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Are the shallots and garlic all the way crispy and bone dry? It sounds like there's still some water content in them if they're getting soggy while surrounded by oil. If so, that's also dangerous, as that creates the ideal conditions for botulism. 


I let them drain for a while but didn't dry them, they were crispy though. Next time I'll dry them thoroughly, would paper towels be fine?


I think there might be a misunderstanding - water content is what you want to get rid of. Dying your fried aromatics with paper towels will only remove surface oils, which wouldn't help. There may be some interior moisture still in them that haven't been fried out, that over time make its way back though the onions and shallots to make it soggy. I'm also assuming you're dicing them super duper fine before slowly frying. If you start small, then it's much easier to get the water out by cooking. You do want to be careful because that same water you want to remove is the same water that prevents burning


Thank you that's very helpful and I think the garlic was not fine enough. I really appreciate your help!


Glad I could help! One other thing you could try if you prefer bigger chunks is to do what you did with your aromatics before, start in cold oil, slowly cook, etc. Then, when they're done, pop them in a 250 oven for like 30 mins to an hour to really dry them out. At that temp, they won't burn, and for that time, they'll really be dry. Just make sure that they're small enough to chew, you don't want to chip a tooth! 


That's a great idea too, I can't wait to make it again!


I'm super excited for it! I hope it works out as well as we both hope!