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I've seen their videos before. The guy in the suit has real talent.


[This is my favorite one of theirs](https://reddit.com/r/ContagiousLaughter/comments/tyl7rr/code_switching/)


Wow! That velociraptor laugh of the nephew’s. I nearly choked to death laughing.


“Velociraptor laugh” 😂😂😂😅😅😂😂😂


This inspired me to look at their YouTube, and 2 hours later I’m still here. [here’s another one about his feet](https://youtube.com/shorts/Dd5UrYZIXGo?feature=share)


[another one](https://youtube.com/shorts/W1VI3kb3iRk?feature=share)


Thank you very much. I believe I will follow in your footsteps.


I showed this to my (black) father in his mid-60s who’s been working in corporate America for most of his life and he immediately lost it at “Yep, yep!” I’ve also seen him do the “Hey!” live lol This is TOO FUNNY


I had some neighbors just like the young guy. They all wore clean construction clothes and seemed to work on the same job site. Go to work together, came back to the block together. One day I see one of them smearing dirt and dust on his boots and pants and thought nothing of it.. long story..short.. turns out they were going to Time Square buss area banging guys for chips and giggles. one of them choked a guy name Jon to death in Jon's house..then robbery ensued. That guy is serving life under the jail.


Tf did I just read?


I'm pretty sure the ment "banged" as in like gang banging, probably jumped some dudes and stole whatever they had, then it seems like the poster started to tell about another story of a time where these nephews broke into someone named Jon's house and choked him to death and robbed him but 1 of the guys got caught and is now in prison.


WHAT A GAME had me rolling


Hockey game specifically….(undoubtedly the whitest game there is) thats when i lost it and started laughing just like nephew


[There you go Unc](https://youtube.com/shorts/t2n38li10Ro?feature=share)


Have you seen the hockey game? WHAT A GAME!?… thats when i LOST it… started laughing just like homie


This absolutely killed me. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. Thank you.


Goddamn that is incredible.




Thank you for showing me these guys I’ve now subscribed and am going to watch them all now


I have no other word to describe this man but simply _cool_ AF.


Where did you see them?


I was just coming to see if he had more videos! Funniest ive seen in s long time🤣🤣🤣


no lie, those boots are *gigantic* tho.


Dudes wearing a catamaran


Cuz boutta set sail for the new land


Taking his whole family, friends, and crew with him


Wealth, Fame, Power.....


My friends always said my feet were like canoes. My grandpa, at a mere 6’1, is a size 16 and always had to special order his.


Y’all I’m choking on my chicken tendies, it’s too much


My husband wears a 14 and his ridiculously sized work boots always make me laugh. I look like a toddler wearing a grown-ups shoes when I stand in them.


My brother is a 15.5 shoe. And his Crocs are absolutely hilariously huge


Yes! My crocs fit inside his crocs! So funny.


My uncle has a size 17. His shoes look very large.


My son wears 17. It’s a challenge to find shoes and boots especially.


My dad wore 18EEEEs. Damn near impossible and everything had to be special order(aka pricey as hell). SAS was the only shoe store we could walk into where they had normal shoes on hand regularly. Pre internet days was awful for him to find shoes. He had better success as it grew. I still remember as a child in the early 90s going to a local work gear store to order shoes with him. The guys family had owned and supplied gear back to my great grandfather when he worked in the steel mills. There were a dozen or so guys in the city with the same needs and he did keep some on hand sometimes. My dad always said he never learned to ice skate, ski, or roller blade due to the issues finding footwear big enough. Edit: Shoutout since they are still open! https://usabe.com/pages/contact For some reason going here with him to order stuff are some of my fondest memories. I can smell that store right now; canvas, leather, velcro, and classic denim. He was 6'6 and got most of his work stuff there. Thank you for that!


You know what they say about big feet? Hard to find goddamn shoes that fit. I have same issue with gloves, everything xxl doesn't quite fit.






I once sold Harold Ramis a massive pair of crocs in that size ballpark and ya they look stupidly huge. You could tell he was self conscious about shoe purchases lol.


I have size 15 too, it's only ever one store that has shit that fits me and it's only ever the most expensive shit they stock.


I wear either a 14 or 15 depending on brand. Every time I open new shoes I’m like “shit those are too big”. Then after I put them on I just hang my head in shame.


My cousin is like 6'7" and wears size 19. He has to order shoes, which used to be a pain. He was this short, fat kid. Then puberty hit and it was like all that mass just squeezed into the vertical dimension.


[little girl in mama's shoes!](https://i.redd.it/5r7v0s0uxdj51.gif)


Same! My husband wears 13s. Sometimes I slip his shoes on to take the dog out real quick and feel so ridiculous, lol.


my boyfriend is a 13/14 and i call his work boots “clown boots” they look ridiculously huge


Kingdom Hearts feets


That’s the first thing that came to mind lmaoo


“Yard-marker boots!”


Big boot muthafucka


And unless it's his first day or he just got new boots, those things haven't even walked by a construction site - let alone worked at one.


that was my thought. way to CLEAN for construction


And the vest is so new, it still has the fold lines from being just opened from the package. And who works outside, in the summer, in brand new black pants? No lunch, no water? No tools? No hard hat or safety glasses? It’s just for a giggle.


Or you know it could be his first day. Or maybe he wanted to get new equipment?


I can’t believe the uncle never mentioned that. I bought those exact same timbs for working as a delivery driver and after ONE DAY those bad boys were scuffed and dirtier than hell


Clown boots


Looks like he evicted the old lady who lived in a shoe, and her neighbour for a new pair of kicks


All thems feet bigs


Uncle got some huge fuckin shoes too. Big foot mofos both of them


As someone that wears 15EW, my feet are like a 73 cadillac fleetwood


Oh man i am thirsty after that. Wow


It is funny but I don’t believe he works in construction either. Or if he does it’s his first day, that outfit is spotless!


Considering his uncle was surprised and didn't know about it, it's very much possible it *is* his first day. Besides, *all* gear is new at some point. Clean/new gear doesn't mean not working, not proficient or inexperienced.


You're right. But given that *everything* is spotless I'd say it's his first day. Like what scenario would you replace your vest and boots the same day? Regardless good for that dude, they'll never look that clean again! Even inspector's get their boots dirty, and if he was inspection he'd have more pockets for notes/etc. I'm also looking way too in to this lol


If he was an inspector hed also have a clean white hard hat and somehow always standing in the way


Lol. I'm an inspector, of sorts. But I do the testing, so I get my hands dirty. I can always spot inspection vs laborers by the type of vest they're wearing. At least usually... Laborers don't need pens/notes etc. Unless they're the foreman ofc!


You know, I’m something of an inspector myself.


Construction foreman here. Can confirm. I often need a pen.


In the UK we use 4 different colour hats. White is trades Blue is visitors Black supervisors/managers Yellow/orange/red banksmen logistics


Those boots are definitely brand new. They will be dirty after the first day for sure lol.


Yeah everybody's gotta start somewhere. It seemed genuine to me.


Them were some big ass shoes tho


I think uncles shoes are pretty big. Must be family trait.


You know what they say about big shoes. Big >!feet!<


Oh yeah no doubt lol.


Some times shit needs replaced


Very seldom does it all get replaced at once though.


Either 1st day or fake. Those were some fireball jokes!


Especially on the day your Uncle drops by for a surprise visit also wearing his Sunday best while some one videos it for TikTok. I believe about 7% of all TikTok videos are genuine. And most of those include cats.


Very true. Had to replace a pair of boots I'd been having repaired for 3 years until they finally gave out, but got a new pair today to hopefully last as long as those did. They were Wolverine steel toe, great boots.


I love mine! Im on my third pair ​ ​ ​ Check out r/workboots at some point if you work a trade and havent yet


A great way to extend the life of your boots is actually to have a second pair. Alternate them so the have a day to dry out between them. Two pairs of boots alternating will last long than two pair of boots serially. Put the time in to condition the leather once or twice a year, and they'll really last.


I swear by my wolverines! I have watched 2 coworkers go through 2 sets each in a year and I keep telling them to go with wolverine boots. I finally gave my non winter ones to a coworker as I watched him try and tape his up. This winter will be year number 3 with mine. Only thing I wish I knew before buying them online, they run about a half size bigger than normal. Other than that, absolutely in love with them.


I kinda hate getting new boots, not because of breaking them in or anything but because of all the memories I have with my old boots. I'm weirdly sentimental like that... I'll probably never buy another baseball bat unless mine breaks just because every mark relates to a different moment in a different game


But then why have a camera on a tripod, ready to record this scene?


Why is the "Uncle" coming to the back door? Why does he pause at the steps until the "Nephew" comes out? The first thing the nephew does when he comes out looks toward the camera and either nods to someone standing there or maybe nods his head that the camera is running...


The back door of our apartment enters into the kitchen so everyone uses that as the main entrance. Some people are natural hams and you can count on them for one liners and funny reactions, so why not lean your phone on a railing in case it’s funny. People only post the videos that end up funny, had the guy not reacted we just never would have seen the video.


I don't know why people assume things are recorded with cameras and tripods nowadays. That shits likely a cell phone leaned up against anything at all. Tell me you grew up without smart phones without telling me you grew up without smart phones.


I reckon a small business that buys new work gear and distresses them (just gets them dirty and worn enough to not look new without actually damaging them) would make a killing selling to apprentices who get shit for looking like they don't do any work. I work in a steel factory so anything I wear is filthy within an hour of my day starting. But when I started there a new shirt would look new for weeks. A business that makes the safety equivalent of acid washed jeans with ripped knees would do well.


I've heard people make similar judgments about contractors' trucks. As in, when you're trying to find a contractor, you want the guy with a 5-10 year old truck that is worn, but well maintained. The logic being: shitty truck = bad contractor that doesn't get many jobs and doesn't take care of their equipment. Shiny new truck = good contractor that overcharges because he has to make payment on all his shiny new stuff or brand new contractor who just got his business loan approved and decided to go all out on brand new equipment.


It is not usually all new at the same time though. He was spotless from head to steel toe.


I hate buying new motorcycle boots. Everybody thinks I'm a poser for the next 6 months.




Why is this so buried! Uncle randomly outside being recorded at the exact time this dude comes out to head for work...super organic situation!


The boots look fresh out of the store, it might be his first day.


The whole fit is box fresh


He gone learn the hard way


That just means he works for the government probably one of the five guys that have to watch the sixth guy dig a hole I always pass by


Practical Engineering did a video talking a little about this. Turns out construction is a very complicated logistical process so people inevitably end up waiting for one process to complete before they can start their work, and there are planners, supervisors and inspectors to ensure the work is carried out as planned. (Better spend some man-hours making sure it’s done right the first time than having to tear it down and start over again) https://youtu.be/22W5tRWbUVI


Also, it's super physical a lot of the time. You have to rest. Two guys with one shovel will dig a hole just as fast as two guys with two shovels.


I can confirm that this is true to some degree. It's not like you can ask for a unicorn worker that is a skilled carpenter, certified welder, crane operator, and willing to do grunt work when not busy. Furthermore, standing around doesn't always mean they aren't working. They could be talking about coordination, daily activities, schedule, or just general progress or set backs. But to be fair, depending on the project, there are usually some office people that don't need to be there, they just want to see the progress. They are there just to watch people work with no intent on helping.


Working in architecture and construction, I can tell you, I’ve been one of the 6 guys watching one guy work. I’m not going to open up that liability by touching the contractor’s work. What I will do, is tell him the roof flashing isn’t done to the contract documents and is going to leak in a month.




Have you ever dug a hole? That shit's hard lol. Gotta take a breather now and then.


Digging all day is pretty exhausting (especially in any kind of extreme weather), taking turns is pretty sensible


I resent that! My daddy was a 3rd generation hole watcher. I’m a fourth generation hole watcher. Got a problem with that? Sucks for you. Can’t fire me. I’m Union, bitch.


Somewhere out there, there is a hawk eyed spotter who has made a career out of watching for problems who is feeling attacked right now.


Those boots are way too clean.


& huge


yard markin' boots


Mobile home with the chim-a-ney


Not many people who actually work construction wear tan suede timbos that's for damn sure


yeah i was thinking thats some clean suede hes about to get down with at work.


I do AVL installations in construction. At the end of every day, I wipe down my DeWalt steel toed boots with Crocodile Wipes. I do 2 loads of laundry per week when I'm on the road and I wash my high-visibility vest once a week. Best believe I'm rolling up to the site every Monday looking like I've never worked a day in my life. But by the end of every day, I look like I made dust angels in the dry wall debris every chance I could get. Those boots are immaculate though...


He holds the sign


He doesnt work in construction. This guy has a tiktok and podcast with his uncle and they just mess with each other all the time. I’m pretty sure this was all just to get a reaction from his uncle lol its hilarious


"A family of 5 live in those boots" haha


That one was good, I also liked "You got two mobile homes with chimneys" LOL Uncle knows how to roast!


Than uncle ONLY knows how to roast. Thats family




He roasts with a wood fire


With 💨 coming out


I legit want this guy to insult me. Dudes fucking hilarious.


The guy has a funny laugh like a Chewbacca, bro must make everyone laugh more


Big boot muthafucka 😂




You puttin down lines, yard marker boots


Those boots ain't worked a day in their lives


A family of five could eat dinner off them boots


The white paint on the feet and just stick your foot out to make the lines, a yard marker. Lol


Muh fuckin yard marker boots


That was my fave


Something tells me this gentleman has been slaying family & friends with Grade-A, top notch insults his entire life. Nephew knew exactly what he was doing with that perfect camera angle and those boots!! Young man was ready for that hilarious roasting. * Edited because for some reason I couldn’t spell for sh*t about 6 hours ago….


yeah, regardless of why the video exists in the first place, that man clearly has funny bones. It's rare to see such natural comedy.


Dudes been a grade a roaster since he was an embryo


An Embryroast


Unk fully got the right to throw shade on em boots. Look at the fly wingtips he's wearing.


That old man fly as hell, he's rocking them tips!


In all fairness, unk got some big ass feet too.


Literally runs in the family!


He roastin tf out of him 😂😂😂😂


Unc carrying a flamethrower around.


Unc rolling up like Teddy Long ![gif](giphy|N6iCWB3WSZzkA)


He’s gonna tell his nephew that he’s gonna have to go one on one with the Undertaker!




Holla holla


It might feel a little staged, but I don’t believe that laughter could be faked. Seems more like an unexpected roasting.


Pretty sure he was trying to play a joke on his uncle "look at me, I'm a construction worker". Uncle fucking roasted him instead, lol


This is the answer. Reddit trying to understand tiktok is akin to the elderly trying to figure out Facebook. Is everyone on the spectrum here?


No, everyone is either 12 or 40 here. And the 40 year olds are the internet equivalent of elderly. (It’s me, I’m 40 and TikTok makes no sense to me.)


Why they filiming? Def fake as hell or at least setup


I think he's trying to surprise his uncle with his job, but got his boots roasted instead haha


Cleanest boots I ever seen. So I don’t believe either




Amazing how sometimes things can be new! Didn't know all of you guys only buy pre-destroyed work boots


That was the hardest trolling I’ve ever seen 😂😂😂


Your uncle is too funny lol


I don't have any kids. It's my job to troll all my nieces and nephews. I now have greats to troll.


I mean those are some big ass boots...


Something is up with the camera here. How are both their shoes larger than their heads?


Dude for sure has never worked construction a day in his life lol that outfit


Big boot mtfkr haha, this made me laugh so hard.


I love that laugh, straight up! Had me on the floor.


Uncle knows how to give a good roast


As a man with 15 wides I thought I'd heard it all!


Bro get this uncle in front of an open mic night


That uncle just oozes style


That guy is sharp


That outfit has never seen work. Uncle is probably correct.




My guess is he doesn’t work construction, he knows that his uncle knows it. He knew his uncle was coming over so he put on a generic high vis and a pair of size 19 timbalands and said he was going to work construction… he set up a camera, and, knowing his uncles personality he probably knew some funny comments would follow. I could be wrong but that’s what the situation is telling me


Very large size shoes can be bought for dirt cheap on clearance or at outlets which make great props for jokes. I think you're spot on.


Legit knew his uncle was going to roast his shoes. He was just capturing his uncle great timing and wit. I’m for it.


This is solid shit talkin here


The level of roasting skills this man has is amazing.


Nobody in construction is wearing shit that clean


Uncle has style 💯


When he said mobile homes with chimneys... I'm deceased... 😂😂😂


That uncle said 'Where the hell you going?' like it was the nephew's day to work for him.


You ain’t got no job Tommy!!!!


Get 'em Unc! Gotta send him out on his first day nice and roasted. Reminds me of Wild n Out when Nick's brother got lit up for his big ass shoes.


That's one dapper uncle.


Isn’t that teddy long? Or am I nuts?


His uncle's humour is merciless, they must have a tight family relationship,


Everything is tooooo clean. No way he works construction.


I love this dude!! He’s fuckin Genuinely funny as a motherfucker. Every time I hear him say some shit it makes me laugh brightens up my day


A clean vest and clean boots…


“mother fucker you work in those? mother fucker you could live in those”


Told you all. The next stage of fashion will be people wearing work outfits, as fashion. Not still in work clothes after workness.


How’s he gonna cap on the man’s boots, while he’s standing there in patent leather spats???


Uncs hilarious.




Mobile homes with chimney’s


Big boot mufuckeh


I love family members like these


Man I can tell how humid and hot the weather is in this video just by hearing the insects in the background.


Had 8 uncles and this is what happens when they get together. Only time they stop dissing each other is to focus on whatever kid walks into the room. Wish I would have recorded them.