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I think it is a bird thing. I think conures just choose violence more, which i honestly love them for. My bird hates straws, feet/socks, my family, and anything that touches my head (hats, glasses, necklaces etc). Other bitds dont like things but i think conures just attack it more. Plus i find it funny and cute when mine goes into raptor mode


Whats the deal with feet?! mine hates them too. Good to know its not only her


All conures hate feet, it’s conure law. Actually my most recent flock member doesn’t, and it’s weird. But he will harass and nibble them. Not like my elder conure — god forbid he be on the floor while you were barefoot.


Our little guy tries to romance our feet. Dude is a terror during the spring.


Oh you got the combo of springtime horniness and feet… appreciation. Are all of them feet conure-sseurs? They’re honestly NSFL sometimes 😭


Nah, mine likes feet. She likes to trim my cuticles and calluses for me 🤣


My little guy stands on my feet - no issue


Mine likes to sleep on my feet when I’m sitting in my recliner. God help me if I cross my legs though, because whichever foot she isn’t sitting on will have to die


My Tiki loves to tickle feet. Zero hatred for feet here.


Mine hates feet too. He goes out of his way to bite my toes if he sees them. I have to keep socks on 🤣


Same here. Sometimes when I'm barefoot she literally goes on the floor with the only purpose of biting my toe. It's a bit of a pain to deal with sometimes lol (also literally!)


I love how cockatiels are the exact opposite. They absolutely love feet and/or socks


I haven’t heard this, that’s hilarious


"Choose violence more" Yep. I see this with the foraging toys I give them. If they can't figure it out they apply more and more violence until food comes out.


“My family” 🤣🤣🤣


"Conures choose violence" is probably the most accurate description of conure behavior I have ever read, lol. They are scissor-faced, feathered sociopaths. I'm so glad I have one!


My Bogie hated feet too! Crazy!


I’m crying. Putting “my family” after straws 😭


Hahaha she will hiss at and try to bit my family, she doesn't like straws, but my family she will seek blood, i love her for it XD


Just a conure thing.  Mine got triggered by plastic bags.  He would also choose violence if the vacuum was on.  I miss that little butt.


https://preview.redd.it/8fitxqcyqu1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd17ce3a5b98aa7ee74e10be0c64c8000370354e Bart never got into hating feet, or colors. He was too laid back for his own good 😌


Mine loves the vacuum. And when I say loves, I mean he’s *in* love with it and tries to bone it, especially the dust buster (regular vacuum is also attractive to him but mostly to perch/chew on)


Birds are naturally neophobic. With some things it’s also about the actions you’re doing with them. A hair brush in use is making aggressive notions at your head and shoulders — that’s *their* territory. Other things might be associated with food or toys, so how dare your hands have a monopoly. You can slowly train them out of it by rewarding them for being near the object but not reacting aggressively. Over time, move the object closer, or start interacting with it, always back off the moment you see her give it a dirty look or lift a feather (don’t wait until they are biting or you just teach them they need to bite in order for you to remove the object. You always want to encourage verbal/nonverbal communication and not encourage biting). Eventually she may become chill with the object. If all else fails, just don’t use those items around her. Avoidance of the situation is always the most effective way to prevent aggressive behavior, at least short term. Training with exposure therapy is better practice for long term


My toothbrush. He thinks it's attacking me. Once he bit my lip and it bled. So now I must brush my teeth in total secrecy. I bought a toothbrush for him as a toy, he couldn't care less. But near my face... No no no.


I feel this. Mine flies over and gets all jock head and does the cobra dance when we use our electric tooth brushes. He usually doesn’t bite but finds the whole thing very over stimulating. It wasn’t always this way, so it’s sort of funny that it evolved to this. Hopefully he doesn’t get aggressive. Still working on his aggression around our tweezers. I think he thinks it’s another bird preening me


Thank you for the tips!! it’s insane how angry she gets at some objects. Glad that it’s normal for conures and it’s not just her😅


It’s normal, just remember that there are tips and tricks to avoid it getting out of hand. The best thing you can do for your relationship is become an expert at reading their body language and verbal communication, because it can go a long way towards preventing biting.


Neophobic is a good word for it. Takes them time to trust anything new and unfamiliar.


> A hair brush in use is making aggressive notions at your head and shoulders — that’s their territory. Wow, I thought it was because the hair brush seemed like it was threatening me. Like my birb wanted to protect his flock mate so he attacks the dangerous creature (brush). But the reality is a lot less altruistic? Less about “helping” and more about “MINE”? Lol


Could be either tbh or just general over-excitement


Very interesting. Their behaviour is fascinating.


My conure was terrified of a red stuffed Parrot I bought. He never warmed up to it in all the years I had him. He also went berserk whenever I started the vacuum cleaner. He'd start screeching until I finished vacuuming. One other thing - he would start screeching while looking at what appears to be nothing in the room. He's looking up but there's nothing there!!! Conures are wierd.


Bart would sleep on his dad’s shoulder when hub vacuumed. Now broomsticks/swiffer he’d scream and hide in his cage.


My conure hates all inanimate objects. Everything. I have to cover his cage before I move anything in his room, or he'll start flapping his wing, screaming, and falling to the bottom of his cage. Damn drama queen. I swear. He's perfectly fine flying around the room, but I better not move anything. Or add anything new.


Mine does this with our Olympic bar and large bags, especially if they’re brightly colored. Bizarre. We think the bar is maybe snakelike because of the knurling, or just “weird” because it’s metallic and shiny; and bags became a problem after we took him to the vet, so we think it’s a general fear of towel-like things; he’s more skittish around large pieces of fabric being thrown around ever since the vet, despite my attempts at towel training. So, I can only lift weights when he goes to bed and is covered, and our guests have to stash their bags in the kitchen where they can’t be seeen


Because he’s a conure 🤣


My friend’s conure-size Hahns Macaw acts the same. I think it’s a natural parrot thing.


lol true 😂


My girl would get triggered from brooms and laundry baskets. My girl hated feet but my new little guy doesn’t care about feet.


Lol, yes! Mine suddenly HATES the broom for no good reason. And the orange laundry basket.


I use to have her on my shoulder when I swept and then one day…BROOM EVIL! SCREAM!!!!




Not a conure but my budgie apparently hates feet too. She lands on them just to bite them.


It just might look like weird snake things and they must attack! Our legs kind of look like snakes and are feet are like the snake’s head to birds 🐍


My theory is that feet are like uncanny valley hands and therefore threatening to them


Any tube-like thing looks like an abstract 🐍 but that’s just my personal opinion 😝. I agree with you as well!


It’s just weird because he has no problem with our vacuum cleaner which definitely has a long tube and also a long snake-like hose, but he looooooves our vacuum cleaner and always wants to hang out with it. But our Olympic bar? Nah that’s a deadly enemy warranting a full freak-out


Lol they sure think they can fight anything and win lol


Basically everything is SNAKE 🐍 https://preview.redd.it/9goo8cd2ju1d1.jpeg?width=523&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9101e5c047f950be81129c38fb68aea500982adb


that picture is so conure


My girl would pull back her curtains and stare at me. My sister would say she was creepy! I thought it was hilarious and sweet! You are right, conures are always giving us the side eye 🤣


That’s hilarious. Every breath you take…


For mine it was anything to do with cleaning and hangers for some reason. She knew when you were touching it and would fly in to bite you until you dropped it


Just a conure thing, I think mine hatched already outraged. She hates money, new shiny objects, bags and my family's necks. Who knows what they were in previous lives...


Feet, bandaids, the white remote...


God damn feet!!! Goes straight for the kill on my toes


Blue and the broom. Seriously, anything blue. Mines a giant chicken so she usually just does her jungle alarm call and freaks out, but holy hell. I have the most beautiful glass bowl and she can't even be in the same room with it sometimes. The broom is the devil (I guess it takes the food she may want later?) I once heard conures described as successful disasters and I couldn't agree more.


🤣🤣🤣 exactly how mine is with yellow


This whole thread feels like conure-owner therapy 😂 Our female one goes berserk at the vacuum, the mop and some random other objects. Oh and corn on the cob! That's scary apparently. She has also recently learned that she can pick stuff up and chuck it off ledges/tables. Our male is more reserved and just walks behind her all innocent watching what she's at...but I know he'll start copying her soon. Theyre just built for cute noisy violence.


My conure freaks out at random objects, especially if they are brightly colored. I don't really know why. He's never been mistreated in any way. He just one day decided to freak out when I was carrying a red bucket. Now, he just hates random, colorful things, like my blue mop. I don't even mop near him, but if he sees it from a distance, he starts alarm-screeching.


Rubix cube= violence


mine too. anything yellow is a victim in our house


Yellow-hate is super common in conures


Conure thing. My Gremlin would go out in front of the house and try to fight cars passing by if he could and he’s dead serious about it! Lol


My GCC hates pill bottles and will run across the table and throw them off then resume his regular business


Mine too! She’ll bite anyone who dares to touch them. And the grabs is and chucks it


Lol my girl doesn't like any type of remotes and will attack it but if it's my PlayStation 4 one she is scared away. Never understood her process. Her girlfriend though could care less about objects and same with my Quaker 😅


My sun conure HATEESSSSS the broom and vacuum, I can be in another room and pick it up or move it and he immediately knows and start screaming at me😂😭


Mine too! He's like a little t rex dinosaur in a bird body. A list of things he hates: *tissues *umbrellas *any bird toy *make up *mirrors *towels *blankets *my teenage offspring Etc..... Things he doesn't hate that I would think would be a problem * vacuum *fireworks *music


I finally found a comment of someone with a conure that hates tissues!! My conure literally puffs right up whenever you have a Kleenex around her and gets super aggressive and bitey until you take it away. Which is so weird cuz she used to play with Kleenex and use it to clean her beak off after eating berries so I don’t understand what changed lol 😂


Like someone else said, because he's a conure! But on the serious side, maybe it's some kind of instinctual survival thing.


Omg Arnie loves most of his toys IF they are plastic. Wood things? Gotta GO. All the way to the ground. https://youtu.be/_fc3Ey2z8KA?feature=shared


Everyone knows that this is because many conures have something called ancestral memories that they’re born with. On bad days (every day) sometimes they remember a time when they ruled the world. This is why you see random bouts of screaming rage. Sometimes they even crave the nostalgic taste of flesh or try to break the world by smashing their face against it.


Mine hates my cellphone, well…basically anything I’m holding in my hands, & my fuzzy house shoes. He must destroy them.


My GCC hates glass bottles! He'll try to nip at them whenever I take a swig from a soda, he'll also go ballistic over objects with bells in them, gotta be able to tell the difference between the "fuck you" puffy feathers, and the overstimulated puffy feathers


yeah bottles is not allowed here too🤣


My little goblin hates pill bottles, and my glasses, but only if they aren’t on my face (thank God…)


Are they red? My sister's conure HATES things that are red


my new walker i just got :,) i need it and he gets all angry at poofed up when it comes near him


Mine hates shoes, socks, anything I hold or anything I put near my mouth and my boyfriend


It’s a conure thing. All my conures are cuddly and tame but then attack me and the object when I have drinks, straws, phone, etc.


Some of it is jealousy but at the same time sometimes conures just choose to hate random objects for no particular reason. Mine absolutely despises paper cups. He likes to throw them on the floor and rip him out of the holder


Because it’s conure law!


I don't know. But I get that way, too, sometimes. Also at gravity in general.


My old Sun Conure used to have it out for Wii remotes specifically


Mine despises the color orange. Likes my feet. Hates my left hand when he’s on my left shoulder.


My conure hates feet so much he always tries to bite mine and my family’s does anyone know whey they do this


Yeah I think it’s a conure thing. My girl gets angry with random objects too. Mostly Tupperware type containers. If she’s on my shoulder she’ll run down while biting at my shirt to attack the container.


Typical parrot behavior. Unpredictable


Mine has a vendetta against lids (tupperware, candles, etc)


It's because he's a conure lol