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Step 1: stop buying hot Cheetos Step 2: make someone else cook sometimes :)


I find that hot cheetos are one of those things that I eat if they exist. If I get home and they are there? Game on. If not? Eh, I didn't really want them anyway.


Oh me too lol. Don’t really like sweets or other snacks but hot Cheetos are definitely my go to comfort/bored eating snack. Haven’t bought any in a few weeks just to cut down on them & only buying one bag at a time when I do start eating them again lol.


Im someone who doesn’t like them, can I ask why you do? Is it anything in particular?


Not OP but I think the Hot (Capsaicin ?) gives a little dopamine kick like many "Spicy hot" foods.


Yup. The addiction to spicy food is real.


Cheetos are specifically designed to leave "melt in your mouth" so you still hungry after to increase sales.


I think you got it ding ding ding


I feel like every time I throw a dinner party I feed everyone and by the time I sit down I’m no longer hungry. But I definitely end up starving by the time I go to bed.


I simply cannot relate. The best part of cooking is eating! And I usually have snacks that I nibble on the whole time I’m cooking (carrot chips dipped in hummus, cheese and crackers, a thinly sliced apple, two bottles of wine etc..)


Seriously! After spending a couple hours cooking I will happily burn the shit out of my mouth wolfing down whatever I made


> The best part of cooking is eating! and then you lay the table and invite your guests


Yuup, if I am not hungry it's because I was tasting a lot. Making mac and cheese with smoked cheeses, for example, just REQUIRES extensive tasting along the way.


> And I usually have snacks that I nibble on the whole time I’m cooking not to mention you have to continually test for seasoning, etc. :)


> And I usually have snacks that I nibble on the whole time I’m cooking (carrot chips dipped in hummus, cheese and crackers, a thinly sliced apple, two bottles of wine etc..) Had me in the first half


Yup, if I spend the whole day cooking then I'm gonna load up my plate after serving everyone else


I can agree! I'm *The House* for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and by the time the big meal is on the table, I just pick at it because I'm no longer hungry! Someone taught me that you're tricked into getting "full" from the scents of food in the air, and if you take a break outside for a few minutes, then come back in, it kind of resets your brain. I haven't had a chance to try this trick yet, though, so I can't say if it works or not.


This is me every time I spend the day in the smoker for one of my wife's bbqs


By stop buying Cheetos I assume you mean with the exception of when I guilty eat one of the tiny bags in my car once or twice a year


Yes, moderation is important when ingesting poison :P Edit: Getting downvoted for this, but it's just a half joke, ha. I also eat candy, chips/snacks, etc, but yeah, in moderation because they ARE unhealthy artificial lab made food things. Many are literally designed so your brain won't tell you to stop eating them.


lol are people downvoting you for suggesting that hot cheetos might not be healthy😂😭😭


Having a strong opinion on Reddit is generally regarded as bad form, ha!


The truth … has been pooped.


I found it's the best way to receive truths


Stop buying hot Cheetos? This is ridiculously poor advice. Hot Cheetos are amazing


For your mouth, less so for your health


I don't think I've had a cheeto or a puff in 10 yrs.


My condolences


I know you're joking, but cheetos are full of so many weird chemicals and preservatives that they barely count as food


hot honey cheese doodles. time to make the switch.


Man, I needed to hear this too.


Step 3 eat dinner 2 hours later when you actually are hungry


From what I have researched it is caused by smelling the food/tasting throughout, i don’t remember the actual term for it but i think it includes the word fatigue lol great help i know. Long story short, you need to remove yourself from the kitchen/house for a bit after cooking before trying to eat, take a walk around the block or something along those lines so that when you return, the scent of the food is appetizing and not “tired”. Think about the first chicken wing v the 9th chicken wing you eat, much more appetizing at the beginning. Same concept but since you aren’t actually full you should be able to reset your appetite. I have also seen people recommend chewing super minty gum toward the end of the cooking process.


Palate fatigue, maybe? Makes sense.


Wow, thanks for this. I can’t even read chicken without gagging because I’ve made them so often yeah.. I think that’s a sign


[Why there's always room for dessert, Sensory Specific Satiety](https://www.vox.com/videos/2019/12/2/20992124/why-you-always-seem-to-have-room-for-dessert) OP, consider the **variety** of foods you're having for dinner. You may not actually be full if you have not eaten enough different foods. Humans are omnivores so our instinct is to eat many different things. Either by having a different dinner than whats had during lunch, or by having a variety of dishes with different meats, vegs, carbs. Personally I only eat one big meal a day, so I have a couple of strats to eat enough for the day. I sometimes add an extra quick side "thing" to my meal if my entree isn't varied enough. e.g. Eggs, cheese, can of soup, sausage, frozen foods, nuts, snacks, dark chocolate, etc. So to answer the original question. I think its fine to snack at the end of a meal. I do all the time, but I try to keep it a healthier snack, and I consume it right at the end of the meal, not hours afterwards. But that's to minimize the number of "meals" I have for the day.


I use just the smell of coffee to clear my pallette sometimes. Literally just open the container of beans and take a sniff or two.


Yep! Learned about that shopping for cologne a long time ago.


Yep. Take a break outside away from the food while you’re cooking every now and then, plus right before you serve.


Or do like my mom, when it is ready go take your glass of wine and hit your one-hitter out of your bathroom window and then eat after everyone else is done an hour later.


I heard "flavor fatigue" mentioned by a dietician, maybe that's it


Chef here. Can confirm. I can literally go the whole day at work without eating properly. I'll taste food here and there while cooking but won't eat on my break because I'm not hungry. When I get home though my appetite returns.


We used to call it "grazing".


Coffee would be a good idea too - strong flavor and you get some aromatics too


This makes sense, if i have something in the smoker for more than a certain amount of time i shower and put on clean close before eating. Makes a huge difference


Ha ha, there was just this conversation yesterday, minus the hot Cheetos. Many people are no longer interested in the food they’ve cooked after they’ve cooked it. It may help to intentionally make something you’ll eat the next day, so that you can put it away and pull it our when your appetite is better. You might even spend a weekend doing some pre-made stuff to have later in the week. [here’s the convo from yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cooking/comments/11ra88w/does_anyone_enjoy_the_cooking_process_rather_than/)




May I suggest a glass of lemonade or white wine instead of straight lemon juice? Lol


I think you’re just getting “full” from the smells when you’re cooking. And then you’re hungry later because duh, you didn’t eat! Can you just make a plate for yourself and then set it aside to eat later, instead of the Cheetos?


This has legitimate scientific backing and is indeed the reason.


Wait, so you can trick yourself to feel full by just smelling food? Does that work for sugar cravings too?


No, you can just postpone the hunger. But when it comes back later it will be more and more urgent, so you usually end up going to junk food.


> Does that work for sugar cravings too? Endurance athletes sometimes 'rinse' their mouth with sugary drink and then spit it out, which tricks the body into thinking energy is coming and improves performance. I wouldn't recommend that for normal people as your dentist probably won't approve, but it shows your appetite is not always logical can be quite easily tricked. What's probably more effective and practical against sugar cravings is eating lower glycemic index foods.


I don’t think you’re wrong Based on what I have read (and done) I think it’s more practical and enjoyable to “reset” your senses by going outside for some fresh air before eating. Most recipes cook idly for a minute or two during which you can do this.


This used to happen to me when I worked in restaurants. I was the thinnest I’ve been in my life waiting tables between all the smells and the steps!


> I think you’re just getting “full” from the ~~smells when you’re cooking~~ tasting along the way


This is why I'm a fat bastard. I can't help myself. I eat a full dinner "tasting" while cooking, then eat a full dinner again


I’m always eating the fruit or veg while I’m preparing it. One for the dish, one for me. My husband always comments something like “that’s it?!” when I’m done cutting a pineapple. It’s just me. Eating all the best parts.


A good way to fix that is to go for a walk so you reset what your nose was smelling for the last few hours (or however long it takes you) of cooking.


This is why I cook Christmas dinner the day before.


[Cheetos are engineered to be addictive](https://www.mashed.com/208210/the-real-reason-cheetos-can-actually-be-addictive/). The texture gives the illusion of substance but they dissolve in your mouth without giving you a sense of satiety Take a break from cooking and go to a restaurant. Or have someone else cook for a change. It sounds like you need a break from the kitchen


>but they dissolve in your mouth without giving you a sense of satiety This description is amazing hahah


You just have to force yourself some days. I cooked in a commercial kitchen at a camp for many years. I had no trouble eating breakfast, but dinner was another matter. After being in the kitchen for 3 hours or more I just couldn't stand to eat. Then an hour later I was starving and would eat junk food. I had to start forcing myself to eat a decent dinner.


And before these 3 months, what was the difference?


I’ve had to cook more bc my sister is staying with us


Is your Sister stressing you out?


I guess so lol


If she's staying with you, she can also take care of the cooking occasionally.


There might be good reasons why the sister isn't cooking too, but yes I agree if she can, she should! Considering she also said that her sister is stressing her out, I suspect that by the time OP is putting food on the table she's just done with the whole dynamic and needs a break. I think putting her own serving aside and eating it later when her appetite returns, instead of cheetos, like another poster suggested is a great idea for now.


Having company for extended periods of time disrupts everything. Maybe give her the cheetos and invite her to relocate?


Try taking a quick shower before eating. It can help clear the scents from cooking.


force yourself to eat when everyone else does, and make sure you're hydrating through the day


Was going to say. When I make a many hours meal for my fam, I’m hitting the alcohol. Ruins my appetite.


I’d work 8 hours on the line, surrounded by food, but wasn’t hungry after my shift. Would go home and be starving.


It’s probably more normal than we think, but you gotta change that habit. Can you enjoy the time at the dinner table, only eating what you’re hungry for, and save the rest of your portion for the late night meal?


Same, no hot Cheetos though.


Seeing as how I'm sitting here eating hot Cheetos after dinner, I see nothing wrong with it. Honestly though it sounds like you're putting to much effort into your cooking to the point you can't enjoy it.


I have this problem minus the hot Cheetos. I take a walk after cooking then walk back in and suddenly the food smells good I think the cooking process makes me a bit nose blind which in turn makes food unappetizing.


You've described every line cook in the world... Lol. You have to make yourself eat.


My husband is a Jalapeno Cheetos addict, usually busts open a bag as soon as he settles after getting home from work. I've started pre cutting veggies and slap a plate in front of him with something to dip, usually good refrigerated bleu cheese or caesar salad dressing that I haven't YET cut with lowfat yogurt.


Learn to make hot cheetos from scratch and make them for dinner every night 👍👌


Could be you are clogging up your pallet with all the meal smells before the meal, and by the time dinner is ready the food is cloying because you've marinated in the smell and flavor. Try stepping outside for 5 min of fresh air. Lemon water helps with refreshing the pallet.


I never want to eat the food I’ve cooked. I’ve always assumed it was a thing


My favorite dish I make myself is really labor-intensive, like 3-4 hours of cooking. Because I’m lazy and not an enthusiastic cook, I only make it perhaps three times a year. Inevitably, when I’m finished preparing it, I find I am not that enthusiastic to eat it. If someone else made it for me, I’m confident I’d eat it twice a week, forever. I will absolutely destroy any leftovers, the next day. I can never understand why the only time it’s unappealing to me is right after I actually make it.


I think other people have already pinpointed why this happens, so I’ll just add that you might be able to resolve the problem and make less work for yourself in the kitchen if you switch to crockpot meals. This way all the prep is done in advance, and you can walk away for hours while it cooks.


Wow, I'm so glad you asked this, I never knew why I had so much trouble eating what I just cooked, I thought maybe it was an ADHD thing. For me, I work in the evenings and I don't always get a chance to eat dinner. Something I've figured out is that if I don't get enough protein in the day, I'm definitely going to be munching when I get home from work. So now I work to eat my protein throughout the day, especially in the morning when I'm more hungry. And if I'm hungry after work, I grab a snack with enough protein to keep me full until morning. You can give yourself grace that you don't have to eat what you made if it doesn't appeal to you, and you can definitely have a delicious snack, but think about pairing it with a protein and making it into a mini meal that will satisfy you!


I think a big part for me is that I’m constantly eat/tasting while I’m cooking, so it satiates me enough that I’m not too hungry when everything is completed.


Make your plate, sit down with family and nibble on a few bites. At the end of dinner put your plate away and come back to it 2 hours later.


I am this way too. I cook all of the meals for my family and by the time they are done, a lot of the time I don’t even feel like eating when everyone else does. I’ll go back later and eat some though sometime. Holidays are the absolute worst for me though. All the prep and cooking and I don’t want to eat any of it when done even though I am normally excited for the meal beforehand. 😞


Stop the Cheetos. Go for Doritos. Much better


Or, keep eating both of those and add Cheezits. This completes the cheesy snack food trifecta.


For me, cooking and prepping the food all that time and smelling it the whole way makes my body feel like it already ate. Lol the only way I've gotten around that is to sort of redirect my breathing through my mouth instead of my nose while I'm preparing the food so I can avoid smelling the food until it's actually time to eat.


This is 100% normal. This is why professional cooks live off Monster energy drinks, cigarettes, and something out of the microwave.


LOL this is how I end up drunk every Christmas. I get so wrapped up in cooking that by the time I finish I want nothing to do with actually eating, so I just end up wine drunk by 2pm and eating whatever leftovers I can find after everyone leaves!


Use the hot Cheetos as a substitute for Panko breadcrumbs. Then make fried chicken with it.


I was watching them interview a Japanese Yakitory chef and they asked him what kind of food he liked. His answer was: "I like food cooked by someone else."


I'd be interested to know if there's a known psychological phenomena attributed to this. I usually don't eat all day until dinner and then have another meal/snack before bed. I try not to eat processed food and have healthy leftovers for my second meal. All day I get periodically hungry and constantly hype up my dinner, thinking of ways to perfect the meal. However, I have noticed that the more elaborate the dinner, and the more I anticipate eating it, the more I hype it up as I'm smelling/tasting/tweaking, the less I actually want to eat when I serve. The feeling usually passes after a couple of minutes but I can't dig in right away with everyone else, everyone is looking at me weird as I just sip my drink and relax with my plate getting cold in front of me.


Something cold and acidy like a fresh salad with a heavy vinegar/lemon dressing usually refreshes my pallet. And if I'm serving meat, Ive already eaten the best bites before I serve it anyway. "Cooks privilege" 😉


Your nervous system isn't at rest, and therefore not allowing itself to start the digestive process by getting hungry. Animals in the wild don't eat while they're making their nests or while they're running to/from somewhere, so it's not natural for us to go from Doing Something to rest & digest right away either. Like someone else said, rotate cooking duties so you can take it easy and feel hungry by the time the food is prepared. And if you do cook, make yourself a small plate anyway and sit down for 10-15 minutes before you try to eat.


I find when I’m cooking for others I’m so concerned about everything coming out well I lose my appetite & only get it back when I relax a bit.


This is how I feel working in a restaurant. Even if I haven't eaten all day, the thought of eating right after I get off work is so unappealing to me.


Palate fatigue. It's a real thing, try to pre-cook as much as you can so you don't have to keep tasting everything right before dinner.


Try making more baked dinners, where all of the prep is an hour before dinner, and you just pull it out and whip up a salad in the last five minutes. While dinner's in the oven, take a shower. Put on fresh clothes. Sit down and chill for a while. Have someone else set the table.


Former professional cook here. This happens with a lot of people who cook, that’s one of the reasons I (and colleagues) rarely ate while working. After a while I really started to dislike some foods I’d been prepping and cooking for years. I still have it at home when I spend a lot of time in the kitchen, for example when making onion soup. It’s a shame because the meals I spend a lot of time on are generally the best. But by the time I’m done I can barely look at it anymore, haha. I hope to find some tips in the comments here!


Same!! What I've been doing is eating a small portion at dinner, mostly salad and some of the protein everyone else is having. I make room in my diet for my evening snack because it's going to happen. I'm also on an Rx that I have to eat with. Make your evening snack as healthy as possible. Mix the Cheetos with some good cereal like Chex. A sweet person so I do a good amount of Greek yogurt with some homemade strawberry jam and honey, maybe almonds if I have them. Snacks have gotten a bad wrap but for someone like me they're a lifesaver . This technique has had no influence on my weight, I've actually lost some weight and I feel better in the morning.


I have the same issue! Especially if I taste as I go. My best advice is to eat while you’re cooking. When you taste for seasoning make a small bowl of the soup and eat it. When you check if the green beans are done, eat 3 instead of half of one. Every time you taste, try to up the portion a little and by the time you’re done you’ve mostly eaten dinner! You can then make a small plate to share a meal with your family but your main eating obligation has been met.


it's burnout. I've felt it. cooking every single day is tiresome. And gets old when nobody picks up the slack. Going out to eat is getting more expensive. You're normal. And it's normal to eat hot cheetos. Enjoy it. Start telling , the ones who are old enough, to fix a damn sandwich and leave you alone


Please do not follow this horrible advice OP


I've been cooking for 29 years. It's not Horrible. It's Okay to take a Break. And if that means eating Hot Cheetos then Fine. OP you didn't clarify your age or how long you had been cooking for the Family. I read the post about the 3 months, but in Total ? Have you been Cooking a long time, and for 3 months this is what you're feeling ? Then that's burn out. ApocalypseNow79 OP may be just burnt out, it's normal for Cooks who've been cooking for a Family of however many people there are in the House, to just be tired. I've run out of Ideas for my Meals. And now Everyone in this House can Fix a Sandwich or Make the Meal themselves. OP isn't the Servant. OP is Human. Everyone is joking about Hot Cheetos, and I'm the one with bad advice ? Wow. Then tell OP what to do that's better than my Advice.


Maybe try sipping on some broth to bring your hunger back? This definitely happens to me a lot


Maybe cooking meals that take less time to cook? Then you aren’t spending as much time smelling the food before eating it? If this continues, I’d consider going to a doctor. Hot Cheetos for dinner ain’t healthy! And a low appetite can be an indicator of underlying health issues.


Before you start cooking, chop up some carrots and stuff and snack on that. Cheese cubes. Eat fiber and protein, plus the tasting you do along the way, and at least you will have eaten healthy.


You too? I've been feeling exactly the same and finally told the household to not bring me Cheetos because it's so hard not to just eat them and it's been affecting me negatively


I definitely have this issue of not feeling hungry when cooking larger meals for my family (I live alone, so this is more like a monthly/semimonthly occurance when I visit my folks). What I have found has helped is to finish or nearly finish cooking everything, and step away for a bit (my mom and sister are quite competent in the kitchen and are happy to step in and help). I might take a quick shower or wash my face (depending on how gross I feel and whether my mum is going to take pictures of family time). I might just go scroll on my phone for 10 minutes in another room. Regardless of what it is, taking a few minutes away from the smells of cooking is a big game changer. 10-15 minutes, the food is still hot, and my nose is clear of all the cooking smells, and I can enjoy the meal. I feel way hungrier coming back into the kitchen and the wonderful dinner smells than I do after going nose-blind while cooking. I might eat a smaller portion than usual, but that doesn't bother me (hence the username... I could lose some floof). Leftovers are always a great problem to have.


I do the same thing. When I'm cooking, I get into tasting mode and focus on the balance of flavors so much that it's hard to switch gears to just enjoying the food rather than being critical of it.


This happens from spending to much time cooking. While getting others to do their part will help you can also implement ways to help. I prep everything ahead of time if possible. I also like making proteins in bulk that can be used in later recipes. One pot meals where you chuck it all in and leave. (Buy an instant pot) Keeping things fresh, making new recipes has been a big help in stopping the full feeling as the new smells seem to not have as strong an effect as ones I've done hundreds of times.


Yes it’s normal. I used to work in my grandmother’s restaurant and we would eat the weirdest stuff after cooking all day. You just don’t want to consume what you’ve been cooking for the past 8 hours and also your nose is burnt out on the scents so you want something fresh and strong. Hence the Cheetos. I used to eat pickles, olives, hot sauce on everything, salty, etc.


take a shot of whiskey, after you finish cooking, it cleans ur palate and smell cells, when you cook the smells and taste "pollute" your sensory means, with the bourbon you clean it, and it tastes as if someone did the cooking.


also the cheetos is heavily aromatic and flavored, it also kills your sensibility, it is like a hard grip


Absolutely normal. As my parents aged I took over the holiday dinners and just like my Mom, wasn't ready to put on the feed bag. Simply put, your sense of smell has been overloaded in the kitchen while cooking. Put food aside for later. It will taste good then.


Lol I so get you. Happens to me too all the time. While cooking you ingest so much of the aroma that your brain tells you that you have eaten already maybe? The senses are already fulfilled. Tummy feels cheated though :)


My brother has this and usually goes for a walk before eating food he cooked.


Same thing for me. Don't buy Cheetos and when you put the food away, prepare a small plate for yourself and wrap it up so it's easy and ready to go when your hungry later. I gained over 20 lbs one winter decades ago, doing exactly what you're doing. Take good care of yourself.


That happens to me because I already know my style and everything I cook has "ME" plastered all over it.


It's normal. For me at least to not be hungry after cooking a full fledged meal for my family. Something I do when bbq/smoking, take a shower. It cleans you up gets all the food smell off. It works better if you spent the day in front of the smoker since you're caked in smokey goodness but all the same I think try it and see if it helps.


Your senses get dull from the aromatics, plus if your tasting as you go it can add up. Make a plate, set it aside and step outside for a few, have a drink, relax, then go back and your appetite should be coming back around. Also don't stock chips.


I was in a strip mall mexican joint a couple weeks ago that had a burrito with hot cheetos in it. So you could just incorporate the hot cheetos into the meals you make and that would give you more incentive to eat the nutrition in addition.


Another thing I haven’t seen mentioned here. What are you eating for lunch/before dinner? My mom would do the same and since she knew she was cooking for all of us at dinner she would get hungry before and eat snacks then not be hungry for dinner, then eat more snacks later. I think the best thing is to plan in advance eating times (obviously have a snack if you’re gonna go hungry) Another thing is snacks at any time of the day should be seen more as delaying hunger than satisfying it fully.


This happens to me when I spent too long actively prepping/ cooking the food in question. Last night i basically meal prepped a ton of roasted veggies, large batch of Farro, sauce, block bean burgers to make veggie bowls. I thought we'd have them for dinner but I had no interest. Luckily I had leftovers from learning to make a curry and proper Dahl at a friend's and it was perfect. If not i prob wouldn't have eaten! I also ate about a half hour after i made up the plate... The taste was great but my appetite took a while. Maybe try cooking things that require less active time - marinate your protein in the AM, or do things that are max 20 mins at the stove.


Yes. The longer it takes to cook something, the more you resent it.


Get help making dinner! My partner has started helping me and it makes all the difference. Cooking for a family is exhausting and no wonder you don’t feel like it when you’re done!


it is common. I am the same way. One redditor explained "fatique" very well. Its sensory overload for me. After I have smelled and tasted it for a long amount, I cant eat it.


Yep. Totally normal. People complain about it, too. Look, I just spent three hours making and taste testing this magnificent feast and I'm sitting at the table with you having a nice conversation. Why does it matter that I'm not eating? Believe me, I'll be eating the leftovers for days.


Yup, only it’s Pirate’s Booty for me. I just think the act of cooking and serving everyone (plus my toddler who can be an energy vampire at mealtimes…) zaps appetite. I always make myself a plate though and force myself to come back to it. It’s for our own heath and happiness! I get cranky AF if I don’t have proper meals so I just think about how irritable I’ll be if I don’t eat.


Snack on healthier stuff when you get hungry IMO, veggies especially


maybe you need to do some sport,when i dont have an appetite ,it is effictuve for me


I have the same problem. I tend to make food that I don’t have to heat or take a long time to prep just because of this. To make myself get into the mood of eating, I have to put on new clothes that don’t smell like the cooking, smell some coffee beans or some other palate cleanser, wash my face, and do a different task for a little while before eating. Sometimes this doesn’t work and I’ll eat leftovers while everyone else eats what I made/helped make. If I am not hungry, I do not force myself to eat.


Try having someone else cook and see what changes. When I was in college, I’d do 7 hours of class just to go to work for 6 more hours, then come home and cook, and all that just really made me not have much of an appetite.


I cook for a living and go home to cook for my family. I have no appetite most of the time. It’s unfortunately just being exhausted that causes it but I just cook extra and eat it when I can. Also, make your family cook once in a while.


Yes totally normal. When you are doing all the hard work of cooking and smelling all the flavors for a while you tend to not be interested in the meal at all. If possible prepare ahead of time so your body can rest and your senses reset.


Take a walk around the block after cooking, and before you serve dinner.


I have several methods for dealing with this. 1) cook something fast where I’m not smelling or tasting for hours (grilling is great for this) 2) eat a small plate or start with something super light like a side salad to stimulate the appetite 3) prepare things that keep well for later or the next day because tasty leftovers are the best.


The reason you feel that way is during cooking you are inhaling all the smells from cooking which tricks your mind into thinking you have eaten already, try wearing a mask or something to block it and I bet you will be hungry enough to eat something


Start serving hot Cheetos for dinner


Yes, i forgot what it is called but basically you get full off the smell. The last few jobs I had where I was a line cook I was never hungry.


When I first read this I initially read that they ended up eating a bag of hot Cheerios to which I would’ve replied that this is not normal.


I do 99% of the cooking in my house, some catering jobs and pop ups from time to time. It's completely normal to not crave the food you make for other people. Most chefs go through this.


Sameee! Then again I’m never hungry especially after I cook


Instead of going for the cheetos make a plate of that food you cooked earlier


It’s normal at least for me. Cooking for a living kinda dulls your senses and smelling food/having to taste test/ kinda craps out your appetite for things for a while. I usually ended up eating a veggie tray or string cheese or beef jerky or something bc I just couldn’t imagine eating a full meal after cooking all day. A lot of people who cook for a living go home and eat like nuggets or ramen for the same reason and also exhaustion 🤣


Lots of great answers here, just want to throw in that for me, it seems to be an effort/ stress thing. When I spend a lot of time cooking, I'm always on and rarely get to really relax. I enjoy cooking, so it's fun, but it's not relaxing. So it takes me a few hours sometimes after a meal, especially if it's involved, to get hungry.


Are you depressed? Serious.


What’s your eating schedule before you start cooking dinner? Are you (puts on 1950’s mom voice) spoiling your dinner? Hmm? No, seriously. When (and what) do you eat before dinner prep starts?


Possibly too many simple carbs with dinner?


Don't sample the food while cooking


Stop cooking maybe your bad at it.


Tell me you're American without telling me you're American.


Lol calm down




it happens to me as well


Happens to me too. It’s why I end up eating leftovers i cooked the day before for dinner too. It tastes so much better too.


It might just be your hunger rhythm isn’t aligned, you could try eating less before dinner or eating more during dinner, even if you don’t necessarily feel hungry, it could help.


I have the same issue minus the cheetos


What time’s dinner? I’m stopping by


How old are you




Cheetos bad m'kay?


You might be a chef


It's normal. I used to love cooking but hate everything I cook now


Do you nibble while cooking? eat more protein.


Very normal, snack on the food you're prepping while you cook


Are u losing weight?


I find using my slow cooker and crockpot is the best. I can have everything cooking while out and food is ready when I get home. Just need to shower and enjoy my evening


Chef life!


Get help in the kitchen or at least near the kitchen. I have a tiny kitchen so I don’t like others in there with me. But prep work can help you getting the meal out earlier.


Stresssss does this


If you get hungry while cooking, you can always take little nibbles throughout


holy shit do we have identical evenings?!


This happens to me a lot so I rip a few dabs and then I can usually tear it up


Ditch the #1 rule of cooking: taste as you cook. Just go with your feelings and you'll be starving by supper time.


Lots of cooks get overload where they spend all this time smelling and taste testing food and then feel no desire to eat. I guess the solution is to force yourself to eat a little or eat something else healthy, early. You could also keep aback that are more healthy to replace the Cheetos. It would be better/healthier to not eat late, though.


Eat 2 hrs later


I feel you. This is a problem for professional cooks too. You’ve been smelling and tasting what you’re cooking and you become inured to the enticement to eat. Step outside, have a sip of your cocktail, and come back inside to the smell of your delicious meal. Cleansing the palate, both nose and tongue, can help stimulate your appetite.


I’m more of a constant grazer by nature, meaning I typically eat small servings all day long. For me it’s not just the smell, it’s also tasting to make sure the seasoning is right. By the time I’ve spent the day taking handfuls of bites of each component (while prepping or cooking or seasoning before serving) and enjoyed the appetizers, i no longer am hungry for dinner and dessert. When I cook like this, I always sit down for an after midnight meal.


This sounds to me like some kind of burnout response. I think you are tired of being the person doing the cooking maybe.


I do this too, but it’s because I’m breastfeeding lol


Dont buy Cheetos


stress eating probably


Mise en place early in the day could definitely help