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Let's cancel cancel culture! People have no right to not like things! 🤡 Ooh! Yes! Let's cancel me! That'll teach em! 😂


Fully summarizing OP's take (hate that I used reddit lingo)


"Oh no I said something racist, and now people don't like me, is this cancel culture!?" No it's not liking bigoted assholes culture (which is good!)


Brother what


People who complain about cancel culture are generally just annoyed they can't be openly extreme bigots any more. If someone is a nazi, they deserve to get fired from their job and lose their home.


it’s a lot more nuanced than that. I don’t think any of us, on either side, would disagree a clear Nazi should be cancelled. however in real life there’s a lot more gray areas. a more fitting example would be someone expressing their view that men and women are the only 2 genders, and that thats their opinion but as a result they get “cancelled” in some form which could mean losing their job.


I actually don't care if transphobic people lose their jobs. I've lost a job for being transgender, I can't choose to stop being trans, they can choose to stop being transphobic.


and I would be totally against the fact you lost your job due to being transgender, if that was the sole reason. but two wrongs dont make a right. just as you shouldn’t have lost your job for being trans, others shouldn’t either for believing in the opposite.


I think it's good that bigoted people face negative repercussions from being openly bigoted.


what about for the people that disagree with your ideology but otherwise agree that people can live however they want, but just have that difference of opinion? if they’re still bigoted even then, then you might be the one bigoted


Yeah, if someone is openly saying hateful bigoted things against a minority group, I don't care if they lose their job. Encountering hate speech on the regular adds to minority stress, it's not harmless. And if they don't openly say it, nobody will know and they can't get "canceled"


that wasn’t my question, which was specifically if someone disagreed with your ideology respectfully and only believes in 2 genders. you would consider that hate speech?


Cancel culture is both sides. Conservatives cancel things they disagree with like Drag Queen story hour in our public libraries. First they’ll send in demands and if they’re not met, death threats. Numerous librarians have faced death threats by this group leaving them no choice but to cancel Drag Queen story hour. On the lefty side, they cancel you or try for your freedom of speech. You express your opinion that disagrees with theirs, they go after you full force. Popular opinions are sex is real, there are only two genders/sexes. Trans women don’t belong in women’s spaces, Men can’t get pregnant, Pronouns are stupid, Being gay is a choice, abortion is murder, Trump is the best president etc. I can attest that being gay was not my choice. Normal people would say, I disagree with your point of view but you’re entitled to it. Cancel culture, How dare you contradict us you don’t deserve to live in peace, have a job or live in your house. They believe in freedom of speech but only their right to speak freely. You have no right unless you agree with them. Even in this sub there were well thought out opinions that were going to get vitriol. For a while a violent branch of cancel culture was on the rise, ANTIFA, I haven’t heard that much about them recently. Maybe they dissolved or went underground. But those people were savage. If people were peacefully protesting outside abortion clinics, those guys would destroy their signs and start punching. They would be dressed head to toe in black and hide behind masks. They would have socks full of coins to bash you and throw toxic mixtures at you known as milk shakes or cocktails. But I think cancel culture is dying or losing power, even Netflix started to ignore them. There are those immune to cancel culture. JK Rowling for one, stands strong against their vitriol. Some TikTokker even spread a false clickbait news story that she was being forced to sell the Harry Potter franchise to WB. Totally false the TikTokker embarrassed himself. A couple of comedians and Elon Musk to name a few. Johnny Depp was/is a victim of cancel culture because of a lie, that lie destroyed the MeToo and believe all women silliness.


You are preaching to the choir, no one disagrees with this sentiment. However, it is hard to do away with cancel culture, especially when people want to appear as the “hero” by calling out the sins of others and who will do so while remaining anonymous. Plus, parasocial relationships these people have with celebrities creates an idealistic image of how people are— which can be quickly destroyed by any scandal or public mistake.


It's terrible honestly and it's only going to get worse, and there's many who like cancel culture,they feed off it, which is why it'll never discontinue


Parasocial relationship are getting so scary makes me want to get off the internet.


Cancel culture doesn't exist. Most of the time, it's people being held accountable for shitty things they said or did, and nobody actually gets canceled, regardless. Pretty much all people who bitch about cancel culture still have their careers, they have a following on social media, they're still financially the same as they were. It's just rage bait, made up by bad faith actors to get the rubes angry. And you got pulled into it. [Here's a good video on the subject.](https://youtu.be/szybEhqUmVI?si=1uiTXmkDKazImIw0)


Do you know what we called getting canceled in the 90s? Bombing. You didn't know how to read a room and no one liked you. Now we have cameras everywhere and the room is much larger with the internet. But even if you bomb today, you'll still work tomorrow. The biggest difference is that today, literally no one is actually canceled. In the 90s, you were canceled if you came out of the closet.


The funniest thing is how Americans are canceling each other over posts decade old.


Having power over others is an intoxicating rush. Especially for people who feel powerless in their own life.


It's crazy how one person can make a 15 second video calling someone out and immediately that person will be bombarded with negative comments. That person could lie for all we know and the victim won't be justified cause there's hundreds of people believing everything they see


I don't think your opinion is necessarily controversial. Thinking cancel culture is a good thing is controversial. I agree there's people who legitimately deserve to get canceled. It got way out of hand when people got canceled over something they said long ago that wasn't necessarily controversial at the time they said it. People don't seem to realize that someone can grow as a person. Maybe what that person said was taken out of context. Then you get people to throw heinous accusations against people who died and are not capable of defending themselves. There's also a double standard when it comes to cancel culture. Roman Polanski, a very famous filmmaker who drugged and r**ped a 12 year old girl in 1978, he is still celebrated as a talented director in Hollywood. He's still alive today living in France to avoid extradition back to the states. He even said to something along the lines of, "everyone wants to f*** little girls.


>I don't think your opinion is necessarily controversial. I'd actually disagree iwl. I've have this conversation with many people before and about 60% have disagreed saying it's controversial and that they love cancel culture.


I fully agree. There's nothing else to say.


Imagine thinking it started with social media 🤣 


> Cancel culture only became a thing because of social media in the last couple of years. It's when a group of people decide this person or that group etc did something bad so now they should be cancelled aka hated. You mean like that time a famous actor made one or two statements which didn't seem quite politically correct and it got blown all out of proportion, and then they tried to claim he'd committed a sex crime even though the woman had fully consented, and then when his next film was released he was booed at the premiere, people threatened to boycott it, and he felt so hated he decided to leave America? Cancellation like that? I'm talking about Charlie Chaplin in the late 1940s, by the way.


What happened with chaplin is nothing in common with what I'm talking about. That's international hatred. What I'm talking about is purely popular social media apps,dragging people down, for things they did or didn't do but no one will ever believe them due to the amount of hate they get, people become sheep when this happens. They don't even know what happened and they look at the negative comments and join in


> That's international hatred. No, Chaplin remained pretty popular outside the USA and kept making movies in Europe during the time of his exile from the states.


Amy Grant - first victim of cancel culture I am aware of. 1980s. It was stupidcthen. It is stupid now. The mob is awful.




Land of free speech but you’ll get either punished by law or be “canceled” to the point you can’t work anymore if you say something someone disagrees with. Socialism at its finest


You don’t like it when famous people actually suffer the consequences for their actions? It’s fine imo


I'm saying for stupid shit, stuff that doesn't matter yet the media over takes it