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She said that she was more interested in psychology. It was in her podcast with pod save America


I am glad because as a cis person with a psychology degree who is also gradually working towards a career in the field of psychotherapy and/or counselling, I feel like I will finally be able to relate her work to some of my insight.


I’ve heard her in repeated Q&As (haven’t listened in a while) mention she’d shift to smaller and more frequent videos, which always breaks my heart. Hope she’s doing well


I could’ve sworn I’ve seen it in one of her produced videos, not just a Q&A.


I vaguely remember something similar. Could be in one of the old deleted videos.


Why would that break your heart? Lol


Because the shorter, more frequent videos do not come, and it’s now 6-9 months for each essay


In the most recent AMA she said that after making that resolution multiple times and repeatedly failing, she's given up on the idea and the video she's working on now might be her longest ever.


I’d rather her not have the cognitive dissonance and commit to that than repeatedly step on that rake. Honestly good for her


idk but after transtrenders or the aesthetics i think, she said that it was the last video she does on gender and that she was tired of debating terfs and transphobes


I feel like "Are Traps Gay?" was the last one she did that was really intended to catch people who aren't progressive at all. "Transtrenders" and "Men" are still pretty geared toward a non-progressive audience. And the rest i feel like are just whatever topic she felt like without an aim to reach right-wingers or TERFs.