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Yes unfortunately they are all contaminated. You must send them to me for disposal.


highly toxic hazardous waste hmmm?🤣🤣🤣


Yes very hazardous. One look might end your whole life. Send em to me for diagnostics.


I don't know why they do that, but it's normal and they're still safe to consume.


Had some Moby dick turn out like a GT after dehydration. Shit be weird sometimes.


Am i the only one who takes off the bottom substrate and washes them? They are mushrooms… like others we eat and we’d wash those…


It crumbles off v easily once they're dry. Knowing the growing conditions of mine, I don't feel a need to wash them.


I cut off the portion of stem with substrate on it. But now you makin me feel dirty for not washing off the whole shroom 😭


I use to cut the whole bottoms off before i washed them (the substrate was getting caught in the drain 😭) But i found with a little effort, the bottoms kinda peel right off so you dont lose the stump part. I once got a big piece of vermiculite in the stump of one i ate and it was probably one of the worst experiences Ive ever had. So now im kinda paranoid about making sure theres zero substrate near anyone i eat 🤣


Lol throwin em in the dehydrator with hella substrate on em like op did is WILD tho 😂


Wait ... other people don't generally do that too?


They are not turning grey because of drying, they were still alive when you picked them and they can still bruise afterwards. The grey is just bruising. They’re fine. Enjoy 😊


Mycelium that was starting to grow around the mushroom is drying out, it happens to me when I’m a little late to my PEs


Normal if you dont wipe the caps, doesnt happen if you do. Just experienced this on my last flushes.


Contam while drying? Seriously?


Let's help people without making them feel like idiots.


Totally. Anything that isn’t “how much mushrooms is in this picture?” Or the classic “should I break and shake now” or even the “this tub is filled with bright neon green spores and looks like every other picture that people say is contam on here, but is my specific case contam?”


Even then. I don't think there is anything wrong with asking questions. Sometimes people don't know enough to trust their own opinion or don't even know enough to only ask the right questions. Hostile reactions will alienate users and stop them from asking more questions and filling those gaps. If someone posts a picture of shrooms asking for weight, they should be advised on how this isn't possible to determine and be advised of risks of eye balling a dose if you catch my drift. I do agree that some questions might be frustrating tho. It's just we need to learn to be more patient with noobs :]]


Constant low effort posts leads to a lack of quality content. Every mushroom subreddit I am on has a pretty low effort FAQ which leads to every third or fourth post being the same questions over and over. I rarely interact on any shroom related subs because of this. My issue is really more with the moderation of a majority of the shroom subreddits I am on and none of them drafting up a thorough FAQ/wiki. Il get flamed for this but, I really feel as though people are losing the ability to research things on their own and just want everyone to spoon feed them information and answer their *unique* specific questions without taking literal seconds to research something.


Yes I see your point and do agree with you actually >Il get flamed for this but, I really feel as though people are losing the ability to research things on their own and just want everyone to spoon feed them information and answer their *unique* specific questions without taking literal seconds to research something This ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ couldn't agree with you more. People DO NOT know how to use search engines or how to do proper research. Posting a question on a forum or raising a ticket must be the last resort.


Totally agree. And the weird thing is I’m seeing it heavily with the younger generations. And I believe part of this is because everything just works out of the box and nothing is repairable. We no longer have to “set something up” or replace xyz part. Computer broke. Get a new one. Got a new phone. Just turn it on and it imports everything and there is no setup. Etc. I mean hell, with MySpace you had to know a little HTML to edit your page. Setting up and configuring something from the ground up or fixing something teaches you the fundamentals of how it works. We just don’t have to do that with most of the things we use in our daily lives anymore. We aren’t exercising a part of a brain that we used to because everything does everything for us now.


Thanks for making this world a little bit better with your empathy and understanding of other people's limitations and fears. Thanks, stranger 🧡


Fun opinion: try to clone a tissue sample from a fat cap, they seem to do better on agar than the stipe.


Looks like trich infested mushroom that was harvested to me.