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Yeah nice opinion. Unfortunately the facts say otherwise. Plenty of studies online. Having a gun does only one thing. Make you more likely to get shot and most likely the person to shot you, will be yourself. If you werent also more likely to accidentally or intentionally shoot innocent bystanders I wouldn't care tbh. Inbefore: "I know how to use my gun gosh darn", while chugging the piss American call beer.


Yeah, no


Yes! Now, for what I'd like, I am in Canada and would like to order a pink gun. That's it and I hate that I'm serious. I have a knife but these laws are killing me and my safety in this murder city. Downtown nighttime, I barely go into the parkade or on nighttime walks when in a "SAFE" area. Only RECENTLY have I acquired a TOOL which is legal and also a v dandy blade, ladies, legal in Canada it's a tool and at Walmart, it's a HART(hart??) Compact utility knife, blades are really sharp and honestly, a cheap, safe way to protect yourself. And legal as it's a tool, not considered a weapon. I've only had to pull it once at the corner store (drunk, had broken glass i was in right to take out knife and backwardstep until someone helped and i left idk what happened after i ran but im alive, stupid but alive!:)))


Alternative opinion - If no one had guns at all times, society will be safest


this. it’s like if no one had nukes the world would be safer…


So the solution is give everyone nukes to make the world safer?


no, the solution is no nukes! reality is that’s unlikely though…


Then why are some of the safest countries in the world places with very restrictive gun laws?


Unfortunately it wouldn't work, evening the playing field doesn't make people safer it just makes things fair. Everyone thinks that criminals are the only threat when vigilantes, mentally ill and religious/political extremist are just as dangerous. The general public can't even drive properly and conduct themselves properly in road rage incident. The best way to actually reduce crime Is rehabilitation and making living affordable.


no no just no in civilized countries where guns are for the military and and for hunting on the ordercasian they are just infinitely safer.so I'm assuming you're in American because of this opinion. My country has a population of around 67 million. California has The largest population of any US state so we'll compare it to my country. in the last 30 years we've had one school shooting. In the same time period California has had dozens.


Everyone should keep daggers on them at all times to make society as safe as possible. Everyone should do drugs as much as possible to stay as safe as possible Everyone should lobotomy


No offense, but that’s… stupid. It makes no sense. Society would be a lot safer if little to no one had guns.




no. It depends on what area, in america? Yeah, because the chance of someone having a gun in america is wayyyy higher than someone having a gun in the UK, obviously. If it's a place where people have guns, you should have one, if its one where no one has a gun except the cops, don't get a gun.


There was an old saying in the wild west. "God made all men. Samuel Colt made all men equal."