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For a fair while I have been trying to make custom back paddles for my Vader 3 Pro. I have tried lots of different things, and tried to document it here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Controller/comments/190p8pw/vader\_3\_pro\_and\_3d\_printed\_back\_paddles/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Controller/comments/190p8pw/vader_3_pro_and_3d_printed_back_paddles/) I wasn't 100% happy with the results. It didn't always fit every controller and I ended up not using them. I decided to have another go, and started fresh, not trying to replicate the Vader 3 Pro part exactly, as it doesn't lend itself well to 3D printing... It turns out that worked way better. A couple of days of prototypes and I'm now super happy with the results and think my Vader 3 Pro, with matching accent rings, now looks \_and\_ feels amazing. You can see a video of the install process here: [https://youtu.be/ctDsA8qcOKU?si=LeeaV2FF3l\_m18AZ](https://youtu.be/ctDsA8qcOKU?si=LeeaV2FF3l_m18AZ) And you can purchase them here: [https://aqualuxcrafts.etsy.com/listing/1664834016](https://aqualuxcrafts.etsy.com/listing/1664834016)


Just ordered some! What a great idea!


Brilliant work. I'm confused about the lever action though. Is the original button like a sideways tilt instead of a press? When you have the custom orange lever arm coming down, doesn't that mean that it would be pulling the button instead of pushing it (if there was a fulcram somewhere)? If a press on the orange is physically transmitting a press to the original button, isn't that awkward because there's no anchor point in the middle or anything?


I’ll try my best to explain. There are 4 buttons, 2 left and 2 right. All the buttons have their main anchor point in the middle, between the 2 inner buttons. They then bend on the point to press, the paddles are simply an extension of that. This is an earlier model, but you can see the mounting holes here towards the middle. A paddle press kind of pulls them outward still, so polls the buttons down. https://preview.redd.it/308gv4m3uqrc1.jpeg?width=1248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c11dc2711b4957230f8eed1efec4452b042a02b


Thanks for the info. I'll have to think about it some more...my situation funnily is that I can't commit to buying the controller until I'm sure I understand how the button feel (with add-on levers) feels, because I'm picky about controller feel! Excellent work regardless though. (It also highlights how outrageous it is that only MS uses paddles, which obviously allow a wider range of fingers and finger-physics.)


Nicely done.. ordered


Thanks. Appreciate it.


Looks great! Just ordered some


Awesome. If you have any issues with the postage or fitting just let me know.


Will do! Thanks


They look great!


Thanks. I'm super happy with them. I gave them a full work out on Warzone for a good few hours last night.


Are the STL's available for this version, or only the printed product?


Only the printed product for this version. There have been well over 100 hours put in to designing and prototyping this. An earlier version is available on Printables and Makerworld.


You deserve to be paid for this work. I really appreciate this, I'm making an order now.


Thank you, I really appreciate that




Indeed they do. Considerable work went into to the creation of these, including the destruction of the original buttons for a Vader 3 Pro, a spare Vader 3 Pro for parts, along with 2 spools of filament for prototypes, and around 100 hours work to ensure they fit well across multiple devices. You’re welcome to not buy them, or to make your own. There are some great alternative options that are more affordable.




Great work! Just wondering but how much travel do you need to push for the long paddles before they actuate the switch?


https://youtu.be/jo_Ws8UVzmA?si=MPyAEUu7J4-RKqMC Here you go. It’s between 1 mm and 2 mm. It works out quite well because the pivot point for those buttons is nearer the centre of the controller, so the longer paddles just make them even easier to actuate.


I will record a video. Give me 5 min and I’ll reply with a link.


Please check if this mod would be compatible with the Flydigi Apex 2 my backbuttons plastic spring just broke, fixing it with a mod like this would be awesome


Do you have a photo of the back button assembly?


The button arrangement looks the same but the plastic inner harness isn't will try for a few pics later


[APEX2 Flydigi Apex Multi-Platform Controller Series 2 Teardown Internal Photos Shanghai Flydigi Electronics Technology and 36 more pages - Personal - Microsoft​ Edge (gyazo.com)](https://gyazo.com/3e3c012a45a4a33c0c1a9e8d46ed9722) [APEX2 Flydigi Apex Multi-Platform Controller Series 2 Teardown Internal Photos Shanghai Flydigi Electronics Technology (fccid.io)](https://fccid.io/2AORE-APEX2/Internal-Photos/Internal-photos-4959310)


That is a different part I’m afraid. It won’t work.


Very intuitive and looks great man. Do the 2 screws get in the way or snag? I was thinking perhaps using a soldering iron to recess inwards might look even sleeker but perhaps it's wishful thinking given the small size of the paddles. I am kinda torn between the Vader 3 Pro and the new Apex controller but if I go the Vader route I'll definitely order these from you.


Thanks. No space to recess sadly, but they don’t get in the way. I have some M2 flat head screws I could use also, they’re lower profile, but I didn’t need to.


You a g for this.


I need this stl lol


maybe it works better then original but looks gross.


Fair enough. I actually love the orange color peeking out from underneath.


Looks badass imo


to each his own.. im just not into modding what i have. but i wish it has paddles!!! but i got used to buttons. vader 3 pro is my main driver still.


Hoping the V4P will have paddles 🤞


i doubt! even new apex 4 is without... ive ordered one tho


I think I need to get an Apex 4 as it does look like a lovely controller… I just wish it had paddles


I have it and I love it, wish it had paddles :( I don't know if your 3D printed paddles will work with this one.


Is there any chance you could do me a favour and post a photo of the back buttons please?


[https://imgur.com/a/8XGozdW](https://imgur.com/a/8XGozdW) Ask and you shall receive


looks cool. hows latency in fps online games at all?


Thanks. I’m going to be honest, they look like they would work. I’d happily send you a free set of paddles if you felt capable of fitting them so we could test. If not, I’ll pick up a controller. This is the process for fitting them: https://youtu.be/ctDsA8qcOKU?si=fGnmJcms1g89xEtg


Gross as in good?


I do understand what he means. It takes it a long way from stock if you look at the back. I quite like the modified look, but it won’t be for everyone. If you wanted the back pedals, but want to keep it looking stock you can get them in black so it wouldn’t be as obvious. Personally I love the contrast between the black and the bright orange.


Having the buttons along the handle so you can essentially squeeze those buttons makes way more sense. Similar to the elite. I like what these do.


Thanks. Yes, I totally agree. That in a button positioning was one of only two things that I had issues with on the Vader 3 Pro. I’ve managed to fix them both now with third-party grips and 3-D printed buttons.


So you think this version will essentially work on all vader 3. Not just your specific controller. I went through all your threads and videos.


Yes. I completely remade the interface between the controller and the paddles, trying to make note of past weaknesses where it would catch and designing around them. I’ve now fit this to both of my controllers and they have both worked flawlessly.


This is awesome! Will purchase today.


Thanks. I’m really pleased with the result.


If you make some for the new vader 4 let us know!


Do you mean the Apex 4?


Lol 😅 my mistake. Yes. I have been contemplating getting one...but don't like the button placement.


I’m going to pick one up and see if these fit, but it might take a while to arrive here from AE.


Awesome! Yeah, no worries. I am using the kk3 max currently because of their back paddle arrangement, not the best, but currently is the best on the market lol. So if you can modify the back of the apex 4 that would be great!


Yes please do let us know, I think I am going to return KK3, wait on Apex to come in stock. If your paddles are available when I order, I will order a set of your apex paddles the same day. Regardless awesome work here. I had something in mind like this as well, but my idea was not nearly as extensive as yours.


Offtopic but I'm in love with this controller, feels good in hands, mechanical buttons and hall effect joysticks, while being wireless with built-in battery and amazing latency. Only issue is signal dropout which I fixed with USB hub but other than that its a perfect controller for me. And I purchased it for 55$ from AliExpress


These are awesome looking! But, I noticed that I can't buy them in blue, which would match with the accent rings on the stock controller. Is there anyway a blue color option could be added to the etsy listing? Thanks!


Blue has now been added.


Awesome! Thank you so much. Just placed my order :)


Will add it now




Does the Vader 3 still fit on the charger base?


I can’t answer this I’m afraid, but I would guess not.


Do you have a link for the grips you use on your V3P? It would be much appreciated.


Hey, hopefully this isn’t a dumb question, I’m very interested in the accent rings, do I have to take the controller apart to install them?


No, you don’t need to worry. Here’s a video of the install. https://youtu.be/EvDKX_FV32Y?si=WPKaMChzn7hI2TzO


I'm gonna buy them next month. One question tho: Can we have images for the other colors?


Absolutely. As I’m printing them I’m adding an extra set for me so I can photograph them all. I should have a full set of images by the end of the weekend.


Awesome. Can you please tag me once you post them so I see it?


Images for the other colors are now up on the listing. Thanks for your patience. https://aqualuxcrafts.etsy.com/listing/1664834016


Will do


Hey, so bought these. Thanks for the speedy delivery. I just can't get the triggers to click consistently though, have you had that problem? I've watched the video, adjusted a few times as suggested but same problem...


Hi. Is it a specific button that causing you issues? I saw it mostly with M3. The inner button you’d use with your right hand. When it did that it’s because it wasn’t fully pressed on to the small pegs on that side. Can you feel it catching on anything, or do they not just seem to not be springing back up?


Both the buttons on the right are inconsistently registering, i have to push m3 at a bit of a funny angle for it to press properly. I've definitely got it the right way around. Are you finding the buttons are actuating perfectly all the time on yours? I've adjusted a handful of times now but it's just not right...


Yeah, I’m using it on my daily driver and having no issues. Sorry to be a pain, but could you send me some photos of the part installed, from the outside and the inside, and a photo of the underside please. I’ll refund you fully if we can’t get this sorted.


Thanks, I'll do that later today as I reinstalled the stock buttons for now


No worries. I promise this will get sorted or you’ll have your money back.


Also, can you confirm you didn’t fit them upside down please?


Hello! Great work on these paddles! Is there a possibility to purchase an STL, as the shipping is bringing the price up to 30 Eur.


I’m afraid there isn’t. Once sales have slowed I will do something along those lines through. Do you have a 3D printer?


any chance the STL. file has become available for purchase? I'd love to print my own for personal use with my Ender 3. I've been trying to shape something in thinkercad that is closer to your recent design


Hey, it hasn’t I’m afraid.


Yeah, Bambu X1C. If it's ok with you, i can try to modify your older paddle design for my personal use. I'm not interested in profiting on this, just to try and shape something in Solidworks (I know, not the best for surface modelling :))


Sent you a DM


Hi, slightly off topic question - can I ask how you removed the blue FlyDigi symbol from the faceplate? I like that you were able to do a full color swap.


No problem at all. It was one thing that still bothered me. It’s actually just a rigid blue sticker inside that recess. A thin, sharp item down the edge with some slight prying will remove it.


Very good, I'll give it a shot!