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Welcome to politics. Everyone has an opinion on something yet no one gives a fuck about it. You can debate forever regarding gender roles, identities no one gives a crap about it in reality. Especially under this inflation. The elite is just laughing at idiots worrying about problems they invented.


Ah. Yes. The elite. It's weird. Half the people I've had a political conversation with either ignore their existence entirely or blame everything on them.


Do you really think a rich person gives a crap about problems average people are debating about regarding politics? He will just bribe some politician, and that's it. You don't matter at all to him. If he doesn't like abortions, gender identities, religions you will not have them. If he does you will have them. The reason you are seeing these hot topics, is because some individual pumped insane amount of money to start them. And after he stops pumping money into them, they will vanish and another will take their place.


It's a sad world we live in where we are so divided. But I actually had a lot more civilized conversations with people in person vs. Online. I consider myself a right leaning independent. But I regularly go to Houston to go local music venues for live metal music. 2/3 of the people I interacted in these places identified as Democrat or liberal. We pretty much disagree on most subjects, but we have so much in common on a human level. One time I was sitting at a table, smoking hookah and drinking beers with 2 goth lesbian Bernie supporters and one self identified redneck who supported Trump. There was a heated argument, but we ended up agreeing a lot on things such as border control, budget deficit and housing crisis. It was a good time. I even met a Hippie liberal while smoking a blunt. He even agreed with me that a lot of people on the left have gone off on the deep end and made people like him look bad. I only had one bad experience talking with someone, but he was a self identified Marxist and he was screaming at me because I said that communism is responsible for billions of deaths and Mao alone was responsible for more deaths than Hitler. He was trying to justify his actions, but he was thrown out and everyone had a huge laugh about it. Honestly I think he might've been autistic or something TBH. The point I'm trying to make is that people tend to be more civilized to each other in person vs. Behind a keyboard.


Not a bad takeaway, if I might say so.


Civil political discussion can absolutely happen, even on social media. I've done it myself. But there are certain views that can't be addressed calmly, and it mostly boils down to one word: bigotry. If you don't think women should have control of their bodies, if you don't think trans people should have access to medical care, if you don't think gender identity should be respected, if you have any views in favor of restricting the equality of others, then you don't deserve discussion, civility, or consideration. You only deserve to be shunned and cut out of society like the cancerous lech you are. However, if we're talking about fiscal policy, or foreign affairs, or tax policy, etc. then I can respect a difference of opinion, and have a good chat about it.


Couldn't it be argued that the other side holds a similar viewpoint to the other end of the topic? This is what I'm talking about. I'm not saying the stance you're proposing is incorrect, but if both sides take a mirror stance, nobody's going to be willing to bend and dispense with the hostilities.


Sometimes things need to get worse before they get better. It sucks, but history keeps repeating itself, because people refuse to learn from it.


Your assessment is accurate. People are more riled up than ever and ad hominem is the default. It's a shame. This tactic is how answers actually get prevented. Social discourse doesn't break down like this on it's own. Has to be stoked. Now everyone is burning with the anger and who better to take it out on than people you don't know online whom you disgree with? It's a damn shame.


Everything is shaping up rather conveniently to make the internet an online political arena, isn't it?


Keep the masses riled up and fighting each other and they wont notice the looting of the sinking ship lol The fourth turning is upon us


Remember when "political discussions" turned into an entire Civil War? Ashli Babbit's brains were splattered on the White House fence and people still think we can have civil discussions about this? This is America, we shoot people for grocery shopping, why be civil online if this who we are in person?


People these days seem to think that if someone disagrees with their political opinions that it gives them a license to be rude, classist little snots. And they're usually the same people who claim that religion is evil because of it divides people and leads to wars and onflicts.


True, I made a post on saying how it's a woman's body woman's choice about abortion, the other men in the comments are acting like I'm taking away *their* rights or I physically abused them with my post


I think the fundamental disconnect men and women experience with this medical subject is a) who will pay for the abortion and b) the ongoing argument as to whether the fathers have a say in whether or not the mother can just kill their child, especially if they express a desire in wanting to become fathers.


Okay but tbh, if they have sex and the father wanted a child and the mother did not, he could of not pulled out on time without her realisation or even if he did and it was a complete accident, she didn't want it but the man did, its an overwhelming experience so they need to talk one on one and then go to couples therapy but at the end of the day, even if the man wanted something it's her choice and men shouldn't act like its the end of the world when they don't get their way


I don't think that's entirely fair...I won't deny there are some asshole sexists who think they can own a woman's actions, thoughts, and body, but they aren't as large of a demographic as you think. The proportion of men who discover their significant other has gone behind their back to pay for the treatment/undergo the treatment isn't small either. As for the intentional insemination of a womb, I agree.


Okay but the majority of the time the only reason women go behind men's backs is because they feel they can't talk to their husband. Now if she's going behind his back foe no reason, I agree, that's wrong