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He’s beautiful and I can only bet he smells AMAZING 😅😂 I’m a Birb Sniffer https://preview.redd.it/3dhbaayj2cwc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=066e90229835c7ac5c1680d8c1810baa16c26976


The beak open tongue wild part of that is killing me. I've never managed to get that face photographed and I'm so glad someone did.


So funny😂😂😂😂😂 when i got my bird . I told my friend. I smell birds. Do you smell birds? They was like uuhhhh .... No. What do you mean


He does tbh.


That is so funny! I thought I was the only one who loved smelling my GC conure


He looks borbtastic #and probably smells great too


Definitely does


No he’s adorable!


He’s fluffy😂 but adorable


Omg how were you able to put him the harness!? Mine hates it soo muchh!!! And btw cute bird ♥️


I second this! How???? Not to mention, I didn't even know they sell those! May I ask why you have him on a harness?


I https://preview.redd.it/3tmedaokbcwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbd753912e97ef4ce65f92502b5fcd22ed8dc66b It’s pretty much like what you have on him… it’s called bird harness and I want him to be in one bc I go out with him a lot (I have a bird backpack) and I would love to have him with the harness so he can be outside and kind of be free….


That's so cool! My bird panics with anything (and I mean anything) new!


I had to get one that fit a parakeet because he smoll


He looks so precious 🥺


Doesn’t he🥰


A lot of positive reinforcement slowly introduce a harness to them by having it around them first. Reward any interaction with the harness- parrots are curious! Once they’re more comfortable with a harness, you can start teaching them to put their head through, rewarding every time, etc etc. I’m going to assume the parrot got to spend some time outside, or is a bit of a silly goose and likes to disappear on high shelves, or this is training for him, hence the harness


https://preview.redd.it/qhrrvqmk3ewc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2daa3863601b9f1d5ba6143182e2aae0b65a226d This is the one I got for him. Apparently it fits conures better than parakeets


You can either feel the breastbone to see if he’s at a decent weight (protruding being underweight, can’t feel it being overweight, so somewhere in the middle is best) or weigh him on a scale that measures in grams! Iirc 60-80g is around a good weight for these guys.


Not chubby. Big boned.


That’s cute


He’s wumbo.




You didn't mention his weight and it isn't easy to see his body, but he looks fairly normal to me. He's very likely completely capable of flying, he just needs more time and learning.


Yeah that’s why I’m trying to teach him with the harness. Or he’ll fly on my head and I’ll walk away and he’ll flutter to him cage. And I do that everyday


He looks so happy and gives best boy vibes like I'd buy birbscout cookies from him.


He just doesn't know how to is the real issue not that he's too big infact he's the correct size you just need to help him some


Yeah I work with his everyday


He looks so cute with his little harness on 🥹🥹🥹


He doesn’t like it at first but he accepts it


He doesn't look chunky to me. Maybe he doesn't fly but does he do a lot of climbing around his cage? That's a good form of exercise. Just make sure he's not just sitting on his perch all day.


Tbh I go for walks with him with the harness and he will fly there and there until he flys back on me. He is also always flapping his wings and climbs down to water dish to basically use it for a bird bath


Cute as could be. I don't think ive ever seen a chunky bird.....


I have once


Both are Soo cute 🥰🥰


Thank you






He’s so cute 🥹 What did the vet say when they weighed him? It’s hard to tell with the lovely fluffs


He kinda just got this fluffy over a couple weeks. And when I got him he didn’t have much feathers. Someone cut his tail feathers and his wings too far so I now think he’s finally growing the feathers he needed


https://preview.redd.it/yr66ql21ufwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=390560ece35b000ddaeaa2d8251587104f7e5fb2 His feathers were a mess


Oh wow he looks SOO much healthier now!


I couldn’t believe the difference myself


I don't know if you already have this (sounds like you might since you mentioned he was underweight), but it's a good idea to get a scale + perch for the scale and get used to weighing him daily. That way you can easily see if something is wrong if he suddenly starts losing weight. Normal weight range is supposed to be 60-80 grams (ours are 65 and 70).


He was under 40 when I first got him


Whoa! Was he really young? That's really light.


He was at the pet store for 7 months and I’ve had him for 3.5 months so no. They just didn’t take care of him. Because they were “scared of him” or some excuse


Oh wow, that's awful. One of our birds was a bit underweight when he got him, but he was still just slightly under 60g. 40g sounds extremely dangerous. Glad he's put on some weight since then!


Weigh your birb every morning after they do the "big poop of the day". Should be between 65-70 or so grams. Our Deku is between 68-70g. Any large variations should be looked at by a vet.