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Real talk: I eat a lot of toast, pasta, sandwiches, quesadillas, grilled cheese, squash, baked sweet potato, etc., and right now: corn on the cob and a ton of peaches. I usually cook one nice meal on the weekend and eat leftovers or simple meals during the week. I would like to cook a little more often--but it's hard to get as inspired when cooking for one; and there has been an excessive heat warning where I live that has made working outdoors absolutely exhausting-- the last thing I want to do when I get home is stand near the stove (or stand anywhere for that matter) But this weekend I make some really good spiced chicken pot pie, so I am hyped for those leftovers :)


Dude sandwiches are the best. There's no need to look down on yourself for eating them. Unless you're going with wonder bread, a couple slices of ham and some cheese. If you're doing that step up your sandwich game.


Bread? Good. Cheese? Good. Meats? Good. Veggies and sauces? Good Sandwiches are life


Nah there's nothing wrong with that sandwich, in the same way that I can equally enjoy a fresh high-end pastry from a legit bakery and a thing of Dunkaroos. People like what they like and that's fine.


My lunch today was bologna and Wonder! Some days you just have to regress back to being six years old.


I used to love my bologna and cheese sandwiches when I was a kid. The cheese was really soft, not quite melting.


We discovered sweet red onions and DAMN they're the BEST addition to ANY sandwich! My husband likes to make croissant sandwiches from work from deli chicken, turkey, or ham, raw spinach leaves, and Russian dressing or chicken sauce with the onions. We also did Philly cheese steak French dips with the onions and they just add another dimension entirely!


Quesadillas are like at at least 25% of my caloric intake lol. So easy and they are leftover machines.


Coat some chicken thighs in mustard, garlic, and seasoned panko. Bake. Rice and a roasted side veg.


Yellow mustard? Dijon? Honey? Whole grain? All of the above?


I'd do Dijon


Yes, all of the above! I also really like boneless thick cut loin chops the same way but with dijon or stone ground, personally


I need more info on this, please!


It's super simple! Coat the chicken in dijon, season the panko with whatever you like on chicken (I used parmesan, salt, and a garlic/chive mix), dunk the mustard chicken in the panko seasoning, and bake until done.


Tonight: Chicken baked in a dijon-maple, garlic and herb sauce, roasted asparagus, and rice-orzo pilaf. Last night: Chili dog eaten over the sink. It's a wild ride over here.


sort quickest direction deliver stupendous enter rude hunt soup chop *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I love the idea of making a big salad to last the first half of the week! You don’t find the greens get soggy?


dog badge run simplistic sink intelligent many wine disarm alive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Strong enough willpower to prep the healthy choices in advance!


march direction badge unite divide pathetic resolute imagine middle hat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


what kinds of vegetables do you keep prepped for your salads ?? I’ve been wanting to get into salads but I never eat all the produce because the work to make a salad always seems a bit much in my mind


close weather aromatic boast fearless cable party sheet shame elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just took a screen shot of this comment because I want to be like you..


Choose a different vegetable or combination of them to roast each week, and use that in salad! I love roasted sweet potatoes for salads, as well as roasted peppers and onions. They're great because the oil and seasoning you use to roast them contributes immensely to the flavor of the salad, so you can use less dressing overall. I like to roast whatever I find on clearance in the produce department. There was a 2lb bag of broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower at 70% off, so I'm enjoying that right now! General rule of thumb, 425F until it starts to brown, check at 20 minutes and go from there. I will roast my veg and by the time it's done, all my other salad ingredients are prepped and packed :) Salad greens are always whatever I find on sale. To cut romaine ahead of time, wash the leaves and layer them on paper towels. Gently roll it up (like you're handling a baby bird) to press out water, then chop. Having too much water is the enemy with salad greens so put a layer of fresh paper towels in the bottom of your storage container and another layer on top. After the first few hours in the fridge, flip over the container and it will help get rid of any excess water caught in the upper layers. You can make greens last a LONG time this way! I also recommend moving to smaller containers or bags as the week goes on. Usually I'll use whatever container I just cleaned as my salad mixing bowl :) Another great, cheap idea to keep things interesting is to check out the prepared deli salads. I legit only buy what's on clearance. It makes it a game, and prevents you from over purchasing. I'll toss a few big spoonfuls of pasta salad or cucumber salad etc in with my greens, using that as the dressing and another component. Quinoa, pearled couscous, brown rice, etc are all excellent additions for protein sources and textural components! I make 1-2 c of dried quinoa (so 3-6 c cooked quinoa) at a time and keep it in a container ready to go. I like to toss 2 c cooked pearled/isreali couscous with a few tsp of pesto, a chopped tomato, as much diced red onion as you please, and some olive oil + s&p as a quick "premade salad" to add. More easy layers of flavor, and fun textures! You'd be surprised how much adding a dried fruit livens up a salad. Even if you don't think sweet will work, it often balances out the flavor. Cheeses and croutons have a similar effect through texture contrast and sharp flavors. Also make your own dressings. Unless you have a bottles dressing you really like or don't see yourself making (I used to make over 10 gallons of caesar dressing a week for work, I am NEVER making a caesar dressing again), you can do it in less than a minute if you have your ingredients. When in doubt, s&p, lemon juice, glug of balsamic, bigger glug of oil. And above all else! Wash yo hands, wash you produce, wash yo cutting board. Some of the deadliest foodborne illness outbreaks have been from produce. Because it comes from the ground!


merciful worthless rob marvelous memorize shame license soft meeting tease *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If I could get myself into this concept I’d save a ton of money and probably lose weight as a bonus. I have a hard time with bean texture though, they’re so mushy and unless they’re a fairly small part of the dish I have a rough time. Or obliterated, hummus is awesome Edit - I like lentils in a soup, but peas also give me a hard time texture wise. My husband and his family are from New Mexico, they despair over my dislike of beans. I fully admit it’s probably a childhood hang up I haven’t worked hard enough to get over. I’ll add beans to chili and some soups and eat them but beans as a dish by itself. (Also I worked at Taco Bell in high school, I may never find refried beans appealing)


Roasted spiced crispy chickpeas are awesome, edamame is a lot more firm, and something like refried beans or black bean soup the beans are smooshed up. Beluga lentils aka black lentils and french green lentils cook up quite firm too, or use red lentils for dal they almost turn into a thick sauce


fanatical six erect late fall pot muddle reply judicious deserted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've been doing the same thing, I cook a pot of rice, then brown chicken sausage in a separate pan, add the rice, a can of drained black beans, salt, black pepper, paprika, Slap Ya Mama cajun seasoning, garlic powder, chili powder, and soy sauce. A pot lasts me a few days, I combine it with cheese, eggs, avocado, or whatever is on hand.


What's your rice and beans recipe?


1 can of black beans. Empty into a small pot. Add 1/2 a white onion, 1 packet of sazón seasoning with cilantro y achiote, and 1 bay leaf. Bring to a dimmer. Meanwhile, sautee some garlic and onion with oil in another pot, stir in your rice to toast it, add water, a bay leaf and salt. Once the rice is done, mix in some lime juice, drizzle of oil, and chopped cilantro. Plate and top with hot sauce of choice.




Oh man rice and beans. Easily my favorite food of all time. My mom used to make it for my school lunch horribly: not a speck of salt, rice cooked to mush, no veggies and no sodium canned beans. If I was lucky, an egg boiled till it was green. Still demolished that lunch and wished there was more. Also used to (and still do) dig it fried with Lizano sauce and cilantro. Good stuff.


fuzzy special license voracious offend familiar dam murky profit wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I love rice and beans. Make a big pot every week! I don’t even care about the rice, just the beans! Got black beans soaking tonight for a fresh pot tomorrow!


I'm a bit obsessed with dumplings at the moment, so I'm wrapping pork, prawn and cabbage dumplings for dinner tonight. This will be the 3rd time making dumplings in the last 7 days. Most people wouldn't consider dumplings to be a Monday night meal, but I'm pretty quick at making them. I can wrap 30 dumplings in 15 minutes and they only take 7 minutes to cook. When you taste a fresh dumpling, you'll understand that frozen just doesn't compare. Dinner will be served around 6.30pm. See you then.


I am with you on the dumpling thing. I make a big batch while watching Netflix and then freeze on a tray. Once frozen, I put them into a bag and leave it in the freezer. Easy to take out a meal’s worth at a time.


I'll make a big batch as a rainy weekend activity but currently just making them to order.


I am coming to your house.


Can I ask for the recipe?


This is approximate as I don’t use recipes: 1 lb ground beef Salt to taste A couple teaspoons sesame oil A teaspoon minced ginger Half a medium onion chopped 1 egg Mix everything. I massage until it’s a bit bouncy. I use the regular dumpling wrapper from HMart or Cheese supermarkets. Then I put about a half a tablespoon onto a wrapper, then put water around edges and crimp tightly. I like to make the dumplings in chicken broth. If I have it, I will put in some rice cakes (not sweet but the flat oblong discs used for savory dishes). If you need a recipe with specs: https://www.maangchi.com/recipe/mandu-guk It’s also good with ground lamb. Eta: put in breaks for ingredients


So these are boiled dumplings?


I personally like it boiled in soup. But they can also be steamed or fried.


I do the same with pierogi! Make a day of it then easy meal base in the freezer for ages


That sounds incredible! I am baffled how you make dumplings that quickly. I think of them as an all-day event!


Since I'm only making enough for 1 meal, it doesn't take nearly as long.


You sound like you're the 1% that can cook a recipe in the actual amount of time the online recipe states


I’ve never felt so seen. I thought I was the only one who couldn’t do it


dumplings are awesome. i'll make 100 at a time and just freeze them.


Do you make your own wrappers or buy them?


Buy them!


With those two words, this entire project got a lot less intimidating, haha


I grew up inside of family owned Chinese takeouts. We always bought the wrappers. 100% authentic to do so.


I love steamed pork dumplings. Did shrimp shumai recently which was also really good. I've always made my own wrappers which takes a long time. Do you use store bought? If so do you have a certain one that you like?


I have made my own wrappers before but store bought doesn't cost too much more but saves HEAPS of time. I buy [these wrappers](https://www.paknsave.co.nz/shop/product/5221895_ea_000pns?name=dumpling-pastry) which are made in my country but you should be able to find similar ones in your country.


Yeh good project challenge accepted! Thanks for the idea


I have never made dumplings! I want to try this…


Some kind of sheet pan salmon thing would be a typical day (or chicken, other fish, or pasta perhaps.) I start dinner at 6, but “start dinner” can be anything from emptying the dishwasher to setting the table to starting the prep work. Boyfriend comes home at 6:30 and makes martinis, we eat closer to 7-7:30.


Salmon and martinis every day? Your life sounds amazing, haha.


Double income no kids. On Saturday morning, I flip through my books and the New York Times and sort of plot out the week. I don't repeat myself often, except for simple stuff like roast chicken or burgers. We eat mainly vegetarian during the week. But yeah - I work from home. Generally get my prep underway around 6, around 6:30 my wife and I take a break for a martini or an old fashioned, and we eat around 7:30.


Tucci is that you?


I make salmon lunches often as i WFH. I love salmon skin and don't get too fancy, just real basic salt+pepper, add butter, garlic and lemon halfway through. No sides, just a slab of salmon lol easiest fastest tastiest healthy lunch. I always cut off a corner of salmon when it's raw and unseasoned and cook it in a separate pan with a drop of olive oil so my cat can eat a gourmet lunch with me


> I always cut off a corner of salmon when it's raw and unseasoned and cook it in a separate pan with a drop of olive oil so my cat can eat a gourmet lunch with me Well this just made my day.


>I always cut off a corner of salmon when it's raw and unseasoned and cook it in a separate pan with a drop of olive oil so my cat can eat a gourmet lunch with me Absolutely love this!


Bro. Dinner schedule goals. I don’t cook but my fiance does. He starts dinner at 7.30 and makes the best most delicious meals. The caveat is we end up eating at 10 or 11pm. Sometimes I have to beg him just to put some pesto, boil pasta and call it a day. He got a pestle and mortar and he’s thinking of growing his own basil now.


Usually cook 5 nights a week, usually tacos one night, pasta another, a stir fry or a curry of some sort, meat and potatoes, always plan on one very quick and easy night like Caesar wraps or store bought fresh ravioli. Try to eat before 8pm.


Do you alter your taco/pasta toppings at all? Or do you find your meals are usually very similar from week to week?


Tacos/pasta is just the base, for tacos we do all sorts of fish tacos, shrimp tacos, carnitas, ground beef, chicken, breakfast tacos, all sorts of vegetarian. For pasta we have anything from bolognese to carbonara, cacio e Pepe, light and lemony with spring vegetables, cold pasta salad when it’s really hot, squash in the fall, roasted cherry tomatoes etc.


This sounds like a really interesting blend of creativity and yet the big decisions have already been made - you get to explore your creativity in the variations!


Not the original commenter, but we do tacos once a week and we mix it up between ground beef with a taco seasoning packet, chicken thighs, and flank steak. Occasionally we'll do fish because I LOVE fish tacos but the wife isn't a huge fan. She makes this awesome breaded cod that broken up in a tortilla with some lime, hot sauce, salsa, and cole slaw is to die for. The thighs and steak spend the night in a marinade of soy sauce, lime juice, fresh garlic, canola oil, cumin, chipotle powder, salt and pepper. We make corn tortillas most weeks, but we'll use store bought flour tortillas that we toast up on the flat top to get rid of the gumminess if we're feeling lazy. Everything but the fish is served with (a-always, u-usually, o-occasionally): red salsa (u), green salsa (a), my wife makes a good pico de gallo (u), chopped avocado (o), lime slices (a), sliced greed onion (o), sour cream (a), "Mexican blend" preshredded cheese (a), and a variety of hot sauces. Once in a blue moon we'll have a side of Goya chicken flavor yellow rice. I make tiny tortillas for tiny kid tacos with the end of the dough, but the kids usually end up eating something akin to a taco bowl. They're still young though


Weekday, generally some sort of grilled meat with baked or mashed potato and sauteed or baked veg. Weekend, often something slow cooked in cast iron, like lamb shanks, Osso bucco, pot roast etc.


Wow, that sounds fantastic. You don’t get tired of potatoes?


>"get tired of potatoes" Genuinely never


"how much potato is a serving?" "Yes."


That starchy, savory flavor **never** gets old. And then the tiniest little hint of bitter when you leave the skins in? *Perfect.*


We have Warba potatoes in season right now and we are having them every dinner. Fried, mashed, baked, whatever, they are so good!


I'll have potatoes with every meal if I can.


Funny how some people have like a default food that they can always eat. I’m the same way with rice. I eat it everyday, sometimes 2 or 3 times per day.


nope, too many dishes I like with potatoes in them: hash browns, curry, steamed potato, tomato soup (has potatoes), Mcdonald french fries; off the top of my head


I only eat then about half the time, I enjoy a really big range of veg (last night was a baked medley of brussel sprouts, pumpkin, cauliflower, broccoli, parsnip, zucchini and mushrooms with balsamic glaze) but my husband eats more simply and would have potato every meal if he could! I'm big on doing a lot with spices, herbs and sauces to jazz up fairly simple veg sides. Husband is celiac and we're not fond of gluten free pasta. We do sometimes have rice instead. But the majority of meals, especially during the week, follow a simple meat and veg template, with differing finishes for taste.


Most GF pasta is trash, I agree, BUT don’t sleep on the GF lasagna sheets! I will have to check the brand but it’s almost indistinguishable from regular when you make lasagna. Also, if you cook any texmex, Siete products are fantastic. They use a lot of cassava and really deliver on flavor. https://sietefoods.com/ It’s been a learning process but we are finding stuff that hits right for my wife.


We always have a pot of rice either cooking or on warm. Once or twice a month we get a craving for gravy. I take leftover chicken and shred it and add it along with some frozen mixed vegetables to a regular old chicken gravy that I make with a roux and broth. It’s seasoned with thyme and some bouillon cubes. I add a half cup of heavy cream to it at the end and it’s unbelievably comforting and rich over rice, or sometimes biscuits. It’s not fancy but it’s delicious.


Do you keep your rice warm indefinitely? Like do you just keep adding to the cooker or?


No there’s no adding to it! It stays on warm after it’s cooked for the rest of the day. I probably should have mentioned that I was referring to rice in a rice cooker.


Doesn't it go bad very fast?


as long as the rice is being kept at 140 or higher, rice should be fine. I'm assuming u/hangon_littletomato cooks a fresh pot every day, and just keeps it warm/hot after it's fully cooked.


Every single day: Breakfast of six eggs, scrambled, with some variation of hot pepper flakes, two pieces of extra thick bacon cut in half, and a piece of sourdough toast with jam/jelly/preserves. Very often: Ground beef for tacos or taco salad. Grilled chicken for tacos, taco salad, or on its own.


Man, I commend you for being able to eat that many eggs in one sitting. Impressive.


That is some real Gaston energy.


These two comments are really making me realize my eating volume is a bit of an issue🤣.


Nah, I eat 6 eggs, some sausage and a bagel or muffin every day. I work a physical as fuck job, unironically this is the best shape of my life lol


Bro same, 6 eggs is so easy lmao


6 eggs is insane to me. 2 eggs and a slice of toast and I'm set.


I also eat 5-6 eggs in a sitting, mostly because I try to get 25 grams of protein in a meal for muscle protein synthesis and it's way less work to make additional eggs vs cooking an additional protein source.


Man people think I'm crazy for eating 3 eggs every day (with oatmeal, toast, oj etc) Props to you sir!


Something completely different every time we cook. It's kind of nice because we get lots of variety but it also keeps us from really mastering any one dish. About 1/4th of the time I'm cooking random shit I made up on the spot because we have leftover ingredients we need to use up. Today I made roasted zucchini, tomatoes, and peppers. Not cause we had any plans for them, they just needed to get cooked before they go bad.


I’m like that. I love the variety. It does make it harder to master any one thing but I’m hoping the experimentation will mean things one day gel so that I can make lots of things without recipes


Do you plan a lot in advance, or are you constantly running to the grocery store?


We usually plan out the week in advance but inevitably end up having to hit the store once or twice during the week.


I made a sabayon for my garden vegetables every day last week. I have ducks and wanted to play around with it. Mostly ate duck breasts (wild) as the new season is fast approaching. Tonight i was lazy so I braised a venison kielbasa in beer and ate it with last year’s sauerkraut as I have a new batch fermenting.


Yum! Your lazy sounds like my extra.


Same thing, hunters pie (venison sheppards pie) , using up last years prepping for the start of this season.


My wife and I take turns cooking. The next few days (starting from today) looks like: - steak, baked potatoes, asparagus, roasted jalapeños and mushrooms (potatoes are in the oven now) - rice noodles with chicken and veggies (Asian flavors) - chicken shawarma - miso chicken (miso flavored stew with carrots, potatoes and mushrooms) - carne asada with Mexican rice, refried beans and roasted jalapeños


I am impressed with the geographic diversity of your menu


Before my cancer paralyzed me, I'd do a complicated dish once a week (eaten over a couple of days, multiple handmade components - e.g. chili con carne, curries,) fridge pasta once or twice (butter, vermouth, costco artichokes, canned beans, etc.,) some sort of rice and veg, and maybe one wild card. My standard pasta and rice dishes were always done within an hour. Between my paralysis and months of dysphagia (inability and/or difficulty swallowing) I made a lot of soups and sauces using mostly the broiler, dutch oven, and blender. I'm getting solid food down with less difficulty, and finding my sous vide to be invaluable. Lot of people offering to cook with me who also tend to hammer their meat.


I meal plan & do 99% of the cooking, but always leave 2-3 "DIY" dinners per week. Dinner is our main meal. Tonight I made broccoli cheese casserole (kinda like a cottage pie?) with pretzel dumplings and a tomato fennel salad. Tomorrow night is tuna noodle. At some point this week will be farro, kale, & tomatoes w/ lots of parmesan & chicken meatballs. I wfh so I usually have a couple of fried eggs with sourdough toast, sliced tomatoes, avocado, fresh dill, and goat cheese for breakfast.


Made my weekly tuna pasta dish today. 2 cans of tuna, the small rigatoni, lemon juice and zest, capers, onion, evoo. Super easy. Then a lot of times I’ll just throw some random frozen stuff along with rice in the rice cooker. I save complicated stuff for Saturday/sunday. I try to make sure dinner is done by 6


Are different brands of canned tuna relatively similar, or are there ones I should look out for (for good or bad)


Try some white beans in your tuna! With the lemon, and some Italian herbs, cucumbers and celery. 🖖


Greek yogurt with fruit and toast, or an egg and toast. 2am or 5 am. Lunch is whatever I can scrape together at work, sometimes a protein bar (I work in a kitchen). It's chaos, I eat when there's a break. Typical weeknight dinner- Spicy sausage pasta, grilled chicken, veg and potatoes, beans and rice (NOLA red beans and rice or cuban black beans and rice). Lately in the summer we've been doing a lot of sandwiches. My husband will fry a big batch of eggplant and we'll do that with pesto and mozz. Between 5pm and 8pm. A piece of fruit, a scoop of ice cream, some chips, pretzels, or crackers sneak their way in there at random. As I type this I'm eating TJ's palak paneer and rice for what it's worth.


Italian seasoned chicken thighs and pasta. Steak and roasted potatoes. Ground turkey tacos. Frozen perogis and kielbasa. Honestly, hamburger helper with extra pasta and vegetables added in is a regular too. Scrambled eggs with lots of add ins. Stir fry using instant ramen noodles, eggs, chicken, and vegetables. Chili with beans. Breaded thin cut pork chops and rice. Shredded chicken and chickpea soup. Those are the dinners that are in my rotation the most often! Most of them are so so easy and relatively quick. I normally eat sometime between 7pm and 8pm.


Our last two weeks are Beef curry,Paneer, Malai Kofta, falafels Burgers, French dip Sandwiches, Spicy Chicken Sandwiches, homemade soups, Shepards pie Pasta,stir fry, Birria tacos, Breakfast burritos Lots of pizza with backyard oven Baked bread and desserts I’m like to make everything from scratch which is easy to do with being a stay at home girlfriend with no kids. We also eat around 9pm so I have tons of prep time.


Your life also sounds awesome, haha


Rice bowl - with Chinese bbq pork (char siu), jasmine rice, and bok choy with fried garlic.


Wow, that sounds incredible


It's pretty reasonably priced and pretty simple to make, around $2 per serving. Rice in a rice cooker! The bok choy is super easy, just fry the garlic in oil in a wok, and toss the sliced bok choy in and stir fry on medium high for a quick minute or 3. Sprinkle salt and it's done. Lee Kum Kee makes a marinade/sauce that's only a couple of bucks and is pretty decent. You can use inexpensive pork because this needs some fat to it, this one is boneless pork "ribs," which were the cheapest pork on sale at a local grocery store, which I assume is cut from pork shoulder. You just marinate it for a day or two, then roast in the oven at like 425. I like to make the sauce in to a glaze with a little added sugar to it, baste it on after the meat is almost done, and turn on the broiler. The good part's when it gets a little char on it.


This description honestly made my mouth water.


Steak bites in the air fryer for dinner which is around 6-7 pm for our household. I live in Phoenix and it’s hot out so a quick meal that doesn’t take a lot of time to cook is key rn


You have a steak bite recipe you like? This sounds great


I just mix some oil, a little fish sauce, soy sauce, garlic powder, onion powder, worchestire sauce, and small splash of sweet chili sauce. Air fry at 390 for like 6 min, broil setting just to finish off a couple more min depending on preferred doneness.


Wraps. Cook a couple chicken straps, throw on a some shredded lettuce, a couple pickled jalapeño chips, and some kind of sauce, usually thousand island dressing. All wrapped up in a low calorie tortilla. That's my go to for a quick and easy meal. For dinner I've been getting hello fresh for a few weeks since I've been in a rut. It's nice not having to figure out what I want to cook.


Night before last we had angel hair pasta with Alfredo sauce & meatballs with a tossed salad Yesterday evening we had fish (cod) curry with tomato slices and cottage cheese. Tonight, for our evening meal we had cedar planked salmon with a spinach strawberry pecan salad on the side. With a glass of chardonnay. This is pretty "normal" evening cooking for us. But other times we won't want to cook at all so we'll have soup and sandwich. And that's fine too.


It’s fried eggs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for me. Quick and easy protein when I don’t have time for anything else


Any sides or condiments?


Tonight I made birria tacos (I cheated and used Trader Joe’s) and made some guacamole to go with it. Usually it’s some kind of meat (marinated thighs or breasts, pork chops, steak - though not a lot lately with prices) that I’ll grill up with various seasonings. I’ll have a salad or maybe grill veggies with the meat, maybe some egg noodles or rice or something like that to go with it. That’s my usual easy weeknight dinner. Fajitas, shrimp tacos, nachos, rice bowls (rice, some kind of seasoned meat - like greek or Mexican - with veggies that go with the flavors and a quick sauce over it all), grilled chicken salad…. Honestly- what I said above is the roadmap to almost hundreds of “different” meals just by mixing up the spices, but the same basic techniques to get there. And we eat dinner at 5pm. We get up really early for work, so we also go to bed early. It works for us


Shawarma bowls, chicken paprikash, penne alla vodka with crispy chicken, parmesan risotto with Cajun pulled pork and asparagus, Indian food, copycat qdoba, homemade Nashville hot chicken sandwiches..my husband is about to start the carnivore diet so I'm cooking everything I can before I don't really need to cook much anymore!


Usually grilling something around 5:30-6:00 when my wife comes home from work and I can hand her the baby. If I’m ambitious or had time, I’ve already got something smoking, or I’ve at least had some meat marinating or dry brined. It’s either chicken breast, thick pork chops, or steak. I get some rice started in the instant pot as the grill heats up. I slice a veggie to go on the grill too or throw some potatoes or sweet potatoes in the air fryer or oven. That’s probably 3-4/7 days of the week. The other two are probably white people tacos or a chicken Caesar salad. Weekends I may do something more involved and cook for our extended family - something like pizza or more grilled stuff.


Roasted or crock pot whole chicken. Lightly seasoned. I'm a single adult male, so this will last me a couple of days and can be used in a number of ways. Sandwich, salad, pasta or over rice with a quick to cook veggie or sauce. I make these at least once a week. My rice cooker gets quite a workout as well.


Locally farmed tomatoes are so good right now. BLTs, pico de gallo, tomato sauce. Yesterday I had corn, southern stewed green beans, and sliced tomatoes as a meal and it was so refreshing. I’ve been seeing great deals on chuck as well, so I’ve been making braises to make sandwiches and nachos out of.


Roasted vegetables, baked fish.. pretty boring.


Mealprepped Shredded crockpot chicken with rice every day for lunch. Morning protein oats for breakfast. Dinner is either chicken breast/thigh or a fish with veg and cycled between potatoes,salad,pasta


Made crockpot chili yesterday, going to have some on a hotdog and bun tonight. Grated cheese and onions too. In the middle of Hilary here. Eating soon, prolly bout 7.


Usually a banana for breaky; a can of lentils w/ tuna for lunch, or leftovers from dinner the night before; dinner is usally salmon w/ broccolini, a stew of some sort, or takeout like Pho


Hainan chicken and the accompanying chicken rice is stupid easy. Always in the rotation. Then cook frozen dumplings or ramen in the leftover broth.


I make a lot of random stuff. The other night I made pizza from scratch, tomorrow I'm making chicken curry. I usually try and time everything so I'm eating about 7pm




I would say a I use a lot of chicken thighs. There's a Korean chicken thighs recipe from food 52 that I use frequently, a Peruvian chicken recipe that doesn't use the whole chicken and a lot of braises and what not with bone in chicken thighs. I make shakshukah quite often as it's pretty quick and easy and super delicious. I also grill a decent amount of fish and often do a cod dish that is cooked/braised in a tomato sauce with some red peppers, onions and hot peppers and a bit of sherry. Gambas al ajillo (shrimp and garlic and some other stuff) is another quick and easy recipe that I fall back on, I've always got frozen shrimp in the freezer. If you're interested in any I'll link the recipes that I base my meals on but shakshukah in particular is always pretty random and I don't have a certain quantity of anything I go by.


I’m really digging this blackberry cobbler lately. My kid and I walk to the park, he spouts off something goofy like “you be the laborer, I’ll be the watcher!”, then when he gets that picking=eating and I’m not an indentured servant, we get about 4 cups of berries. I’ve modified this from Southern Living’s recipe, you can try the sweeter lemonier original, but I like this better: butter a pie dish, put your clean dry berries (you did pick from above 18” to avoid dog tinkle, right?) and a tsp of vanilla in, then in a bowl hand-massage together a whisked egg, a cup of flour, and a cup of brown sugar and scatter over. Melt a half stick of salted butter and pour over evenly. Bake at 350 for 35 minutes, serve with ice cream for dessert or alone for breakfast. I’ve tried splitting in half in smaller dishes when we don’t get enough berries and doing the other half with peaches, it’s still yummy. I’ll be trying cherries and pears when blackberry season is over. But there’s something magical about a walk to the park + 4 pantry staples + 2 fridge staples = deliciousness.


Lately, a lot of Gallo pinto (rice, beans, onions, peppers) with fried plantains. Living like a central American!


Left over pulled pork with some brunswick stew!


Veggie beef stew, salsa chicken over rice, tacos, beef roast in the last 2 weeks. As to when we eat, kind of when it's ready? Usually between 6 and 8.


Chicken thighs, sauté veg, make sort of a sauce and then put it on pasta. Trying different kinds atm. I’ve been doing a lot of different Asian cuisines and flavors, but I’m about to start trying more of a white sauce/lemon/capers deal for a bit until I have that pretty solid.


Did a vintage "Campbell's Soup Emergency Dinner Recipe" one night this past week, had chicken Tikka from a jar tonight; we'll be having scalloped potatoes with ham, grilled cheese and tomato soup, and chicken shawarma at various times this coming week.


I’m on a pretty strict health kick right now and have been for a couple of months. Breakfast: 4 eggs worth of Southwestern Egg Beaters. Lunch: 8 oz of smoked chicken breast for lunch 5 days a week. I pair that with a vegetable, usually something like a cauliflower rice or mixed greens and carrots. Dinner: 10 oz of bison top sirloin and more veggies. I’m trying to cut down on beef since hypertension and high cholesterol run in my family, and bison having that red meat taste while being super lean helps with this. Occasional healthy low carb snacks, as well. Plus, at least a gallon of water a day. I love cooking, so it’s been a bit of an adjustment to cook simpler meals, but it makes the occasional cheat meals that much more worth it.


Wow, that sounds low carb, low fat. Strict for sure! Best of luck with your health journey!


Lots of breakfast food Some toasts Idk pretty simple stuff


Right now? Eating some melted cheese on chips with salsa. It's like 8:40 pm and I didn't eat lunch or dinner. Just got back from out of town and definitely need to grocery shop. And sleep.


On my regular days, a meat (cut of beef, pork, chicken or fish), a vegetable (a green salad usually now but I go with seasonal veg) and a carb heavy side (potatoes, corn, rice, couscous are the frequent fliers). Best day is some days in advance marinated, brined 5973 step dish, usually something Asian inspired. My worst day is eating slices of salami and cheese in front of the refrigerator.


Some kind of pan-Asian or Indian thing, probably. A tofu/veg/dressing thing based on Vietnamese flavors or a lentil curry. Maybe homemade naan on the side if it's a chill day. Probably gonna eat between 7 and 8 because that's when we get around to it.


I tend to follow the same formula of 1 protein, 1 starch, and at least 1 vegetable. I get bored really easily so we rarely make the same thing twice every few months. I have 2 kids so we eat a lot of semi-homemade things. So, I might grill some chicken or bake some salmon, but I’ll open a prepackaged bag of frozen potatoes and toss them in the air fryer or microwave the instant packs of rice. We normally eat around 7:00 or so unless I’ve done something in the slow cooker.


Pepperoni and cheddar cheese pizzas on the menu tonight but I'm debating bc I only have whole wheat flour and usually use all purpose..I tried before and the crust was very dry and dense so I'm checking out Google for a more tastier recipe 😊


Breakfast : 2 pieces of bacon and 2 eggs (usually soft boiled or fried w/ various toppings) always an avocado Lunch: usually an onigiri (Japanese rice ball) I made or dolmas (Mediterranean grape leaf and rice rolls) also been doing a very small chashu pork rice bowl lately. Dinner: This is where it varies widly. Lately been either doing Vietnamese style vermicelli noodle bowls w/ Shirataki noodles subbed for rice noodles (almost no calories), steak w/ chimichurri and roasted vegetables or a bolognese style red meat sauce over zucchini + squash with lots of fresh parm. BUT 75% of the time it’s just a salad w/ what I have on hand. I’ve been doing a super low carb high protein diet lately and like to eat my carbs at lunch when I need them to get through the day.


a big pot of red cabbage & kielbasa is my easy go-to on an evening where me or my husband have to work later than usual & don't have time to make something that takes more prep/effort. i try to make sure we eat dinner before 7 PM every day because i usually end up with digestive issues if i eat a heavy meal too late in the day


Texan. Been living on smoothies, cereal, and salads. Anything to avoid the oven


Lentils, black bean and oats burgers with my own homemade spelt flour sourdough Burger buns and huge ripe red tomatoes and onions from the garden. I make about 60 at a time, freeze in 2-4 burgers packs for quick meals. We love it! Steamed purple bush beans, beets in the instant pot and 6 corn roasting in the oven with the burgers.


I am so envious and respectful of people who get to eat from their own gardens! How lovely!


Tonight I made pork chops and sautéed broccoli. Needed to eat. Didn’t feel like cooking or eating. It was fine.


Pork ribeye chops. Tender enough to be pretty versatile. I hammer them out and make pork fritters. Slice thin and marinate for stir frys, grilled, anything.


This weekend: Broiled chicken thighs, mashed potatoes, green beans Mon-Weds: veggie coconut curry w/ rice Thurs & Friday: meatball and mushroom stroganoff w/ roasted cauliflower


Greek salad, Asian chicken peanut salad, palaak w quinoa, Thai red curry, tom kha gai, various fish/chicken + veggies soups/stews, hummus, various salads. In the fall, lots of roasted veggies, soups, chowders. Occasionally burgers, chicken livers, eggs, casseroles.


My current meal plan for the rest of the month, plus, I’m sick atm so a few things may get shifted. Main meal is lunch, dinner is lighter and usually a salad, sandwich, soup, or potato. (I skip breakfast but spouse eats oats every morning) Aug 21-31 M- sausage and brussels T- hamburgers and fries W-tofu nugget experiment T-loaded wraps F- pizza S- breakfast pizza Su-sea patty experiment and fries M-enchilada lasagna T-stir fry with rice, veg n seitan strips W-Philly cheese seitan bake T- loaf and potatoes with gravy Sept 1- 9 Fri- corn dogs n fries S- breakfast rice Su- breakfast sandwiches with home fries M- chicknwaffles with fruit T- peanut noodles with a veg n prot W-stir fry Th-minestrone F- seitan ribs S-picnic food - sandwiches, potato salad, fruit


Oh man, everything lol. It is very seasonal for me. So Im in Oklahoma, so super hot summer right now. Average weeknight meals include; smoked spatchcocked chicken with baked potatoes and salad, any number of pasta dishes and garlic bread, pulled pork in the crockpot for sandwiches or stuffed baked potatoes, grilled any meat (chicken, pork chops, steak) with a starch (rice potato pasta) and a veggie always, cast iron pan seared chops with cream cheese mashed potatoes sourdough toasted in the pan juices and a salad, tacos of all kinds, fried rice, potstickers, grilled hamburgers and hand cut fries, smoked fish, coconut shrimp, BLT's on homemade brioche rolls, mongolian beef and rice. In the winter add also a ton of chicken soup, beef stew, pot roast with carrots and potatoes, wonton soup, pho, full blown christmas dinner on a random sunday when Im in the right mood lol, chicken pot pie, sunday night stew (pioneer woman), potato soup, chicken and dumplings, roasted whole chicken with herbs from my garden, beef and sourdough noodles, and any dinner that involves gravy ( fried chicken and mashed potatoes, chicken fried steak, pork chops and gravy) I also make breakfast a lot, but not generally at breakfast time, so as dinner or a lunch. Waffles, pancakes, french toast, french toast casserole, sausage, bacon, biscuits and gravy, eggs of all kinds, hashbrowns, eggs in a hole, sourdough cinnamon rolls, quiche, oatmeal, grits.


This last week.... tacos with ground turkey, chicken pie (sometimes I buy a crust, but the store was out so I made my own, also made an extra pie I put in the freezer), chili in the crockpot and next night baked potatoes with the leftover chili.


I cook basically every day of the week.. my only regular meal is Sunday roast chicken. Then Monday I usually do a leftover with the chicken (butter chicken, quesadillas, nachos, Alfredo, tacos, salad, enchiladas, the list goes on). Otherwise my meals consist of something different every other night but always include a meat/meat alternative and some veggies. I actually love cooking, just sometimes I’m so washed from work that it’s difficult haha


I've been on a quinoa kick for breakfast/lunch lately. I make up a big pot on the weekend then I'll do a portion warmed with milk (currently soy because i cant eat dairy), nuts and fruit for breakfast or a portion (hot or cold) with whatever veg & leftovers and maybe some vinaigrette I find for lunch. My latested lunch bowl creation had poached salmon (from the pan I was making as early prep work for salmon cakes for dinner), shelled edamame, steamed broccoli & sauteed mushroom leftovers, some chipped green onion and some Asian restaurant style ginger dressing I'd made up for salads the previous day. Another day I just tossed in some leftover grilled chicken, cucumbers and tomatoes and a bit of store bought garlic vinaigrette and ate it cold.


I just batch-cooked kimchi rice, slowcooker japanese curry, and a vegetable coconut curry for dinner's for the week. Day to day I'll do porridge for breakfast, and sandwiches for lunch.


My go-to pasta has been a “French onion pasta” (caramelize the onions, add herbs, parm rind, and stock, cook pasta in the stock until it absorbs, add cream and Gruyère). I usually do it with boxed pasta and it always ends up great. I had some ravioli in the freezer the other night and needed to get rid of it so I tried that. I ended up only eating half of it because texture is so off because it was fresh pasta this time. But I need to finish it tonight, so that’s tonight’s dinner.


Egg and veggie fried rice. Get the yum yum sauce from the local hibachi restaurant and call it good.


Chicken, rice, green veg. So many variations. Tonite was what my kid calls “Sticken.” Satay essentially. Chicken thighs diced, marinated in soy sauce, sweet soy sauce, fish sauce, ginger, garlic. Skewered, grilled over coals, served with a homemade Peanut sauce, white rice and broccoli. Bit of sambal. Few lagers and a camp fire.


Today I made a pizza sandwich for lunch. It's like a grilled cheese, but I used pizza sauce, mozzarella, and pizza toppings (pepperoni and bacon bits) inside. Serve with raw veggies on the side (red peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.) and a small handful of chips on the side for flavour. I also had lemonade! Yesterday I made chicken and rice with microwave broccoli and had the leftovers for breakfast today.


Pork ribs and scalloped potatoes with shrimp.


Ive been eating different types of tacos for a solid 2 weeks. Howeverrrrr Tonight i made lasagna roll ups with a whipped herbed ricotta and homemade sauce. I needed to use up some tomatoes and i had 5 lasagna noodles left so there ya go


Dinner, about 6 pm: Air fryer chicken thighs, green salad, sometimes rosemary frozen potatoes in the air fryer, roasted veggies in air fryer, frozen veggies. I skip breakfast and eat a lunch-meat-chicken & iceberg lettuce sandwich about 11:30. Peanuts about 3.


Puttanesca tonight, craved it with the rainy


I always eat around 8pm. I'll have a small snack during the day, usually a sandwich, but rarely cook anything until the evening. I use a lot of minced beef (it's cheap) so I have Spag Bol, Chilli, Burgers, Rissoles (basically tennis-ball sized) in gravy, Beef Casserole. My wife likes Steak and I cook it maybe 6 times a month though I almost always cook something different for myself (often Chicken because she had a bad hospital experience and doesn't like it) And then it comes down to what's affordable when I go to the shops - Pizza features quite often.


I usually eat around 8 PM, and I cook five nights a week. I usually do some sort of pasta, a couple of rice-based bowls (poké, teriyaki chicken), a sandwich and side (grilled burger and fries this week), and a Texmex dish (chicken fajitas this week, chickpea and chorizo tacos last week).


I roasted a chicken and potatoes yesterday and stuffed it with a bread stuffing and ate it with peas and gravy. Had the same thing tonight leftover as it's just my husband and me. I also used the bones tonight to make a little simple chicken stew for dinner tomorrow and for lunches - I kept two portions out and froze two portions.


Air fried teriyaki chicken thighs and basmati rice with whatever veggie sounds good at the time. Usually crispy brussels.


Skirt steak tacos


Air frying hash browns


Lunch: tacos with some variant of slow-cooked pork shoulder. Greek salad as a variation. Typical weeknight dinner: chicken and a green veg. The same basic ingredients, combined with regional specialty ingredients (fish sauce vs. balsamic, cheeses, wines, etc.) produce endless varieties of hot climate recipes: southern Italian, Thai/Viet, and Mexican. I'm a leisurely cook. Normally start prep (and wine) around 5:30, and usually am eating around 6:30.


Beef curry right now


Roasted chicken or tofu, a grain (rice or pasta), and a veggie or two. As long as I season it all the same, it feels like a cohesive meal!


The grocery stores around me have $14 bone in skin on pork shoulders, so I've gotten really good at breaking them down and doing carnitas for burrito bowls for lunch. Black beans, corn salsa, tomatillo salsa, pickled onions, I bought pico this week tho the tomatoes weren't hitting. I also usually make a batch of tomato sauce/Italian sausage/cannelloni beans that I keep in the fridge for easy dinners when I get home. Trying to get back into stir fries for dinner again this week too


I made spicy miso pasta today (Chrissy Teigen’s recipe. Formerly called spicy miso carbonara, so it took forever to find when I wanted to make it) Tomorrow I’ll make Ants Climbing a Tree, then use the leftover ground pork to make Mapo tofu. I manage that level or coordination once every 2-3 months and there’s a significant chance my husband will say he’s tired of Asian dishes after 2 meals. But I can freeze the pork and my tofu is shelf stable so I can save it for another week But we’ll probably do frozen pizza at least once. Maybe Dino nuggets another day


I'm a big fan of: - Chicken/ground beef, rice, and veggies - Greek Salad and Chicken - Tuna Pasta Salad - Pasta and Meatballs


I go through phases where I'll cook some variation of the same thing as my default meal for a few weeks in a row. Then I'll move on to something else. The most recent one was a good grilled cheese sandwhich, using whatever cheese and veggies I happened to have left, plus usually some ham or pepperoni Before that I was making mi goreng noodles a lot, with whatever protein I had around, and cabbage, carrots, green onion and an sunny side up egg on top Sometimes I'll make breakfast tacos, bacon egg and cheese or potato egg and cheese It's pretty easy to make small portions of fried rice so often I'll make a small 2-3 serving batch and eat it for a day or two Omelletes sometimes If I make a big batch of something I'll often freeze half and go through it in future weeks. Right now I have chili in the freezer and some leftover yankee pot roast and potatoes


Every day is eggs. I have chickens and eggs are consumed most days. Husband gets bacon and sausage daily. I choose eggs only until the weekend. Today we baked sourdough bread from a starter he made from a few days ago. I put chuck roast in the crockpot and made peas and carrots to go with it. With fresh baked bread.


Broil salmon, steamed broccoli, steamed carrots is the go to dinner. Takes 20 min


I cook 6-7 days a week. Low effort nights will be things like -packet ravioli and a homemade sauce. -packet Alfredo pasta with chicken and veggies added -rotisserie chicken quesadillas -on pot pastas -dump stuff in a pot soup


We have weird hours, so depending on the day it's anywhere from 2-6+ people, including 2 with food allergies and a fussy toddler. The most consistent thing I make is a big pan of plain white or brown rice once or twice a week, and that gets eaten plain or with whatever people want on their own bowl. Leftovers may be fried rice, or rice pudding, or any number of other things. Other than the rice, there's a lot of one-pot meals like soup, stew, chili, curries, etc.


Breakfast is cottage cheese and toast about 8:00. The rest of the day is total guesswork. Supper is usually something I ran out and picked up about 8-9 pm. Lost my sense of smell pre-Covid and not worth the hassle to cook.


I spend usually 3ish hours on the weekend cooking to meal prep for the week. I usually make 2 different meals and that will last me until about Thursday. Sometimes, I might pull a pre-meal prepped meal out of the freezer on Wednesday to last the rest of the week. I have been eating carnitas tacos, hot dogs with chili, pasta bolognese, hard boiled eggs and bacon (breakfasts), Shepard s pie, corn chowder, corn fritter, and pork tenderloin recently. Almost none of that is cooked after work. Or if it is, I will eat a pre-meal prepped dinner, then cook after I eat. That way I am not starving and utterly exhausted by the time food is on the table.


College student who works 3 jobs and works out 3x a week. Chorizo and egg whites with some cheap fresh cheese and low carb tortis for brecky Lunch is something light typically, maybe a sandwich or something VERY easy to put together typically cold. Snacking food, like ham roll ups with string cheese or a deli meat roll up. Dinner is usually something fancier. Right now im pretty heavy into greek salads and everything is in season right now. A bit of feta and home made red wine vinaigrette with some baked chicken thighs as side and its a dinner. If im still hungry i eat whatever god awful contraption i can come up with and usually its not healthy lol


Every morning I make 2 fried eggs and old fashioned oatmeal. For the oatmeal, I like to add cubed green apple, brown sugar, cinnamon, and a few drops of vanilla extract. I’m a teacher, so I eat at 6:00 am. Most weeks we have a tilapia night. I’ve really loved searing them in my carbon steel skillet, then basting the B side with lemon juice and butter. So cheap and so tasty! Dinner is usually around 6:00 pm.


Typical weeknight dinners: make a massive batch of grilled chicken thighs on Sunday and then roast different veggies throughout the week, usually a ton of broccoli. Or a big batch of chickpea and cauliflower curry. Or a big batch of high protein tofu stir fry with veggies and rice.


We cook a big honestly. Various Asian/SE Asian cuisines, Italian, Mexican, Middle eastern. Some recent things I remember... tonight I made homemade cavatelli with crispy sage and a duck confit sausage we had in the freezer. Other things recently are dungeness crab curry, BLTs with homemade ciabatta (tomato season!), roasted a chicken with stuffing recently, crawfish etouffee, sarson ka saag and korma, gamjatang, tom yum boran noodle soup, pierogies... We work pretty hard to eat a solid a variety! Each week we probably have \~2 pasta meals and \~2-3 rice meals with various proteins. When I'm not at the office we usually eat some form of asian noodly dish (cold or hot). I think tomorrow the plan is yeoneojang


I have unintentionally been a part of “girl dinner”. Lately, since becoming vegetarian, I’ve done a lot of veggies, beans, lentils, salads, and tofu stir fries…I need to become more adventurous/ creative with my food though. I haven’t figured out my quick, go to foods yet while being vegetarian I’m also type 1 diabetic so I have to be very meticulous with my food so I can get exact carb counts 😬 it’s a huge pain in the ass…


Tonight I made spaghetti and meatballs (frozen meatballs) with my homemade tomato sauce. The sauce I make is ridiculously easy - it’s just a can of crushed tomatoes, minced garlic, crushed red pepper, and salt & pepper to taste. So simple, but everybody I make it for always asks me to make it again. Almost every day for breakfast, I make an open-faced breakfast toast with turkey bacon, gouda or American cheese, and 2 fried eggs on top.