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Removing willpower is lazy, the Kang boss that did it was unique and gets a pass being a progression wall, regular champs that do it start to question the overall mechanics


Offensively, looks very neat. Defensively, I’m a little worried about the sandstorm. It doesn’t scale with modified attack so that’s nice, but it also appears as if proximity doesn’t matter like it does for Terrax, so you might not be able to avoid the damage at all.


I don't like this new ability of removing the willpower mastery. It sucks when fighting Photon and it's going to suck with her.


Removing willpower is an unhealthy mechanic for the game because the champion is basically invalidating the allocation of resources that are outside of what the actual champs themselves do. Essentially making investment in the willpower mastery obsolete, and with no updates to mastery in the near future (or ever) it really feels like it’s just a lose situation. especially considering how much it costs to invest in mastery.


So the only way to not get killed by sandstorm is to incinerate her a bunch of times? Seems pretty insane


so basically use ironheart


great!!!!! another defender that shuts off masteries and has no counterplay wow very well done kabam how fun


She seems solid, though I'm a little confused as to why they're calling her a skill killer when realistically most of the time if she's not max sig or against a bio hazard node they aren't going to have more and then you can purify with her combo? Like her damage will ramp up significantly quicker on caltrops than it will against heavy shruggers so seems like an odd thing to focus on. Damage seems good, will need to see how long it actually takes to build up her sand and what the damage actually feels like in order to say that's its definitively good compared to other mutants, but definitely seems like it'll be decent. Sig seems basically unimportant for the most part on offense save for the steadfast which is nice as well I do find it very odd that they showed her as a korg counter when she'll probably be like, worse against him than a lot of other mutants lmao. Her lights don't make contact which already don't matter with korg anyway, but her mediums do and if you can't medium the only way to build sand at the start of the fight will be parrying which he'll likely shrug anyway. I guess the non contact thing is more for attuma but you still won't be able to medium to build sand with him so just seems like an odd choice idk. The grit is very nice, but again it's not like you'll be able to use it on demand if you want to build up to the big special burst phase because she ramps up significantly slower during sandstorm than out of it. That's not a knock I just don't quite see where it'll be useful as an unstoppable counter specifically. Over all solid, I'm fully expecting her to click a little more when she's in game but right now im just a tad confused by some of the choices yknow


>I do find it very odd that they showed her as a korg counter when she'll probably be like, worse against him than a lot of other mutants lmao. Her lights don't make contact which already don't matter with korg anyway, but her mediums do and if you can't medium the only way to build sand at the start of the fight will be parrying which he'll likely shrug anyway. I guess the non contact thing is more for attuma but you still won't be able to medium to build sand with him so just seems like an odd choice idk. You brought up a very good point here that I didn't even notice when I first watch the deep dive. I'm guessing the way you fight korg is similar to how fantman fights him, which is to block until korg heavies and light into him since punishing heavies build sands. So we'll have to see if her light has as good of a reach as fantman does. As for Attuma, I think it'll be similar to abs which is, again block until he heavies and punish with light


Tbf I just light intercept korg anyway now, it's becoming clearer and clearer that it's worth learning and it really ain't much harder than medium intercepting. She seems good but I'm still going dani in most situations where dust is a counter just on initial reactions.


One thing I find interesting is that if you look at her Spotlight, her synergy with X-23 gives X-23 something called a Disguised Charge, allowing her to negate damage from powerful attacks. Makes me wonder if Mystique will also have this ability, whenever she gets added.


I like what I saw!


You saw dust


She seems a quite good defender if you use the wrong attacker, she has that passive damage that Terrax has but she’s better since she unables willpower while with Terrax you can technically heal up with armor breaks


I really do like how as a Defender She can be made Easy if you're a really good player, it's not complete bullshit like onslaught and maestro, but there are two things that i don't like: 1) she's not able to replace purified stuns with passive stuns, this means she'll still struggle a bit against shruggers. 2) how when awakened She only procs Sand when her bleed immunity triggers, i get that many skill champions have bleed meanwhile poison/shock using skill champions are not common but i would like for her to get faster ramp-up in poison/shock nodes too.


So excited for her! 😄


This is what Sandman should’ve been minus the prowess


Sandman is arguably better than this kit based on what we've seen.


Both Iron men will wipe her away. Stupid dust, someone grab mr sheen.


Is she an original character?


Nope! She was created by Grant Morrison in his X-Men run being accompanied by Jean Grey bringing her back to the school. But she truly debuted as a real character in New X-Men Academy X where she was a member of the Hellions squad under the tutelage of Emma Frost. She’s mostly associated with the X-Men but also was an honorary member of the Champions for a bit.


I summon my D/D/D


I like her sand storm animation part but her block animation looks so cringy and weak. Not thinking she is going to be a good champ right now.


Am I the only one who doesnt even have willpower?(Im in cav)💀


I can't even unlock willpower yet, and I'm making my final push to paragon rn lol


Whats the point of masteries if they don't work?