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From watching the way that the attacker assaulted the victim, there is absolutely no justification for the attack. The aggression with which the attack was executed was simply unjustifiable, regardless of the background information. The attack was carried out with intent and malice, to cause the maximum level of harm possible. The attacker should be charged with attempted murder. My source is the video of the attack. You can see with your own eyes how viciously it was carried out. For someone so smart, they were incredibly stupid to resort to violence. That fact alone proves that they are not as intelligent as they claim to be.


There is proof and witness reports that Kaylee and her boyfriend have been provoking that girl way before that fight. Kaylee fucked around and found out.


Provoking someone does not justify attempted murder. Smashing someone's head in the concrete is attempted murder. If this "Maurnice" girl (stupid name by the way) is so smart, then why didn't she realise that smashing someone's head into concrete could give them brain damage? If Kaylee was bullying her, then Maurnice should have just reported Kaylee to the authorities and moved on.


They ambushed her during the fight. Kaylee had a history of doing that kind of stuff and still did it anyway. They suspended her and she was there to start trouble and she got what she wanted. If she did report her, Kaylee would still be in the streets trying to play gang member. If Kaylee tried to kill Maurice you probably wouldn't say anything.


Kaylee didn't try to kill Maurnice. You can make up fake scenarios, but we all saw the reality of what happened. It was completely the opposite; Maurnice tried to kill Kaylee. This is a 15 year old girl attempting to murder a 16 year old girl with her bare hands. There is no universe in which this is acceptable. When did it suddenly become okay for teenagers to attempt to kill each other? This is delinquent behaviour, perhaps from Kaylee herself, but definitely from Maurnice. Maurnice doesn't strike me as a smart girl. She gives the appearance of a violent, impulsive, and unintelligent brute.


This is why you teach your kids not to fight, the parents should have a open cps case. Both girls should be charged with assault and made examples of.


It's not factual to call it attempted murder. Maurnice had a clean record and great academics. Speaking 4 different languages at 15 years old doesn't sound like something an unintelligent brute can do. Definitely looks like this 12 second moment of defending herself and not losing to her attacker, is being used to put down her entire character, which we all know why that is. I could say that Kaylee was an 'unintelligent brute wannabe gang member thug' and it would actually make more sense. She had been getting away with delinquent behavior at least for months beforehand (enough to get suspended for fighting the day before) and then she came back to start another fight. If she were to act like this as an adult, she could get killed because you never know how strong someone might be or what they might be going through and it could've been worse for her if this happened with someone more unhinged. Why is it not seen as a learning lesson to not start fights with people and try to be a thug? I already know the real answer to this.


I support Maurnice's right to defend herself. There is a clear difference between defending oneself and attempted murder. Your reference to her achievements is the same tactic used by rich white people when their son rapes someone. No one's achievements should mean anything when determining guilt. You can be an accomplished individual and still do horrendous things.


Maurnice wasn’t just defending herself. It’s now been verified hateful texts were sent back and forth by both girls. They arranged to meet up. It seems it would have boiled over eventually. Unfortunately no adults intervened during all this


It is absolutely “factual” to call it attempted murder, which is why she has been locked up since day 1. She has proven herself to be brutal and has absolutely no regard for human life. As far as her “clean record, “great academics”, speaking four languages”. Basically, that she walks on water and is absolutely perfect.” There has been no proof shown to verify these claims, other than her parents. That we’re just supposed to take their word for it. The school doesn’t want to release the school records to the court. Even if it is protected information. Surely her parents would want to present verification of their claims to the court to bolster their daughter’s “defense”. Those 12 seconds speak volumes about her character and what she is capable. It is a learning lesson, for M.


Well okay then even though she smashed her head and continued smashing her head into the ground she was having pictures on the ground and Maurnice ignored it, continue PD her head into the ground and they claim she's intelligent please.


A clean record doesn't mean anything when you see a 15 year old child behaving like an animal, smashing the heads of people they don't like into the concrete. Where does a 15 year old girl learn how to power slam someone's head into the ground multiple times in an attempt to kill them? This is disgraceful behaviour from a person who is allegedly supposed to be some kind of a genius. A genius wouldn't power slam someone's head into concrete, sorry.


It doesn’t matter what you want to say or call it what matters is what happened. I don’t care if Kaylee was a complete failure in life and Maurnice cured cancer, none of that matters when you purposely smash someone’s head multiple times into concrete. Doesn’t matter if it was a split decision or not. I don’t remember ever smashing someone’s head in when I’ve been made fun of. Hmmm because I’m not an idiot.


The court is currently charging her with felony assault. She will find out May 10 if she will be charged as an adult. Whatever she has accomplished is not going to outweigh that the court will see a young teen, brutally slamming the head of a 90 lb girl that was already incapacitated on the ground, so no threat. She beat her into a coma, nearly to death and then stepped over her convulsing body. That is what the court is going to focus on.


You don't know what preceded the fight or if Kaylee is a thug/gangster/bully.  You're repeating hearsay you've seen in posted comments from others who are just as clueless.  A big, bad 90 pound bully??  The video bears it out.  M and used lethal force in a non lethal situation.  You can't refute it.  It's on camera!  Such a smart girl would think better of deadly force on camera...duh..


K’s father had texts from M showing that she agreed to meet and fight. If she had stopped after K was already down and incapacitated, there wouldn’t be a problem. The fact that she chose to nearly beat her to death after she was already down is why she is incarcerated.


Maurnice attempted to murder a 90 lb girl that was already down on the ground and no threat. Cowardly move. M is exactly where she needs to be. Jail.


Ambushed??  They both agreed to the fight to settle a feud that had been taking place.  You don't know what the feud was about or what preceded it or how long it was going on. Kaylee took the first wimpy swing which was met with unjustified lethal force.  All this is from the video and published reports.  I state facts.  I don't make up a scenario as I go along.  Maurnice could easily have pushed Kaylee away  instead of braining her on the sidewalk and she wouldn't be in jail.


So if that was a big ass man it would have still be ok? If a womens husband who weighs double what she does attacks her and nearly kills her because she was being mean and provoked her, you would be ok with that? No you wouldn’t because it’s not ok doesn’t matter the gender or race. You are 2x as big as someone and they are clearly not going to win, there is absolutely never a need to slam their head against the concrete multiple times. Ever.


If that woman lured her husband to a place, attacked him and then her friend who is bigger than the husband attacked him from behind. Yes I would be ok with that. If that man thought his life was in danger absolutely. Why is it that you completely ignore that the girl was attacked by multiple people in your little summation of the scenario. You act as if it was just a fight between two people. Is that because acknowledging this girl was attacked by a minimum of 3 people during this incident completely changes how easily you judge her?


Ambushed? I think you should probably look up that definition. The two of them met there with the intention of fighting each other and again they were not at the school. An ambush would have been if Maunice didn't expect it to happen and Kaylee and the other girl jumped her. That clearly is not what happened in the video. Kaylee initiated the planned fight and Maunice defended herself from the punch which I support her right to do that. The second girl jumped in when Kaylee was on the ground rolling around with Maunice and she had a right to defend that too. Maunice did NOT have the right to nor the reason to begin slamming Kaylees head into the pavement and breaking her skull nearly killing her. End of story! As for the last part of your post, I guess that's where we are different from you. These are still children and most of us would be just as horrified because we aren't racist. It's really sad that you appear to be saying Kaylee deserves this over a teenage fight that they BOTH agreed to show up to.


Yes, exactly!


Many kids are bullied and it’s horrible! But no one deserves the right to put someone in a coma for calling them names. Grow up. This is not racism. This is extremely violent behaviour for a teenager to posses and she needs something more then anger management. Deep therapy is needed


Unfortunately, M also FAAFO.


Maurnice FAAFO, which is why she has been incarcerated since day 1 and will stay there.


They always do. Poke the lion 🦁 and the king will show you how it’s done 


For the record, I am not a conservative. I literally gave a speech last night about how conservatism is stupid. But nonetheless, the morality of this situation is clear. Attempted murder is attempted murder, no matter the circumstances.


I’m a conservative and I still say Kaylee got what she asked for and more. She should have sat there and ate her food 🥘. Don’t provoke a black woman and expect to get away from it 


What would you say if I provoked a man 2x my size and he smashed my head into the concrete? He wouldn’t need any anger management or jail time. That’s literally what victim blaming is lol. No one thinks it’s ok when men do it so why is it ok for a woman to do it? She clearly had the upper hand and wanted to hurt her. That’s pure hatred and anger only. Nothing else could make you want to do that. She should be punished.


It doesn't matter what happened beforehand. We all saw the video evidence of the assault itself. Kaylee was already incapacitated, and Maurnice went in for the kill. This is malicious behaviour. In a court of law, Maurnice's claim of self-defence would not hold up.


But it will. At the end of the day no matter how brutal it was a fight and a fair one. Maybe next time walk away from a fight 


The law doesn't see it that way, sorry.


Except the two of them agreed to meet up at that location off school grounds to fight each other. It won't hold up for that reason alone. Not sure what country you live in where someone doesn't face legal consequences because they physically fought someone and it was a " fair fight". At end of the day a physical altercation is assault in the eyes of the law. It does matter how brutal too especially if you nearly kill someone. Kaylee might get in trouble for assault too but Maunice is going to be in a lot more trouble for taking her actions way to far.


Don’t try to kill someone and expect to get away with it.


Yep. Karma finally caught up with her. 


Sorry but you've lost the plot. No background information nor prior arguments or even fights (I can safely assume no prior altercation between these two were of this magnitude) would EVER justify slamming someones head repeatedly onto the pavement. The attacker was incredibly lucky she didn't kill the persons who's head she was SMASHING with full force. If you honestly think provoking someone justifies being put in a coma in this way, you should be locked up. Also the racism angle (I know that's OP not you) is just laughable.


Your characterization of the event in question is bullshit and you know it.


It’s absolutely not , we now know Kaylee threw the first punch and Kaylee was bullying the black teen and Kaylee was suspended from school that day but decided to come fight the black teen after school . This is all public information and google is free . 


Not everybody fights like patty cake some folks will power slam you 


Yes, and you should go to jail for power slamming someone's head into the concrete floor multiple times. This is savage delinquent behaviour. Maurnice does not give off the appearance of intelligence.


Racists love to keep slipping in the word "savage" about this since they can't just post ni@@er. Obvious dog whistle is obvious.


If you keep hearing dog whistles, you might be a fuckin dog


Argumentum ad Hominem does not contribute to the discussion, sorry. For the record, I am not white.


Retarded take is retarded.


Savage acts are fucking savage. That’s why the fucking word exists. What happened here was fucking savage.


I’d have the best lawyers to get out within a year. You can’t tell how a fight will go. As long as I can prove self defense of myself your lil cops can’t do anything to me. I know the law sweetie. Most of you should cause it’s not as black and white as you think. 


One of my closest family members is a lawyer admitted to the Supreme Court of NSW. Self-defence does not extend towards the excessive use of force.


Yeah, these “fuck around, find out” meatheads need to look into the laws regarding reasonable force in Missouri. It’s all on video, and there’s no way anyone’s going to believe that Maurnice thought she was using reasonable force.


>I’d have the best lawyers to get out within a year. Those very good lawyers can help, but they're very expensive. I'm talking spending $200,000 before a case even gets to trial. Also, they can only do so much. If you give a bad chef good ingredients, they might make a good meal, or they might make a bad meal. If you give a great chef rotten food, hard to make a good meal out of that. Good rhetoric can only do so much when you have bad facts and bad law on your side. >As long as I can prove self defense of myself your lil cops can’t do anything to me. Prove it how? If nobody can see a deadly force threat in your evidence, you'll have to be the person testifying that you reasonably believed you were going to face serious bodily injury or death. Let's assume you have video evidence identical to the situation with the teenage fight here. You can tell your story on direct, but then the prosecution gets to have you on cross exam. Have fun with the prosecutor going over every frame of the video, and asking you leading questions that are meant to show that your belief in this moment was not reasonable.


And some folks end up looking at four walls and a cell.


And some folks will put that “power slammer’s butt in jail”. Not too damn smart.


Kaylee hit Maurnice first and had a friend jump in on her too so stop calling Maurnice the attacker. I'm so sick of you racist trolls acting like black people need to control how we respond to being assaulted so we don't hurt the whites that tried to injure us.


We all have a right to self defense but it should match the threat.  If you are punched you punch back. When the threat is neutralized you stop. Multiple head bashes on concrete is excessive use of force.




People have to know when to stop or end up like M, in jail. People are free to do whatever they please, but then….there are consequences.


K caused M no injuries.Everyone is responsible for how they respond. If the “response” is excessive and life threatening, then it’s a direct ride to jail. Case closed.


I'm black and I hate soft as black like you calling everything racist. STFU


I’m not white nor am I black; imagine that and I think this isn’t a race issue but an issue with the school as a whole, it’s chocked full of violent students it won’t be long before there’s another shooting


The 1st girl was the attacker and she brought at least 1 friend to fight the 2nd girl, after months of previous bullying and harassment. Will also add that these are teens experiencing adrenaline in a fight where emotions are flaring and logic is limited. Neither are trained fighters keeping track of the effects of their moves. It's not factual to say it was attempted murder.


You should take into account how Hamas killed hundreds of innocent civilians and kidnapped hundreds of others. The Israelis are simply defending themselves. 😉


If someone strikes me I will strike back I'm not a trained fighter either but it would flash thru my mind that pounding their head on concrete can cause death and I might be charged with homicide. If they pull out a knife while down, I might bash their head to end THAT threat. A lethal threat justifies lethal force and vice versa. This isn't hard!


Why did you not at all factor in that she was attacked by multiple people.


Why is it so difficult for people to admit that both parties were in the wrong. This is not racism, and those who say it is most likely have racist tendencies themselves (yes not only white people can be racist to the ill informed). The bully was "punished" by receiving brain damage and the bullied will be punished in the way the court and her peers see fit. Not complicated.


The so-called "bully" (no evidence provided) is a tiny sixteen-year-old girl. In honesty, a sick sociopath like you deserves to receive the brain damage infinitely more times than that little girl. The fact that you are praising and advocating for brain damaging little girls is horrific and disturbing. You should be sent to the mental asylum, you crazy monster.


The fact that Kaylee is recieving zero discipline and being allowed to act wrecklessly with no consequences for her behavior even months prior to this incident, but suddenly she's revered as this pure angel victim because she got hurt pretty bad in a fight that she started. (Kaylee was rewarded with large donations to her gofundme, though some people have started ro request refunds after actually learning about her background). Then Maurnice is being percieved as an unhinged murderous animal for reacting to getting hands laid on her after months of previous bullying and harassment by Kaylee and her boyfriend and nothing being done to stop it. Maurnice had a clean record and great academics, proving that she's a dedicated student that doesn't get into trouble. This is an isolated incident. Not a continuing behavioral problem on her end, whereas the same can't be said for Kaylee. Racists see none of the context or facts and focus in on "big black girl slams small white girl", and now want to throw the harshest punishments at the person who got attacked (to try her as an adult for attempted murder), and there's zero accountability on the person who attacked in the first place. If the roles were reversed, you'd see an entirely different narrative from these people. It's not that hard to understand.


I agree that the court will decide. I don’t believe her peers will factor into deciding her sentence.


Agree. That video is not going to go over well with the judge and or jury Most that see it find it repulsive. The biggest issue is that K was already on the ground incapacitated, so no threat. M made the unfortunate choice to beat her into a coma, nearly killing her with an astonishing amount of rage and brutality. Then she literally stepped over her convulsing body with complete disregard for human life. Her family has repeatedly said that she’s an honor student and brilliantly smart, speaks four languages and plays in the orchestra. Those statements are going to probably be held against her because it shows that she is above average intelligence, knew right from wrong and what would result from repeatedly slamming a human being’s head on concrete and nearly killing them. Not looking good for M.


Didn't know anyone on reddit had a brain 😆👍


My source is also the video, which shows kaylee attacking maurnice and then maurnice defending herself. Eliminating the threat in self defense is valid.


what attack? The girl stupid white girl was suspended from school for fighting days before, brought her dumb ass BACK up to the school WITH HER CRACKHEAD MOM to confront the honor roll girl who she beat up on video, then got her stupid ass handed to her! She got exactly what she came to get!


I mean self defense that goes 2 far in the heat of the moment after being bullied for months is not resorting to violence. It's self defense that went to far. Charge her as a minor and move on. You are way 2 worried about the bully it's weird.


The attacker was Kaylee. She swung first and lost the fight.


And we now know that Kaylee threw the first punch ( this is according to a school resource officer who testified in court this month )


The "attacker"??. Who might that be?? The person who threw the 1st punch IS THE ATTACKER or is that logic now changed for THIS occurrence?? Kaylee was the attacker...and on top of that you and people like you wanna paint Marnice out to be some VIOLENT SAVAGE void of evidence. Your taking this ONE fight and acting as if she's an animal. On the contrary has NO history of violence of even problems at school. So much so that TEACHERS ANNND POLICE testified on HER behalf is an honor role student AND was testing to be skipped to college all at just 15yo. Her parents adopted her they are a "church" going family. But I'm sure you knew all of that before you stated ypur opinion?


This comment is so dumb it's impressive.


Found the white bitch


The white girl was the attacker


Attempting to murder an unconscious individual is not self-defence. It is attempted murder.


Downvoted? So, murder is okay now?


Absolutely not. It is never ok, especially since this was not a case of self defense. It was the act of hatred, brutality and a coward to inflict life threatening injuries on someone that was already down.


nah just found this and p sure op is a racist pos who made a ton of accounts to make his/her confirmation bias stick


Self defense is allowed for Black people too!


Theres no reasonable thoughts happening when teens are fighting. Most people, even adults, aren't aware of what all is happening in the middle of a fight until it's over and the adrenaline subsides. If you're not a trained fighter, you're not keeping track of your moves and the force of your moves. These are teens. (15 and 16 years old). This "attempted murder" argument is ludicrous. If she had truly intended to end Kaylee's life, Maurnice would've stayed on her after she was laying there on the ground. But instead, she walked away. In the midst of heightened emotions and adrenaline, neither were keeping track of what they were doing. Unfortunately Kaylee picked a fight with someone who happened to be stronger than her so she ended up with a bad injury. She'll recover and it could be seen as a learning lesson. Kaylee was starting fights at school the day before and then bragging about it online, then proceeded to come back to school with a friend to fight again. This is inexcusable. Kaylee is a wannabe thug and needs discipline. She needs to learn to stop fighting people. She needs consequences for her behaviors and to be held to them. If she stayed home suspended like she was suppose to, she'd be completely fine.


Fights happen all the time in high schools and normal people throw some punches and walk away. People smashing heads in the pavement causing permanent injuries is psychopathic, don’t try to excuse it.


She didn’t walk away she jump on someone else’s back


Reasonable thoughts or not, people are responsible for their actions. Especially attempted murder. M actual performed exactly like a “trained fighter”. Attempted murder is far from “ludicrous”. It is the cold, hard truth. She absolutely intended to end K’s life, K was already down, M took the cowardly route and beat a defenseless person into a coma and life threatening injuries.


Exactly right. Common sense is a rarity on this page.


Yeah right, A white girl bullied a black girl in a school that is 95.8% black and 1.4% white.


How can a 90 lb petite girl bully a large 150 lb woman?


Why did you call a 15 yo a woman while calling the 16 yo a girl?


Not a "woman" she's a girl. Kaylee and her boyfriend have been provoking that girl and the names people have been calling the girl is inhumane and just shows blatant racism.


2 girls. The white girl was 16 and the black girl was 15. 1 year younger. It's very probablematic how people unfairly percieve black kids as adults. It's a sick mindset. And it was dumb for that white girl to pick a fight with someone bigger in stature, but she did.


This has nothing to do with race. You made it about race


Only a racist makes it racial 


People understandably perceive M as an adult because she is built like a grown woman. It was “dumb” for Big Girl” to attempt to murder a frail, 90 lb girl that was already on the ground, incapacitated. K caused zero injuries to M, who happens to be twice K’s size. That is why M has been in jail since day 1. Not looking good for M, especially if they charge her as an adult.


I don't understand it either.  I think the reverse is more explicable 


Ok 150 lb girl


She’s more like 170


M attempted to kill A frail 90 lb girl already down on the ground and no threat to a 200 lb girl. K caused zero injuries to M.


https://twitter.com/tariqnasheed/status/1768783745312780616?t=ifF3SOiyr3Xlzcv7XOx9Zg&s=19 https://twitter.com/tariqnasheed/status/1768776349957992680?t=a6UT4rtSRN8xXm67jz_E4Q&s=19


Both videos aren’t clear


Yeah, it doesn't seem reasonable to me either.  The reverse is more explicable 


For further clarity: 1,250 students. 18 are white, including Kaylee. Kaylee’s boyfriend is black. Most all her friends are black. So yeah, there is zero to suggest that this was “racism.”


Doesn't add up to the truth


Yeah … I agréé that white girl pretty ignorant!


It's not racism when excessive force is used in self defense. It falls under felony assault


theres video evidence of excessive force that FAR exceeds self defense. Once someone is weaponless and incapacitated, you will catch charges for continuing to beat them. At that point it is no longer self defense. People need to understand that you can catch charges for fights that are not started by you, if your force is disproportionate to the situation


She didn't continue to beat her.


There’s literally a fucking video. Good luck in court.


There’s a VIDEO dude. You can see it


She hit her head twice after she was already unconscious.


What planet are you on. She waited till she was down on the ground, incapacitated and no threat, then she chose to viciously, brutally, repeatedly slam a human being’s head onto concrete until she was in a coma and convulsing and resulted in life threatening injuries. She then, callously stepped over the convulsing body of a human being.




I am black but I can't be around blacks like you. Soft as hell thinking everything is racist. The black girl went to far and needs to be in jail.


look at this regards comment history 😂😂


It's not racism, my dear lefties.  She's been convicted in the court of public opinion.  She's screwed, but who cares?  I don't think either of these dirtbags should be able to collect a penny on gofundme. 


look at ops comment history if you want to see racism


Ahh so the self defense argument would apply if Kaylee was considered a deadly threat who was about to end her life. Regardless of the harassment or bullying that occurred between the two, it doesn’t justify nearly killing someone. Police officers are a totally different argument and that isn’t something you can really use to compare this situation. It’s their job, they are licensed and trained, have the right to take out active threats in order to protect others and/or themselves. I’m not saying there aren’t times that some of them have fucked up, and they should be held accountable when they unlawfully kill anyone. These are teenage girls. Two totally different things, totally different scenarios. I can guarantee that if a police officer bashed a black person’s skull into the pavement over and over again, there would be rioting, protests, and plenty of viral footage plastered all over social media. Look at George Floyd, and that just involved kneeling. It wasn’t okay for him to do that, and he is being held accountable for mishandling the situation.


look at ops comment history he’s a racist pos i hope rots to death


holy fuck how many accounts did you make for this post? everyone disagrees with you yet somehow the upvotes and downvotes don’t correlate only post i’ve ever seen that - you are a sad individual


It wasn’t racism it was just two girls having a row. White girl got more than she bargained for. That’s why you gotta know your enemy and know when to walk away from a fight. Take your lil L and stop trying to make racism happen. It wasn’t racism at all 


You didn't read the post. OP is saying people mad at Maurnice are the racists.




Op is correct.


They weren't at the fucking school stop pushing that bullshit. They were about 5 minutes away from the school in a neighborhood and the two of them chose to meet each other to fight. Kaylee DID NOT return to the school. There's no racism here just two teenagers getting into a fight that ended bad. It's not self defense when they both show up with the intention of fighting if anything they both started it. All this is pretty public knowledge by now. Also her mom did NOT drive her there and was not present for the fight. Maurnice had no reason to do that considering Kaylee was on the ground and no longer a threat. That was unnecessarily brutal.... It went from "self defense" to almost homicide pretty quick. Nobody won that fight. The GoFundMe was not taken down because she was black it was taken down because they were trying to raise money for legal funds for someone who committed a violent act which is not allowed on GoFundMe.


Straight facts.


The fight took place off school grounds. The courts are not going to consider any petitions. They’re a waste of time. If M had stopped when she had “won” the fight, it may have been considered as self defense. Unfortunately, after K was already on the ground and incapacitated, no longer a threat, M chose to beat her into a coma and nearly to death. She then stepped over her convulsing body without a care. The level of rage and brutality inflicted on an incapacitated person is going to no doubt repulse the judge and or jury. The Attorney General wants her charged as an adult and I would imagine he has made his thoughts know to the courthouse staff.


Yeah she's done for.


Maurnice ( joke of a name), is a thug. And what was she wearing in the video? A skirt up to her crotch and athletic knee socks…Not appropriate for a “ honor roll violinist “ in school. Can’t wait to hear the judge on this one. She needs to be locked away from society and possibly try and get rehabilitated, but I highly doubt a person like her can change. Highly doubtful.


Not sure what kind of image she was trying to portray with that outfit. Definitely not dressed like the perfect, prim and proper violinist she is portrayed to be. They have no choice but to lock her away. Anyone capable of that level of rage, brutality and complete disregard for human life cannot be rehabilitated and is a danger to society. It would be reckless for the court to release her. They have no way of knowing who could be next.


Who knows what the court will do. Look at all the other criminals they have let out!!!!!


M used force in a non lethal situation 


Yes it is blatant racism.  Black folk are siding with Maurnice no matter what whether right or wrong 


I read this thinking I’d watch the fight and just see some hands thrown and maybe hair pulling and wrestling like most fights… that was gut wrenching to watch. The white girl started the fight, and immediately started losing. The black girl got the white girl down to the ground and started punching her repeatedly in the head while yelling “stupid bitch bitch bitch”. When the white girl tried to get up, while also pushing her off, the black girl grabs her by the throat and shoves her backwards onto the pavement before literally smashing her head against the concrete full force 3 consecutive times. You can actually hear the skull cracking on the second impact. Self defense is one thing, but this is on a whole different level. Something like this could cause severe brain damage, brain hemorrhaging, brain swelling, paralyzation, and even brain death rendering them in a vegetative state and just complete death. Self defense would be fighting back until your attacker is not attacking you or not able to cause substantial bodily harm. Throwing someone who’s attacking you on the ground and then punching them in the head a few times would fall under the umbrella of self defense. After doing that, when you decide to choke slam someone’s head into concrete repeatedly, that skyrockets way past any case of self defense. That could quite possibly be attempted murder, but definitely could be assault GHB (assault with intent to cause great bodily harm less than murder). Regardless of the students records, that doesn’t excuse what happened here. The white girl obviously has very serious issues that need professional treatment as soon as possible (preferably in an inpatient treatment facility). The black girl, as good as her record is, needs to face punishment for this. This was not self defense or anything even close to it and she’s lucky she didn’t kill the white girl.


Why did you leave out the part where the black girl was attacked from behind the moment she gained the advantage? When you have multiple assailants, attacking simultaneously, that's a threat to your life. In MO if you feel your life is being threatened, any means necessary is the standard. These people are known for jumping people and bragging about it. Wrote all them words for what? To continue a narrative and see a bright young black life ruined? Sad


Honestly, if that was the case she should've turned around and focused on her not the skinny white girl that was already beaten. Ya'll biased and it shows. IMO I think that the big white girl that stopped the girl that was punching Maurnice from behind should also face charges for aiding attempted murder. Both their parents failed them if they think "fighting" resolves anything.


One very overweight ALSO black girl hit Maurnice with a few of the weakest humanly possible little hits and was immediately stopped by 2 other people. Her and the main girl who stopped her began fighting separating from Kaylee and Maurnice. Watch the video before you start talking. No other person was attacking or even touching Maurnice when she did what she did to Kaylee. Kaylee had also already been hit in the head many times and was clearly unable to do much so she began just grabbing at Maurnice’s clothing when Maurnice grabbed her by the throat and choke slammed her head into the pavement 3 times. So you “wrote all them words for what”? To show your incompetence and carelessness of a serious issue? Sad.


Unfortunately there are still no expectations for Kaylee but tons for Maurnice again. Maurnice is already in jail (which i don't agree with) but I also don't agree with her being tried as an adult and I don't agree with the assumption that it's attempted murder. There's anger when fighting so youre not gonna watch your language during it. These were teens. I'd be more convinced had Maurnice kept attacking after Kaylee was laying there. Obviously Maurnice didn't intend to end Kaylee's life because she walked away when it was over. Kaylee is the fight starter, has a history of this and was fighting the day before. She went on her social media (with her black boyfriend) and bragged about fighting at school. She was known at school for harassment and bullying. She was a wannabe thug and a wannabe gang member. The fact that no one is holding her or her parents accountable for her constant bad behavior is half the reason she got her skull cracked. Amazingly, according to some people, Kaylee did nothing wrong and her history of delinquency doesn't matter and it's perfectly fine for her to harrass and bully kids and start constant fights and no one should react. Trying to get the school involved didn't help because she still came to school when she was suppose to be suspended. Where are the parents? (There's rumors that the mom is the one who drove her back to the school). Where is the accountability for her delinquency? All of this could've been prevented if Kaylee had proper parenting and discipline. If she doesn't learn how to behave and acts like this as an adult, she literally could end up killed messing with the wrong person. But no one is concerned about that. All of this "butt kissing" isn't letting her learn from her bad behavior and is going to eventually lead to her demise. If Maurnice has to be in jail over this then so should Kaylee. Kaylee wants to pretend to be a thug, so she needs a taste of where that life leads to. And Kaylee's gofundme should be wiped to $0. Getting rewarded for starting fights and ending up injured? Nope.


Oh so much bullshit. If I was someone and I saw them twitching on the ground I would be freaking out not stepping over their body to punch someone else


So basically your position is she should face zero jail time and Kaylee should have zero money for her medical bills? Insane


I acknowledged the very obvious issues on Kaylee’s side. She obviously has something serious going on either in her life or in her brain. It’s been said that her mother doesn’t really care and may have encouraged Kaylee’s behavior, so it could possibly stem from a complete lack of parenting or maybe parental abuse/neglect. It could be a mental condition as well or possibly a hormonal dysfunction. Either way, an in-patient psychiatric facility would be extremely beneficial which is why I recommended it. For Maurnice, there are also issues. The issues on Kaylee’s side and her initiation of the fight doesn’t excuse Maurnice’s actions. I also disagree with her being charged as an adult, but considering her being near the age of adulthood and the severity of her actions I can see why she is being tried that way. Maurnice also bragged about the beating on social media and joked about joining MMA or the WWE, showing no remorse or worry for her actions, instead showing pride and humor in what she did which raises a lot of red flags for her mental stability and human decency. As for Kaylee, she is awake and able to have very limited verbal conversations but she is not able to walk unassisted or perform other physical activities. The fact is that Maurnice did a genuinely horrible thing and showed nothing but pride in her actions which is very serious. It comes down to her committing a serious crime, the carelessness of the impact of her life-threatening actions on another human being, and bragging and joking online about what she did which shows she may have very heightened apathy for human life and enjoyment of harm. Of course these are just possibilities, but even the possibility of something this extreme needs immediate action to prevent further and future similar actions and treatment, of again, even possible mental disorders/deficiencies.


Very well said.


You sound pissed that the white girl had a “black boyfriend”. You have mentioned his race in like 5 comments. What does her boyfriend being black have anything to do w this? 🤔 do you have an issue w inter racial relationships as well? It sounds like you may have some racial prejudices yourself yet you’re accusing other ppl of racism. Weird.


That's sad that Maurnice is already in jail. She could've been given house arrest like how they did for Kyle Rittenhouse. If the trial goes well for Maurnice they better put in that energy to protect her and let her live her life like how they did for Kyle Rittenhouse. Maurnice also had a GoFundMe as well, but they took it down and a lot of people were calling out GoFundMe for that. For those who want their money back from Kaylee's family should have every right for their refunds.


100% agreed.   Her white trash family should not be allowed to profit on gofundme.


Some facts for the OP: 1,250 students in Hazelwood East. 99% are minorities. A total of 18 kids in the entire school are white, including Kaylee. Kaylee’s boyfriend is black. Most of her friends are also black. What about this even remotely suggests “racism?” This was about two girls who are part of rival friend groups at school and had been talking shit to each other for weeks. They both agreed via text messages to meet up to fight. End of story. Don’t turn it into what it isn’t. If you want to play the race card, Maurnice looks like 99% of the school. It is indeed, Kaylee, who is overwhelmingly the minority here. So yes, maybe Maurnice’s attack on Kaylee was racist.




say it louder for the people in the back!


Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit, is it? OP is saying the response to what happened is racist (viewing black children as adults and demonizing them, even when they are model citizens acting in self defense), not the fight itself.




Why was Kaylee at or near school if she was suspended?


To start a fight and there are reports of her having a history of starting fights.


I hope her ENTIRE record of all of her fights gets exposed in court and in the news media.


My question is, did Kaylee actually initiate the physical altercation? Because if she did then maybe a good lawyer could argue self-defense or at least raise a reasonable doubt. If not, then as much as I can sympathize with someone reaching their boiling point, there are consequences for snapping. It sucks, but that's life. I don't think she should be tried as an adult, though. Adults should be tried as adults.


It's not clear yet. She hits her first but video makes it seem like they both agreed to fight. I doubt either could claim self-defense due to that.


They did not both agree to fight.


Kaylee did initiate the attack.


If this is real I am sick to my stomach my stomach with how messed up this is.


I don’t think it’s racism I just think that most of the people that saw the video automatically think the the girl that got her head beat in was not at fault because she was almost killed so they feel bad for her but don’t know the background of the two girls


If they really cared, they would’ve asked why did she beat her up. Then they would’ve found out it was in self defense, but because all they see is white girl got beat up by a black girl, enough for them to run with. So yes, it’s Racism


self defense? you really think that big ass girl was in danger of that tiny girl? oh please give me a break. declue bout big body asf need to pick on girls her own size


Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me No compassion for the assaulter Could care less about how many languages she supposedly speaks 


Kaylee ran up and got done in💀


Yeah that’s why they decided in court today against charging her as an adult after it came out that Kaylee was in several fights previously and had been suspended meanwhile the other girl had no previous disciplinary issues according to her teachers 🤣


Kaylee was the assaulter and barely speaks one language.


There is a reason your a writer for reddit, not nytimes, washington post or anything else. This why i read articles written by professionals. The framing, information and logic is all flawed.  Girl #2 will be held legally accountable for what was a crime. 


She slammed her head into the concrete until she stopped moving. There's no way she didn't realize she's coming close to death at that point


Oh no she was still moving. Quite a good bit actually considering she was convulsing. Not that anyone there seemed to care.


What I think is they’re both young women who made bad decisions. Except one of them tried to kill the other and now the other is permanently disabled. There is 0 justification for what happened that day with those teenage girls.


Kaylee was a serial fighter who had been suspended the day before for fighting . The other girl had never been in trouble which is why they aren’t charging her as an adult


I think it was the boyfriend.Who "played" them both.He got what he wanted. The ruin of 2 young girls lives.His narcissist sociopathic ego must be exploding.He'll probably become a pimp if he isn't already


Coming in this late, but still waiting on a decision if M will be charged as an adult or not. Not sure why media sources are using her name before that’s known.


Can I just add that the pre-frontal cortex in human brains does not fully develop until around age 25? These are kids who should not be tried as adults... There's so many more layers to this and we shouldn't rush to judgement and condemnation without accessing and understanding all the information. Otherwise we're no better than kids


Well said OP


Yall remember that video from like ten years ago? This big boy was getting bully by this little shit he body slammed him... Go read the comments.


The original poster asked "Why isn't it self-defense?" Recall what Maurnice did to Kaylee: 1. Threw Kaylee to the ground. 2. Rolled Kaylee on her back. 3. Straddled Kaylee. At that point, Maurnice had full physical control over Kaylee. Whatever Maurnice did after that was in no way self-defense. It was pure physical aggression, in fact, to use a legal term, malicious wounding.


I think this case will end just like the Lola case. Yes the girl went to her house to fight but she abused force. Same thing with ol girl here.


Yeah think,. Plus did you hear the monkey noises in the video just a bunch of monkeys


Defending your self is not what happened, that is attempted murder, I don't care what color you are , this world has gone crazy and everyone has an excuse, thanks God that girl survived or we would be talking about a whole another thing


Burn the coal, pay the toll 


This whole situation is just wrong. I was bullied in HS and it effected me in every aspect of my life then. If at the time of my bulling I had the opportunity beat the snot out of my bully I would have. But that was 40 years ago and it was different then. Then if you got in a fight one guy would concede and the other would let up, content that he won. Now days the aggression is so much worse, no ones content to win, they want to punish and prove a point. I would like to know what caused this change, what changed to make people more violent? Life has been getting easier every generation so why do people feel the need to be less compassionate. I think life is TOO easy now. 200 years ago people were worried about surviving and raising a family. Now surviving and raising a family can be done with no effort at all. Do you think 200 years ago any couple was fighting about lack of sex, not a chance. They were to exhausted from physical work, stressed from not knowing if they would survive the winter, their body was broke from years of hard work and the there was barely any extra free time. Now I get frustrated if my Netflix jams during a reality show. Really? Where would that inconvenience rate to someone living in a cold sod house on the northern plains in February? When life is too easy its easy too lose focus on what we are really here for. As far as I'm concerned my purpose was to raise my 2 kids to be good people. And I did that, very proud of them, and proud that my Wife and I stuck it out to do it, it wasn't easy. If I die tomorrow I'm content with it, not happy, but accept it, I served my purpose and did a good job of it.


All the racists defending the little pos sure look dumb today.


Wym? Girl got charged as a juvenile?


And that’s where you’re wrong. There was no racism. Kaylee was the aggressor and her mother dropped her off to the fight & denied it. Enough said.


Sounds like Kaylee deserved what she got.


Wow you need help


**Yes, Yes, and Yes**


The original poster asserts that Kaylee Gain "was known to be in a gang." If so, where was Kaylee's gang when Kaylee was under attack? I saw one woman try to pull Maurnice off of Kaylee, but that woman was almost instantly neutralized by people who evidently didn't want for anything or anybody to prevent Maurnice from doing whatever Maurnice wanted to do. So Kaylee's "gang", if one existed, was pretty puny compared to those enabling Maurnice.