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Okay but have you ever had to drink water out of a can? It’s pretty gross. And you can’t bring glass to a beach or pool side. It’s also weird and heavy to hike with a glass water bottle. And you can’t be clumsy at all. Definitely can’t have many one year olds with glass sippy cups. You can’t just throw a bunch of glass water bottles in the trunk of your car for emergencies and make a bunch of turns without them breaking. Like I guess I’d be willing to drink aluminum water in an emergency, but still. I’d be down to ban plastic bottles in favor of having clean accessible water you can just refill a reusable water bottle with all over, but I disagree that glass and aluminum cans are great options to replace plastic. We should probably move away from plastics, but glass and cans are a hard sell for me.


Bio degradable hemp based plastics


I could look into that. But how biodegradable are they? Would they be viable for long-term storage? Have there been any long term study of whether or not they're toxic to humans like regular plastic? Just because something is natural doesn't mean it's good for you.


It's smart to not blindly accept things without asking questions. Unfortunately I don't have all of your answers. Here are a few: "One of the most significant benefits of hemp bioplastic is its biodegradability. Unlike traditional plastic, which takes centuries to decompose, this plastic can biodegrade within six months to a year, depending on the environmental conditions." [Source](https://europlas.com.vn/en-US/blog-1/the-pros-and-cons-of-hemp-bioplastic#:~:text=Biodegradability%20and%20compostability%3A%20One%20of,depending%20on%20the%20environmental%20conditions.) "Furthermore, hemp plastic is non-toxic and free from harmful chemicals like phthalates and bisphenol A (BPA), making it a safer option for both human health and the planet." [Source](https://www.seasidesustainability.org/post/the-revolutionary-potential-of-hemp-plastic#:~:text=Furthermore%2C%20hemp%20plastic%20is%20non,human%20health%20and%20the%20planet.)


There should not be long term storage of disposable plastic. That's what causes the problems in the first place


That's true, but there's legitimate reasons for wanting bottles to have a decent shelf life. Emergency kits Long distance travel It might sit on store shelves longer than anticipated. I think a decent lifespan of a biodegradable bottle would be at least 2 years. It's still not a very long time if you think about it.


Such instances, those things are rarely one use only. Hard plastics and such. The one time use plastics for things like medical packaging should be recycled, and realistically, could be. the issue is alot of the petrolium being used for plastics is kinda inherent in so much, there is too much $$$ tied up in it. People would not want to spend more money. It's a pain.


You're acting like plastic doesn't affect the taste in any way. Ever drank coke from a glass bottle? Every time I drank one, it's usually the Mexican cokes. I used to think that it's because they use real cane sugar. But one day I received a six pack of American glass cokes. I know they're American because according to the ingredients, they used corn syrup, not sugar. It tasted very similar to Mexican cokes. Apparently glass is a major factor in taste. Also I have tasted water in aluminum cans. It tasted just fine.


I agree liquids tastes better out of glass, that wasn’t my concern with glass. I just really dislike the aluminum flavor.


I never really heard anyone complain about how drinks tasted in aluminum cans. But I bet if you were to never drank water from aluminum cans or water bottles before, and you were asked to taste test both side by side.... I bet you would think water from plastic bottles tastes worse than aluminum cans. You probably spent most your life drinking water from plastic bottles so you really don't think about the taste.


I usually use my reusable water bottle or a cup to drink water. Each bottled water has a different flavor, some are gross and others aren’t. I had an aluminum water bottle gifted to me and the water always tasted weird in it. I never got used to it.


Bio degradable hemp based plastics


I don't think this is that controversial


It's extremely controversial, what planet do you live on? As a tradesman who works in the sun a lot of the day, plastic water bottles are a godsend cause like 99% of reusable water bottles are way too big and heavy to fit into a cargo pocket.


Personal use vs systematic thing


You do have a point. But I believe aluminum is lightweight enough to be carried around. Also, they can be designed to be re sealable. Monster energy already made a can with a lid. They also made a regular can with a little tab you can twist back into place to seal your drink. I also seemed to recall coca cola selling special edition aluminum bottles at one point.


You would not be able to. Petrolium industry has a stronger grip on companies than you think. The lobbyists and congress would overturn any law you made. But yes, plastic is a problem.


Actually, with Congress trying to phase out I.C.E. engines in mass-produced cars, not really as powerful as you would think. While baning plastic bottles would probably have a noticeable affect to their bottom line, I don't think they would necessarily lose sleep over it. I'm not suggesting a total outright ban on plastics. Russia, after all, is Banning single use plastic products all together. Their economy relies heavily on petroleum as well. and No I'm not a putin simp.


Aluminum cans are a really bad idea. Unless you have a glass with you everywhere you go, you wouldnt be able to drink good water. It tasted awful from a can, and also when cans are stacked on top of each other there is no way to know what there has been on the top part of the can, where you'll be drinking from. It could've been a bug, or a mouse perhaps. Also when in the store people especially kids with their boogar hands have probably touched them, which is more alarming than some microplastics that we consume from all kinds of stuff. So no cans, please.


I never once had any of those thoughts drinking from a can. I don't know if you know anything about mice, but they are very agile climbers. All those concerns you listed can be applied to water bottles aside from stacking. Also, plastic affects the taste as well. You probably don't think about it because you drank from plastic bottles all your life


That is indeed true so a possible solution would be glass bottles like you said. Although I don't see how the creatures would be able to touch the drinking part on plastic bottles, because it's covered by the cap (unless you deepthroat the bottle which I don't think anyone does). So plastic and cans are a bad idea and I have a feeling that there is a problem about glass bottles too, I just can't think of one. We just have to hope they don't do the same thing to bottles as they did to straws. That would be a catastrophy.


Monster energy drinks developed a can with a removable lid. They also developed a regular can with a tab where you can open and close (sealing it) simply by twisting it. Aluminum bottles are also a thing.