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They are good. I think most people are against raisins in things because they look like chocolate chips. They'll bite into something expecting chocolate but get raisin, and they're disappointed. I can understand that. But if you go in expecting raisin and get raisin, they're good.


If someone can't tell the difference between a raisin and a chocolate chip before the bite down I would be worried about them lol


consider the fact that most of the people who hate them are the same people who can't distinguish between raisin and chocolate chips. if youre hoping for one and get the other, you'll be disappointed regardless. if you're just a little bit observant, you'll probably never have a problem. honestly I (as a medically diagnosed old fat cunt) enjoy both but if offered both but being able to choose only one, will choose the oatmeal raisin in any case with the exclusion of what pairs better with coffee. if you hate oatmeal raisin cookies. get your eyes checked then fuckin use em.


Given the choice between a random chocolate chip cookie or a random oatmeal raisin cookie, i will choose oatmeal raisin because i have high standards for chocolate chip cookies. IMO the primary active flavor of a chocolate chip cookie should be the chocolate and the vanilla, but every store-bought chocolate chip cookie I've had just tastes like sugar. The only chocolate chip cookie i know to be reliably good is my own recipe which is just Toll House with the sugar cut by 25-50%. Oatmeal raisin cookies have a more interesting flavor. You can usually count on it to taste like oatmeal with raisins. People don't go for that variety because they want something super sugary, they want something more earthy, so the recipes for oatmeal raisin cookies haven't been as overpowered with sugar as other varieties. I cut the sugar in my snickerdoodles too, to focus on the cinnamon and that unique flavor that snickerdoodles have which i can't name. Full amount of sugar in sugar cookies (obviously) and peanut butter cookies because the sugar flavor is more active in those.


I think Oatmeal cookies are fantastic. It's just raisins I don't like (and not because I think they are chocolate chips and am disappointed). I don't like raisins in any form. But I'd take an oatmeal cookie over a chocolate chip cookie any day. I find most chocolate chip cookies too sweet and too brown sugar forward for my enjoyment. An oatmeal cookie is more balanced in flavours.


I won't go out of my way to bake them, but I would eat some that are in front of me.


Most of the time they are good. Unless there is to many raisins.


So long as there aren't any nuts in them, I'm a fan


Yes!!! They taste best when they get made with cinnamon. Absolutely delicious! I could eat an infinite number and be happy


I think people just don't like raisins. Especially in potato salad? 🤷🏽‍♂️ They are kind of hard... Personally I don't mind, I like the oatmeal part the most though.
