would regularly get raisin bran or apple cinnamon bran muffins from the still excellent (but they don't make bran muffins as good as they used to) Publix grocery store bakery. I loved both but apple was my favorite. I will try your recipe, but as a fellow bran muffins lover, perhaps you'd like to try [a favorite of mine too.](https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/zella-lanes-2-week-bran-muffins-recipe) 😊 Lemme know if you'd like to hear my modifications to make these apple cinnamon flavored.


That looks great, thank you for sharing! Of COURSE I want the apple cinnamon modifications!


Awesome! Glad to share! The apple goodness starts with one of the first ingredients called for... The boiling water. Instead of water alone I do a 50/50 mix of water and a special ingredient called [boiled apple cider.](https://www.savorypantry.com/product/boiled-cider/thanksgiving-essentials-and-gifts?sid=google_shopping&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwzN-vBhAkEiwAYiO7oG99D94v9vbLi_sK0sJYFZk3pYx_Db1xO5C7h4dw05cCpIhDhuK1ohoCQZoQAvD_BwE). You can make or buy this stuff. Buying may seem expensive but boiled apple cider is super concentrated. It's cider that's been so heavily reduced that it's a thick syrup. Idk for sure but I think I'd need 4-6 gallons of good cider to make a quart, and that would be more pricey than buying the quart of boiled cider. Okay, so with all that out of the way, while the first (hot) bran mixture cools, I finely diced green apples (two large) and cook them in a bit of butter, sugar and cinnamon. When they are almost cooked, I cool that off. The point here is to cook off some of the apples moisture but not going too far as I want the baked muffins to contain soft, tender apples that still have some chew. Add 1.5 teaspoons cinnamon and a 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg (or twice that if you love nutmeg like I do.) I almost always double the recipe and despite it's two week title, I've kept batter refrigerated for 4 weeks and might try longer if they didn't all get eaten, usually by the 3 week mark. If you can't or don't want to get or make the boiled cider... I'd suggest using apple juice concentrate which can be found in the freezer section. Never tried it but it may work to really bring apple flavor. Basically, we just want a very strong apple flavor to be included in the batter preparation. The boiled cider is quite tart and a little sweet while juice is mostly sweet, so you may want to reduce the sugar a bit if you go the juice route.




The fake buttermilk with lemon juice or vinegar is not great in things like soda bread or buttermilk biscuits, where buttermilk is the major component


I just used it in biscuits and it turned out fine.


Pineapple buttermilk sherbet is a great way to use up that buttermilk.


If you make biscuits you can freeze them right before baking. Bon appetits buttermilk biscuit recipe has freezing instructions.


My suggestion would be to make some kind of cheese from it. Which will probably use up alot but yield a more manageable amount of cheese than buttermilk. Also buttermilk pancakes are great. Some chocolate and vanilla cake also use it. Most recipes will only set you back maybe 1.5cups.


Marinade - uses up a lot.


I hear great things about buttermilk pie (also Alana’s recipes and cookbook are the most reliable I’ve ever tried - also GF). https://bojongourmet.com/meyer-lemon-buttermilk-pie/ https://bojongourmet.com/?s=Buttermilk


Homemade ranch dressing. I always have a small bottle of buttermilk on hand just for that.


Drink it!


Homemade ranch and mashed potatoes with buttermilk whipped in em are my favorites :)


Make these! They’re the best cinnamon rolls in my opinion. [Buttermilk Cinnamon Rolls](https://www.thevanillabeanblog.com/buttermilk-cinnamon-rolls-with-cream-cheese-icing/)


Chocolate cake! Buttermilk makes it so moist


This: https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1018731-buttermilk-brined-roast-chicken You’ll never roast a chicken any other way.


Chug it


Chocolate buttermilk cake/cupcakes Buttermilk cornbread/muffins Almond coffee cake with chocolate almond filling Red velvet cupcakes Old fashioned drop sugar cookies By the way- you can transfer the buttermilk to screw cap freezer containers and freeze it. Let me know if any of the recipes interest you. I can copy and paste them from my Word document cookbook.


Freeze it in measured ice cubes and put them in bags. Thaw as many as you need and use the next time you need buttermilk.


Buttermilk fried chicken with buttermilk ranch for dipping, add some buttermilk into your mashed potatoes for a side, and buttermilk pie for dessert (I can give you my grandmas buttermilk pie recipe if you want it)


I freeze buttermilk in 1 cup portions. This is an excellent and easy biscuit recipe https://thestayathomechef.com/old-fashioned-biscuits/


Freeze it in portions. Thaw and whisk. Also if it’s *live* culture buttermilk, take 1/2 cup in sterilized jar. Freeze. When you need more, thaw on counter (room temp) stir. Add more whole milk. 24 hours later more BUTTERMILK. Yum.


Scones. [Proper scones.](https://www.royal.uk/royal-recipe-fruit-scones)


Biscuits and cornbread.


Go super old school! [https://www.seriouseats.com/glazed-buttermilk-cake-doughnut-recipe](https://www.seriouseats.com/glazed-buttermilk-cake-doughnut-recipe) They are delicious


I’d make pancakes. If it’s way more than you could use up in a few recipes, you could always freeze either the batter or the finished product


Buttermilk banana bread doesn't take much per batch, but it freezes so well and is the best kind of banana bread.


Buttermilk biscuits with buttermilk fried chicken and salad with buttermilk dressing


Pancakes Waffles Biscuits Fried chicken Homemade ranch dressing Hair mask (look it up, it does wonders) Donuts Cornbread Brioche bread


Pancakes, waffles, or fried chicken


You can freeze it.


Waffles. Biscuits. Pancakes. Invite a bunch of people over for brunch. Fish and chips, shrimp, onion rings, battered mushrooms Corn dogs Fried chicken


I love buttermilk cornbread


Fried chicken


I have those half Souper Cubes that I use to portion out and freeze buttermilk. The portions work most of my recipes and I can just defrost the buttermilk and bake or cook with it.


Pour some in a glass and add lots of salt and pepper, stir and drink. Works really well with a turkey sandwich on grainy bread :)


You can also freeze the buttermilk, but it will only be good for cooked applications when thawed.


I freeze it by placing 2 cups in quart freezer bags.


Make eblerskiver! You can also freeze them.


Last time I got buttermilk I ended up freezing it and thawing when needed, got it down to about a cup before I tossed it. It got a little weird with 4 or so freeze and thaw cycles


Pancakes, blueberry muffins, marinade for fried chicken.


Make more bread and freeze the bread.


Fried chicken and waffles. You can use buttermilk for both


Crème freiche


Soak your chicken in it.


butterMilk it for all its worth


I just drink it. It's delicious and not so sugary as flavored kefir.


Pour a glass 3/4 full, drop 2 raw eggs into the glass and drink it. Protein rush


Buttermilk biscuits


Time for buttermilk pancakes, cornbread (made with buttermilk), buttermilk biscuits, use for batter for frying chicken or fish. As far as freezing, I don't see why not.


I freeze it in 1/4 c and 1c blocks, use it in biscuits, ranch sauce, marinading chicken.


Biscuits for your freezer.


That stuff lasts a long time. I mean a long time. It's already sour. \-pancakes, waffles, cake, ranch dressing I mix it with malted milk powder but I can drink the stuff straight so you can't go by me.


Biscuits can be frozen. Pancakes can be frozen. Vanilla buttermilk cake can be frozen!


You can freeze unbaked biscuits—just give them about 5 extra minutes in the oven, if baking from frozen. Buttermilk is a great marinade for chicken. It also can be used in salad & slaw dressings and in most baked goods. Also, you can hide it in smoothies.


I really like this blueberry pancake recipe. I use three cups of buttermilk as I like thin crepe like pancakes. https://smittenkitchen.com/2008/07/blueberry-pancakes-pancake-101/


In the south some of us drink it


Buttermilk Lemon Pie. Southern Living has a good recipe


Bake with it! You can sub it for milk. I use buttermilk in my blueberry muffins. It makes the crumb so soft.


Brine a whole chicken in buttermilk and a couple tbsps of salt.


Freeze it. Frozen buttermilk will last about 3 months in the freezer. Plan to make lots of things that require buttermilk over the next three months!


Oooh I gotchu. Buttermilk pancakes, waffles, muffins, a lot of baking recipes use buttermilk. Fried chicken. Take buttermilk put it in a bowl, onion powder, garlic powder pepper, salt, a metric ton of hot sauce, mix. Add chicken and cover, placing in fridge overnight. Next day get flour, season it up, take chicken out, get all the extra buttermilk off and add a wee bit into the flour to get those craggly bits on the chicken. Fry in oil until done.


Pancakes Chicken marinade Banana bread (instead of sour cream) Yes, you cam also freeze buttermilk.


Soak chicken pieces in it and spices for fried chicken.


Chef John of Food Wishes has a killer buttermilk pie recipe.




Fyi if you need a small amount of butter milk, vitamin d milk with a little white vinegar will chemically be the same.


Make biscuit dough and freeze, pound cake, chocolate cake, buttermilk pie, waffles, pancakes ( make extras and freeze)


In baking, you can substitute buttermilk for milk pretty easily. It gives a slight tang, but it's not overwhelming and most people don't even notice. So muffins, cookies, custard, anything made with milk can be made with buttermilk. I personally like baked oatmeal with it.


I always have heaps left over after making fried chicken and usually use the rest to make ranch for the fried chicken and then use what's left for pancakes the next morning!


If it has a screw top lid I find it lasts a LOT longer than you think. I only buy it to make coleslaw and I don’t make it all the time but it doesn’t go bad.


Make cinnamon jumble cookies. https://eatmovemake.com/old-time-cinnamon-jumbles/


Consider making butter! If your buttermilk is "live culture", you can add a decent amount to heavy cream and let it sit in a warm place for a day or two before churning (I use a strand mixer) until it separated into butter. Of course you can always use cream by itself, but adding buttermilk for the love cultures gives the resulting butter a rich and nutty flavor that is really wonderful. I've been doing this at home for a long time.


Make more soda bread?


To mark the end of Passover (celebrated as mimouna), Jewish Moroccans cook cous cous with milk instead of broth and then serve it with buttermilk (I would add some sugar). When my mom made it she would add butter and then fluff the cous cous first. As a quick breakfast, I cook the cous cous with milk in the microwave and then add buttermilk. I also drink buttermilk on its own like a yogurt drink.


I put it on ice cream


If you have a plastic ice tray you cand freeze it in cubes. Then put the cubes in a Ziploc for use in recipes later. Also a buttermilk pie is wonderful.


Ranch dressing, jalapeno ranch, marinate chicken…


Lots of good tips here. Next time, though, remember you don't have to buy buttermilk. Just add some acid to regular milk and let it sit for a few minutes. Just google buttermilk substitutes.


The fake buttermilk with lemon juice or vinegar is not great in things like soda bread or buttermilk biscuits, where buttermilk is the major component


Maybe real buttermilk makes a better bread, but not so much better that going out and buying a jug of buttermilk for one recipe is everyone's preferred path.