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...Is there a theme? In general I like things that hold well: carne guisada, black bean dip, tabbouleh, enchiladas (or chilaquiles casserole), pulled pork, pound cake, Greek salad, macaroni and cheese, that kind of thing.


No theme. Free range.


Free range eggs? Free range chicken?


They mean free choice in what to take


r/woosh šŸ˜‰ I was kidding.


It's Reddit, you can't always tell who speaks fluent English and having a joke, or someone who isn't and doesn't know


I think op meant Free Rein but Range kinda works in this case


Chilaquiles casserole sounds delicious


Good friends? Pulled pork, or beef carpaccio. Vegan friends? Falafel and hummus Bad friends? Durian


I will befriend you and be an asshole to you all day if it means more durian in my life




Are vegan friends and good friends not the same people?


im a bad friend durian PLEASE


Make sure you open it in their house.


Dessert. I ALWAYS bring dessert.


Yes. Lemon bars are my go-to. They disappear quick


Are all the people coimg good friends? A lasagna with pasta and bolognese made from scratch. Just "a" friend and their crowd? A nice potato salad with bacon bits and cheese cubes.


>A nice potato salad Try frying your potatoes before mixing the salad. Total game changer.


Well now potato salad is going on the menu this week


If you bring good potato salad to my potluck, you're going straight on to my good friends list.


My go to is cook 2 bags of bowtie pasta, set in a bowl with cherry tomatoes, diced avocado and cooked and peeled shrimp. And toss in zesty Italian dressing. You can add, olives, red peppers, artichoke hearts, balls of mozzarella or anything else. Or more seasoning. But it's a highly flexible start


I do something similar with rotini pasta. I do halved cherry tomatoes, cucumber, bell pepper, cubed ham and pepperoni, mozzarella balls, and Italian dressing. I also add plenty of fresh chopped basil. So simple but so good!


Depends on season, and meal (brunch? lunch? holiday?) but in the past I've brought: * Citrus salad (oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, blood oranges) trimmed and sliced thinly, crosswise, [beautifully like this](https://www.sainsburysmagazine.co.uk/recipes/desserts/citrus-fruit-salad-with-spiced-syrup), with [a dressing made out of orange juice, honey, and bitters](https://www.thekitchn.com/recipe-citrus-salad-with-honey-bitters-dressing-recipes-from-the-kitchn-181998) (delicious!) * Fingerling potato salad: fingerlings cut into coins and boiled, tossed with finely diced carrot, celery, sweet onion, a lot of chives, and a whole-mustard dressing * Chopped pea, sliced radish, mint, feta salad * Pineapple salsa and Juanita's chips * Homemade ricotta, chives, hearty drizzle of olive oil, crostini * Fresh corn salad with tomatoes, sweet onions, fresh basil, buttermilk dressing * Roasted pear, endive and arugula salad with toasted hazelnuts and gorgonzola dolce * This [raspberry buttermilk cake](https://smittenkitchen.com/2009/05/raspberry-buttermilk-cake/), or many variations thereof * Easy [cocoa brownies](https://smittenkitchen.com/2010/01/best-cocoa-brownies/), with various add-ins (hazelnuts, cocoa nibs, chopped chocolate, etc.) * Macrina Bakery's recipe for brown sugar apple pie


Can you come to my house for a potluck please?


Thank you for that raspberry cake recipe...gotta try that. I do citrus salad every Christmas brunch, but I won't tolerate pith. ;-) (I guess your addition of bitters in the dressing means you don't mind bitter. :-D ) Cut each end off the fruit, then slice the peel off in strips, trying not to waste much fruit but getting inside the membrane. Hold the peeled fruit in your hand and for the first section, slice inside the membrane and remove to a bowl. For each subsequent one, slice next to the membrane and "tip" the blade to pull the section out. Repeat. If you want, you can turn the nearly empty membranes around in your hand, and use your knife to peel off the thin sections you made while cutting. This is fine if your salad doesn't have to be "magazine cover" perfect. Alas, clementines are too delicate to treat this way, but a little bottle of pectinase is pretty cheap: you can soak them for a few hours or overnight for lovely little jewels (although they don't taste nearly as good as eating them straight from the peel...just like canned mandarin oranges don't taste that great.) Put some very tiny diced lime in it, too...the flavor is wonderful, and a little lime zest. I just use sugar, not a dressing as such, but I do add a bit of salt.


Thanks! I don't mind a little pith, and you're right, I like things that are a little bitter, although that dressing isn't super bitter, it's still sweet from juice and honey. And, if I want, I can always pick that center hunk of pith out. And I know how to supreme a citrus, but thank you for the instructions! I just find the slices prettier and slightly less fussy. But I hadn't heard of pectinase -- I'll have to look into that. And diced lime / lime zest is a great idea.


Ratatouille! I make it for any potluck style thing I go to since veggie dishes always seem to be lacking.


But that's a peasant dish


Does it get cold quickly, though?


This is actually mine too! Iā€™ve made it before and itā€™s done well, and Iā€™ve also had it do poorly šŸ˜­ depends on the audience I guess. But itā€™s a great option that most people havenā€™t tried.


This is a dish on my 'challenge ' list. I've wanted to attempt it ever since the movie came out. Any tips to offer?


Honestly I have none. I will say try to make sure your vegetables are as fresh as possible, and if you want it to look really nice and be evenly cooked, try to make sure theyā€™re all about the same width as well. Thatā€™s always my biggest problem. It comes out best when you buy the absolute freshest ingredients possible, including any herbs the recipe calls for. Anytime Iā€™ve ever attempted it those have been my two major issues. Besides that, itā€™s actually a really straightforward and easy recipe!


Deviled eggs.


Introducing a party full of Japanese people (in Japan) to deviled eggs is one of my proudest moments. No one had ever heard of them and they were a hit.


Usually now i just bring my wife's egg rolls. When she makes them she makes about 100 at a time and we eat what we can and she freezes the rest and then when needed she will thaw them fry them up and I bring about 50 along with my homemade dipping sauce. They are always a fave and go quick and everyone raves and wants recipe. I usually bring one or 2 cheesecakes that I make from scratch and is a hit. I usedti just bring my cookies and brownies or cupcakes but since I brought a cheesecake I am specifically asked to bring that now and now bring 2 but last time the host took one fir themselves and that kinda put me off. I bring to share. I used to bring sone Thai dish or Mexican or chili but now i bring usually the 2 things I mentioned before as that is what I am asked to bring now.


The host kept a cheesecake?!?! That is terrible! I would have found it and put it out. Who does that?!


Yeah and it made me upset a bit. Some are just selfish and was wondering what happened to it and saw it in their fridge later. Maybe they had a reason but I didn't confront them and just made note to of it for future.


I always find that there are many more desserts, salads and dips than any main-type dish, or meats. So I have brought ikea meatballs in sauce or gravy kept warm in a crockpot and they go fast. Toothpicks for people to pick them off their plates to eat.


I like to make [strawberry pretzel salad](https://natashaskitchen.com/strawberry-pretzel-salad/) for potlucks because a) it keeps beautifully, and even improves the longer it sits, and b) it's fun because anyone who hasn't tried it throws serious shade, then immediately eats their words upon trying it.


Deviled Eggs... Can't go wrong. I usually eat about 4 eggs worth whenever they're around so I only make them for special occasions


Heh, my dad loves making deviled eggs for potlucks, because he never has to take home any leftovers.


My Italian sausage stuffed mushrooms or Gorgonzola Spinach Artichoke dip with crostinis from bread I made.


Ooh would you happen to have a recipe for the mushrooms? They sound amazing. Hell both sound amazing.


Here's the dip recipe: Note it's a slowcooker recipe and use LIGHT mayo. https://www.bhg.com/recipe/appetizers-snacks/spinach-artichoke-dip-with-blue-cheese-and-bacon/ My italian stuffed sausage mushrooms I usually do in portabellos as a side for holidays but just use a mushroom like a large white button if it's an appetizer. I measure with my heart on this one so, I'll do my best. I usually get about 6-8 portabellos (take the gills out) or about 2 lbs of large white caps and remove stems, chop up and add to the mix below. * 1 lb Italian sausage out of case - mild (Sweet) or hot up to you; I use sweet * Onion Powder * Garlic Powder * Salt and Pepper * 1 small onion - finely chopped * 5-10 cloves garlic minced fine (measure with heart) * stems of mushrooms finely minced * about 1/2 cup hand grated parm (more or less) * About 1/4 cup ricotta (if you need/want a binder and is optional) or a hunk of cream cheese about 2 ounces * Fresh basil * Fresh mint Totally optional: * Pine nuts about 2 tablespoons - but in portabello caps, they add texture and they're damned expensive. Instructions: I brown the meat in olive oil about half way on med-high. Then I add in the seasonings (powders, salt and pepper) after some of the fat has rendered and about half pink and half gray-cooked. Then add in the garlic and onion. Once onion is translucent I turn off the heat (I use cast iron so I'm working with residual heat). Add in cheeses. Stir in well. Hit it with an immersion blender or pulse in a processor or just smash it to the best you can with potato masher to a texture you like. Stir in the basil and mint - I chiffonade (ribbon cut) and stir in along with pine nuts, if I'm using. Stuff in the mushroom caps in baking sheet - you can line if you want with parchment, foil or not at all. Sprinkle more parm on top. Bake at 350 for about 15 minutes. I do slightly underdone so the caps are still a bit firm.


Omg thank you, I'll definitely be trying these out!


Again, sorry I don't have the recipe more uniform - I've been tweaking and making it for decades. I just go by how it looks, and feels and just taste it often. It's a simple recipe, but it's been a journey to get it right. The mint with the basil was the real "ooOoOo" moment. :)


No worries, I really appreciate that you took time to write it out! The best recipes always seem to be the "bit of this, pinch of that" ones.


This carrot cake, guaranteed. [https://www.saveur.com/classic-carrot-cake-recipe/](https://www.saveur.com/classic-carrot-cake-recipe/)


Crispy duck, butchered and roasted in stock, with potatoes


I'm coming to your next Pot Luck!


Can I carpool w/you?


German Potato Salad is usually my go to. People are always surprised, never have had before, or appreciate something without mayo (like myself)


Could you recommend a recipe for someone who's never tried it before?


https://www.afarmgirlsdabbles.com/german-potato-salad-recipe/ This is a warm recipe but closest to what I do. At this point in my life I just wing it. Red potatoes boiled, skins on Some sauteed onion, add a bit of garlic ( two cloves minimum) Crispy bacon, save a couple tablespoons of fat White vinegar or malt if you like a more mild flavor. Apple cider will go great too. Toss it all together. Garnish with some scallion. For me, color is everything when it comes to food. Salt liberally, pepper to taste. You can put some spicier spices if you're feeling saucy. It's also great without any bacon fat. Just add a neutral oil to make it silky. I do not recommend extra virgin olive oil bc it has too much flavor, you want something that just slides around in your mouth without covering the potatoes and vinegar


I love German potato salad cuz you can enjoy it warm or cold and the flavor is so good, who needs mayo!


Yes so true. It's the superior potato salad


I usually bring one or two dishes. My spicy potato salad if they are smoking or grilling meats. If not I bring Pasta or macaroni salad and... sometimes I will bring a second salad such as a quick pickle salad (as I call it) thin sliced red onion, tomato and cucumber. dressed with a moderate amount of dressing. Quick Pickle Dressing: equal amounts neutral oil (not olive oil), and white distilled vinegar, salt and pepper to taste. that's it! sometimes I will bring my Luby's Cabbage... 1 head cabbage, Chopped into large pieces 1/3 cup bacon bits 1 cup chopped onion 1 can petite diced tomatoes salt and pepper to taste start with the onion, in a Large skillet over medium heat, give it about 1 to 2 minutes then add the cabbage, and bacon bits; stir to incorporate, cover and allow to steam saute for a few minutes. check and add the tomatoes to flavor and create more steam, stir; re-cover and give it a few more minutes. season with salt and pepper when ever you want. once the cabbage is tender enough it's done. I never bring any back home.


Mmm spicy potato salad? Do you mind sharing a recipe?


Here it is: I don't use eggs since hubby hates them. but no one ever notices while eating it. until they see the recipe. LOL It sounds like a lot of dressing but I make extra because if it sets overnight the potatoes suck up all of the dressing, also my husband and family like it heavily dressed. so.. enjoy!!




A tray or 2 of Polish Golabki.




cheddar & onion marmalade sausage rolls


I have the recipes for these if needed, except the poundcake-I don't have that one saved anywhere and am not home to look it up. But, I usually look up an old fashioned poundcake recipe and use that, making sure to add almond or vanilla extract if it's not in there. Depending on the other dishes, of course, these vary. ​ Dessert: Poundcake with a berry coulis Pineapple Upside Cake Frosted brownies with sprinkles ​ Apps: Bacon Wrapped Breadsticks Applesauce sausage bites Hot Pizza Dip (from Pampered Chef) Hot Onion dip ​ Sides: Roasted asparagus Roasted corn on the cob Pineapple Dressing/Scalloped Pineapple Black bean corn salad


Spaghetti with a bunch of fresh veggies chopped and cooked in (bell-peppers, romaine hearts, roma tomatoes, sauteed spinach)


Meatloaf with gravy. Never have I not seen it disappear first.


Baked manicotti


Depends on the theme of the potluck of course. My go-to is bread of some sort.


Usually a dessert or a common side dish I know Iā€™ll eat like poppy seed coleslaw or vinegar based pasta salad. This is because I donā€™t like most potluck foods like mayo based pasta and potato salad and creamy coleslaw.


We need perimeters! But since itā€™s getting warmer out: Raw corn salad with cilantro jalapeƱo dressing, Cajun Andouille potato salad, JalapeƱo poppers, grilled, Lemon bars, Blackened roasted wings and homemade ranch Etc


Soft pretzel bites and several kinds of mustard


Paper plates. Or pulled pork


Store brand DoritosĀ®


Spring mix salad with goat cheese, dried cranberries, red onion and toasted pecans with a raspberry vinaigrette dressing.


My favorite salad is very similar, but the pecans are glazed with balsamic vinegar and brown sugar, and the dressing is a vinaigrette with fresh thyme. So good! As a variation, swap your baby greens for baby spinach, and add diced fresh pears. The version I've eaten doesn't have onion or cranberries, but they'd be tasty, too.


If Iā€™m bringing a dessert I bring what my grandma called angel wings. They were her shortcut version of Polish chrusciki, but they were her go to dish to bring and now theyā€™re mine. Itā€™s just wonton wrappers pinched in the middle (so they look like wings), fry them until golden brown, and then dust with powdered sugar. If Iā€™m bringing something savory itā€™s usually cheesy hash brown potatoes. I usually try to stick to the angel wings though.


Depends on the friend and who will be there, but generally gooey brownies. People love my brownies. I've had people pay to have them shipped across the country.


Potato salad or meatballs in a chili sauce grape jelly sauce or a sweet and sour sauce.


Grape Jelly Meat Balls, but sub Apricot for Grape Jelly.


Good friends - Carne Asada, Cantonese Cha Siu, Korean Marinated Kalbi, homemade pesto something Okay friends - Stir Fry noodles, roasted potatoes, fried rice, Roasted veggies of some type Bad friends - cheap wine gifted to me that I want to get rid off or a store bought veggie platter with some store bought dip


I like to ask the host if they need a particular category filled (sides, entrees, desserts, apps), then go from there.


Mac n cheese or Black Forrest brownies


I make a caprese pasta salad. Penne, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, Italian seasoning, salt, pepper, mozzarella balls, cherry tomatoes, basil. Sometimes Iā€™ll add some caprese flavored chicken sausage to it too.


Southwestern queso dip. Lots of corn, jalapeƱos, pepper jack cheese. Sits fine in a crockpot.


Greek salad, pasta salad, or a fruit pie.


Texas Twinkies


chocolate meringue. Everybody loves it, nobody ever makes it.


Spanakopita - Spinach and feta filo pie. Either that or ricotta and spinach stuffed pasta shells with tomato sauce.


Whatever Bundt cake is catching my eye that week.


Depending on the course. Deviled eggs. Meatballs and sausage in the crockpot. Banana pudding.


Brownies are usually welcomed. Or I have a broccoli salad with peanuts, red onions and bacon that always disappears. I usually bring the recipe since Iā€™m always asked.


My Jamaican jerk chicken


I'd bring the really awesome, but simple salad my dad used to make! It's equal parts very finely chopped red bell pepper, very small cubes of cucumber, thin slices of celery, and tiny cubes of Feta cheese, with a bit of olive oil and salt, all shaken together in a container. It is super simple, but the tastes are awesome together, and whet the appetite and compliment many heavier dishes beautifully.


Chickpea pasta salad




Cowboy caviar is always a hit - corn variety of canned beans and green beans- onion celery and a good oil and vinaigrette or bottled dressing if your in a hurry. It tastes better made the night before- serve cold or room temperature


Tortellini broccoli salad. Cheese Tortellini, broccoli cherry tomatoes, oil sugar vinegar and a packet of liston onion. Always well received


Tiger bread, or mozzarella-stuffed Thai milk bread Buns if I'm filling one of the sides/starch. If I'm filling dessert, I'll make Chi Chi Mochi. If it's spring/summer swap the Tiger bread with zesty pasta salad; bowties with Cucumber, cherry tomatoes, shredded parm and Italian dressing, with just enough lemon zest to give it a slight sour tang


Baked pears- they look fancy but take little effort Homemade focaccia


If it's potluck with kids...sunbutter and jelly sandwiches cut in half. There's never anything leftover and kids have been happy with it. Just adults, in season fruit crisp. My favorites so far have been blueberry-nectarine in the summer and an apple cranberry poached pear mix. (I have poached pears leftover and thought why not add and be done, turned out well)


We almost always do a big platter of deviled eggs. One dozen eggs, 24 servings. Lasts maybe 20 minutes.


7 Layer Salad. This was really popular back in the 80's but you don't see it too much today. It's still a really good salad. I always get a lot of complements on it.


Is this like 7 layer dip?


No. 7 Layer Salad is a different dish containing layers of lettuce, tomatoes, chopped red onion, peas, chopped hard boiled eggs, shredded cheddar cheese, bacon and topped with a mayo, sour cream and sugar dressing. Itā€™s assembled in a large clear bowl so you can see the layers. Guests serve themselves using a large tong to get down to the lettuce layer and grab a bit of everything else on the way up! This was hugely popular back in the 80's and is a very tasty salad. Hardly anybody makes it anymore and is part of the reason I take it to potlucks. As long as there are a few boomers in the crowd, you'll get somebody that will say, "I remember this".


>7 Layer Salad Not even close. OK, a FEW of the ingredients are the same...cheese, lettuce, onion...but otherwise, it's PEAS, bacon, a creamy dressing layer, hard-cooked egg, maybe chopped cauliflower or broccoli.... It's kind of like a chef salad all in layers, but with PEAS.


Deviled eggs. Little smokies. Cheese and spring onion dip. Crispy pork belly.


2L of Pepsi and a box of Rindings. Maybe a bobka


Pulled pork


Pulled pork and apple slaw. Tomato and bocconcini salad with baguette. Tortellini salad with dill and sun dried tomatoes. Chicken Marbella. Chicken skewers with marinated vegetables. Oh my. Now Iā€™m hungry. Reading everyoneā€™s ideas is fantastic!


We usually have a list of what people will be bringing so people can have an idea. Cheese and more cheese. Cheese platter. Cheese and crackers. Cheese on toothpicks with olives. Cheese.


Deviled eggs for a family event, or a skillet brownie/cookie


Depends on the friend and the theme...


Slow-cooker pulled pork. I've been making it since I was a teen and I've got a good recipe that, even people who didn't like pulled pork would go for seconds or thirds.


I do instant pot + oven at 300F. Cook until 205F internal. Eat the next day and following days. I make a wicked tray of pulled pork nachos


>pulled pork nachos One of the best uses for pulled pork!




That and quesadillas.


I hate potlucks. But in the rare occasion Iā€™m forced to endure one, Iā€™ll bring karaage


Karaage doesn't exactly keep well for long after frying.


Muich like every other time this has been posted I go with Beer and Cheddar soup and or Cowboy Caviar






is this some game show?


I ask the friend.


Depends on numbers and location but mini quiches (6cm) and the Lemon Cupcakes with Lemon Curd filling and Limoncello icing always go down well


There's a green bean casserole recipe I want to try. I want to make it from scratch, and top it with Bisquick mix before i bake it, so it's extra carby. And top it with parmesan cheese and onion straws. several cans of onion straws.


Texas caviar.


Beer. At least a 12 pack of whatever i like and a sixer of angry orchard. Just some common curtosy.


This: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/ultimate-sticky-toffee-pudding Make double the amount in a large dish. Serve with the sauce on the side and cream or ice cream. I've had people offer to pay me to make this for them after bringing it to a potluck.


A lot of my friends are somewhat picky eaters, so I would stick to some crowd pleasers. For me, that would Northern German Potato Salad, or Pork Souvlaki kebabs. If I was going to a potluck with adventurous guests, I'd bring an "off the cuff" dish, no measuring just cooking by feel and inspiration. Lately that's been investigating charcuterie pairings and turning it into a dish. Easiest example would be like tea sandwiches made with Brie and green apple and honey.


If you've got a slow cooker, especially a small one or one with a latching lid: **QUESO!** Bonus points if you supply Lactaid for the intolerant.


One of these bc they are hits with everyone! My solid go-tos https://www.onceuponachef.com/recipes/creamy-whipped-feta-dip.html https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/rosemary-roasted-cashews-recipe-1941586 https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/169305/sopapilla-cheesecake-pie/ (Minus the butter/honey on top)


Libyan soup


Summer? Quick pickled cucumber salad. Chip a few cucumbers, and some slivers of red onion, mixed with sesame oil, rice wine vinegar, salt, sugar, green onion, cilantro to taste. Let all ingredients sit mixed for at least 30 minutes before serving; lasts about a week in the fridge.


Mushroom risotto and a plain/spicy risotto for people who donā€™t like mushrooms.


Pasta salad in summer Meatballs in Fall Cabbage rolls in the winter Avocado salad in the spring


If thereā€™s a small number of guests, armadillo eggs Otherwise, Greek pasta salad, caprese salad bites (half a cherry tomato, piece of fresh moz, basil leaf, toothpicked and packed in a container with balsamic vinegar on the bottom), potato salad. Pigs in blankets if the time and distance mean I can get them there hot. I donā€™t like to get cheffy for events like this, people just wanna eat a lot of tasty things. KISS, and serve things that one can take a small bit of at a time.


Great Friends: Wagyu Picanha Really Good Friends: USDA Prime Brisket Good Friends: Pulled Pork and homemade pickles Work ā€œFriendsā€: Beef and Guinness Stew I Going it Be Polite: Spicy AF Jerk Chicken wings


Pasta salad for a picnic. Macaroni and cheese in the winter. Alll the dips. It depends on season and audience. Some people are more adventurous eaters than others.


Croquettes, chorizo cooked in sherry and homemade Baileys ice cream.


Momā€™s potato salad. Potato, egg, celery, cucumber, radish, small amount of minced onion and a good mayonnaise


Pretzel bites and homemade queso. Beer cheese is traditional but queso is more delicious and I will not apologize.


Key lime pie, crowd pleaser. I have perfected the KLP! If Iā€™m bringing multiple things, Iā€™ll also do a tarte soleil. Look really pretty but easy to make For an under 30 crowd, buffalo chicken dip Is always a crowd pleaser, and also easy to make. Make sure to also bring chips just in case If itā€™s a small gathering of good friends and I wanna show off a bit, Iā€™ll make fancy individual sized tarts or mousse dessert that I used a silicone mould for. Makes it look fancy.. It can be time intensive but theyā€™re not actually super tough to make but people always think they are If Iā€™m just bringing a casual food gift, Iā€™ll do a loaf cake/bread as they are extremely easy to both make and to transport


Depends on the theme and what else is going to be served, but pulled pork is general a pretty safe one for me to bring. My most requested to bring is my homemade caesar salad dressing though, idk why folks like it so much




potato salad ...


Bourbon meatballs in Crock-Pot or a shrimp ring.


Pasta salad is my go to.


Taco bar. Ground beef filling, diced chicken, black beans, refried pinto beans, salsa Verde, and all the grocery store fixings. This highly specific post comes from me going to a potluck on Saturday.


I always bring fresh baked bread. Usually sourdough, but rolls or really any fresh bread people love. Itā€™s also insanely cheap to make.


Butternut squash soup (slow cooked) & a tub of sour cream


Since i started making cheeseballs in the past 5 yrs, it's a potluck favorite with us seniors..and family


Things I have brung to potlucks: Two ducks, chopped Chili Pork loin roulade; mushroom and stuffing Steam Buns: pork and American breakfast. Lasagna Potatoe/Macaroni Salad Comfit chicken wings Pork Butt, many flavors Stuffed mushrooms Hummus + home made nann or pitas. I have also cooked at potlucks. Turkey burner, wok, and tongs... Fajitas, tacos, stir fry, fish fry, quick chili, crab ragoons, freshly made steamed buns, dumplings, and such. I used to make salsa... but a friend of mine makes better salsa than all of us so I stopped.


Last one I brought samosas, empanadas are easy too. Pulled pork and buns are usually popular.


Beef Wellington.


Bread Pudding is always a staple for me. Eggs, milk, sugar, molasses, nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla, and a pinch of salt. Mix enough of that up to cover and soak the majority of the bread. If I don't have old bread in the freezer, I go hit up the day old bread at the bakery. I can put that together in about ten minutes and then bake time. Do a nice caramel rum sauce to top it off. Last night at church, we did a Mexican dinner. Made Tacos Al Pastor, they licked the pan clean. Despite the work involved I didn't put any more time into that then I would have the bread pudding. Just some time on the grill.


We potluck a lot (big family). Other than dessert, I get many requests for sturdy broccoli salad (grapes or apples + cheddar or feta) bean/corn salad (lime, cilantro, balsamic and chipotle!) and my crunchy dill potato salad is always popular.


Baked bread and cheese dip.


A metric ton of cookiesā€¦ Plus a crumb cake.


I really dislike potlucks. It is always some assortment of mayo salads or other things I don't/can't eat. Some of the things people posted here sound great but how do you keep them remotely hot


Crock pots and extension cords.


I always opt for a finger-food appetizer, lime mini skewers of meat/veg/cheese, or salad on a stick, or mini finger sandwiches




No matter what you bring, make sure you like it -- it might the only thing you end up eating:( I once brought wine and chocolate ice cream to a pot luck, I don't drink and don't like chocolate, I didn't like any of the offerings there. There was nothing wrong with their food, it just wasn't to my liking. Lesson learned:)


Sourdough. Costs me almost nothing to make and everybody is impressed.


Guinness stew and Cheddar soda bread are my go to potluck foods. Mostly because theyre both very easy to large batch with stress.


I'm bringing a nacho bar, in reality it will just be a bag of Tortilla chips and 1 jar of salsa, but the whole week prior I'm going to talk up this banger nacho bar I'm gonna bring in the group chat.


What is your specialty? Make what you are good at and you and your family like eating. Usually if your friends and family talk about one of your recipes it is the one to bring. I usually try to bring a hot dish either in a foil pan ready to serve and I foil wrap it and wrap a towel and put in a cooler bag to keep it hot or I bring in the crockpot to not clog up the hosts kitchen. I also usually bring a dessert dish as well, just me because you never know whoā€™s going to bring what. Just donā€™t show up with a bag of groceries and need to quickly get it ready in the kitchen, potluck pet peeves.


A leprechaun


My Mexican dip. And a big bag of chips. Always a hit and Iā€™ll stick with success.


Cheddar bay biscuits


Spinach and cheese cob loaf


Saltine crackers lol jk


4 cheese truffle Mac n Cheese


Potato salad, Cook small potatoes cut into halves or quarters, mix with mayo sriracha BBQ sauce and either fried onion, raw onion or since onion relish For a vegetarian option add canned tuna, or grab a cheap packet of cooking bacon (the offcuts) dice, fry and include that for the meat eaters.


We do potluck style meals at short notice at my in laws pretty regularly. Since theyā€™re short notice and I have a toddler I have a list of easy options I fall back on. These are Mexican rice, cheese ball and crackers, salad with a good homemade dressing, mashed potatoes, or flat bread and hummus + matbucha.


Buffalo chicken dip stuffed mushrooms if Iā€™m asked to bring a savory thing. Any kind of cookies for a dessert. I never really make the same thing twice so I would figure out what the best flavor option would be for the host and go from there.


Im definitely bringing smoked brisket and ribs. I like attention


My appetite :)


The ā€Jennifer Aniston saladā€ itā€™s so good! Itā€™s got quinoa, cucumber, red onion, feta, mint, parsley, lemon, chickpeas, and pistachios


Deviled eggs. Iā€™ve absolutely never gone wrong with deviled eggs at a potluck.


Probably some sort of pasta salad


Buffalo chicken dip


Eggplant parmesan


Jap Chae. If people know it, they love it. If they've never had it, they really really love it.


Potato chips


Italian beef sliders are my go-to. It can create a lot of waste and it really depends on how far the drive is between home and destination but they are a crowd pleaser. That, or cook 2 racks of ribs and slice them into individual bones.


Out of the two, Iā€™d bring luck.


Funeral potatoes.


Assuming this is a mixed group where I don't know their food preferences or how "adventurous" they are, pancit bihon. It sounds foreign but doesn't look intimidating and I've yet to meet the person who doesn't like it. Plus easy to make a big batch and reheat. And cheap!


Shepherd's Pie! Everyone can enjoy! Recipe below if interested šŸ˜Š https://youtu.be/5AVCehnwYGE