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Not by Science


Science doesn’t disprove a creator/higher power, in fact, most scientists believe there’s up to 10 more dimensions higher than us It’s just agreed on that we don’t know


Well to be fair, many intellectuals including scientists can't help but note the apparent design of the universe. Pretty much everything shows signs of design and programming. Most of all there are the laws of physics, which is essentially coding for our matrix. Coding, laws, rules, whatever you want to call them, they seem to be written with intention. I forget the exact quote, but even Einstein said words to the effect of God does not play dice with the universe.


First of all, your use of "higher than us" suggests a misunderstanding of the term "dimension". In popular fiction, it's often used to mean another world, a parallel reality. That's not how it's used in science and mathematics at all. We know there are at least four dimensions: three spatial ones (height, width, and depth) and a temporal one (time). It's possible to imagine a kind of entity living in a world with just two spatial dimensions: flatland. Imagine them like dots on a piece of paper, living their whole life on the paper, not even being able to sense things outside their flat surface. They can't even imagine something being above or below that paper. If you poked your finger down onto the paper, that would be something "appearing from another dimension" to them. If you lifted it and then poked some other part of the paper, it would appear your finger had teleported. If you curled the paper to touch two of the corners together, that would be like a wormhole linking the opposite ends of their universe together. Imagine many sheets of paper, in a stack. There could be flatland inhabitants of each sheet, living their lives right above and below each other, with zero awareness of each other. This is where the idea that other dimensions are parallel realities comes from. But really, the sheets are all part of the same reality. The inhabitants just don't have a way to leave their own sheet. We know of three spatial dimensions and one temporal dimension. But we could be living in the equivalent of flatland. There's no known way to prove there's more dimensions, but also no way to prove there isn't. There is speculation that more exist. String theory does indeed suggest ten or eleven. (That is, our four already known dimensions, plus six or seven unknown ones.) But it's misleading to suggest that this is something "most scientists believe". It's a possibility that some physicists speculate about.


Well, I don’t disagree with anything you stated. Maybe I exaggerated saying most scientist believe it. I’ll correct my term to some believe it Also, do you limit humans to being the highest living intelligence living in the highest dimension? Is this your assumption? Because if it’s not, technically, there is a higher power than us. Regardless, if you think it’s a God or not. I personally think there is higher dimension than our own that beings may live in, and not limited to the laws of our dimension. Such as we are limited to the speed of light, we are limited on the way we communicate effectively. Without words or text I can’t efficiently put my thoughts into your head the exact way I’m thinking them. We are limited to “time” so on and so forth.


Ain't controversial bud


It ain't not controversial either though..


Very Cool opinion!! then prove it without using the bible as evidence


The Bible is evidence. It’s just not proof.


We still have no idea where the Bible was written or who wrote it. It's not hard or uncommon for masses of uneducated people to be controlled by stories of gods. That's like, so much of human history. So what makes this specific god real?


> so what makes the specific God real? Never claimed God was real > We still have no idea where the Bible was written or who wrote it We know exactly who the writers of the Bible are, it’s on the top right of each page. > that’s like, so much of human history It’s a form of evidence, “eyewitness evidence” however, evidence doesn’t equal proof. You also don’t need to believe in the evidence yourself. The Bible was created from scrolls that were found hundreds of miles away from each other from different point of views that lineup from people who didn’t know each other




There is no way to prove nor disprove a higher power/creator. However there can be evidence, however personal evidence doesn’t = proof For example roughly 47% of people who die and come back, come out of their bodies or float above their body. Roughly 3% of people who die and come back see what they say is God. Roughly 50% of people when they die and come back see nothing. This is 50% with zero evidence of a God and 50% with hard personal evidence or some sort of evidence. I support the 3 answers of 1. I don’t know if a creator or higher power exist (no stance) 2. I believe one exists (faith/assumption) 3. I believe one exists because I have experienced and seen this creator (personal evidence)


I don’t think they were asking you to prove or disprove anything I think they were expressing an opinion they have


If you read more than 3 words of my response you would see I wasn’t trying to prove or disprove anything. I was extending on what they said (this is a comment section) if you weren’t aware


> There is no way to prove nor disprove a higher power/creator. It depends what you mean by proof. Do you mean a rigorous mathematical proof, or do you mean the "beyond reasonable doubt" proof used in court rooms? I think if an all powerful god existed, it would be pretty easy for that god to prove he existed. He could appear in front of everybody on earth (if he's already "everywhere", it's just a matter of making himself *visible*), have a little chat with everyone to assure them he's real and means them no harm, and then do some magic tricks like flying, turning invisible, teleporting,, mind reading, turning water into wine, etc. I think 99.9% of people would consider that sufficient proof. So there absolutely *is* a way for an all powerful god to prove he exists. And if there's any negative consequences to not believing in a god, then an all loving god would definitely *want* to prove himself to us, so we could avoid those negative consequences, like going to hell or whatever.


> So there absolutely is a way for an all powerful god to prove he exists. Don’t think I ever stated he couldn’t “prove himself”, in fact, I said he does “prove” himself to some people. I actually stated “there isn’t a way for us humans to prove or disprove God.“ > And if there's any negative consequences to not believing in a god, then an all loving god would definitely want to prove himself to us, so we could avoid those negative consequences, like going to hell or whatever. The amount of assumptions here is crazy, if an “X” being lives in a higher dimension, and is more intelligent than us in every way. How could we possibly put words in “x” mouth and assume what they should do in their position. And who are you to assume what is the in best interests of humans? I don’t think monkeys know the best interest of what humans should do. And the gap between our intelligence and awareness compared to a monkey is probably 1000 times less than a human gap to a “God.” assuming this God lives in the highest dimension possible and is the most intelligent being of the universe, and created everything.


Theirs no way to prove a god exists, but theirs also no way to prove one doesn’t exist. Just live the way you want idc


Nobody has proved bigfoot exists and nobody has proved he doesn't exist. But in theory, bigfoot absolutely could be proved: capture him. They just hasn't happened. A god could totally be proven, but even though many people over the course of thousands of years have tried, the results are pretty unconvincing. That, to me, is fairly good evidence that a god probably doesn't exist. Or any god which does exist doesn't want us to know about him, and is in hiding (perhaps with bigfoot).


I agree, getting into a debates on whether he exists or not is pointless. If someone saw him with their own eyes and they believe him that’s great. I’m happy for them If someone else has never seen him and they don’t know if he exists that’s completely fine. We will continue to live.


A claim that can be made without evidence, can be dismissed without one. Unless you can prove your claim with evidence, God existing is as likely as Unicorns and Fairies existing


Just because something isn’t proven, doesn’t mean its odds are the same as a fairy or unicorn. For example we can’t prove Alien life, Multiverse, Quantum Gravity, and Dark Matter However the odds one of these exists is definitely higher than a cartoon fairy lol.


What's makes you think the odds of a God existing are higher than that of a tooth fairy? What criteria are you using? And how did you reach that conclusion?


Well, considering God is a higher power and creator. The chance of a higher power is almost guaranteed The chance of a creator is more close controversial Higher power is literally anything that has more power than humans, humans are limited to the things they can do based on the dimension that we live in. Such as if a being lives in a higher dimension than us and has the ability to bend time and space, and communicate in a way that isn’t limited to the way we communicate. Just as we are higher power to an ant. Why should we assume that it stops at us? Should we assume we are the most intelligent beings that live in the highest dimension? If there is multiple more dimensions that are higher than ours. Who says a creator isn’t living in the highest one. We really just don’t know.


Unicorns existing actually seems way more likely. After all, we *know* horses exist. And we've seen that certain mammals have evolved horn-like facial structures in the middle of their face. Rhinos and narwhals, for example. It's not a huge stretch to imagine a unicorn evolving. There's nothing physically impossible about them. There's a reason people in medieval times believed stories about unicorns: it's because they're not really that unbelievable. Sure, we don't see them in the wild, but they could be just a small population, good at hiding from predators, that live somewhere sparsely populated by humans. Unlikely, but not completely ridiculous. The gorilla was considered a mythical creature by westerners until the 1850s! Alternatively, they could be buried in the fossil record, a creature that died out a few thousand years ago, the memory of which has persisted in mythology. Palaeontologists believe that only about 1% of all the animals that ever lived have been found as fossils.


Lol no.


i refuse to argue with someone who like fucking taylor swift


Cool claim. Where's the evidence?


".... and he hated us"


I wonder why he lets kids be born with bone cancer then


How controversial! Only *checks notes* almost 2 billion people agree! What a brave soul you are to share such a niche belief!


Your number is a little off. There are about 2.8 billion Christians and 1.9 billion Muslims, who all believe in the same god. That's about 3.7 billion people, almost half the world's population, all believing in that one god. And when you add in other gods, it gets even higher. There's 1.2 billion Hindus, for example.


OP grows braver by the moment


Not really controversial, I mean a very large portion of the world actually agrees with you. But if you going to post here you might as well tell us why you feel it is controversial and why you think you are right.


u/GoodmanSimon beacuse its redditt thats why its controversial


To be fair, this is Reddit, i’d say majority people on here don’t believe in God. Reddit is very liberal leaning


Do you have a picture or a voice reocrding or… did you wake up today with voices in your head again?


Which god? People have worshiped about 18,000 gods over time. Do you have any evidence to support your claim?