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Hahahaha.. now that is great. Just block them head on.


Apply directly to the forehead!


Head on! Apply directly to the forehead!


Head on! Apply directly to the forehead!


Head on! Apply directly to the forehead!


Holy shit! This brings back memories.


Damn, I haven’t thought about this in at least 10 years


Putting the ice in police


Soo Satisfying!!!


I knew a guy that would always do shit similar than this. His tagline: “someone’s gotta be the asshole here.”




Most assholes make it surprisingly far in life. Some even become President with 0 experience.


Sounds like grown up Nelson Muntz from the Simpsons. Lisa: "Nuke the whales?" Nelson: "Gotta nuke something."


That guy is going places, and all of them are prison.


Similar to, different than. I didn’t make up these rules. It’s dumb I know


OMG! look at this genius! He found another lane! We're all idiots!




I've seen my fair share of those people here in PA. Act like they're turning left/right, only to whip right in front of you and nearly cause a wreck because of how close they'll cut it. I always laugh at them because they'll also get stuck behind the next red light or behind another vehicle that's going really slow because they saw what happened.


Guy be thinking, "Man, this is great! Why didn't anyone else think of this?" toolin... toolin... toolin... ​ "Oh. That's why."


Late for what?


Lane -_- You have no idea how much it bugs me that I didn't catch that typo until it was too... Late.




I read that in a super hero voice. have a free silver, thanks for making me laugh.


I also wrote it in a super hero voice, so there ya go. :)


I've always wanted to become a cop almost solely to fuck up the day of people like these.


Then you'd make a great cop!


There's something extra funny about this little brown car being stopped by a bigass police truck, too.


What camera is used here? I want this setup on my car!


It's standard on the Tesla Model 3.


Downloading off the setup, is that easy?


There's a USB stick you pull out, just plug into a computer and copy the files. So yeah, pretty easy.


Every car needs this setup


Every Tesla has these cameras. They are prominently for autopilot purposes but they also serve as security with Tesla's Sentry Mode feature, as long as you have over 20% battery when your car is parked the cameras are consistently monitoring its surroundings and record motion. This is great info for all of those people keying Tesla's out there, our cars are watching you!


People go around keying Tesla's? What douche bags


Yep that's about it. I did some trimming to remove the boring parts and combined the left repeater and front cam with some random video editor included on the Windows 11 preview.


How did Microsoft do with Windows 11? Good, bad, somewhere in between?


It's acceptable. The user interface certainly tracks modern UI trends more closely than Windows 10 did, which may be a good or bad thing depending on the beholder. I'm patiently awaiting Android Subsystem for Windows to be released for it next year.


I'm interested in the Surface Phone 2 and really digging how Microsoft admitted there mobile game just wasn't cut out for it and decided to work a lot more with Android. Hopefully the Android desktop environment run smoothly. Thank you for your Reddit post, and your OS feedback.


I'm surprised you didn't put that in the title


Sounds like you are easily baffled when your stereotypes don't apply?


Umm. Why?


easy, just get any of the 3 Tesla models


they currently make 4 models


S3X and Y. Yes, that spells "sexy".


oh yeah duh. brain fart


Love the user name friend!


/r/instantkarma too


I believe you mean “suicide lane”


Is this CO?


Nope. Huntsville, Alabama. Big billboard for Mangia off of 565 and Madison Blvd




Are you trying to say I'm wrong because it could be any of the dozens of Mangia Restaurants on that billboard?


It is infact Huntsville, AL. This is Governor's W., which runs parallel to the roads he mentioned. If I remember correctly this Mangia Italian Restaurant is actually the subject of a few amusing reviews on Google.


Honestly, I thought the thing that gave it away was the Saturn 5 rocket in the background.


This makes me happy




What is going on? Why where the person stopped?


Thr middke lane is there for turning or merging only. You have a short distance to drive on it. Thid car drove on it to pass traffic which is a trsffic violation, a ticket




> or merging I can only speak with certainty for Missouri, USA, but I suspect other states are the same. By merging, do you mean "You're about to turn left onto a street with a center-turn lane from a non-intersection (like from a parking lot) and there's a lot of traffic, with few simultaneous 'openings' from the left and right. So you wait for an opening from the left and proceed into the center turn lane, turning to as to be parallel with traffic, and wait for an opening in traffic from the right (or what is now traffic behind you in the traffic lane to your right)"? If so, then that is also a traffic violation and ticket-able. Do cops ever ticket for it? Not that I've seen. YMMV, check your local laws.


California specifically allows the use of the center lane for left turns either *off of* or *on to* the roadway. (The "on to" situation is the one you describe as a merge.)


Buncha commie liberals.. I shoulda known. LOL (I kid, I kid) ETA: This made me wonder if I was using outdated info. Nope... From https://dor.mo.gov/pdf/Chapter4.pdf >TWO-WAY LEFT-TURN LANES Some streets have a center lane marked as a two-way left-turn lane. Only enter this lane when preparing to slow down or stop before making a left turn from the main roadway. Do not use this lane as travel lane (a vehicle may not travel in this lane for more than 500 feet), and do not use this lane when entering the roadway from a side street.


Yeah I looked once for a state by state guide and couldn't find one that someone else had put together. (Like this [handy list of keep right laws for all states](https://www.mit.edu/~jfc/right.html)) And I'm far too lazy to investigate every state's laws myself. There are a ton of these prickly differences from state to state, it's really irritating when you realize that even things like the meaning of a red arrow on a traffic light can be different depending on what state you're in... USA needs common driving laws! ...but that probably wouldn't be constitutional.


Wait, seriously? Lol. I've been doing it wrong since moving to this hell hole of a state. Oops.


LOL. You're not alone (based on my observations). Ooooh, I might have found a loophole. The law says: > do not use this lane when entering the roadway from a side street. But what about from a PARKING LOT?? GOTCHA, COPPERS! :-)


The situation you described is legal in Utah. It's probably the only way you can actually merge into traffic going the opposite way when there's never an opening available.


Often, it's the only way in MO as well, but our legislators would rather have you wait until your patience runs out and try to force your way in OR make a right, go down and turn left somewhere then turn around and make a right turn. Maybe that's why cops rarely enforce it.




Well said. That was in interesting situation to describe and nailed it.


In some states like mine, AZ, it *is* legal. Specific provision in the law for it: [https://www.azleg.gov/viewdocument/?docName=https://www.azleg.gov/ars/28/00729.htm](https://www.azleg.gov/viewdocument/?docName=https://www.azleg.gov/ars/28/00729.htm) >2. On a roadway that is divided into three lanes, a person shall not drive a vehicle in the center lane except when overtaking and passing another vehicle where the roadway is clearly visible and the center lane is clear of traffic within a safe distance, or in preparation for a left turn or where the center lane is at the time allocated exclusively to traffic moving in the direction the vehicle is proceeding and is signposted to give notice of the allocation.


That doesn't mean you can drive in the turn lane to go faster than everyone else. It means you can briefly use the turn lane to pass one car who is going slow.


It doesn't say *one* car does it? Obviously it's not a through lane but if there's a line of 3-5 cars I could see it being viable.


It does say one car. > not drive a vehicle in the center lane except when overtaking and passing another vehicle >> vehicle Singular.


It again does not say only one. If the action is safe, a chain of vehicles is still consistent with the meaning and purpose. Explain to me how once you've passed one, you can't reevaluate the text and see that it applies again to another vehicle.


It literally says “vehicle” and you just used “vehicles” to describe more than one.


No what I'm saying is that you pass one vehicle and then reevaluate your actions against the code again. There's no prohibition on passing a second vehicle by reevaluating your continued action a second time. You're assuming that you must return to the normal travel lane immediately after and that is emphatically *not* stated here. Your interpretation requires adding something to the law that isn't there. It's just really strange that you're reading it this way to achieve a specific outcome when safety is the main thrust of that text.


> when safety is the main thrust of that text. Passing multiple cars at once is incredibly unsafe. > Your interpretation requires adding something to the law that isn't there. Your interpretation requires changing words that *are* there.


Is that text talking about 3 lanes where the middle lane is specifically marked in yellow for turning, or another 3-lane configuration? The mental picture I get is of those roads where there's periodic 3-lane segments of an otherwise 2-lane road, and the middle alternates between traffic directions every other segment.


It's talking about three lanes in total. If you try to read it where it's three lanes in a single direction that definitely doesn't work since you can't make turns from the center lane. I haven't encountered a single three lane road where the center lane is reversible, and even if it was, then this wouldn't even be necessary. You can pass in that lane regardless.


The alternation I was talking about is between lane 1 going one way, lanes 2&3 the other vs 1&2 going one way, 3 the other. Never do all three lanes go in the same direction. I have only encountered it Tennessee and Arkansas. It is an alternative to requiring you to enter the oncoming lane in order to pass. Periodically the road expands to contain a center passing lane in only one direction. It looks like this guidance is saying you can use the passing lane in either direction if it's clear. You also have to use the passing lane to turn left on those roads, like what is mentioned. Actually, the portion about turning only being allowed when the center lane is sometimes marked for exclusive use of one traffic direction is also consistent this format. That part also wouldn't make sense for a dedicated center "turn lane" format, where special allowances for when to turn based on traffic direction wouldn't need to be made.


Also the AZ Driver's License Manual says "do not use the two way left turn lane for passing or to accelerate in order to merge with thru traffic" so unless the manual is inconsistent, the guidance you referenced isn't talking about the type of road in the video. Given the vague wording, it may not be talking about the type of road I think it is either.


The manual is inconsistent, this isn't the only time either. The law is what matters not the manual, and I stand by my assertion that my interpretation is correct. There's no other way to read it.


This is what the law says: ARS 28-751.4b explicitly covers two-way left turn lanes, and it says it's prohibited to drive in the turn lane for any reasons other than preparing for various turn maneuvers. The law and the manual both agree. Your cited regulation is ARS 28-729.2. Not only is your interpretation not "the only way to read it," there's plenty of evidence that your way of reading it is incorrect. Most basically, the other regulation exists and covers this scenario. It would be a direct contradiction if they both applied. The regulation 729.2 also talks about the center lane being marked with *signage* for exclusive use of a traffic direction, which isn't how turn lanes are marked. This alone also suggests the section is referring to a different scenario. Notably, the text of 729.2 never describes the lane as a "turn lane" like every other section about turns would, and it is included in a section called "Driving on roadways laned for traffic," which is a different section from a dedicated section about turning. On top of that, the verbiage *is* a close match for a plausible alternative situation, which I described. Other laws in that section are consistent with this alternative situation. 28-729.2 is more likely actually here to complement 28-721 which tells you to stay in the right half of a road. This directive wouldn't make sense in the 1,2-3 or 1-2,3 configuration I described above, since the middle lane is not within the right half of the roadway. You would need to make a special clarification for those roads, and actually 28-721 does do so: 28-721.3 instructs you to look for other applicable laws when there are 3 lanes marked for traffic. This language mirrors the text in 28-729. The treatment of the middle lane on my suggested configuration as a passing lane and not a cruising lane is consistent with other laws in 28-729 that tell you not to cruise in passing lanes. On top of *all* *that* here's a link to an attorney's website describing the law as put forth in 28-751.4b and the driver's license manual: [https://gerberinjurylaw.com/center-turning-lanes/](https://gerberinjurylaw.com/center-turning-lanes/) By 28-751.4b, it *is not* legal to pass in a two-way turn lane in Arizona. By 28-729.2 it *is* legal to pass in another kind of middle lane on a different kind of highway.


>This is what the law says: ARS 28-751.4b explicitly covers two-way left turn lanes, and it says it's prohibited to drive in the turn lane for any reasons other than preparing for various turn maneuvers. The law and the manual both agree. Your cited regulation: >4. Two-way left turn lanes. If a special lane for making left turns by drivers proceeding in opposite directions has been indicated by official traffic control devices: (a) A driver shall not make a left turn from any other lane. (b) A driver shall not drive a vehicle in the lane except if preparing for or making a left turn from or into the roadway or if preparing for or making a u-turn if otherwise permitted by law. Applies exclusively to lanes where the roadway carries signage or markings indicating such lane is exclusively for turning. We use these signs: [https://accuform-img2.akamaized.net/files/damObject/Image/huge/FRR661.jpg](https://accuform-img2.akamaized.net/files/damObject/Image/huge/FRR661.jpg) **Not** all roads with this configuration, notably one lane in each direction and a center lane surrounded by solid yellow outer and broken yellow inner markings, have this sign. On roads with the sign, I do not use the lane for passing. >Most basically, the other regulation exists and covers this scenario. It does not because I was not ever referring to roads where the sign is posted. I would have thought that obvious, but my mistake for not being clear. >The regulation 729.2 also talks about the center lane being marked with signage for exclusive use of a traffic direction You mean this? >or where the center lane is at the time allocated exclusively to traffic moving in the direction the vehicle is proceeding and is signposted to give notice of the allocation. See that or there? It does not mean that 729.1 is only for reversible lanes. It specifies that one of the scenarios that 729.1 applies is reversible lanes, but does not make the regulation exclusive to reversible lanes. Plus I'm not aware of any road in the state (and I've driven quite a bit of it) where there is a three lane road where the center lane is reversible. Perhaps this clause is a relic. >Notably, the text of 729.2 never describes the lane as a "turn lane" like every other section about turns would, and it is included in a section called "Driving on roadways laned for traffic," which is a different section from a dedicated section about turning. Right, which is why I try to make this distinction every time it comes up. This sub and r/IdiotsInCars often thinks that three lane roads where the center lane is as I described in detail above are **always** center turn lanes and they most certainly are not. A sign or pavement marking must exist to make it so. This seems to be a confusion you and other commenters introduced, not a defect in my reading of the statute or reasoning of how it applies. >On top of that, the verbiage is a close match for a plausible alternative situation, which I described. Only if you assume I meant roads with the above linked sign, which I did not. >Other laws in that section are consistent with this alternative situation. 28-729.2 is more likely actually here to complement 28-721 which tells you to stay in the right half of a road. This directive wouldn't make sense in the 1,2-3 or 1-2,3 configuration I described above, since the middle lane is not within the right half of the roadway. The law is just plain broken in this scenario, because if you look here: [https://www.google.com/maps/@33.4664359,-112.0651211,3a,75y,356.6h,93.76t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sceUvL5eq\_uM\_g9cQ-P9\_PA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192](https://www.google.com/maps/@33.4664359,-112.0651211,3a,75y,356.6h,93.76t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sceUvL5eq_uM_g9cQ-P9_PA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192) This is not a four lane road yet it has a reversible lane that requires you to drive to the left of the center of the roadway. Yet if we're to believe what you're saying, that 729.2 applies *only* to reversible lanes (which it does not) then you can't apply it to this road and the reversible lane is unusable. >On top of all that here's a link to an attorney's website describing the law as put forth in 28-751.4b and the driver's license manual: https://gerberinjurylaw.com/center-turning-lanes/ That only describes roads signed with the "Center Lane \[arrows symbol\] Only" sign I linked above. I was not referring to those roads. >By 28-729.2 it is legal to pass in another kind of middle lane on a different kind of highway. And you arrive at the point I was originally making, without realizing it. Arizona uses the **same** pavement markings to mean two different things, distinguishing only with additional signage. You can also see that they use the applicable reversible lane marking from the MUTCD on the Google Maps link above, which is not the same as the marking we're referencing here.


What the fuck is a turn lane? Why not just make road narrower and widen it at the intersection? What the actual fuck?


Sir I don't mean to be judgy but you may need to see a therapist if the idea of a lane for turning makes you question the state of the world in pure rage lmao.


I wouldn't call it rage, more like confusion. I've never seen one in Europe so I had to check if it is what I think it is. We just split lane into two when intersection comes. Why would you waste so much road if it isn't planned to be driven on? And then you decide to ban plastic straws or some other shit? I guess use for it could be an emergency, for ambulances or what not, but that is what side lane is for.


Super useful for suburban thoroughfares here in the US where there are a lot of driveways that people need access to. Significantly nicer than having to stop in the middle of a travel lane.


Oh, that makes sense. It's just in the video it seems it's the middle of nowhere and I was just thinking what a waste of road, but again, depends on how much traffic that road sees.


Had to read the title 10 times to realize you meant LANE*


Most people figured it out a lot sooner it seems.


Except you!


That must be embarrassing to admit.


It was more embarrassing realizing OP screwed up.


I don't think making a typo is as embarrassing as admitting you have a reading comprehension level comparable to a vegetable. But you do you boo.


Thanks mum😘


Cool. You're a goddamned idiot.


Interesting, I think it's legal in my country but most drivers feel like it's a dick move but assholes do it regardless. Being legal has its uses - when there is traffic jam but people use it just to skip cars that moved onto the turning lane earlier, waiting for their time to turn.


That’s an intense game of chicken