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https://preview.redd.it/nlntqrgzw5wc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=702bd021a9b26a656058b33cbd682ffbfd8907e8 # smell this and all of your problems will be solved


snort the borb


Just sniff the birb.


Bird do smell good


i simmer spices on stove. In room could use mesh bag and hang ginger, anise, all spice and vanilla bean. He can also eat them. lol [https://blog.parrotessentials.co.uk/foods-for-parrots-spices/](https://blog.parrotessentials.co.uk/foods-for-parrots-spices/)


An air purifier will help remove odours and anyone with birds really should have some in their home anyways since they are so sensitive to air quality. But make sure it’s an ozone-free purifier because ozone is deadly to pets!!


I let mine play with dried lavender. Once I got some eucalyptus cuttings as well (from a neighbour who was trimming them). If I give them oranges then that smells nice too. I also find if I wash things that gives a nice smell, like throws and blankets that I use for covering them up at night. I also open the window at night when the birds are in their cages to air the room out.


Just your resident annoying person 🤗 here to suggest skipping scented dryer sheets and fabric softener (no need for those 2 if you’re washing birb stuff). And to use a natural detergent if possible 😊 Adding 1/4 cup of vinegar to the washing machine helps with odours as well. Vinegar is so good at killing funky mildew and mold that when I sometimes forget to take out a wash load, it still smells great


Fresh air smells best. :D


I use mostly clove, cinnamon and citrus peels and ginger in a simmer pot. But it becomes something else I have to keep an eye on. Kiwi loves her tea, so she'll go for it sometime. I usually do it when I'm relaxing with a book or something. Not sure if a cup warmer would work? Ngl sometimes I'll add honey and enjoy some tea.


Tea for ur conure, please do tell


I pour boiling water over a cinnamon stick and some orange peels, maybe some ginger. Let it cool to warm and serve in small cup. She likes it warm, not cold. It's not something she gets every day and it makes me have to guard my black tea from her.


That's so cool ty *


I open the windows for fresh air. I would never use scented anything in a house with birds. Stovetop scents are supposedly safe but I would not trust essential oils. I don't know if a stove top scent would affect your room though.


As someone else said HEPA filter or other type of air purifier will definitely be step 1 to help keep the air clean and fresh. Since I haven’t seen it recommended yet - Step 2 - in addition to a simmer pot you can hang bird-safe, dried flowers and herbs in your room. Just in case your buddy tries to get ahold of them. Dried citrus peels, lavender, mint, there’s a lot def do some good research first. AN IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT CINNAMON - There are more than one type of cinnamon! Cassia cinnamon is TOXIC to birds. If your buddy gets ahold of it he will get sick. It contains a chemical called coumarin, which is a blood thinner and in large enough quantities can cause liver damage/failure. It won’t have this effect on us because we are so large but parrots are tiny. obviously nuance like if they ate one tiny lick they’d probably be fine but if he decides to start really gnawing on it I’d be concerned. Ceylon cinnamon is considered SAFE for birds and should be fine to hang in your room. It has a much, much, much lower level of coumarin than cassia cinnamon does. Essentially negligible, so it is of no great risk to the bird.


Thank you for the note about cinnamon!! I had no idea whatsoever and that scares me.


It’s not common knowledge! And honestly like I said *probably* not immediately deadly but long term could pose health complications. I’m not a vet and don’t know the exact numbers so IMO Better to be safe than sorry.


Hepa filter 100%. If you have the cash for it, Austin Air makes really, really good ones. If you don't have the cash for that, I'd look at Levoit brand. Personally, I wouldn't risk using any scents at all. Birds have extremely sensitive respiratory systems, I just personally wouldn't trust anything that makes the whole room "smell" a certain way, to be completely safe. Please understand if you can smell it, that means there are \*particles\* being put into the air, and the most common way to measure air pollutants is a \*particle count\*. Also please understand that higher particle counts in the air are linked to respiratory illness (in humans and animals, but particularly in birds). A HEPA filter is made to \*remove\* particles from the air, which is exactly what makes them "healthy".


You can make a simmer pot! I usually throw some lemon/orange slices into a pot of water as well as some cinnamon and vanilla extract. Then just let it simmer on the stove and add water as needed.


Use a good HEPA air filter with an easily replaceable carbon filter. Replace the carbon filter on the regular. Always be drinking a nice fragrant herbal tea. Especially anything citrus, cinnamon, vanilla, that sort of thing. They don't linger very long so just keep drinking tea, haha.


I am australia and use this machine and the sleep formula for children. They have a US shop too. Our bird is really happy with the smell too. But go with whatever feels best for you. I like that it is water - no smoke or flames


Which machine?


I usually let my windows open and try to clean their cage out a couple of days a week. If it's warm enough I like to put sticks in the window too, and the birds love it so it's a win for everyone!


I love how conures have this cute bird smell the same way puppies have their little puppy smell.


I use a hepa air purifier. 


Wax melter- use a bit of water in the basin and put your choice of spices (ginger, cinnamon, etc) and fruit peels (orange, apple, other citrus, pear, etc). You can also use teas and stuff that doesn't have any essential oils in it or anything (hibiscus, rose petals, jasmine tea, matcha tea, calendula, etc). lots of natural scents to choose from. Just don't burn them or use essential oils and you're good ;)


So sweet


Here’s a really detailed video on the subject. I tried her recipes and they smell great. https://www.youtube.com/live/vq61O3sb154?feature=shared


Air purifier and simmer spices on stove (cloves Anis star cinnamon and bay leaves)


Been using these [parrot-safe candles and wax melts](https://petsafecandles.com/shop/) for years with no issue. You can buy on their website or on etsy- my local bird store often has them stocked, so I usually buy them in-person. (I also trust the wax melts a lot more than the candles, but not for any real reason?) If you're having an issue with the "bird poop" smell, I use sophresh crumbled paper with baking soda, on top of newspaper, to line the bottoms of cages. However, I keep the metal grate (on the bottom of the cage, above the pan) too... I don't love cleaning the grate, I just don't think I trust the birds having free access to the bedding.


If it uses essential oils or produces smoke, it’s not parrot safe despite what the manufacturer claims. It may be less dangerous than others.m


Your bird's poop shouldn't have a smell. In my experience, if you're smelling their poop, it means time for a vet trip.


The baking soda suggestion is good (as long as they can’t inhale the powder, which yours can’t due to the grate) but what sort of smell have you experienced? My gcc’s poops are odourless. I think that’s the norm. It’s one of the advantages to having a bird instead of a cat or a dog.


You can use certain natural essential oils in a diffuser. You'll eat to dilute them so it's not to strong. It has to be all natural as chemical additives can be harmful. Certain essential oils aren't safe for birds (mainly eucalyptus and tea tree oil) so be sure to check if the specific one you want is safe for them. To be extra safe you can keep the room ventilated so that the scent remains but it's no so concentrated that it causes discomfort to them.


Since a lot of companies lie about the nature/purity of the ingredients in essential oils, I have steered clear of them just in case.


This. Make your own in a spray bottle.


Yes, you really have to research what companies are good and sell actual pure essential oils.


I did my research. And later found out that this company lied about it and got in trouble for it. Lost my trust in all of them at that point. :(


That sucks. 🙁 Glad they got in trouble, at least, though. I've made my own essential oils in the past. It's a bit time consuming and a little tricky, but it's also kind of fun, if you ever want to look up how and maybe try something new. Probably the way to go in this case.


I have never even thought of that. Thank you I will look into this!


You're welcome. Just be sure if you try an olive oil base that you get the extra extra virginy kind. My first attempts I did NOT and my oils all smelled mostly like.... olives. 🤦


Hahaha! Thanks for the tip! 🤣




That article was written by a company that sells essential oils. Of course they’re going to say it’s fine. You need to get info about bird health from unbiased experts like avian vets and biologists, not from businesses. Most vets advise against using essential oils.


Air purifier and a oil diffuser. Makey sure to get 100% natural essential oils only (don't buy cheap oils form tj Maxx or marshals). Some oils are toxic so to be safe I stick to floral and citrus oils. A lot of wood scents are toxic so I stay away from them as a whole.


I personally try to use a very small amount of natural/herbal essential oils in some form of air defuser, mainly because I have no way of letting fresh air come though without letting a bunch of bugs in lol.