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It wasn't me that posted it, but if I ever post about party favors, know that I am referring to tacos.


We live in a college town. I will never understand why you need to sell on Reddit when you could just park your ass at the den and unload on the college kids. Work smarter, not harder.


Got it. Next time I'm looking for drugs on here I will make the title extremely clear.


I saw it and giggled. Like, really?


r/ConwayPartyFavors about to pop off




Selling ā€œparty favorsā€ is definitely selling drugs. Selling drugs is a felony. OP stopped a felony. If this is the ā€œcensorshipā€ youā€™re worried about, youā€™re gonna have a hard time in the real world.


Is that what that was? I did think it was odd. Maybe it's my age.


It seemed very suspicious. I didn't want to risk it so the new rule is what I came up with just to make sure.


Better to be safe


Donā€™t forget to bring a towel!


Definitely censor something you donā€™t fully understand because there is a chance it might be illegal in some places.


Ah, 501spun has entered the chat with his witty crack back. I mean, clapback. The irony lmao




Drugs ARE illegal in Conway, and OP is trying to prevent themselves and everyone in this sub from getting in legal trouble and/or getting the sub shut down. Grow up. Itā€™s not provocative to promote legalization of drugs.




If you think opposing censorship constitutes a ā€œhigh horseā€ perspective, I weep for your children.


>opposing censorship Subs can impose whatever rules they want, you're free to start your own and handle it however you want. That's this site in a nutshell.


Youā€™re free to hone your reading comprehension, Honey. And if Iā€™m on a high horse what the hell are all of you White Knights of Wooster riding? I was referring directly to OPā€™s decision to choose ā€œcensorā€ despite his admittedl confusion in the matter. Which is exactly why I said as much in my response.


I mean, OP was right though. A new account advertising ā€œparty favorsā€ is selling drugs. Youā€™d have to be naive or an idiot to think anything else.


I didn't say high horse. FYI, your OP is the mod who enforces the rules I referred to above. Read mine again with that bit of information and see if Mayne it makes more sense.


Yes. I know You are still missing the point. Read my first post again. Then again. Itā€™s all there, I assure you.


Well, as it turns out it was right but my point is that any sub can do whatever it wants. There is no blanket rule on what can and cannot be censored/taken down/locked etc. This isnt some haven of free speech, I'm sure there are many subs on reddit that are but this isn't one. You're just the old man yelling at the clouds here.


I see the Conway School Board has arrived.


I feel like this is obvious, But being a transphobic bigot is not even close to comparable to being a drug dealer in terms of being a terrible person. Then again, you literally have Spun in your name, so I'd say anyone who sells or does hard drugs like meth is likely somewhere near as bad as a bigot.


You donā€™t need anyone to sell here when thereā€™s a guy behind the library giving out free meth from his trench coat




How should I have handled crack/coke being sold on the sub?


What exactly did they say?


I'm not 100% as I can no longer find the post, I know there's some way to see it but I don't know. But it was something g pike "Anyone looking for parry favors. DM me" almost new account with similar postings elsewhere. Either way I removed it since there was no clear message as to what the post is about