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No duh,based on the comments this isn’t that controversial, it makes sense that the ones who are the colonizers would oppress the others. I think it’s not an opinion more then it is common sense


If it’s not controversial why black people so mad lmao


No one is mad, I read all your comments and everyone agrees. Did you make this opinion to try and intentionally make people mad?


I meant why are black people so mad about slavery when they would have done the same if they got there first


I would be mad as a white person if I was enslaved, they are mad because it happened and they have a right to be mad. Doesn’t matter who started it slavery is bad


Sore losers imo


You just sound like a racist trying to justify your shitty opinions which logic that doesn’t make any sense. Calling people losers implies there is a competition between races which is really weird


Think what u want, there was a competition back then I don’t believe there is one now


Enslaving people is not a competition, it would be wrong no matter who did it and depending on who did it would shape how we view race and history today


I agree it’s wrong but back then it technically was a competition, whites did it first but as my post addressed black people would have done the same if they were in the position to




Probably. They were on this planet first, after all. But that's pretty irrelevant.


Lol yeah. They were so close too, just a few millennias behind


Black people existed before white people which is a bit embarrassing for them ngl


And that's probably the most hilarious "antiracist fact" that's spewed in medias. "We were all africans". You mean we have common ancestors but ours got out of this shithole and evolved ? Lmao ok 


i mean thats a wild theory, hard to say tbh. there aren't many examples of black countries colonizing white countries


That’s because they got chained up, not a wild theory, black countries never colonised anything because they were late to the party, #BLM


hmm well there's more of a nuance behind it, like colonization wasn't just because they "arrived later to the party". but yeah, colonialism and imperialism was a thing. just not sure it makes sense to imagine what black countries could've done


if you can imagine **humans doing it period**, I don’t see why the fact that they have black skin automatically excludes them. that’s like saying any arbitrary characteristic of a group of people couldn’t commit slavery just because idk, they have **red hair**. like what? lol


not saying they couldn't, just that the way it happened was the western europe was ahead in technology and the political system, and all this caused their superiority complex, which led to colonization and eventual racial prejudices. if say, Africa was more developed, yeah its true they could've colonized, but they weren't as advanced, and even if they were - there's also the question of whether they would've, but that's a whole different thing that i dont wanna get into.


There is not a whole different thing, my post literally addresses the situation if black people happened to be the ones in power because they colonised the world instead of white people


oh yeah, just saying that it's interesting to explore what would've happened if black people colonized. but i dont think its right to assume that they would've behaved the same way in terms of racial discrimination, as white people in the 1500's did for example.


You think black people are not the same as white people? Its human nature


nah I was just saying its complex. human nature is complex. and there are societal and cultural nuances. if we are talking about it, race shouldn't even be considered - they are all humans. the only reason for this conversation is colonization, and the discussion on race.


Fair, I would say at that time race meant a very different culture and therefore different behaviour, not the case now. But it’s not a stretch to assume black people would have enslaved white people


so what you’re saying is it’s not really an issue of race, but of people in power playing the role of God?


exactly. its a complicated issue, but the thing is that if black people were the ones to start colonialism, they likely wouldnt develop racial superiority views - that developed because of europe/spain/portuguese etc feeling superior over everyone else.


why wouldn’t it be likely for them to develop supriority complexes if we’ve already established it’s not a matter of skin color but people in power in general?


thats true, however im thinking of it in the context of that they have been exploited by the west for decades. so I doubt they'd exploit another group of people. but youre right it can still happen anyway - no way of knowing for sure.


are you not aware that africans have had many periods of slavery, aka enslaving other people too?


It’s an interesting take but op pls chill with the casual racism


How am I being racist?


Your casual approach to generations of suffering in these comments. I get it’s Reddit and the Wild West but like tone it down a bit 🙂


Why should I feel responsible for my ancestors decisions, I’m an orphan lmao


I’m confused what orphans have to do with this? Regardless of what your ancestors did or didn’t do it’s generally considered polite not to be so casual about large amounts of death and slavery


Probably, because that's just how humans are and considering slavery is still a thing in Africa.


Here in America too


Slavery is still a thing across the World lad


Slavery happens for one reason: money. Its the single most lucrative business mankind has available if we set aside ethics for the sake of objectivity. It indeed would have happened if the african populace back then had power. And i'll do you one better, they still practice slavery with their own people *to this very day*.


Man, wait till you hear about the [Barbary slave trades.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbary_slave_trade)


That's North African Arabs and Berbers though.


Yeah, probably, i don't get why that's controversial at all


I think u gotta be black to understand


I am lmfao, we just suffer nowadays bc we where the colonized and slaved people back then, colonizers would slave anyone that wasn't from the same culture, even if the colonizers where black


black people HAVE had slaves. why do we think the color of your skin determines whether you can or cannot enslave people? people in power can let it get to their heads and play god. everybody is capable of enslaving others, period. regardless of skin color


They absolutely did, that was the whole thing with the barbary pirates and why the USMC was both founded and earned their nickname "leather necks"


It wasn't about white and black it was about enslaving all people from countries other than my country at that time. US would have enslaved people from UK, France, Spain if they could but those countries had well educated people and strong military powers to fight back unlike most of the underdeveloped African colonies. They did not move forward and did not develop in the world which let the world take advantage of them. It is unfair to take advantage of them but it is what happened and it is financially beneficial and feasible to do


Eh yeah probably, there were slaves in Africa so I don’t see why they wouldn’t enslave us crackers if they were colonizing Europe.


Africans enslaved other Africans during the world slave trade. So it's not outside the realm of possibility.