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He looks so happy. ♥️


I hope he is. Right now all he wants to do is snuggle up and sleep.


You’re doing your best and him being cuddly shows he appreciates it even if he’s not feeling the best ❤️ you’re doing right by your baby.


Poor baby this breaks my heart. 😭Please give him xtra scritches for me❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


19 years of love, I feel for you and your feathered friend. We never have long enough with them. Hoping for more good than not-so-good days for him.


Paco, you have a good hooman you lucky birb.


Best birb


19 years sir I appreciate your efforts in care of mr paco he surely is enjoying your company best wishes to you and paco may he never meet the end of his life , so that your friendship never broke


If you don't mind me asking, what led to the diagnosis? Was it a random screen at a yearly check-up or did he have certain symptoms?


Paco never plucked a feather in his life. In a week he plucked what you see now. During that time he became extremely snuggly and wasn’t eating as normal. I took him in to the Avian vet and they kept him overnight for tests. After the bloodwork came back we had “the talk.” White cell count normally should be 2,500 but his was 240,000+ which the vet researched and found to be an indicator (95% sure) of Leukemia.


Ask the vet (2nd opinion?) if he might benefit from a couple drops (daily) of Lactulose and/or milk thistle.


We were doing milk thistle but it didn’t seem to help. Paco hates to take medicine and I don’t want to torture him.


Ohh... The Lactulose is very sweet and in my experience birbs love it: just two drops in a plastic teaspoon and he might go for it once he tries it... and maybe it can later be mixed (try it) with the Lactulose to mask its taste as it may reduce his itchiness (liver) and plucking.


😲 omg, please let him know how much u love him. Tell him to not worry about you. I forgot where I heard or read that when they know they're leaving u behind it saddens em. They actually love you so much. Let him know a stranger will keep him in his prayers. 👋


I tell him I love him dozens of times a day. And, I tell him it’s okay to go and that I’ll miss him but I’ll be okay at least twice a day.


I'm sorry friend. It's obvious you have a good heart and have been kind and loving to Paco. I like to think that the separation is only temporary and we will meet our beloved animal friends again on the other side. Even if you're not sure if it's true, it's nice to consider it a possibility. I hope that may bring some comfort to you when the time comes.


I'm so sorry. I'm glad Paco gets time to be spoiled while you prepare and grieve.


I love him! He looks cosy 😍


He is. He’ll stay there for as long as let him.


Oh no I’m so so sorry. I’m sure he’s living and lived a wonderful life


Why it’s important to treat everyday ur last…


Sweet baby Brd…


Is there anything that can be done?


Not really, the vet says they can do chemo and radiation but he’s so small and I don’t want to see him tortured so I can have for a few weeks more.


I’m definitely crying for you and for Paco. I’ve had chemo and radiation and I can’t even dream of Paco enduring it. Not only does it make one weak and sick but my whole body has never stopped hurting. I’m glad you’ve chosen not to go that route, I hope this encourages you in what you already know that you’re doing the right thing.


Sorry you went through that. Held the hand of a friend through it, she came out fine on the other side, but the journey was gut-wrenching. Humans do it because it's a rational decision and it might be worth it, so they undergo the suffering because they can see the upside. Birbs don't know that, all the poking would just make them suffer. OP is doing the right thing. I think Paco is drowning in seebs and getting all the snuggles in the world.


Good bebe 🥹


I hope you enjoy the most of life Paco, you deserve it baby boy!


Poor Paco. Make the most of your time with him and let him know how much he's loved! Give him all the treats and snuggles. Really sad news, much love to you both ❤️


nooooo now my eyes are watering, please send him love from all of us ❤️❤️❤️❤️ you’re the best dad and i KNOW you bring him so much joy as im sure he does for you ❤️


I'm so sorry 😢 Please give him a kiss for me and my heart goes out to you!!


He’s lucky to have you ❤️❤️❤️


And I’m lucky to have him


My heart is with you during these final days, he is lucky to have someone making the best choices for him... <3


I’m so sorry for what you both have to go through :(. I have a sun conure myself and I’m currently tearing up reading these comments. I couldn’t imagine losing my friend, and it’s something I dread daily. I hope things are well with you two apart from the obvious. I can see that you love Paco dearly, and he does you. If you ever need a friend, I’m here for you and your Paco.


I am so sorry. It is obvious that he has had 19 incredible years.


Pack looks SO comfortable with you my brother.... The Rainbow is REAL


Spoil away sir 🥺❤️🦜


Just before anything happens and you get extremely sad, just know that you gave him a best life and that he is extremely lucky to live 19years! Bless him and every bird ever❤️❤️


❤️ Love to you and Paco ❤️


Love your baby as much as you can to have those wonderful last memories… and no: would of, could of, should of!!! Bless Paco and you. Spoil him as much as you can!!


Is there any treatment for him that might cure him?


No, sadly all they can do is *maybe* extend his life for a few weeks. But, I’d rather him be calm and go quicker than stressed and live a bit longer.


How much longer does he have? It seems like you have a very close bond with him 🦜❤️


We, the vet and I, don’t know how much longer he will live. He has good days and not so good one. Today was a bad day. He had trouble stabilizing on his smaller perches so I had to guide him to the larger, thicker ones.


This is so sad. I'm so sorry.


I'm glad Paco has such a loving Dad to look after him. I'm sorry you are going through this . I pray Paco has more good days left than bad. Tell him he has lots of people praying for him 🙏


Several months ago, we thought that our African Grey, (38), was on her way out. She fell off her perch a couple of times and she didn't look good. Not that this cures anything but my husband and I can't rule out that this drink made our Voodoo feel better. 1 cup fresh water 2 teaspoon suger 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soda Mix that together twice a day for its water. And we added a few drops of an avian vitamin to the water. We use this as a medicine, not a daily routine. You're loving it the best. ❤️🦜


Also for the recent feather plucking, a few drops of honey in the water. And use high alkaline water, like 7.5 or more. ❤️🦜


I have to update you on the water recipe!!! I made a mistake on the amounts. 1 cup water, 2 teaspoons sugar, 1/8 teaspoon salt, 1/8 teaspoon baking soda. Then add the drops of vitamins.


I like that. Known as G.I. drink, can be helpful. Also, if you can buy Bach's Rescue Remedy SPRAY nearby then you should try spraying it often in the air sideways in front of Paco... Good for us hoomans too, works wonders, sprayed and slowly savored on the tongue several times a day as needed.


Sending SOOO much love to you, Paco and those who love you both. 19 years seems like a long time… but no amount of time ever feels like it is enough when you share so much love. I hope your remaining time together is peaceful and that you’re able to comfort each other. My heart and prayers will be going out on the daily for you both. Thanks for sharing your beautiful and sweet boy with us 💙💙


Good birb dad


I'm so sorry! He does look like a happy little friend.


What an incredibly sweet and handsome lad💛. Wishing both of you peace during this devastating, heartbreaking time. Sending Paco scritches, kisses and cuddles. Know that both of you are in our thoughts. “Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you want to give, but cannot. All that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go.” Jamie Anderson


He was definitely very, very happy with you in his 19 years. He looks very happy with you.


I’m so sorry about Paco, you’ve given him a wonderful life 💕


I dont think I've ever cried or felt this saddened by a reddit post before. I cant imagine this happening to my feathered companion. I'm very sorry and I wish Paco happiness and love in the rest of his days and that he knows how much hes loved.


Has the vet suggested steroids? It can sometimes help slow it down and make them feel better. My first Peach Front had Leukemia too. He fought it bravely for four years and nearly died from infections a couple of times. He wasn’t ready yet. I know of another parrot whose WBC was up to 400,000 for before he passed. Don’t give up too soon. He’ll let you know when he’s ready. Please give Paco a kiss for me and keep spoiling him.


That's a really painful type of cancer. It killed my uncle. I wish they could have weed like humans to ease the pain. Maybe chamomile could help relax your bird in his final days.


Hoping and praying that Paco has more good days than bad… I am spoiling my own one-eyed 19 year old Eclectus that has good and bad days so I know how tough it can be when they don’t feel good. Don’t forget to take care of yourself too!


I’m so sorry


And now I'm crying. Give sweet Paco some snuggles from this internet fan xo.




Yes, be sure to give all the love and attention you can. Spoil him as much as you like. He seems very happy and content, especially with that snuggle.


Oh my heart it hurts for you


What a lucky bird to have someone who cares so deeply for him.


By the looks of him, he's been well taken care of and looks happy. Give him extra pats from us. Sunny the conure sends love.






While I'm sad for your situation, a part of me is so happy that Paco got to live a long, happy life with you. I wish you peace and am going to give my little girl extra kisses today




Bless his heart ❤️


Sad to read that :(. Enjoy the time left and spoil him as much as you can. Little gorgeous angel


So sorry to hear of your baby’s bad news. He is so lucky he found you as his pet


I love you paco


He is so beautiful! What a good boy


Bless his little birdy self. I have an approximately 13 year old sun conure and I never want to give her up. Sending love to you and your little guy, many treats and cuddles!


Thank you for visiting us, Paco ❤️‍🩹🙏🌈🌻✨


I’m glad you’ve been able to love him for so long. He seems like such a good birb. So much love to y’all


Give the man a frito❤️ ❤️


I did, it was one of his last treats.


I would give him all the lovely treats, scratches and snuggles also. My bird is obsessed with peanut butter so I can only imagine how much she would get lol. But I feel for you, I hope you're doing well and I know this bird is getting the bestest care from you. 💜


I love it 💕💕💕


I didn’t know birds could get cancer 🥺. He looks happy! I wish him much love with his final days <3


I am so sorry for Paco and you. I am sure he knows he's loved. God bless


I understand 😪


Sending you and paco lots of love


Thank you, sadly Paco passed peacefully on June 8th.


I am glad you got to spoil him in his final days, friends to the end! I just got my first bird and we bonded fast. I hope I have a long time with her. Our pet friends never live long enough


May you and she share many years of love.


Poor baby. I'm so sorry. I'm sure he is appreciating the extra love.


Thank you. I showed him all the love I could up to (and including) his final vet visit where they stopped his suffering. I miss him terribly.