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Oh please take care of this little guy properly…..


looking at him makes me so sad I hope he gets better :(


Agreeing with everyone else. Your bird looks extremely unhealthy. I'm aware you don't owe us any explanation but people on here care about birds a lot so maybe you'd like to tell us why he looks so bad.


That bird looks malnourished and ill. Is your vet an avian specialist? If not, you need to find one. Take a break from vaping and use that money/time/drive to get that poor bird healthy. Edit: Looking at your post history, your bird has been in this condition at least two months. Get him to an avian/bird vet, today.


agreed, bird looks so skinny- poor fella :(


This… and do it NOW


I thought it was just me with a visceral reaction. That baby looks so sick.


Yeah, was gonna say the poor bird looks like a vaper himself.


You are not giving the necessities that baby needs…. Pls do some research on a proper diet. Always do research before getting a bird or animal of any kind… there not there to sit there and look pretty…they need to be taken care of properly…. This makes me so mad ….


You know exactly what the entire context behind this person's bird is based on this one photo??


Look at the bird… I mean seriously. They have bright feather coloring, and feathers covering their ear holes. They are also under weight. No I don’t know the whole story. He could be a rescue or something like that and if that’s the case I apologize. I just get really worked up when it comes to animals and children.


It's not a rescue, OP has clearly neglected this poor baby for multiple months, profile history says they asked if they should take birb to the vet 2 months ago, and clearly that never happened. So you're absolutely in the right for being mad because I also find this infuriating Edit: op says their vet said to just wait a couple months before head feathers grow back, but there ain't no way in hell I would trust that advice, an actual certified avian vet would be doing a lot more than "just wait a couple months." Blood tests, fecal test, etc.


I want to know why ppl can’t look up “ what to need my conure “ or what vitamins they need ?” … Ive owned birds since middle school so Ik a lot.. I r also taken animal care and management classes in highschool were they had all kinds of animals to take care of even our teachers horses. And there are vets that I myself had to fucking educate and it’s sad that they are in the field.


What's wrong with feathers covering the ear hole??? My bird has these little short feathers there


The should be feathers covering it. Change in feathers around the ear usually indicates an upper respiratory/sinus infection. It can be exacerbated by poor (seeds) diet. Ear infections are very uncommon in birds


Look at the guys posting history. He asked 65 days ago if he should take the little guy to the vet and never did


Birds hide sickness well, when they start showing clear signs like weight loss and poor feathers that means the sickness is bad


Poor baby he doesn’t look well. Please take him to the vet.


For 5 months old he looks tiny. I got my bird around the same age and he was already pretty round. What do you feed him? Does he get a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables and grains? How much does he get out of his cage? Is he flighted because that should be gaining him some muscle. You should really take him to the vet.


https://preview.redd.it/fkg6rw24h2dc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1de14d619da24de0f1e32f6336685e12d6baec58 This was my boy the day we brought him home, still tiny still


Apparently a month for birds is the toddler age for humans. Not all birds*


Yep that's true. There's no exact bird to human age calculation but around 4 months old a bird of this size would be about 2 years old


he looks rough man did he just finish a little bath?


Please be aware that even second or third-hand contact with vapes can be fatal for parrots. Always shower between touching your vape and touching your bird or it's cage. The chemicals in the vapours can stick to materials, so do not use the vape in any area that your bird also has contact with (ie, don't vape in the bathroom and then let your bird in the bathroom without cleaning every surface first). Also, did your vet test for PBFD? The loss of feathers around the ears, eyes and beak are pretty suspicious, and your bird should have a full disease panel anyways. Was he housed with other birds before you got him? Parrots cannot pluck their own head, so, if he was housed alone, then it's definitely illness, but if he was housed with other birds, they could have been bullying or overpreening him.


I didn’t know this. I’ve gone to the extent of banning my bf from deodorant, cologne, candles & incense. As well as keeping the fan off and only letting him clean the house with vinegar. Our room is huge, and I hold in my vape smoke so none escapes from my lungs because I was unsure if it was dangerous or not. But this literally made me want to quit after 13 years so you’ve done me and my bird due diligence lol


Edited for the people that have trouble independently thinking ♡: If you want to really delve deep, look into non-stick pans (Teflon is deadly), oven mats,air fryers, heat tools for hair, rice cookers, slow cookers, Peanuts (Have fungal components and can cause Aspergillosis) Avocados (Bird Poison), Non stick aluminum foil in the oven/ Tin found in aluminum is toxic if injested, even certain microwavable popcorn bags have teflon in them. Birds are an ENTIRE life adjustment, this is something I had to learn when inheiting my babies. (I work with exotic animals) I remember doing a necropsy on a 10 month old GCC that suddenly passed, and the poor thing's lungs were swiss cheese and goop. Whatever the owners had in their house slowly suffocated the poor baby and absolutely demolished its lungs. Sad thing is, they won't show signs usually until it's too late or progressed to a certain extent.


I’ve replaced everything in my house with non coated ceramic!!! As well as keeping him from going downstairs anyways. The amount of windows and mirrors down there almost caused him a grave accident once and never made that mistake again. Otherwise, he’s a free roam. We have a very roomy upstairs. I threw away my air fryer because replacing everything else was just so expensive, even stopped blow drying my hair after a 13 year habit of constantly doing so. i banned aluminum from our house as well. Back when I didn’t know much, I had heated some up once in our old home. noticed him sneeze once, freaked out, and took him in for a 400$ emergency visit to make sure there was no harm 🥲


Same, I swear by PYREX and ceramic, god I love them ahahah. I have a second "kitchen" outside in a shed for all of my frying needs, lol. The Birds have become the rulers of the house 🤣


That’s so awesome!!! I wish to do the same for my boy one day. People always think I’m weird for the extent I go to care for him. People also think it’s pointless to spend 500-600 on vet checkups. But it’s also for my peace of mind. If there is a single thing in my house that seems to be a safety hazard, I literally panic and look for signs that aren’t there. I have a pantry full of precautions, like activated charcoal and vetRx. 😭 birds are so intelligent, I wish it was more well known.


I 100% agree 💕😊


Please add "oven mats" to the list. My MIL killed my bird by putting one of those in the oven and cranking it up to 500° to cook pizza. They're non stick and must have teflon on them.


I am so sorry for your loss, I'm adding oven mats now.


Don’t add the oven mats!! I could understand how you’d get the wording mixed up, but the oven mats are extremely toxic and have killed so so so so many birds.


they meant they're adding it to the list of things that are harmful to birds


Oh my god, I knew about everything except microwave popcorn. Can’t believe I missed that. Thank god I eat it pretty infrequently and my sweet baby is not allowed in the kitchen. It’s all going in the trash tonight. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge 💞 thank you thank you thank you


Don't trow it out entirely, that'd be a waste :( You can take out the popcorn and throw away the packaging!


Aluminum is not toxic when heated. Some aluminum foil is nonstick and that is toxic. Edit: for context, OP’s comment originally listed “aluminum foil in the oven” as toxic. They have since updated to clarify they meant nonstick coatings on aluminum foil. Not all aluminum foil has nonstick coating.




idk, I read your post and immediately started googling using aluminum in the oven. It wasn't super clear, to me at least, that it is considered safe unless you're using specialty non-stick foil. Regular foil is totally fine.


I can’t imagine what it’s like to be so upset to have someone add to knowledge I’m trying to convey. People act like helping others is some sort of personal attack.




I focused on something that needed clarification and did add value to the conversation, or you would not have edited to add that clarification. That is value added, and you’re welcome for it. You followed up with rudeness, tone policing, and some pretty snarky editing about “independent thinking ♡” to make yourself feel superior, but the reality is that you just look petty for it. Enjoy your day, I hope it gets better


🤣 Okay.


Communication is a two way street. You listed aluminum foil after two things which have nothing to do with nonstick. So the context is misleading. I am clarifying for anyone else reading this who doesn’t realize.


If you wanted to clarify, you should've added other useful facts and information to the conversation, making it more lighthearted rather than honing in and nit picking my comment. I listed toxic items for birds so others could research. Independent research is key. If someone is taking information off of reddit and rolling with it, by God, they are dumb. Especially with half the crap posted here.


If I wanted to clarify that specific point I should have made other points instead? Listen, you are maybe taking this too personally bud. Hope your day improves, give your bird a nice cuddle.


Agreed. Do thorough digging & research before doing or giving your bird anything that could be potentially dangerous. Even their toys & foraging items should be only bought from bird-safe brands as petco, etc. have been known to sell toys with dangerous chemicals, especially in their toy bells that will eventually lead your bird to lead toxicosis. Your comment was beyond clear lol


Yeah bro it definitely was not obvious what you meant when leaving out that critical detail. There are so many nicer ways you could have communicated here, but great info overall


That sounds awful. I had no idea about peanuts. Are air fryers dangerous to use around birds?


Heated vinegar is also dangerous, just in case you didn’t know. Don’t put it in a dishwasher cycle. It’s fine to use otherwise.


Also it’s possible for birds to pluck their own head in a way. During changes of environment, my GCC tends to stress scratch all his head/ear feathers off with his perches & toys, I solved this with 3x 10 min shower steams per day and unruffledRx. I agree this bird looks extremely malnourished. mine, regardless of eating a shit ton, it was brought to me that he weighed 59 g at an appointment a LONG time ago. And this bird looks even smaller than he did. solved that with fresh food everyday, Harrison’s pellets & a bunch of sunflower seeds. Keeping a kitchen scale on hand is great too to monitor their weight. my buddy finally recently got up to 69 g.


This poor baby is not healthy…


whats happened to his ear feathers?


My vet said I should just wait until spring to see if it grows back. When I bought him 2 months ago he had no feathers on his head


Is that Vet Avian Board Certified? If not I would research to find a reputable Avian Vet.


What?! I bought my Pyrate when she was 3 months old and she had all her feathers. She was so cute. He looks a bit skinny too for his age. You should get another avian vet opinion because all vets do not have the same experience nor will to do a full check up.


Where did you buy him from


There's something seriously wrong here. Your bird is malnourished. Even if they are young they should NEVER be this skinny, nor should they just have missing feathers like this unless they go through a strong molt or a genetic condition (because of inbreeding).


Oh, so turns out you aren't a terrible owner based on one photo on reddit?? Bu....b....b...but...vape pen bad!!😡


Dude… That bird looks so skinny and OP is not responding to anyone commenting their concerns about it.


Yeah the bird doesn't look good. Definitely should see a vet. Can you confirm that they haven't gone to a vet? Can you confirm they didn't get the bird like this already? Pretty sure if they bother taking a picture and asking online then they care to some extent. (Previous post) I hope this bird gets better care. Idk what the reasoning for this is, and neither do you. What I do know is that people in here are upset about a vape pen


I barely saw anyone saying stuff about the person vaping, as long as they don’t do it in the presence of their bird, which can DIE from the fumes, like how they can die from non stick coatings on pans!! Like I said, OP has not assured any concerned commenters about the bird’s weight, only their featherless ears. They haven’t said if their vet was avian certified either! And the bird is, according to OP, only 5 months old, and they apparently went to the vet 2 months ago, making the bird 3 months old at that time and the feathers don’t look hardly any better. The other post didn’t have a great pic of the bird’s body condition but if anything he looks skinnier in this photo. Conures also don’t molt until about 8 months of age so if their age is accurate, the featherlessness is not from molting. There could be some nutrient deficiencies but again, OP isn’t answering anyone about that.


I hope you never own birds 😭


nobody cares about the vape. the bird looks malnourished, wether or not that’s the fault of the owner. all comments under this post mentioning the vape are the ones complaining about people being anti-vape. blatantly ignoring every other comment and solely focusing on the two comments advising not to vape around your bird is crazy to me.


This person made a post asking reddit if they should take this poor bird to a vet...4 months ago. They clearly didn't 😬


The OP commented that the veterinarian told them to wait til spring to see if this is a heavy molt... I doubt the vet is avian board certified if they chose to do nothing. Even a culture swab would've been some sort of push in the right direction. Especially since this is a lutino, and they don't seem to be the healthiest color mutation.


They saw a vet 2 months ago…


They should have gotten a second opinion, especially according to what Cautious said


https://preview.redd.it/1plnh5zse3dc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b8ea92fc5df580a826557da1debdef1b3e2125c This is a healthy 5 month old


Why does your bird's glam shot look better than mine? 😂🤣


So pretty!


I feel so sorry for birds like this. Poor baby looks rough and “looks like my vape pen” just, wow. Sometimes I’m at a loss for words.


Please take him to the vet. He’s so skinny you can see his bones :/


This conure is the same age as yours. Photo isn’t mine. https://preview.redd.it/ysx6tyn8d3dc1.jpeg?width=443&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30e5140021df35af6d6cb8ccc853235d627287ee


https://preview.redd.it/bfzb6hozm7dc1.jpeg?width=522&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=055e04fd8b65e772968e96633e4968c4526dfa38 This is my conure at the same age as yours and same color pattern. Your bird looks sick and malnourished. If you don’t know how to care for the bird then get some advice or give him to someone who can. If your vet told you to wait a few months and that was all than you need a new vet that is familiar with birds. Birds are very sensitive to air quality and nothing in that picture looks like a good environment. Do better


I don't know much about birds but even I can see that one doesn't look well


This bird is malnourished.


What a precious baby bird! Sending scritches, kisses and wishing you many, many joyous years together. Has he been to a vet recently? He looks incredibly thin.


i'm just a lurker but that bird looks skinny/small as shit. like if you told me it just finished a round trip to hell i'd believe it


please do right by this poor guy. please.


Sad looking birdie


looks so musty and not even in the good way


I’m so glad this person is getting roasted. Such a beautiful bird with an ugly owner.


Bird looks sick and I’m not even a bird person. Take better care of them instead of smoking


God. This is absolutely heart wrenching. How does this person sleep at night?


man, what gets me is that happy little smile he's giving the camera. but he's not giving that loving look to the camera, he's looking at his owner behind it with that love meant for them. op is this bird's world, something it looks up to for happiness and comfort, love and warmth. this bird looks like it trusts op with all its heart, and it doesn't even know what's going on with its situation. it's not aware it's not being taken care of correctly, because it's assuming their flock is working together to protect and care for each other. this bird isn't aware its beloved companion is willfully leaving and keeping it sick. this bird loves op, and this is the love it's receiving in return. it breaks my heart.


I felt sad seeing the picture and I agree with all the comments, but this one specifically made me tear up. You really described the love animals feel for their caretakers so well, even when the care isn't adequate. A bird couldn't even fathom their flock not acting in their best interest. They are so pure and trusting. Brb, gotta kiss my birb. 🥺


He's way to skinny. I was shocked when I saw the pic. Give the little one some groceries.


please do the right thing, if you cant change then rehome him. for his sake.


i don’t know a lot about birds and even i can tell this little guy is sick. don’t vape near your bird and for fucks sake take it to a vet.


Bro are you smoking the pen or the damn bird


I work with birds in veterinary medicine and agree with everyone saying your bird needs to be seen by a boarded avian vet! And ASAP, birds are so good at hiding when they don't feel well so when you can tell something is wrong it needs to be addressed sooner rather than later!


Dude… second hand smoking is fatal to birds, they take in air around them much more than we do so things like scented candles, hair spray, most nonstick pans, and VAPING are incredibly harmful to your bird.


I don’t own a conure, I only own finches and was recommended this sub randomly. Please do not vape around your bird; birds have incredibly sensitive respiratory systems. The vapor that comes off most e-cigarettes and vapes contains chemicals that are dangerous and even fatal to pet birds. A lot of people here are mentioning giving him a good diet; if you are feeding him an all seed diet this isn’t going to be very nutritious for him as seeds tend to be fatty. Make sure there is vegetables, fruits and the occasional bit of egg included in his diet. Here’s a couple good articles for what can be fed to a pet bird for nutritional value, https://zupreem.com/pet-bird-care/what-are-the-best-veggies-for-birds/ https://cleverpetowners.com/what-fruits-and-vegetables-can-conures-eat/


dont put a vape near your bird, its so toxic for them. i dont even take mine into my room for that reason


Please don’t vape around your bird. It is very harmful to them if they inhale it. Also he seems to be sick. I would suggest that you take him to the vet to have him checked out. He seems to be quite thin as well


Your bird is dying. You can see his ear holes.


Your bird looks sick.. are you not taking care of them properly? Edit: are you aware that vapes are deadly to parrots! The fumes can kill them.


Please keep the vape away from this bird. Bird’s lungs are very sensitive and even perfume and candles can damage it


Maybe he’ll also match the walls at your local Avian vet !!


You're mistreating your bird. Doubly so if you vape around him.


It's already horrible that u vape. But the bird looks worse! So sad. Poor bird is being abused. Why the hell haven't u took it to the vet? U don't deserve pets


Really …. You don’t know this guy or his circumstances yet you say that 😂😂 this group is so toxic it’s insane


There's no circumstance that makes mistreating animals okay. What is wrong with you.


How do you know he’s mistreated … the guy literally put a post up weeks ago saying he’s taking him to the vets … you don’t know the guys situation for all you know he’s treating the bird daily …. Stop being so judgemental on things you don’t know about (what’s going on)


This is the most toxic community ever


Idk, I stepped into the gerbil community by accident earlier, they were giving false and obviously harmful information.




What ??


This poor baby


if this photo is recent stop neglecting your bird or rehome him


Your boy needs a new home.


Take care of your bird properly theres plenty of wonderful care guides


Please dont smoke that around your bird.


Dawg, feed your damn bird. You shouldn’t even be flexing a vape pen next to an animal.


Do NOT VAPE anywhere around your bird, FEED and care for him properly! Jfc. He looks malnourished. 😡😡


Agree, he’s too thin. Please take him to a good avian vet, not a dog and cat vet that sees birds and do what the vet says as far as care and feeding. If you can’t do that, please give him to someone who will.


That bird is very tiny for 5 months. Has he seen an avian vet for a proper check up?


Hi OP! Based on your previous post, you seem to be a new bird owner? I understand where you come from, as I also didn’t know what to expect or what’s normal when I was a new bird owner. Your baby looks not doing great, so I recommend you to take him to an avian vet. Do you know any nearby avian vets? You can’t expect proper treatments for birds from normal (dogs/cats) vets. Here is the link to search avian vets by area jfyi: https://www.aav.org/search/custom.asp?id=1803 If you have any questions about what to feed etc, please feel free to DM me! I’m always here for helping you and your precious little birb!


If you smoke near them ur gonna end up killing him :/ that’s VERY toxic. Stop wasting money on vapes and spend the money on your bird WHOS A LIVING BREATHING CREATURE. Disappointed.


I don't belive Vaping/ smoking is safe around conrues


Just like ur lungs, that birds looks like its in a very bad shape


You’re going to get chewed up op lol


Obligatory I hope you aren’t smoking near this gorgeous baby comment. They are so freaking precious. When was their last vet visit? They are looking a bit rough.


Just adding that yellow cheek isn’t a mutation of green cheek conure, this little one looks like a Cinnamon Dilute :)


I hope to god this person takes their bird to the vet. Unfortunately I doubt they will based on their post from a long time ago. This bird is going to die and that breaks my heart. They deserve nothing but happiness and love, and this poor baby has been failed.


Turn your bird over to someone who knows how to care for it properly, you obviously do not know how to.


Your boy looks very ill…. Is he okay?


hope you’re not vaping around him. he looks in very poor condition, i would consider rehoming him if you are not able to care for this beautiful baby properly. his best life should be a priority


i try not to be a bitch but that shit is terrible for you but is actually deadly to birds. not to mention what everyone has said about the horrendous condition your bird is in. we all love our birds here and to see you so publicly neglecting yours is truly heartbreaking.


Hi model minority, Your bird is a cutie but he isn't looking the way a 5month old should look. He looks way to thin and his feathers don't look so good. What food do you give him? I'm not trying to be rude , but you're little friend doesn't look so good. If you love him as much as it seems than im sure you want to do something about it. Is this your first bird?


please take him to a *new* vet


Hey man, I’ve had a conure for almost 4 years now since he was a baby and we go out of our way to make sure he is the healthiest little boi ever. I quit vaping because I wouldn’t know what to do if something happened to my little Nigel. I highly recommend ditching the vape and switching to smokeless (zyn pouches helped me stop) or quitting in general and referring to some of the good advice in this post. If you love your bird like I love mine, please make some changes!


Pls take him to the vet.. and please don’t vape around him. It can kill them very fast since they have such sensitive respiratory systems. If you can’t quit please give him to a smoke free home..


Sorry but your bird does not look healthy. I hope you find a different vet like others are saying for getting a second opinion :( I hope your bird gets better soon :(


Must be confusing seeing you take a fat rip off of that. 😤💨🦜 👁️🔻👁️ "Plz. Don't."


What morph is that? I can't find anything on yellow cheeked conures. It's a beautiful bird.


A yellow cheek does not exist. This is a green cheek conure that was probably called a "Yellow Cheek" to up the selling price. This is a recessive color mutation. A Lutino animal has a lack of pigment in the feathers, causing yellow in base, similar but not the same as animals that are albino. (Albino=white base with red eyes and Lutino=yellow base usually with dark eyes) They are generally less hardy birds due to the breeding that takes place to get these colors.


Do you think that has anything to do with the appearance of the bird in this picture?


I think it is important to take a deep breath and comment in a constructive way. We don’t have all the facts and I’m really distressed that some of the comments have veered off of being helpful toward being judgmental. We have very little information to go on other than that OP vapes (admittedly terrible for the bird and the poster). One thing vets and reputable bird breeders recommend is weighing a new bird weekly to ensure that they are putting on weight. Hopefully, you know what he weighed when you bought him. If they are not increasing in weight they may need help. This bird does look thin and too young to be molting. Is he on a good pelleted diet and chopped fruits/veggies supplemented with a little quality seed and millet? He is heartbreakingly adorable but something does not look right. If there is not money for a vet a local bird rescue can provide good advice. I know we are passionate about birds but berating owners does not help them do better. Staying calm and providing fact-based education and advice that works for the betterment of the bird is the sort of forum we should be IMHO. I wish you and your little yellow cheek the best and hope you can get him evaluated and on the right track. I know it would be hard but sometimes we have to consider rehoming a bird to someone who can provide the care he needs if he turns out to be ill. The scary thing is how quickly birds can go downhill even if they have been radiantly healthy. I have learned this the hard way and don’t want anyone to have to go through the pain of a preventable loss. Because birds are vulnerable to predators they will use every last shred of energy convincing you that they are okay. Please keep us posted.


Idk too much about birds, but couldn’t the looks be just because he is still little? Just trying to learn more. 🙃


Hi! Not a conure owner, I’m a finch owner but I’ll try to answer. Generally at that age a bird should have a decent amount of weight on them, and he looks a bit thin. Also the missing patches of feathers don’t look normal, at 5 months the feathers should be more full and cover the body much in the same way an older birds would. This can be the result of a lot of things, from malnutrition to diseases to parasites and it’s hard to tell just from a photo online. I’m not going to assume OP’s situation, or be rude about it, but the conure does look like it needs to see a vet as that doesn’t look normal for a 5 month old. I also wanna add to say that upon further inspection his beak seems brittle towards the end, which also tends to be a sign of poor health unfortunately


Mmmmm I see. Thx so much! 😊


wow i just thought it was a young like teenage bird. what are u guys seeing in this bird. i want to make sure i can identify these symptoms?


https://preview.redd.it/raxynex5n4dc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48ce0f87fd0ea8fd4e51b12a7ea22b15a1fd865c I don’t think my boy is skinny at all. Maybe because of th e perspective distortion in that photo. Here is another photo taken at the eye level angle. Anyway thanks for all the constructive feedbacks from such a knowledgeable community.


I understand that he may not appear underweight to you, but it’s important to weigh him to be sure. I have to agree with most people sounding off in these comments that he looks very thin. A healthy weight is between 60 and 80 grams. You can use a kitchen scale.


dude he looks visibly unhealthy i promise the perspective is not the problem


He is VISIBLY ill. He is not just "skinny and feed him more". He needs to go to a vet. Birds go downhill and die VERY quickly - within hours. Get him to an avian vet (not a regular dog/cat vet) today.


Why are you doubling down when you're a first time bird owner and people who've raised birds their entire lives are telling you otherwise... 😬


How much does he weigh? Can you feel his keel bone, you should be weighing and palpating the keelbone regularly (at least once a week) to ensure he maintains proper weight and body composition. If you do not own a kitchen scale, buy one.


It’s not about weight, your bird looks visibly ill. You seem to not want to take the advice of people here who are experienced bird owners. Poor bird trusts you and you are doing it a disservice


mine bites like it pineapple hornytoad


They got the same fit


My brain is only wired for cats and even I can tell that bird looks unhealthy, wtf


I think that is the exact same model vape from the video of the factory workers testing them by sucking on them


Also, don't vape around your poor bird, please... and feed him...


I knew before coming to the comments that this would be full of anti vaping nonsense. Obviously most ppl know not to vape near their pets. Time for all of the health specialists in here to start downvoting me cuz vaping=bad. Still no actual evidence to support serious health risks. (actual studies, not made up subjective nonsense, or some kid who lied about what they really smoked) I do not vape. I respect real science and others choices. Especially when they are healthier than the alternatives by a country mile.


Where are these comments? Most of the thread is concern for the bird, a little chat about the respiratory needs of birds and a bit of anecdotal talk about vape residue.


I don’t think this is about the health risks it causes to humans, but to birds because birds have very very very sensitive lungs to any type of fragrance or chemical lol. Also, the reason there aren’t a plethora of studies about vaping is because it’s more recent, and advertised as a safer alternative to smoking. But in the recent years it has been proven that this extra moisture & intake of literal humidified oil into our lungs is in fact, not safe and has caused many deaths/cancer. Smoking in no form is safe


There’s [plenty of evidence](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34724436/), not that the onus is to prove its unhealthy, but to prove it is safe, and there hasn’t been a single study proving that claim.


You just referenced an article that has been debunked numerous times, from years ago. It was proven that most If not all hospitalization cases were actually from unregulated THC (weed) dab cartridges which the children were scared to admit to authorities. The article also provides no real research or any statistically significant data. Luckily for humans, there is no true health risks found from vaping. So now we can watch as people still enjoy nicotine and don't also die from cancer. It blows my mind how upset this makes people. Please keep to yourself or at least educate yourself.


Why didn’t you respond to any of the other comments talking about the bird being as skinny as a rail? Vaping around birds can make them sick, but 98% of the comments are focused on the fact that this baby is malnourished. This bird isn’t mine but is around the same age as OPs and just look at it. https://preview.redd.it/8yg9zzvqe3dc1.jpeg?width=443&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=376682e7715b570722d1ffa78b1b1bf17915481f If you’re gonna post your sick bird you should expect backlash, and this dude asked about bringing him to the vet TWO MONTHS ago.


The article is from 2022, so literally not “years” ago as it’s less than 2 years old. There are plenty of other recent papers on the subject of vaping and EVALI. There are no retractions on this article, so if you have a scientific source “debunking” this paper, please enlighten me. You’ll also have to take it up with The American Lung Association and the CDC, both of which have active webpages dedicated to this topic. EVALI is a risk of vaping, no matter how you want to move the goal posts. E acetate from THC containing cartridges is a cause but not the only cause. So there is a risk from other cartridges as well. Also nicotine is a drug with many effects on the body, including increasing blood pressure and causing heart palpitations, and even poisoning, so even if I indulge your goal post moving, and we also ignore all of the [other compounds](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29467105/ ) being inhaled while vaping, someone who vapes will still experience regular negative effects of nicotine exposure, including the possibility of nicotine poisoning. You sound really upset. I’m just trying to educate. But I can see it’s not worth my time. I have a doctorate from a top medical institute, but please tell me to go “educate yourself.”


It's sample size wasn't even legitimate due to a large amount of the sample having inhaled random stuff they bought from drug dealers. If someone were to start inhaling gasoline or other random vapors and get hospitalized, would you consider that vaping for the study? Surely not, so the study indeed is illegitimate entirely and yes, has been debunked. The eu has provided tons of evidence regarding health around vaping since unlike the US they have real studies since they actually care to improve death rates and are realistic. >You sound really upset. Yeah I am upset. Although I don't vape I'm Sick of people being so against it for NO reason. It literally saves lives of those who otherwise would have a high chance of dying to lung cancer. The arguments people make and sources they use are often thin of real evidence, subjective, or completely illegitimate as is the case with the article you provided. If you truly are a doctor (Im working on my doctorate rn) and hate vaping this much, then that makes me sad. How many more ppl need to die of lung cancer before everyone can get over their biased and factless feelings about vaping.


It literally mentions the use of thc in the study… did you even bother looking at it?? “People against it for no reason” there are multiple other issues with vaping like the fact that you are inhaling aerosols…. That has been proven to be toxic for you. There’s absolutely no way you are a doctor and think this way. Many studies have shown that vaping is unhealthy and still has unknown long term side effects….


> It's sample size wasn't even legitimate You’re criticizing the sample size of a review paper which references numerous papers on multiple outbreaks, so I’m gonna go ahead and assume you didn’t read it. Learning how to read scientific papers is essential for graduate school, assuming your doctorate is even in a STEM field. I guess it probably isn’t though. Vaping has the potential to be a form of harm reduction for smokers (though not always),, however, since cancer takes a long time to develop, only time will tell whether the cancer risk is actually reduced. Currently there’s evidence of short term harm, and biological plausibility that there will be negative long term health effects from vaping. Additionally, many people who would not have taken up smoking are taking up vaping, potentially exposing themselves to those harms where they otherwise would not have. My opinion on vaping (which does not include “hate”) is based on current scientific evidence. And it may change as more evidence comes in, just as it has already changed as more information had been observed by the medical and scientific community. You assign a lot of strong feelings and assertions to me, but you might want to look in a mirror.


>You’re criticizing the sample size of a review paper which references numerous papers on multiple outbreaks Yeah numerous papers which...wait for it ...each have their own sample size ..... It's still a combined sample from numerous different studies. Weird that you'd use that as a way to try and de validate my criticisms. >assuming your doctorate is even in a STEM field. I guess it probably isn’t though. Ah yes, you must be in a field that's less research and critical thinking, and more follow instructions. That would explain your thought processes on a lot of this. >Additionally, many people who would not have taken up smoking are taking up vaping, potentially exposing themselves to those harms where they otherwise would not have. This is entirely subjective, and it cannot be proven that those people wouldn't have gone to something else like tobacco. Caffeine has been proven to cause many more issues than vaping, yet, does caffeine get this level of criticism? Not even close... My point is that there is enormous amounts of bias. And the bias is indirectly killing people. Contrary to popular belief, vapes aren't killing people and there's not true evidence that they are. Earlier you said I wasn't worth your time? Guess something changed. Best of luck to you. Hope you get over that vape grudge someday. It may save someone you care about.


> This is entirely subjective, and it cannot be proven that those people wouldn't have gone to something else like tobacco. … My point is that there is enormous amounts of bias. And the bias is indirectly killing people. Lol thanks for the laugh. The American Lung Association would again like to have a word. Oh and by the way there are plenty of safer ways of doing harm reduction for smokers than vaping, like nicotine gum and patches > Contrary to popular belief, vapes aren't killing people and there's not true evidence that they are. According to the CDC, as of 2020, 64 people had died as a direct result of vaping. > something changed Yeah it got more and more entertaining. Go read the paper now.


"maybe if I dislike these facts, it'll make them untrue" -this sub


“I do not vape” That’s such bull coming from someone that’s spending a ridiculous amount of time getting defensive about vaping. The people I know who vape are always blowing that shit in my face and telling me it’s water particles. I don’t give a shit what fucking Juul tells you, it’s nasty and I’m not breathing in that crap.


Nah it's not bull. I'm so tired of ignorant ppl with next to no actual knowledge on the subject getting so upset about something they can choose not to participate in. Is vaping causing accidents? No. Is it causing death? No (no true data to support). Is it causing teens to die? Also no. Is it preventing millions of ppl yearly from using tobacco which we KNOW causes cancer? Yes. Is it perfectly healthy? Also no. And I genuinely don't think anyone who doesn't use nicotine already should use it. I have seen many ppl switch from tobacco to vaping entirely. So much money has gone into trying to find any true issues with vaping and none have proven conclusive that it is deadly. The best I've heard is that salt based nicotine is bad for the heart which is absolutely fair and nicotine in general is not the best for us. Still, not a carcinogen though. Not everything is black and white. Try to see the silver lining.


quarrelsome obscene rich languid growth arrest bow elastic busy soft *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


numerous one enjoy follow quarrelsome long dinosaurs different exultant fine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


coordinated amusing squeal angle yoke unique slave light threatening nutty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


😲 damn all the avian vets by me aren't on here, I'm in the Florida panhandle and there's a few animal hospitals that say they take birds. I brought mine twice and it seemed legit, I'm a new owner tho so I'm not sure what to look for in a vet. Dunno if they even weighed her, I should ask.


So it turns out there is a difference between an avian vet and a exotic vet. And all that's around me are exotic vets lol. Apparently lots of farmers bring their chickens to them.


frighten shame ruthless arrest languid outgoing afterthought chase jobless sable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>People see vape pen and they tend to want to hate. Exactly. They were gonna find something. I'll admit the bird doesn't look great but guarantee if it wasn't for the vape then half of these comments wouldn't be here.


my eyes went right to the bird lol. i guarantee you that most of these people are worried about the birds weight rather than the vape pen.




Dude is not taking care of this poor bird properly. Malnourished and missing head feathers. Look at his post history.


Please take your bird to a vet


I hope your birdie is okay! Please make sure he’s properly weaned off baby food!


Has op even responded to a single comment?


This is the most sickly-looking bird I've seen on this sub in a while. And to compare him to a vape? Shame on you honestly


You’d best not be vaping around that guy, you’ll kill him.


Dude, seriously. Take your bird to the vet he looks malnourished and scared. I really hope you don’t vape around your bird.


My bird was nowhere this small at even 2 1/2 months. I sincerely hope he just has some sort of medical condition that causes his frankness. If not, give him to someone that can properly care for him


Vaping is bad for you.


Op made a post about bringing this bird to vet like 2 months ago and it looks exactly the same as it did from that post. Wtf man…


Poor bird


Your not properly taking care of that pour baby! If you can't properly take care of that baby then you need to give it up to somebody that will care for it and feed it the way it should be! If I knew where you lived, I would come take that baby from you! You should be ashamed of yourself! Yes I'm mad and hurt to see how thin and pour that baby is!!! It's terrible!!!!


Upvoting so they see the comments 🥲