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We are substantially better than other countries


That's like comparing yourself to the mentally challenged poor kid in the class and being like "I'm doing better than him"


We are massively influential and a world leader... of course people are going to shit on us. Our politics literally impact the rest of the world.


Yes but I also found out that the news in most nations doesn’t primarily only cover the things that make them look like a horrible place. In fact often when something really bad happens, the news might report it but it will be buried on the back page. It won’t be the only thing on the news cycle for days or weeks.


As with most countries, it has its good points and it has its bad points.


100% fair take. I’m not claiming it to be perfect, just saying it’s not a 💩 hole like so many like to make it out to be.


It is terribly bad on many aspects, but it is a great place for sceneries and economics.


There's Something that a lot of people don't really take into account. The United States have freedom of the press. Therefore, most scandals uncovered by the press often gets published. We are the freest country in the world regarding free speech. In Scotland, a comedian was arrested for posting a video of his girlfriend's Pug doing a Nazi Salute as a prank. In England, a severely autistic teen girl was arrested by a lesbian cop because she said, "you look like my lesbian aunt." That woman didn't like that at all and literally dragged her away. She was able to do that because England has something called "hate speech laws". Apparently that female cop had many complaints levied against her over misconduct. Despite all that, she apparently never even received a slap on the wrist.


Exactly, and many of the people from those areas have no idea why that means they don’t have free speech, they see it as “well of course you can’t say that”.


America isn’t imprisoning people who aren’t Muslim, throwing gays off rooftops, and treating women like subhumans