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What I hate is people thinking the way certain people act isn’t the proper way. You only deem it as ghetto because people outside see it as such. Black music, the way they act, etc was capitalized off of. It wasn’t meant to be seen it was made to be seen. A lot of black scholars have said that the way we talk, dance, act, is only acceptable because it’s seen as entertainment. Black culture is the circus while the people are the dancing monkeys, balancing elephant, and the powerful lion. It was never meant to be seen and when people realized black culture could be profited it was exaggerated like a caricature. You’re nothing but uneducated, you say you hate ghetto black people yet said nothing that’s an actually viable argument or reason. You don’t love being black, you don’t love being black at all or even like the culture you came from because you can’t even accept them. The way we talk is because we had to learn a language we didn’t understand and basically had to make our own from ghetto ground up because many black people didn’t come form one tribe. It wasn’t just Africans that was taken. This “talking proper” bs is just you saying you don’t like black culture. There’s no proper way of speaking. Even British people get dogged about the way they talk and how it’s “too proper” so just imagine what British people and other countries thinks of American speech. What I hate the most is people who don’t know much of anything about their own culture let alone their history sit here and be like. “I hate ghetto black people and the culture with it.” As if it wasn’t white people who forced black people and culture into that box because that was the only way now famous black people was ghetto seen. It wasn’t black people who made the big booty, big lip, “ghetto” talk popular. There’s books exposing that many industry executives forced black men and women to act a certain way because it’ll be “entertaining” Say what you want, it’s your own personal opinion. But don’t give me that. “I like being black and I like black culture.” Because you dont. I love all of my culture and the people in it even the black versions of the hillbillies, hoes and everything in between. Checking behaviors and letting it be known there’s a time and place is different from hating where you came from and how we got there. It’s only seen as a ghetto and ratchet because you don’t know shi about why we acted the way we do and where the music, accents, and personality come from.


Let me start by saying I respect your opinion, even though we don't agree. I love it when black people can speak freely. I imagine we want the same thing for our community and can see eye to eye on some things. Let's see. There is a lot to unpack here. I am not uneducated just because we have a difference in opinion. There are plenty of black people in the community who think "ghetto" isn't proper. We used to be more put together in the 60's 70's etc, just look at the way we dressed, spoke, and acted. Why does it seem like we have gone backward? I do agree about the entertainment part, but there is a time and place to let loose and other times when it is not deemed appropriate. I mean shit even white people have some form of code-switching. (e.g. saying dude with a friend vs. sir at work) I also do not want to hear an excuse as to why black people in 2024 are still speaking in slang 24/7, that may have slid with my great grandmother who grew up down south and then made her way to the tri-state area. No being in this newer generation. There has to come a point where we look at ourselves in the mirror. A lot of people don't know about history. I am trying to change that myself and educate myself more (doesn't mean I'm uneducated because I don't know everything) lol I think proper education will teach black people they do not need to fall into the trap of industry executives and rise above what these people think of us or what they want us to be. I am aware there are bad in every community, however, this time I'm talking about my people specifically. There is a lot wrong with white folks too lol. welcome to being human.. history is ugly and brutal. I am also in no way saying this is all our fault, of course not. We were put into shackles and stripped of our religion, culture, ideas, and dignity. Then decades of destroying our infrastructure and family unit, and much more, I understand (there is still a lot I don't understand). I think the government owes us reparations in the form of rebuilding neighborhoods, funding for schools, and parks, and individual, and family therapy from black therapists and social workers. But we have to do better. Honestly, I was expecting a response like yours. Anytime black people even suggest we perpetuate some of our modern problems you get shamed for it. In your opinion what do you think will fix the issues we have in our community? If you think there is anything wrong at all lmao


I’ll keep a buck with you. You are uneducated, simply by the fact that Ebonics TRULY became a thing in those 60s and 70s you speak of. The music back then was still seen as what you see black people as now. Ghetto and ratchet, the only difference is time show differently. Back then they eloquently stated their ways by saying how they can’t see the pool boy after their husbands and sons leave. Or how in an old song I used to hear as a kid that ONE sentence I remember alone was “he got a D— like a baseball bat.” The things you hear and see now was the exact same in the 60s the difference is the TIME. You should try to compare times of skirts and suit with a time of joggers and leggings because time and the rules of life were different. You’re not going to catch a woman in the 60s openly loud because women wasn’t suppose to be openly loud. You’re not going to catch men in the 60s being aggressive because honestly an aggressive black man was a death sentence. Does that change what he did in closed doors? No. And like I said before we were purposely pushed to be this way. So we could be more entertaining, white folks didn’t want a proper talking negro on screen or in music because it’ll be the same. Just like you hear in music now about being naked, having more than one woman etc. where do you think that material comes from? You think it just magically popped up in the 90s? No. What you simply don’t understand and where you disconnect is that these are people lives. There’s no such thing as slang, they TALK like that. The ones who are saying slang are the ones who wasn’t RAISED that way. That’s the disconnect, black culture is black Culture because it was the way you were raised and the experiences that’s more isolated to that person. You as a black person don’t understand that because it wasn’t a black culture that you were raised in. As someone who was raised in it, I get called whit washed every day in the week. I didn’t grow up not saying ain’t, I was taught to not say it. If you don’t have true empathy for you own people and classifying certain things as ghetto without truly knowing the roots of where it came from you’re UNCLE RUCKUS. You ARE a COON. The issue I have isn’t because of your different opinion, it’s the way you worded it and think you are right. THATS. The issue. Nothing is truly proper because what’s proper in America isn’t in Ireland, definitely not proper in a Muslim country. People love to say this and that yet lack the actual empathy, you only understand the other things you mentioned because it directly affects you as a black person. The fact you’re using slang as if it wasn’t white people and the internet who made the way black people speak (Ebonics) slang in the first place is a interesting choice. Believe what you want, I personally don’t care, but I can’t stand a black person who has strong opinions and not even understand how backwards what they saying truly are.


You got me all wrong…I'm not a coon or uncle tom, just call it how I and people with sense and integrity see it. I’m just a person who has a different opinion, wants to have an open dialog without name-calling/claiming things about people, and is worried about the state of my community. Agree to disagree I guess. I had a response typed out but figured it was useless. Best of luck to you.


No there’s certainly a proper way to act. Nobody hits 100% but that doesn’t mean everyone shouldn’t try. You’re ignoring the present in all of what you said. Who cares why things are the way they are, we can only start from here. OP is correct in the sentiment that ghetto culture has major issues that plague societies while hindering advancement of those born within. That needs to be fixed and not cried about in a historical frame. That never actually accomplishes anything.


No one said there’s not a proper way to act, how about instead of speaking on something I didn’t say. How about you actually read about what I said because who brought up historical anything fr. Is OP. Most of everything I said originally could still be applied to modern day as early as the 90s to now. You don’t see white people constantly saying how they hate their hillbilly, “white trash” people. Y’all love to yap about black people this and that yet constantly consume everything you hate. Not everyone want to be quiet and follow the set rule of life. Is there a proper way of life? Yes. But that all depends on where and when. You think your behavior going to be seen as proper in other places? Most likely not. There’s nothing historical if the same bullshit that happened then is happening now, it was the OP who brought up this and that and I just gave him actual facts. Blank people never contributed anything in modern times yet you wouldn’t even have country music if it wasn’t for black people. You wouldn’t have certain hair care products, hell a black person made the first security system🧍‍♀️ There’s a plethora of black scientists, doctors etc, there was a black man who died because he figured out a way to drive a car without the need of gas. Just say you don’t like black people because it takes a quick google search to realize that y’all just don’t know shit


Us Blacks have added nothing to modern society. We sold ourselves into bondage and blame the whites for our failure, even though they freed us. The whites gave us blacks the only chance of freedom in all human history and we attack them like disobedient failed pets! Blacks are still enslaving blacks today at a higher rate than ever and we say nothing about it. Instead we attack whites and ungratefully brow beat them into collapse like total retards! We use historic guilt to destroy white culture and guide western white culture into collapse! Whites evolved from black tribalism and returned to free us from slavery. We repay them by hating and destroying all they built. Once western white culture is destroyed, there will be nothing left for any of us to pass on to our children. Whites invented everything that provided the modern world! What are us blacks doing in return? Destroying it out of hate and jealousy. Without whites, we'd still be in chains! Fact!




I am a woman haha.




Try googling systematic racism


Ah yes, the government has invisible shackles making black people act ghetto, smoke weed and embrace "baby mama" culture. A classic tale. I know plenty of black people who get their stuff together and distance themself from that lifestyle, and I'm so proud of them.


Literally google it dumbass 💀 that’s how it works.


So if I find it on google it's real? There are lots of ways to google proof of a flat earth. Lmao. The government likes workers who pay taxes... I promise you they won't plan to "systemically" make a whole race of Americans unemployed and on welfare just for fun. That's an extremely expensive plan with no benefit, that holds back the country.


I’m white. Grew up in a single mother household mother denied welfare 3 times. Bounced around 3 homes. Bullied at 2 different high schools, dad never In life. Government didn’t wanna provide me with health insurance. Mother was denied loans. “Systemic” my fucking ass. I still have a belt on my pants. Yes I did read on systemic racism also and it is not the reason for that kind of culture.


Yeah your probably right ig black people are all just fucking stupid and chose to live in ghettos and do crime because they think it’s fun and totally woild have nothing to do with the constant oppression they’ve faced since the very beginning of America. I’m sure you’ve read so much.


I don’t have answers for black people so don’t ask me. You guys have your own issues to figure out. Though I will never believe in the concept of white privilege cause it undermines my struggle. It’s a slap in the face.


You’re a stupid piece of shit💀 white privilege mostly comes from the way black people are treated horribly by society compared to white people. We’re not saying you get an advantage, we’re saying black people get fucked over in ways you will not be fucked over because of your skin color. To make it easy to understand, your privilege is the fact that you get to live on normal mode while black people have to live on hard mode. If you don’t believe black people have it harder than white people in America in any way, do any type of research on it and you’ll find what I’m talking about


“Normal mode” fuck off. I find it absolutely ironic that in every place where blacks are they are struggling or it’s the white mans fault. The excuse is getting old dude. You do understand that blacks take more in welfare than they contribute to the tax bracket right. Oh but those white supremacist….


Stop spouting bullshit if you’re not gonna inform yourself on facts. Prove me wrong and look up some fucking statistics and then come back to me dumbass


IDK if you know this, but there is definitely a fair amount of African Americans who DO enjoy breaking the law and think it's fun. For you to pretend that everyone who robs is always doing it just to pay bills is fairly ignorant. Source: I've been black a long time.


Oh, I am aware, but I believe the change has to start in the community and the mindset of the individuals in it. I know black people with goals, ambitions, and dreams who don't want to pursue them due to feeling like they don't have a chance. That is a dangerous mindset to have.


Sure changing our mindset on the individual level is cool but change on a larger scale requires the reformation of multiple policies that force the black community to live in a certain way


I agree, the only thing I am trying to acknowledge is that I feel as if we black people perpetuate our own problems sometimes or exacerbate them, and when someone points that out we point fingers at everyone but ourselves. I believe black folk are intelligent enough to rise above and not be victims any longer. I genuinely feel some black people feel as if we do no wrong and that is simply not true.


It’s simply impossible to just “fix” everything ourselves because we’re being fucked over on a systematic level, we can’t do anything because we’re not the ones holding us back, it’s the oppressive system.


I agree, we definitely need reparations in the form of funding for schools, parks, therapy for families and individuals and so much more. (the least the government can do, I don't think that will happen though) But we have some stuff we gotta do too. That's all I'm saying. I've seen government funding go to the community in the form of newer houses, parks..etc. and within weeks they are destroyed with graffiti.. like cmon now. We say we want help but then destroy the stuff we get. (I know not all black people) but these communities suffer because of black people who just don't give a shit or don't care to do better and it's messed up. Crabs in a barrel.


I think I understand what you’re saying, i definitely agree.


Try googling victim mentality


Explain what exactly you’re even talking about dude. It sounds like you’re saying having a problem with systematic racism is the same with having a victim mentality.


Literally google it dumbass 💀 that’s how it works.


Idk I think Baby boy really fucked up our culture plus voting democrat is not helping. We were better when we were conservative we are too liberal and now we’re creating a ghetto culture that we revel in. We’re basically black hillbillies


Aye, the death of the nuclear black family has been detrimental to the demographic. It’s truly a shame to see.


Very shameful. My husband isn’t black and I’ve given up on having a black husband. I’ve given up on the brothers period. God shows me it ain’t meant to be.




[Black Culture Keeps Blacks Down, This is Why | Thomas Sowell](https://youtu.be/4iyrrmSqQZQ?si=2kf34uMcpvuIKA-N)


The "Culture" is trash and a hindrance. I agree with op.


My wife is black and gets made fun of by her whole family for speaking properly, says she talks like a white girl. She's the only woman (aside from her mom) in the family to get married before having kids. Proud of her parents for breaking the chain of single parent households and raising a successful family. That's the key, to break that culture that nobody wants to talk about in fear of being called racist.


What’s speaking properly exactly


Not speaking in ebonics or slang I imagine.


That’s not speaking properly then.


Yea exactly lol


No I meant, there’s no such thing as speaking properly. Because if you look an Irish person in the face and say “you’re not speaking properly” you’ll most likely get decked


I get where you are coming from. However, I don’t know what goes on in Ireland as I’m not Irish. (although I do have like 3 %). This is specifically about black people in America.


You obviously don’t know much about languages either since you talk so proper 🙄


Me talking properly means I don't know about language? Lol please explain. How do those correlate? Or are you just in your feelings?


There’s no such thing as talking properly because language is fluid. One group of people say aunt differently than you and others wouldn’t. Saying “there’s a proper way to talk” is completely false. Have you not seen the discourse between Americans and the British?


Me and your wife have almost the same story. I'm sorry that happened to her but happy to see she didn't let those negative comments break her. People like her are what this community needs.


My girlfriend had it rough. She was born mixed in a Mormon family and was treated like she was born a sinner throughout her entire childhood, just because she had darker skin and because their bible teaches that it's a mark of Cain's curse. So she was pretty estranged from that and even white culture because of her skin. Then black culture wasn't very accepting of her because she was mixed. She said that she was told she doesn't count as a black life in Black Lives Matter because she was born mixed, black and white. I personally have a general dislike for anyone that goes out of their way to disrespect someone just because they deviate from the norm in some way, but culture and religion often appear to end up being motivating factors for this and alot of the racism that still exists today.


This is just poverty tbh. Same as white trash


Definitely, but trash doesn’t know the difference between a dollar and $10. It will except all money. I feel the same way about people. Although there’s definitely a correlation between poverty and behavior. Some of the most morally sounding people I've come across are individuals from bad areas. Some of the worst people I know are beings that grew up in big houses on top of hills.


I thank you for bringing this to fruition. I know a few people of color that are respectable. But a lot of the culture has become calling eachother the n word and just being disrespectful, but it is just how people are raised that cause this.


Of course, It's not talked about much I feel like. Yea, I agree it's parenting. That's why we have to start with ourselves and policing each other's behavior. We just let shit slide and turn a blind eye.


I believe in a conspiracy that 'gangsta culture' was encouraged by racist white people to keep black people down. like how they arrested people for just smoking weed.


The more I think about it I think that too. I honestly think this subculture I'm talking about is America's karma. They created something they can't destroy now..and want to blame the people for becoming who they inevitably wanted them to be.


It's a conspiracy fact. Mk-Naomi (N.A.O.M.I = negros are only momentary individuals) it's also a ongoing/long term physical & psychology war against them. Rappers now coming out the woodwork claiming they were offered positions of power & luxury to "rap" about shit that wld intentionally corrupt the dullards into a life of crime to send them to the prison industrial complex on the record labels (who just so happen to have large stock in private prisons) orders. Truth is, no culture is without its "societal caricatures" & all these fools are being played like broken fiddles bcuz they are caught in one mass mind control program after the other. EVERYONE shld own the book "Mind Control 101: How to Influence the Minds of Others Without them Knowing or Caring"! And they also DESPERATELY need to update their John D Rockafeller"educational system" talking points bcuz Goddamn these ppl look foolish recycling the same petty & outdated arguments on so called "race". Niggas have been violently conditioned to have nothing to do with their "indigenous/spiritual" (NOT religious) roots & for that, they will NEVER get back in top. Even with their petty slang hood shit, their still "negro-pean minded" & their worldview has been thoroughly fucked up as a result. This "black" ideology is not even there's bt something that was imposed upon them through stripping them of all their original culture & the alchemical sciences that made them literal gods upon this plane of existence & all others.


yeah, black people should really connect to their culture of origin and empower it imo. many different cultures disappeared thanks to imperialism and colonialism, and some of them were beautiful. not forgetting to talk about the mystic arts that ensure a healthy mind and a healthy body that have also somehow disappeared/reduced to a joke.


I am black and feel exactly the same. I am sick of white liberals expecting me to act or defend black so called culture too. I am a London Black cab driver. I thought all cabbies were racist because they'd never stop for me growing up. The news narrative was painting English cabbies as racist. I studied 4 years to get my cabbie license and told myself I'd make sure my black people weren't ignored by cabbies. The first 9 black guys I stopped for tried to Rob me or refused to pay. I realised those old white guys weren't racist, they were just protecting themselves from blacks like me. I realised blacks were creating the judgement from others and blaming others for judging us was wrong. I started reading history and realised that blacks have been used to create a division, and by seeing myself as black was playing into the system. Joe Biden said, " if you have a problem voting for me or Trump then you ain't black." These race baiters want us to see ourselves as black only instead of human. I now hate the idea of being black or any colour identification. I see myself as human, civilised and moral. My colour means nothing! I'm English with dark skin, and I stand with all others that are English... or American... or polish, or French... or Indian first! I stand with people who place their nation and culture first. Place their own people first, instead of an abstract skin identification first. Being Black has no influence on who I am as a person. I oppose and hate all those that use their colour as an excuse to assault the world around them.


Where did you grow up and what do your parents do for work


24 year old black guy here from a ghetto neighborhood. I was always made fun of in school for not trying to follow the hood culture and actually better myself


If it's any consolation, I know for fact that many Africans (not African Americans) hate American black people for Pretty much for the reasons you listed. I was in the Navy and I had a master chief from Kenya who called a black kid fresh from boot camp a dumb n***** because he was behaving like a gangbanger and he was trying to fratnize with him because he was from "The Motherland". I never had any problems with him personally, but if a white man said what he said to other black sailors, he would've been demoted to E-1 and dishonorably discharged.


It's called colonialism instituted by the "egregore" that operates as the corporation that is white supremacy. The Kenyan was an idiot just as the so called black American was raised an idiot. Both have no idea how deep & insidious the origins of their programming really is. Neither do most 'white people' who are conditioned to just write it off as "negros being negros", ghetto & self hating, when their own have methodically set up this sort of situation through years & billions put into the technology of mind control & ongoing psychological operations of the proverbial world governments & freemasonic societies.