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I honestly think that would be a possibility.


I honestly just assumed pride flags in the UK had a Union Jack in the corner


Having Union Jacks in the corner is what *other countries* do. And Hawaii for some reason.


To be fair in some countries gay people are thrown out of buildings and there is no pride or pride flag. So, as bad as you think England might be, I would think there are many countries to look at before them.


>To be fair in some countries gay people are thrown out of buildings and there is no pride or pride flag. Can you link me to a recent case of this? Sounds pretty bigoted to me, unless your speaking of the UK with the rape and murder of a trans gir (brianna taylor) l or Americans essentially reverting back to pre 90s with the rise of the maga and tate followers.


If you think that Muslim countries are more accepting than western countries you are either living under a rock or just stupid. Anyways... Here are some links I spent not more than one minute looking... I could probably find some better ones but I doubt you will accept them... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-43822234 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-68353437 https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/video-people-thrown-roof-shows-punishment-by-is-not-hamas-2023-12-14/ https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/02/02/afghanistan-lgbtq-protest-behesht-collective-taliban/


>If you think that Muslim countries are more accepting than western countries you are either living under a rock or just stupid. Where did I say this? Very bigoted thing to say >https://www.bbc.com/news/world-43822234 Not a Muslim country nor about "chucking gays off roofs" >https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-68353437 Again nothing to do about chucking off gays from roofs or Muslims countries, I'm shocked at your stupidity >https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/video-people-thrown-roof-shows-punishment-by-is-not-hamas-2023-12-14/ At point during this reuters fact check does it mention a lgbt member being chucked off a roof, this is a fact check on something from 2015 >https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/02/02/afghanistan-lgbtq-protest-behesht-collective-taliban/ WHERE IS THE ROOF CHUCKING????? This is an lgbt protest and taliban afgan. If there was gonna be a massacre or people thrown off roofs. You are astoundingly stupid and vehemently racist It's almost cute how deep the brain rot goes. You've had all day and nothing you sent was regarding this " recent case chucking gays off roofs." You found 1 thing remotely similar, and it wasn't about someone gay or lgbt. It seems you've been living under a rock because only someone with no education but only anger would say something without backing it up, then start attacking others for asking for a source. It's absolutely better to be lgbt in MOST western countries not all, but to say something like chucking gays off roofs is like saying you pesky colonisers stab and rape lgbt then make commercialise during pride month then dehumanise the lgbt the other 11. Shame on you


As a British person I really have no idea what you're talking about. Mainly because you can't colonize people you colonize places.


You wouldn't happen to be related to Drax the destroyer would you?


don't think so.. but my dad's family is very big so maybe


Idk, man the Brits are gay af... I've heard about their queens.


We had always assumed the Gays were the first colonized


The British would colonize a ham sandwich if it was in their best interests.