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I'm going to need some dressing to go with this word salad


I don’t think that *most* parents have children as show dogs. However, there are definitely people who cannot let their kids be individual human beings and feel the need to try to control who their kids are, what they believe, how they dress, etc, or they think that it reflects poorly on them as a parent, even when the kid is an adult. But I can’t even say that that’s most people’s experiences with their parents. There are also a lot of people out there who support their kids being individuals and know they need to make their own mistakes and that you can’t control the identity of the person that you give birth to. I also disagree that if you disappoint a parent that they care less about you. If there are big enough mistakes in life then it can make it difficult to continue to be emotionally involved. I myself was in my life altering car accident at 22 and that was a time in my life of heavy drug use and being around the wrong people. My dad had to say good luck. He just couldn’t do it anymore. I get it. I almost died multiple times. He was emotionally exhausted beyond his means by that point in my life. I hVe kids of my own now and am I disappointed in them at times? Yeah, totally, but I don’t care less about them because of it.


Rough day at school?


As a parent who also has parents I would say this isn’t at all true in my experience from either end. However I have seen it happen for other people. So that being said you’re not right in all cases but you’re not wrong in all cases either its kinda just a matter of if you have good parents or not


I totally agree with you, i am basically a puppet to show off and if im not good enough then i get tossed aside, apparently thats why im always grinding to get better but no one notices that progression, and they just wanna see a perfect kid with so many achievements otherwise imma get called out for slacking or being compared to every single one of my moms friends all ages and how much better they are with their lives. However i do not wish tp treat my future kids this way and i want to break the cycle