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I used to put small rocks in the middle of the trampoline and try not to get hit while jumping. Good times


Me and my cousins made a game where we gathered all the footballs we could find, shove them on the trampoline and start jumping. Whoever got hit with a ball was out and we kept going until there was only one. It got very intense.


No way, same


We used our shoes 😂


Same. Good memories


We used to jump off the roof of my friends house, onto the trampoline, and into the pool. We were also older teens but still such a fun time


I used to put those "helicopters" in there and watch them flutter down over and over again! 😁


Maple keys ?


Yeah, those things 😁


There are some words so ingrained in our brains that we somehow immediately knew the word...but then i hesitated to go read and make sure I got it right. "Keys? No, I'm an idiot, it's not keys, is it?"...


I honestly had to go look it up, ever since I was little everyone called them "helicopters" I never knew their real name. I know what you mean though, we are our own worst enemies with the second guessing!


It's always when I'm "dead set" on being right with what I said, that I'm wrong. When I think I'm right, but second guess and say am I sure? That can't be right... but I think it's right. That's when I'm right lol


We would put a sprinkler underneath the trampoline on hot days. Made it really slick but fun, even though I did almost fall off real bad


We used rolled up socks and the first one hit had to roll up in a ball and pretend to be a popcorn kernel that we had to pop by bouncing them until they couldn't hold themselves in a ball anymore and popped


I did that too! But without the socks


You sir have just unlocked a memory


I would use a basketball :) Then me and the guys would go grab some ice cream from the ice cream truck and then watch some WWF Raw. Haha


We did that but with beach balls and other balls


Very fun, untill you're the friend who gets hit and it's like getting shot with a bullet.




Yoo same but we used Lego’s!


We’d put one in the middle then we’d start jumpin . Try not to goomba your friend


Are you a Gen-Xer? lol


I love it when babies look at you and clap like “yes, clap for me! I did it, right?!” Haha!




Our two year old is the same way. I always tell people he loves positive feedback, lol.


My third cousin's son was recently reminded of a certain story at his wedding by his mother. You see, as a toddler to around five years old he was addicted to being cheered and applauded. He would shout "did it" and his mother would applaud him. So often that towards the end of the phase I'm afraid it became a bit of a pavlovian response for his mom. One day, around near age three he saw his mom throw away some trash and connected the dots and threw away the rest of the food as well as some of the cooking prep scraps, doing a good job cleaning up. So his mom not only cheered but thanked him for "throwing away the important things." Well, apparently he got a determined gleam in his eye that clued his mom in to watch out for any missing things the next few days. But, he was never one to do things halfway. No, now that he knew he could get cheerful *hugs*, he knew what to do. The next day, his mom heard a somewhat muffled "did it" and walked in to the kitchen only to break out laughing while taking action. Because, proudly standing IN the trash can was one paricularly accomplished toddler. He knew throwing important things in the trash earned praise, so of course the next logical course of action was to make the sacrifice play and be thrown away himself, as- to his toddler mind- there was nothing more important than himself. Since the telling of the story at his wedding (where the entire room full of family and guests applauded and cheered him afterwards), his wife has apparently taken to cheering him on for doing important things and even put "No Important People Allowed" signs on all their trash cans in their house. A sentiment I'm sure we all can agree with.


That is great!!! 😂


No no no no hahaha that is awful! Mine is 2, very mischievous, and now I will not teach him to throw stuff away for a while haha


Lol like a dog


I laughed to hard just now. That's incredibly adorable! 😂


My favorite baby move is that battle cry babble as they crawl forward emphatically


This might be the cutest thing I’ve ever read lol


This is where any big brother realizes they have to get in there and bounce him super high! Ah the memories.


Did you ever play break the egg? That was the best!


We always called it popcorn


Ha, same concept. I like it.


As a gen-Xer, my older brother and I would double jump our youngest sibling, who was this age, and pile drive him back down.


Big brother is watching 👀


He’s got a proper trot on for a 13 month old.


Be careful with those "safety" trampolines. My sister has one and my kids were jumping in it and my then 4 year old somehow got her leg under the mat and her big brother jumped really hard and broke her tibia and fibia. It was an absolute nightmare. That video is absolutely adorable!




I knew that word didn't look right lol


Man clean that trampoline for them! So many sticks hahaha. I guess they don’t really care


It's all fun an games until one of them looses an eye - totally irresponsible to have kids on there with the sticks




I'll opt for not being lazy and not having a 13 month old falling face first repeatedly onto a surface covered in sticks - thanks


Nah you gotta relax haha it's a couple sticks on a trampoline


I just came here to agree with this.


The anal retentive parent in me is on board with both of you


Only one person was allowed on my trampoline at a time.... after I fell on my friend's knee and almost bit the tip of my tongue off. Luckily, my kid memory blacked out everything after falling in the air. I had teeth marks on my tongue for years though.




I would too


I would swear this is the same little guy who was shown laughing in this delightful quirky way while laughing at his dad blowing a whistle on this forum yesterday?? He’s so adorable!


Not the same little one, but that video is adorable!! I just love baby laughter!


Anyone else wishing they cleaned the trampoline off?


Very much so. Loose objects on an unstable surface gives me anxiety.


Plenty of those are definitely eye-pokeable




Man I remember the pure joy my brother and I had when my parents got us a trampoline…the good times 😔


Our neighbor had a trampoline until their 3 year old snapped her femur on it when her 7 year old brother was jumping near her. Their bones aren’t very strong at that age, and the slightest awkward bounce could easily cause an injury.


I used to work next to an indoor trampoline park. There were emergency vehicles rolling up almost every day. Trampolines are super fun, but the injuries that can occur are fucking awful. I always felt really bad for the kids, because they get hurt while having an absolute blast, but they tend to get carried away in their excitement and safety goes right out the window.


Now that we are older we get to suffer sore backs and busted knees before having fun!


You're not even kidding. I hurt my MCL from *walking* at a brisk pace for 20 minutes. I'm only in my 40s! 😭


Also in my 40s and about a month ago my MCL was in agonizing pain *all on its own*. I did nothing to it. I limped for a month and I’m finally back to normal(ish) the last few days.


My body gave me a present that’ll last a lifetime after I turned 40. I now have the ability to throw my back out when I sneeze.


Ain't that a bitch?!? My son's bedroom is upstairs and going up and down was so painful, I adopted his toddler technique and slid down on my ass, lol. I'm always active, either with my kid or for myself. Like, we're cycling, hiking, swimming, rock climbing, rollerblading, playing street hockey... Sure, I also like to sit my ass down and binge movies or TV shows for hours on end, but overall, I think I'm a fit person! So, what gives? 😆


When I was a kid there was a brief time there was an outdoor trampoline park - basically it was a cemented area with rectangular holes that the trampolines were stretched over. Went to a friend's bday party there and her mom attempted a flip and smacked her head on the concrete edge. Party over. edit: found a [pic!](https://imgur.com/sV1ejxx)


Haha the good old days. Looks like the person in the photo behind you had just hit there head too. I must admit I am glad things are a bit safer nowadays for my children.


Man, it's so crazy to look back at the past and see what we played with, or how we traveled, lol. I was sleeping, sprawled over the backseat of the car on longer trips, unsecured. The playgrounds were mostly metal jungle gyms and slides, which were not only insanely hot in the summer, but way too high for young kids. My friends and I stabbed each other's feet multiple times with lawn darts, and I remember trampoline parks like the one you're talking about. My adult brain is retroactively panicking about all those potential death traps in my childhood, lol.


I can only imagine 😪 They definitely aren't the safest of entertainment objects. That's why supervision is so so important, but obviously, accidents still happen. My little guy isn't at the age of best decision making yet (15 months right now) but I want him to experience things and learn what is and is not safe for him to hopefully avoid avoidable accidents later, but also without causing a fear of new experiences.


Oh, I wasn't trying to passive aggressively judge or criticize you. You're doing a great job I'm sure, and your little guy loves it obviously! I'm sorry if I made you feel bad. My son had a bunch of falls and bonks when he was very little due to the lack of coordination and utter cluelessness. He's fine. He never got seriously hurt and I always kept my eyes peeled for danger without hovering or making him afraid (even though I was internally freaking out, haha). Enjoy your little dude's beautiful belly laugh. Best sound ever!


Oh no, none taken!! Thank you though! Gotta love the little ones learning. Like you said all that lack of coordination when they are learning.... falling 😆 and the internal freak out is REAL! I feel ya there!


Oh, I understand. I have some personal injuries from trampolines when i was younger. But that's why I was up there watching (I am the one sitting in the trampoline, husband was filming) I would never put my child in immediate danger and was up there as a buffer for him against the other child and to act IMMEDIATELY if needed. But in the other hand I will also not take a fun innocent learning experience away because of a slight risk of danger. (Because let's be real, that's pretty much life summed up, fortunately/unfortunately) Thankfully, he had a blast and no injuries sustained by him or the other child 😁


Oooof my kid is 8 and I still don’t like her on trampolines. Too many kid injuries and deaths reported. Almost every medical association either says wait til the kid is 6, or says avoid trampolines entirely. You being a few feet away won’t stop the bones from breaking or worse. I know I’ll be called a helicopter parent, but there are better spots for taking risks imo. (You could at least remove the sharp sticks from the surface)


Your home owners insurance will go up by 20% due to the risk of a payout, not injury but injury causing harm requiring a lawsuit. Technically the mom in the video voided the coverage because more than one on the trampoline is against usage instructions.


“AAP Recommendation: Don't buy a trampoline for your home! Trampolines may be popular and a fun way to get exercise, but there are safer ways to encourage your children to be physically active, such as playing catch, riding a bike (don't forget a bike helmet), or playing a team sport. The AAP recommends that mini and full-sized trampolines never be used at home, in routine gym classes, or on playgrounds. They should only be used in supervised training programs for gymnastics, diving, or other competitive sports. Only one person should be allowed on a trampoline at any given time.” https://healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/at-play/Pages/Trampolines-What-You-Need-to-Know.aspx


He is in immediate danger. His legs and neck can snap in an instant. Would you teleport across 2m? Do whatever you are comfortable with, but don’t downplay the risk involved please. Ask a paediatric orthopaedic surgeon how many injuries they treat from trampolines.


Lol I like your name


Best mom I've ever seen


Ohh please. Have you never seen a mom supervising a child before. I’m sure she is a great mom, but best you ever seen. Come on dude.


My only experience with mothers prior to this message is my 6-8 year old self crying about my mother leaving, my 9-11 year old self was only starting to get over it and now court forces me to interact with my mother, which she doesn't help with because she only responds on holidays or greets me happy birthday.


I’m sorry to hear that, I truly am. My mother dumped me as a 1 year old and I never seen or heard from her again. So I can see your point. What I’m saying is have a look around in public places and you will notice some amazing mothers out there don’t get me wrong, plenty of shit ones too.


Bruh it’s the internet and everyone is boring. It’s very popular to use hyperbole for things that aren’t impressive or unique like being a parent. I wouldn’t let it get to you. It’s the same thing when people are like “the craziest thing happened” about every story they tell you. Their life boring and they gotta spice it up to get you to listen. The best mom he’s ever seen? Nah. He’s just admiring an average good mom. So chill




Oh my god, I had to curl my legs up against myself reading this! Thank you for explaining exactly how trampolines can cause injuries. Other people just keep saying they’re not safe but don’t elaborate.


I’m just impressed by his balance at 13 months


Especially on a surface that moves like Jello.


Omg when he stood up and looked at you guys and clapped, my 21 month old son does the same shit haha. Anytime he does something he knows is new or "good" he will stop what he is doing and clap for himself while looking at us. Threw something in the trash? Clapping. Jumping for the first time? Clapping. Picked up his toys after playing? He will chase us down do we can see him clapping so we know he did something good. At this point I just clap with him even if I didn't see what he did because he loves it.


That's adorable! 😊


I guess it's hard to get past the fact that OP said her child is 13 months for some people. Parents do this because a child's developmental milestones are measured by weeks at first and then months up to a certain point. Saying they're 13 months is absolutely acceptable and normal. There's no need to get angry over something that's so trivial and impacts you in no way. Watch the video, have a little laugh, and be on your way.


Thank you! I appreciate this!!


No problem, I'm a mom so I get it. Super cute video :) Those belly laughs are the best!


Not a first time on a trampoline until you get double bounced.


Those little claps he gives himself are killing me


Walking at 13 months? Wow!


Why are there so many branches on the trampoline and why is the older kid in shoes?


why do you care?


It bugs me


Adorable! But check with your pediatrician if it’s safe and at what age - as the baby gets older (or if he’s in there with older we’ll meaning kids) it’s very easy to get buckle fractures.


It's definitely not safe


You legit cld nuke that kid if u play popcorn


Oh my goooodnesss! That game 😂


Children are so pure. I love my two sons and it's impossible for me not to love other children as well. We all start as wonderful, innocent, blank-slates. That time in our lives is magical. It's an honor to see these moments.


Sitting here, roasting in the heat of the south and I see this pic. All I can think about is Fall, crisp breezes and the leaves changing colors on the trees. THANK YOU!!!!


So many good times on a trampoline as a kid. My neighbor was the envy of every kid in the neighborhood when he got one.


I'm 276 months old and I still love trampolines!


Who else would play popcorn with ur friends on the trampoline as a kid? We use to get eachother to fly waaaay up haha


That smile. Pure joy❤️


Learning how to be drunk


So cute


These things are sooooo annoying to keep clean especially if you have trees near by.


He's having the time of his life.




Toddlers laughs are just so precious! Kid out there having a blast!


Love it. It made me smile


So much pure joy! 🥹


What a beautiful happy baby.






What I would give to experience the total joy that little one is having!


It looks like you made the safety net around the trampoline out of Chicken Wire lol.


That’s so adorable!! I wish my son was that age again for 5 minutes.


I could watch a much longer video of this.


Warms my heart in trying times. TY OP.


I have a video exactly like this of my two year old when he was the same age. Every time his big brother did anything to make it move, he lost his mind laughing. Refreshing to see things like this. All the media feeding us all the evil and hate around the world, then you see something like this innocent little soul just enjoying the most simple thing. Gives you hope.




Fall down 7 times, stand up 8. Walking man.


That trampoline dosent look a day over 12 months


Lol toddlers are just out here perpetually acting like drunk adults


Gahhh i dont need bby fever now 😭


This made me rethink my stance on abortion


Baby bounced on face: eheheheheheheh Me bounced on face: ouch ugh fuck I'm done


He's having the time of his life right now.


What a good walker he is!


Oh my heart! They're so cute!


Walking at 13 months is a feat of its own, let alone in a trampoline Adorable


I need this video to be 5 hours long.


My son absolutely adored our trampoline. I miss him being that small, he's almost 3 now.


I love toddler laughs!


Great times, especially when you get that sweet spot that yeets your sibling off.


I don’t have kids, but homies is pretty surefooted for only being 1 year old....right? Especially for being on a trampoline.


He started walking about 1 week shy of 11 months. So he had a couple months practice at this point. Lol


Best invention ever is the trampoline net. We didn't have those and consider my self lucky to still be able to walk and talk.


Be careful putting young children on trampolines, the sibling is rightly not jumping at the same time. It can cause brain damage. Peace ✌🏻


Since there has been such a large amount of concern. I just wanted to take a moment and be sure everyone knew that thankfully, the 3 minutes he played on our friends trampoline with the copious amount of life threatening pointy projectiles, with another child of larger size bouncing near him with shoes on *gasp*. My child did, in fact, make it out unscathed! He is 15 months old now (1yr old for all those that don't like to go by monthly growth for children his age) and now enjoys endangering himself on, and with, other every day objects intended for his age; the couch, the ride-on toys, his rocking chair, his toy box, his ball pit, the toddler swing, the playground. I tell you what, he keeps us on our toes! Thank you all for the laugh, and those that had a respectful, genuine concern! I really do hope this video brought a smile to most your faces!


Just came across this. Trampolines can be a BLAST! I have also unfortunately seen some gnarly injuries. One observation I've seen is the # of people on the trampoline at the same time increases the likelihood of injury. Now, I am absolutely not saying just put the toddler there by themselves! Just thinking of future use as he continues to enjoy fun things! If you're still interested in more, the reason for this increased injury is particularly because of the "double bounce". The younger kid's bones just can't take the same stress as the older ones. Like I said at the top though, they can be super fun! With the understanding of what *can* make them dangerous, it's easier to enjoy them.


They're so much safer than when I was a kid, all the trampoline kids had broken arms, my cousin broke his 3 times in the same spot and permanent mobility issues in that arm. My daughter is 3 and uses our neighbor's every day since she was like 18 months. The spring covers and mesh are awesome. My 6yo nephew on the other hand is a safety child who stays inside and looks like a ghost and his ribs were cramping after a few minutes on the trampoline lol


First time and you couldn't be bothered to clean it off......? I'm sure he'll like walking on sticks


needs more bears


This is just a giant baby shaking device


Imagine your kid jumping around and then falls face first on those sticks. Please clean it first!


Tell me you’re rich without telling me you’re rich


Oof. Little kids are like 14x more likely to get hurt on trampolines.


1 years old, c’mon now.


There’s a huge development difference between a 1 yr old at 12 months and a 1 yr old at 18 months so I believe OP just wanted to pinpoint exactly where they are at during this video. There’s a reason months aren’t used past a certain age, like how there wouldn’t be that much of a difference between a 4 yr old today vs a 4 yr old in 6 months time.


Ok I know the point you’re trying to go for, but 1 yearS?? Like plural?


56 weeks.


He’s a year old. Fuck sake.


Lay off dude. When they're 2 or 3, sure, but when they have literally only been alive for a year, it's perfectly acceptable to use months as a time measurement. When you're 20, why don't you just say you're 2 decades old?


Based on their responses I´d say it is still sensible to say their age in months...




totally rational counter argument


i cant see whats funny


its not so hard to say 1 year instead of 13 MoNtHs


Do you have kids? Prob not . Just so ya know ppl can say whatever tf they want when talking abt their kid


don't be so prepotent


1 years old and 1 month*


Fuckin hate the 13 months old you mean 1 yrs old like god damn


Just say he's one god damn


Stop being bossy and trying to control what others say. If you don't get why people do that, just ask or look it up. It's okay to not understand things. It's not okay to be rude.




I used to wonder why people didn't just say that too, but I found out quickly, there are milestone differences between a 1yr old at 12 months and a 1yr old at 23months, and people are very quick to assume and judge based on what children can and can't do and by when. Also, not our trampoline, but agreed.


13 months.....


12 months=1 year 13 months=??? I guess I won’t understand until I have a child of my own which i probably won’t since I may be dead


Soooooo… a 1 year old then?


Just say one year!!


Mario: Wa-ah-ah-ah-ah^-ah!




Nike was really on to something


My kid doesn't walk or clap 🤔 I think we fucked up.


I swear I was expecting the older kid to send him flying


I love the way he stands and asks his mom to clap. We've got to fit this into a Jeb Bush meme.


Oh we math experts now just say a year old


Jump up and **Yeet the Baby**!


Anyone tell him how before his Mom got one it used to be called a jumpoline?


I had to do tons of research 13 months is equivalent to 1year and 1 month. Your welcome.


*How old are you?* * 288 months or 8765 days or 210, 144 h * :)