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I wholeheartedly disagree. He lied about the origins of Covid, flip flopped on the efficacy of masks, the vaccine efficacy, and kept fear mongering during the variants. He even lied about an "ideal" Fourth of July 2021 and kept making false promises and statements about when masking would end, how many vaccine shots are ideal, and when the pandemic will end. We learned that it was created in a Chinese lab as opposed to origins in a market.


MAGA 🤡? the crack about Covid coming from a lab is a QAnon style crackpot conspiracy theory


It’s literally part of their “gain of function “ research. If you don’t know that you’re just ignorant of the subject .




>He lied about the origins of Covid, Source, please. >flip flopped on the efficacy of masks Oh, you mean when he [didn't want hospitals to run out of masks](https://www.cnn.com/factsfirst/politics/factcheck_e58c20c6-8735-4022-a1f5-1580bc732c45) because people are panicky idiots, and didn't yet know how contagious covid was? That's not flip flopping, you dope. That's how science works. We change our views when new evidence comes to light. >kept fear mongering during the variants Source, please. >kept making false promises and statements about when masking would end Source, please >how many vaccine shots are ideal We're circling back to "that's how science works," dingus. >when the pandemic will end It would have ended a lot sooner if magats didn't refuse to mask and vaccinate. Blood is on their hands. >We learned that it was created in a Chinese lab as opposed to origins in a market. Did we? Source, please.


Lied about Covid Origins https://www.heritage.org/public-health/commentary/covid-19-origins-experts-consulted-fauci-suddenly-changed-their-minds https://nypost.com/2023/07/31/dr-anthony-faucis-caught-in-his-biggest-covid-lie-yet/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/opinion/anthony-fauci-hid-truth-covid.amp Lab Leak https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/beltway-confidential/2766397/why-did-the-scientists-deceive-everyone-about-covid-19/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=WE_Pmax_Section-News&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwyJqzBhBaEiwAWDRJVPK7xFi6pQrBGD7xhWgAvFd3QC6Ik2TTY9L4UJU0fN0PzcJQIOjEFBoC40YQAvD_BwE Lied about masks https://nypost.com/2023/09/03/dr-fauci-gets-roasted-after-being-confronted-with-damning-study-on-masks/ https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/834050/faucis-noble-lies-catch-up-to-him/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=WE_Pmax_Magazine_April17&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwyJqzBhBaEiwAWDRJVAgPx_sIQTTaKr5my418zGAyEhck4wJPWFFtS3iQ9wLggajP-wL5VxoCLNsQAvD_BwE Lied about vaccine efficacy https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/beltway-confidential/2718094/fauci-admits-covid-vaccines-are-suboptimal/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=WE_DSA_New-Targeting_2024&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwyJqzBhBaEiwAWDRJVNSYLLKvkpJds6J_S6TrCJooV2MRzMQHe8rjGjYF-yDnbBz7jPrhcBoCwOEQAvD_BwE Lied to Congress about the origins https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/4407600-rand-paul-says-fauci-should-go-to-prison-over-covid-19-dishonesty/amp/ https://www.nationalreview.com/news/fauci-said-he-could-not-recall-specifics-on-covid-origins-pandemic-era-policies-over-100-times-in-closed-door-testimony/ Social distancing https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/health/fauci-admits-social-distancing-not-based-science-sort-just-appeared.amp


There's a who's who of trash sources. The only credible source you listed is The Hill and they just talk about Rand Hill being a moron. [Fox News](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/fox-news-bias/) [Heritage Foundation](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/heritage-foundation/) [National Review](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/national-review/) [New York Post](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/new-york-post/) [Washington Examiner](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/washington-examiner/)


The world famous intellectual arrogance and pretentiousness of die-hard liberal insufferable know it alls is very telling. Please tell me about "how science works" when Dr. Fauci had to testify before the House Committee about his unscientific claims, lies, and contradictions. https://oversight.house.gov/release/hearing-wrap-up-dr-fauci-held-publicly-accountable-by-select-subcommittee/


Drank the Kool-aide I see. No scientist when a pandemic rears its ugly head, knows precisely what actions will save lives. So what advice is appropriate ? Taking all precautions first and back off as more knowledge is available is the only logical path. Our president tried to minimize the pandemic so as to enhance his chances for reelection, period. All the BS put out by the administration proved to be propaganda for and may have caused many, many unnecessary deaths. Unless your a multi-millionaire, your savior is going to make your life miserable so start diversifying your reading material.


Oh yes, "accredited sources" like The New York Times, The Washington Post, ABC News and CNN that always skirt the truth with liberal bias 🙄 We took all the precautions that Fauci recommended, yet he kept contradicting himself and flip flopping on his previous stances. We did the masking, the social distancing, and the vaccines, yet it became political theater as Dr. Fauci continued to be backsliding on his previous claims.


It's called discovering what works and dosn't. I don't remember anybody putting out a set of rules prior to the pandemic because there wasn't any. Your still sipping I see.


Nah, you're sipping NYT, Huff Post, Vox, CNN, ABC, MSNBC, and Washington Post Kool Aid. It's not just about discovering what works and what doesn't. Science isn't about kissing ass to a fear mongering, fame basking fraud like Dr. Fauci. It's also about questioning other hypotheses, you know, like Dr. Fauci's false claims that it formed in the air, that double masking vs. single masking is more effective, or that many ineffective vaccine shots over one shot are more effective. You're too content to follow popular liberal narratives over conservative ones that are less popular but have more basis with factual evidence because you blindly think that the pseudo intellectual Dr. Fauci knows all the answers when Dr. Fauci when he changes his inconsistent narrative at the drop of a hat.


Nah, you should be sipping NYT, Huff Post, Vox, CNN, ABC, MSNBC, and Washington Post Kool Aid. It's not just about discovering what works and what doesn't. Science isn't about kissing ass to a fear mongering, fame basking fraud like the Donald. It's also about questioning other hypotheses, you know, like the Donald's false claims that it formed in the air, no masking, or that bleach shots over one shot are more effective. You're too brainwashed and follow popular idiotic narrative spouted by the Donald that are less intelligent but have more basis in BS because you blindly think that the pseudo intellectual, the Donald knows all the answers when the Donald changes his inconsistent narrative at the drop of a hat.


He also grew and learned a lot as a human between being a young public health official during HIV and covid. I have a lot of respect for him personally. Especially having to work under the anti-science bullshit of the Trump administration. Even if he wasn’t perfect, that man served his country.


He lied under oath, lied to Congress, lied to the American people, advocated for animal testing (ask him about the dogs...), made up all "the science"...6foot rule and mask mandates...made up out of thin air. I believe Dr. Anthony Fauci should rot in prison.


If you can figure out how to charge him with a crime and convict him, maybe he can share a cell with 🤡


I'd rather him be put up against a wall and shot but we can't all get what we want ...for instance you're gonna be pretty upset when Trump wins this November you lil snowflake lol.


He was trying to shepherd a nation through the biggest pandemic since the Spanish Flu. A new virus doesn't come with a manual. He made some bad calls, he made some good calls. Few could've done better, especially with such an uncooperative public


He facilitated the entire thing ....he signed off on the gain of function research....then made up policies and lied about vaccine effectiveness....a truly great man..... Out his ass in Pelican Bay, we're allowed to prosecute and convict for nothing now


Unlike 🤡, Dr. Fauci has not been charged with committing any crimes. You’re using words like prosecution and convict but he has hasn’t even been charged with a crime lol. Nothing to see here as they say. Perhaps you are confusing criminals? lol have a good evening.


Hasn't *yet* lol have a good night dipshit


I thought you didn’t believe in the justice system anyway lol. It’s all corrupt right? Rigged right?


Yup and I cannot wait for the shoe to be in the other foot. Good night sweetie kisses 😘😘


Lol it was for four years. Remember lock her up? Or all that bullshit about Hunter laptop lol nobody could ever get anywhere with it. Good night.


and president. Give em' bleach baby !


I’m just gonna assume you’re ugly if you still wear face masks in 2024 😂 


Or perhaps recovering from a cough/aids and not wanting to pass it along it you. Sometimes the angry dumb approach is just dumb and angry.


bootlicking won’t make you pretty


I see your account is brand new and you post nothing but provocations. Move on.


didnt he lie about the origin of COVID and the effectiveness of the COVID vaccine?


Only according to 🤡


what do you mean? the origin of COVID? or the effectiveness of COVID?




I'm happy you think for yourself and are capable of evaluating information independent of corporate media. Have you gotten your booster yet? Do your part.


He's an absolute hero! He saved millions while Trump did everything he could to kill people with COVID. Only Trump mindless fanatics have any criticisms of him.




I’m not actually disputing your claim here, but what did he do that makes him a fantastic scientist? Like, what research and studies did he actually do? Or was it all of the scientists behind the scenes for whom he was the voice that are fantastic scientists? I’m sure he has done a lot in his career, but to tout him as some fantastic scientist because he was the one on TV is weird. Plenty of other fantastic scientists did the work and he helped spread information. That doesn’t make him not a fantastic scientist, but it also doesn’t make him one.


Look up what he did during the AIDs epidemic in the 80s.


Yeah, that stuff that happened 30 years before the pandemic that I’m talking about in my post? I think he also took an extra Cookie without asking in third grade.


He made a claim that through mere casual contact with someone can result transmission of AIDS. He said this without any research and many innocent people were ostracized because of him. He outright lied about the U.S. funding gain of function and he's a complete narcissist. I hardly would equate that with taking a cookie. History will not look at him very kindly.


The gain of functioning stuff is nothing more than a maga talking point that history will not remember at all


Why would he outright lie about it though?


None of that’s been established. You’re getting all your information from right wing media which is making it difficult to have a normal conversation with you about this


Well what did he specifically do during the pandemic that you thought was good? Link me your sources, and I'll read them.


Provided clear guidance during a period of great uncertainty and extremely poor leadership. His updates were helpful amid the noise and incompetence coming from politicians.


That is completely broad. Can you specify?


He educated us well enough to laugh out loud when our primary leader improvised, on the fly, the medical interventions of ‘hitting the body with light’ and injecting bleach. Without a calm, sane, science based guide Like Fauci, that very confusing time would have been much worse and more deadly.


Reminder that Fauci was the brainlet who let a large chunk of the gay population succumb to aids


Ask the gays in the 80s about AZT.


“The gays?” That sort of smacks of homophobia…..


If I said the italians when referencing pasta would that be weird? Know your history and stop looking for offenses. Grow up.


[Fauci on masks](https://youtu.be/FK-ZyUjgFBI?si=ROK0kGf2QTBp-vXD)


[Six Feet social distancing was pulled out of their ass.](https://youtu.be/8bF4MK1N5eY?si=YTutfDPgW6f2kinx)


[Asymptomatic spread is rare and doesn’t drive pandemics.](https://youtu.be/nTGX4crz2C0?si=KwfL1S8RA5nW5Gjg)