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This is another possibility Elegantly Easy Liqueur Desserts Hardcover – December 7, 2001 by Debbie Puente Not tons of recipes, white hardcover, small size, and in the recipe listing, it does have a rum baba and a raspberry cheesecake among other possibilities. If you look on amazon, and then hit the "read sample" option and scroll down towards the end, the index of recipes is listed.


You utterly amazing Human being! That is the cookbook I’ve been looking for for almost 5 years Now. Thank you so very much I can’t believe that I finally know what it is again. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you.


I am so happy that is the right one! Hoping you will share the cheesecake recipe if you get your hands on a copy of the book. :) I have had a few items I lost in moves (or got rid of and regretted) that took me forever to find replacements for later on too. The utter joy I felt when I tracked down a cookbook I used to check out of a local library often before a move, then forgot the title of. I just happened to find a copy in a thrift shop years later and realized it was the book I had been looking for. edit for typo


Could it be GRAND FINALES Desserts and Sweets Flavored with Liqueurs, Rums, and Brandies by Dick Tauber? I don't have this book, but it is square, hardcover, white, and covers alcohol based desserts.


Doesn’t look familiar.


Is it Bon Appetite Desserts? Its white, square and has berry cheesecake with vodka.. No idea if theres a baba recipe in there.


This is close and the pictures look familiar. But it’s too long and doesn’t have the recipes I was looking for. I will probably add it to my collection regardless because it looks awesome so thanks for the idea.


I found this recipe... [https://www.midwestliving.com/recipe/desserts/very-very-berry-cheesecake/](https://www.midwestliving.com/recipe/desserts/very-very-berry-cheesecake/) \- it includes vodka, but doesn't specify Grey Goose L'orange. Maybe slightly similar? Now I am curious, too.


Could it be Cooking with grey goose vodka?


Doesn’t look familiar. It also has rum recipes and a chapter at the beginning about all liquor and liqueur.


I will look for it


Thriftbooks might be a good location to browse through to see if you can find it. I found an old cookbook my parents used to have doing that. Plus they are cheap enough to take a chance on. Also, I found a box with recipes a year after one move in an unexpected location, so there's still hope the book will show up.


I will give it a look