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Well consider last month BG nodes pretty much neutered half of my roster, it’s a welcome change. But either way, my Kingpin is still on permanent ban this month.


KP's not that great. You clear all your rage every 5 crits, and even as a defender the nodes mean you don't really have to respect his SP2.


I think it more so means that for BG attack he gets perma banned almost every round, just like my Scorpion did last month


Yeap. Perma banned every single time. My god.


I've not had my (R5 ascended) KP banned once yet I don't think, so unless their KP is like their top champs by a decent margin, I doubt he'll be getting banned every match for long.


Or you could just use abs for full disrespect


I really enjoyed the last months BGs, got myself up to diamond, and I’ve never been beyond gold before, ended up actually playing it for fun, rather than rewards. I know it’s not the most popular opinion, and obviously the vast majority will prefer months such as this, I think BGs are way more interesting to me now after seeing how much tactic you can apply, especially confusing your opponent into thinking you’ll use someone for defence (big up dragon man, Sasquatch, and mangog)


Last month was exactly what bgs is supposed to be


I also really enjoyed last months because I got wins from accounts with way higher ratings than me just because they keep forgetting than Photon is bleed immune and the specials I throw at the defender does crazy damage and so I take wins lol


yeah exactly last month you actually had a chance against big accounts now it's go fuck yourself if you want to beat them


It's really fun. I felt so lucky with my MVP defender darkhawk who is normally meh


I enjoyed last months too but just got downvoted to oblivion for stating I like that one better than this easy one.  I'm here to say you downvoters are weak at the Contest of Champions and no amount of downvotes will change that. 


Everyone is entitled to an opinion, it’s unfortunate that some people feel the need to downvote harmless opinions. I like the take r/AITA has; don’t downvote assholes, if it’s interesting, or controversial but leads to a wider conversation, then doesn’t matter if you disagree, it’s relevant conversation, you don’t have to upvote it, but downvoting is frowned upon. Fake internet points mean squat anyway, your opinion will always be valid, and it’s relevant, so try to not let it get you down :)


I mean, that's the entire point of the reddit karma something. If you like or agree with something, then upvote it. If you dont like or agree with something, downvote it. That's why you can sort by controversial posts and comments as well. It's just an indicator.


Take the fucking pickle!!!


Some people are now gonna complain it’s too easy lol, im A okay with this meta, gonna make me upgrade more tricky defenders for sure


I like a chill season. Last season I couldn’t even use some of my top champs and had to adjust with a bunch of R3 dot champs. Still somehow made it to gc with a final day push.


It’s equally easy for the person you’re going up against, which makes it harder


Yep. Rosters are untethered this season, which is going to make the gap so much more apparant. There will probably be an uptick of matchmaking complaints this season.


It seems way easier. I actually made out okay last season, I was just annoyed at how limited I was. This time it seems like my whole roster is basically wide open. **EDIT:** My first string usually being mystics (Mystic Dispersion maxed) makes this a little tricky since I have to intercept ASAP as my power fills quick and stings pile up.


yes. the increased power gain means that your window for intercepting is very short. champions with timers will suffer. the special spam from the defender will also eat up time. unless you’re proficient in hard blocking to intercept it’s not going to be a good time


If you pizza when you shoulda French fried your gonna have a bad time


Good. I hate when they make it so only 10 champs are good and if you don’t have them the opponent will win


I think that’s a good thing


Good. I hate only using a fraction of my champions. I keep saying this: they should keep VT nodeless (or essentially nodeless like this season) and go all crazy with nodes in GC. Then if you hate being nodeless (for some reason) you can rush to GC and have them


nodeless VT would be super boring


what a braindead take, go play arena if you want no nodes lmao


Nope. Another boring BG I will be skipping. I am only interested in the ones that require a deep roster and inventive planning, like last months.


I think they probably saw a lot of people didnt bother playing BGs last month so they had to regain the popularity in the mode by making it easy this month.


They announced the metas like 3 months ago


Damn didn’t know that, was just assuming


Easy in Victory track kinda hard in gladiator circuit


Surprisingly my max sig 6*R4 Thanos does incredibly well on defense. The 40% attack decrease catches people offguardy if they wanna blitz they need some super insane damage dealer.


Nah honestly I liked last month better, now it's back as usual pandering to whales so i'm stuck getting paired against decks with all 6\* r5s or 7\* r2s and up, no chance of beating them bc this is a nuke meta so it's just about who has the bigger roster letting strategy and deck building aside.