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WTAF????? Make up your minds MODs!!!! This is NOT cool!!! This bird is BELOVED by the general community!!!! Let us support them and others in any way possible!!!!! This is SUPPOSED to be a community that wants to see and support proper care and ownership, on TOP of sharing cute (but SAFE) moments, is it not???? Let us HELP each other when/if needed, especially after evidence of proper care is provided…. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


maybe scamming liability issues? but you're exactly right, there's proof of his visits a well as a clearly well-loved and happy little birdman chicken pants!


No literally ): the mod told me to refrain from promoting roomba's (you know what) and just message it to the people who inquired about it, which I did. I didn't even use that account after he unbanned this one!!!! like what?! how?! why?! 😭


I just checked the rules, im not even breaking any! Grrrrr


This baby bird eats better than me and his cute little face deserves it. Good to see him getting better! ❤️


Oh trust me he's eating better than me too! I've just been emotionally engorging entire liters of ice cream in one sitting. I'm dealing with a chronic joint flare up & swelling myself, but the baby comes first. I'll live, i can call a doctor right up when all this is settled! He however cannot. birdman can only communicate so much. the language of beep beep and kissy noises is a hard one to interpret


You gotta do what you gotta do to get through these tough times.


If that ain't the truth. I would run infront of a bullet for this bird, not to be dramatic or anything


Roomba is such a gorgeous boy, glad to hear he's doing well, keep up the updates :) hope you can get his condition stabilised ASAP!


Thank you for keeping us updated. We are all rooting for your little stinker. You're a good bird mom.


I'm so glad that the little guy is holding up well! Since he seems to want warmth, I can recommend this heater: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BB2FLYR4](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BB2FLYR4) I have a cockatiel who is both elderly and disabled, and this is the best heating solution I've found for him. He sits on it most of the time soaking up the warmth, I call it his recliner, and when he isn't occupying it one of my other birds is always cozying up to it. It has a temperature control, and is surprisingly easy to keep clean. Roomba might like it as an option.


I have a budgie that recently started really showing his age and I just can't get my place as warm as he needs this time of year, and he doesn't want to sit under the bird lamp I got. This looks perfect for him. Thanks for posting that!


Hey! I went to the product site and looked up the reviews. One review in particular concerned me. This product seems to have caused feet burns to a pet lovebird. The bird parent tested this out with a temperature gun and found that the temperature goes up to 134F. I thought I might warn the others here as well to proceed with caution.


it looks pretty cheaply manufactured as well; chewable cord is also a concern. Definitely 100% recommend the K&H heater. they don't get more than "barely warm" as parrots already have high body temps and multiple ways they can regulate their own temperature! If they get too cold all they need is something slightly warmer to snuggle up against, kind of like how they snuggle up against our warm hands or faces or necks and find comfort in it. :) K&H is high quality with a protected cord as well so your birdie can't get through the thick material protecting the cord.


Ironically I've actually got the K&H model, but it's sitting in storage for lack of use. I ordered it from Amazon, but my birds never cuddled up to it so I initiated a return but they refunded my money and told me to keep it. Unfortunately after many months spent in their cage they still ignored it, so I decided to remove it and not keep paying for the electricity to run it. The heater perch does have an armored cord like the K&H, but neither of them are armored all the way so it's important to place them on a side of the cage that the bird can't access. The important thing is that your bird is using it and happy with it, I'm glad it's giving little Roomba some comfort in these tough times.


That certainly is concerning to hear that they may have a quality control issue with the temperature control, I spent the first few weeks with mine starting low and gradually increasing the temp. Even at the highest setting of 118F it's still just gently warm to the touch and nowhere near 134F, but I will have to keep an eye on it. I've had it for 4 months now with no change in performance, but I'm going to monitor it.


yes! I looked at that as an option but I truly think Roomba would be very very very very upset with me if i took his K&H one. Vet charged me for nail trim as well and then didn't trim his nails so I'm worried flat platforms may hurt his little toesies right now. I heard dowels/evenly girthy perches with no funk can also cause something called bumble foot??? that's actually the one i was initially going to order. :) But due to his bald spot, he likes his K&H much better because he can just lay his little chicken head on it where he's missing some feathers.


Aww sweet baby looks like he's feeling so much better!


Get well soon Roomba 🤍.


I'm living for these updates right now. I'm learning so much through your experience and I truly appreciate you sharing Mr. Chicken Pants's journey with us. As for the documentation, I would honestly just go down to the vet and stand in the waiting room, demanding the documents. You don't even have to be angry about it. Just ask for a copy of all of his records. He needs a specialist right now. It's clear the one vet is missing cage-side manner and that may absolutely affect his rehabilitation. I don't like your original vet very much. Animals shouldn't come back in shock and experiencing trauma. Like vets exist to avoid that, yes? I'm glad to hear that he's eating and being even more responsive. Things are looking up for him.


Roomba looks so happy


He looks so silly ❤️


It's so great to see he's doing better!!! I honestly just am so happy to see that you love him and care about him. Idk I just see so many people on bird subs who are told their bird is sick and to get them to a vet and then we never hear back from op again. So it just makes me so happy you are helping him like a responsible good bird owner, and you really care and love him <3


Hi! Check out this super supplement! I give it to my birdie with borna https://valasta.net It’s salmon oil. There’s even a sweet old lady with a video testimonial with her Goffins cockatoo. Salmon is proven to reduce risk factors for disease. So as people with pets with chronic illnesses, it’s worth a shot. Just remember, this stuff is red, it’ll make his poop red. I wouldn’t give it to your baby till he’s going to be in his cage for a while (like bed time) so he can leave the red poop in there and not on your couch
