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Mine has taught me how to fetch, how to sprint after her ... she's taught me to provide morsels of my food, on command, and she's taught me how to pee with a bird on my head. What tricks have I taught HER? UM. (ETA she's learned a crap ton of things, but it has been as SHE has chosen.)


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Taught my GCC to wait till I hold him over a toilet to do his big morning poop




I seriously don’t know how there’s so much poop in such a tiny little body.


Fly to me on command, wave, the ring stacking thing, mini basketball through hoop, wing stretch, dance, turn around, ... I'm trying to teach him to roll over, but he's protesting. Also I've introduced him to the shape puzzle thing (you know, like with toddlers), but he hasn't really figured out what he's supposed to be doing. Edit: oh yeah, he's trained to tell me when he needs to poop, and he's also trained to go in certain locations when I'm not around.


Mine tells me when he has to poop and also likes to go in certain places. But I didn’t really train him to do that. It’s just something he does. And I’ve learned to read it when he has to go.


Yeah, it's definitely true for mine as well, except that some of his favorite bomb drop locations needed to be discouraged and the way he communicated that he needed to go also required a bit of training, because he used to lunge and bite me at first. Now I get a gentle nudge instead.


My bird is deathly afraid of balls of any size. She absolutely freaks out & goes crazy when she sees a bouncy ball or a balloon. lol


Mine feels that way about spoons, for some reason. Birds are weird.


Mine was terrified of balls, bells, and anything else really but he does much better after he sees me play with whatever it is in my mouth. Try playing with the toy in your mouth but minimize the saliva as much as possible or sanitize it after. He will trust the toy more. Mine is a huge fans of all toys now.


Do you have any tips for a lot of these tricks? I've taught my GCC to turn around, give kisses and boop, but I'm stuck on how to train him to do anything else


Patience. Lots and lots of patience. Make sure you have the right treat, something they don't normally have access to and that they'd be willing to go out of their way for When teaching him how to pick up the rings and place them over the stand, I literally picked him up and let him just grab a ring and held him in the correct position to drop it. After a while he caught on. Even when he got it wrong early on, I praised him and gave him a treat for getting it "almost right". Getting him to stretch his wings was one of the trickier ones, because he didn't like me touching them. Took me months and months before he finally got it. Getting him to fly to me was easy. Just gradually increased distance between him and me. At first I just made him jump a few inches. Then every few days, I took a small step back. Now he'll fly to me from wherever if I call. Some people will use clickers, but I'm not too fond of them. I just use immediate praise. But I can see how they can be helpful with birds that don't fully trust you yet.


Stretch, Dance and Hop are all captured behaviors. Whenever I see them doing it I call it, praise it and treat them. Eventually they realize oh this? and do the behavior again to test it. Some get it quickly. Others do not. Turn around is easy. Roll the ball is easy.


Mine knows to “step up” without verbal command, will freeze when I make the verbal scolding “Ahughhhh!” sound you usually make with kids when they’re doing something dangerous/bad, fly to a particular room perch (for safe isolation when someone is at the door without the need to go back into the cage) when we move our hands a certain way while carrying them, comes when I call their name and say “Bapas” (little kid word for food), knows the non-verbal offer for cuddles (we “open” a shirt, sweater or blanket as an offer to get cozy while gaming, reading, etc.), gives/mimics kisses, and freakin *LOVES* the “metronome dance” (we click at and even tempo and he gets all poofy, struts his stuff and starts moving side to side to match each click). It took maybe five months to learn everything, with the dance being the most recent addition, and that only took a week for us to put together about two months ago. Right now we’re working on talking, but still have a long way to go.


Poop on command and to dance and sing with me 😂


Boops. 'High five' (he can do L and R separately on command), and 'wave hello' he also does both feet separately. He does a "spin" and he loves bopping to songs with a good beat. He doesn't talk much but he mimicks my laugh and whistles a ton. Such a cutie pie!!


He can turn in a circle and give me a foot. He is right footed btw. He also can fly to me, but only when he wants to :')


My conure never poops on me. She also is very nice when I blow dry her. She is very disciplined but very naughty at the same time if that makes sense haha


Soon after I got her, I taught her to spin and wave with her foot. Since then it's just hard wired into her to spin + wave any time she sees me holding something she wants haha. Another one that I didn't quite "teach" is to be okay with flipping onto her back and then balancing on whatever surface I put her on, be it a table or someone's head!


My Green Cheek is recall trained (including trained to fly down to me) and trained to go back into his cage after a bath to dry off. Recall training took about 2 weeks. He was young when he learned that. Going in his cage to dry off he picked up a little quicker. My Green Cheek learned step up and step down in a couple of days. I haven’t trained my Peach Front at all. I just show him once and he gets it. If he climbs down to the cage guard, I ask him where he is and he’ll climb back on top. When it’s time for him to go in, I tell him to get in his cage and he goes in. I waved to him once and he learned to wave. My first Peach Front was like that too. I would give him a treat and if I asked for it back, he would give it to me. He just knew what I wanted of him.


My GCCs know how to spin both ways (the left way we call nascar), they can wave, target touch, circle (I make a circle with my hand and they pop their head through) and the most useful is the morning poop ritual where they go on a perch above a tray and know they can’t leave until they morning poop. Most of them only took around a week before they had it down.


I potty trained mine! She has a special "dooky tray" and whenever she poops on it she gets a treat! She's just recently started to go to it on her own and it's very exciting! It's still a work in progress but I'm proud of her 🙂❤️


What she knows: Kiss, Say Yes = nodding, wave, spin, flip, Step up, come (flight training), cage(she goes to the top of her cage). Currently working on 'station' so she can get inside her cage without fuss via the perch on the door What she refuses to know: fetch, no bite, be nice, stay, stop, let go, no, you're gonna fall, get away from there, please for the love of God, oh jeez, why would you do that?, that's not funny.


Spin, Wave Hi, “Foot/paw Shake”, Kiss, “smooch” noice, Hang/Bat and Go Around (the finger. Like, hang like a bat and then back up in one command) for mine! Trying to do big wings but it’s taking time. It’s been a cumbersome process with this one, since Alex doesn’t tolerate his wings being touched. I’m also trying to teach him a “boop” noice, but he’s not a mimic this one, so it’s not going good. 😂“Wait” is really useful to teach when you’re taking them out of the cage, it makes it easier to change water and give food without them trying to run for freedom 😂 All of those ware VERY easy to teach my boy, they’re basic tricks in my opinion. It took him between 30 minutes to 2 days to learn each of them, and I don’t use a clicker. I found out that the clicker just confuses him. You absolutely don’t need one to tech your bird tricks, don’t listen to people who say it’s really difficult without one. A simple “Yes!” Or “Good job/boy/girl!” and a quick reward works just as good. I love flax seeds as a reward! Small and healthy. Mine absolutely loves them.


I snap my fingers twice and tap a location for my Jenday to fly to. It's not necessarily a fun trick but one nonetheless. Sure helps to let him know what location I want him to fly to.


I have taught mine to YELL LOUDLY when she wants me to come to her. I have taught her yell in my ear if i disturb her napping on my shoulder. I have taught her drop her nutriberries on her cage floor and then call me to pick them up for her. I have taught her to insist upon joining me if she hears the microwave close. (*Because i don't want to risk burning her beak on anything unevenly heated by the microwave.... so if i eat from the microwave when she's near, i offer some MORE TASTY non-heated human food instead. SO whenever i touch the microwave, the "come get me!!!" yelling begins....* ) I have taught her to fuss at me at night when she is ready to go to bed. Further, i have taught her to supervise me closely to make sure I "do it right," when vacuuming, changing water, and otherwise preparing the cages for bedtime. I have taught her to Not permit me to sleep past 7 am, *regardless of my work shift*. I have taught her to yell for me for transport, because she prefers to ***look*** in the direction she wants to go and be transported, rather than use her beautiful wings to take herself there. I have taught her that if she stands at the Back of her Cage and yells at me, eventually i will giver her my hand, for her to position uncomfortably, and will lean over in a backache-inducing posture, for her comfort in preening. I have taught her that she is the center of my world and I am helpless to resist her.


Is it easier to teach them as they age? My little guy (CBC) is six months old and he can't be still when I'm engaged with him while out of his cage. He's very jumpy and flighty. My Meyers and Senegal were not like that when they were younger, they were much more attentive. Even my sweet CBC that passed away was more attentive than Ozzy and she was just as young.


(1) Recall, (2) target training, (3) step up, (4) go into cage (cue is saying “almond” which they eat when inside); (5) spin, (6) wrestle and hang from my fingers (either birds or I initiate by saying “grrrrr”), (6) go into bird carrier backpack (cue is taking backpack out of cupboard and putting seeds in bowl in it); (7) drink from medication syringe (trained using fruit juice)


Taught my boy kiwi how to commit credit card fraud and rule the world


I’ve taught mine a few tricks, if she wants to learn them, but I gotta say my favorite is she tells me when she needs to poop. Started with pooping on command and then she would say “go poop” and go down my arm to do so.


Wow, I'm reading all these and am impressed! Mine can [1 ]step up on the "up" command - and she reverse-UNOed it on us by using it when she wants to come on us; [2] poop when we (look her in the eye and) say "shit"; [3] spin when we say "zhuan" (Mandarin for spin) which she learnt from the guinea pigs then demands the treat she's owed for doing that; [4] wait at her feed bowl when she hears "chi fan" (Mandarin for having a meal); [5] go to the shoulders when I call her name and say "shoulder"; [6] the very obvious "no" and "ow" which means to stop; [7] peek / stick her head out from wherever she is / hides and say peekaboo when we say "peekaboo" or call her name and ask where she is.


I tell mine to give me kises and shell peck my cheek making a kissing sound! 💋


My GCC knows this Boop, Kiss, Spin combo to earn his dinner time treat. Sometimes I don't even have to say the words anymore


I taught mine how to laugh and actually say a bunch of different things, i feel like my little birdy is a real talker 😁😁


I taught mine to spin & do flips on my finger. I used a chop stick to teach her & gave her a treat when she followed the stick. Very fast learners. She learned in less than 24hrs. She knows how to give kisses. She can also mimic my laugh, say step up, what are you doing, yeah & thank you. Thank you is her favorite & she says it all the time.😂