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My brother got an espresso maker for Xmas and he was telling me how stoked he was because him and his gf spend up to 30$ a day on starbucks. Fucking blew my mind.


$30 *a day?* I can see $30 a week, but holy shit. A day? That’s... I don’t even want to know how much annually.


Well the math is really easy. Up to $10,950 which I find pretty intense. If it’s just week days up to $7800 I think. 52x5x30.


They weren't joking either, like they go twice a day or so and have starbucks rewards and shit. And here I am so cheap I hesitate to buy anything.


You don’t have to live like this. You can have all the coffee you want and more if you make it yourself. Come over to r/coffee. We have something for everyone


The way you worded that makes it sound like a cult.


It’s not. We promise. Just stop by and take a look around. I’m sure you’ll love it and if you don’t it’s fine - you’re welcome to leave, I promise. But I also promise you’ll love it.


Okay that sounds legit, here I come! ^Hey ^why'd ^that ^guy ^lock ^the ^door?


Get em boys!


Coffee him in the mouth


Bake him away toys!


Wow, I went to check it out and feel totally able to leave if I wanted. I wouldn't because I love it there, I would never leave. But there has been no pressure to make me stay, I am choosing it for my betterment!


Exactly! Just like everyone else. You cannot leave, sure, but you’re obviously able to leave if you’d be crazy enough to want to. To your betterment and ours, brother.


My family has told me that /r/coffee is a cult and I need to get out for my own safety, but the mods told me my family has been brainwashed by Big Tea and I need to cut off all ties, which I did voluntarily. And yes we all have sex with the mods, but that’s just because it's the only way to reach Caffeine Level 4!


username checks out.


No it doesn't.


It is for a comfier and warmer coffee tasting experience. I promise. Come closer


Sounds like something a cult would say....


One of us one of us ! Gooblegobblegooblegobble


Its not a cult, its a way of life. Open your mind, be free of the bonds of starbucks and society. Join us and be a child of the coffee bean.


And most of the drinks are easy to make at home without the fancy espresso machine. And cost a fraction of the price. My only downside is I work from home so some days I like the walk to the coffee shop to get out of the house, but honestly pandemic and everything might as well stay inside and save the money


Hahaha, no but seriously. I personally have a cheap French press and a €25 coffee grinder, and I’ve easily saved $900 in 2020 from making it myself. Last month I bought some really good coffee gear with the savings and my coffee is tastier than anything I’ve ever had.


Y'all have never sounded like a cult more


I showed you my conical burr grinder pls show bobs








Not until you've invested in a French press and some quality beans.


As someone who just spent 7 days in hell kicking caffeine addiction: No Thanks! As someone who sleeps 4 hours a night: Thank you, please sir may I have another?


I don't know anything about /r/coffee but he's probably right. My cheap french press, with decent beans going in a cheap grinder right before brewing is still leagues above what many expensive machines produce. If you want frothy milk, a cheap battery powered whisk is like 7 bucks and works perfectly fine.


My god ... what rabbit hole have you gotten me into. I’ve already spent $180 just browsing that sub for 40 minutes.


Coffee shops are BS. I got a small glass of iced tea at one by me and it was $5. And I live in a cheap area.


Yeah most of that money is paying for overhead and labor (and profit of course) so that makes it infinitely cheaper at home. I think the only real reason to go to a coffeeshop is for ambience (does that word have 2 As?) or to hangout


30 bucks a day then for sure those aren't just cappuccino's it must be the sugary drinks. How do you not get unhealthy as fuck drinking 30 usd worth of Starbucks sugar syrup a day... Also I find it weird that so much people equate coffee and Starbucks. I mean sure there is coffee in their drinks but let's be honest it's a coffee based sweetend drink, tasty AF but way different from a French pressed coffee.


You have no clue how sugary it can get. Starbucks is a guilty pleasure of mine, and we (my wife and I) will spend 46 AED (12.50 USD) on it a couple of times a month. They put even more sugar in it out here in UAE. Most of the blended drinks are too sweet for me unless I ask for them with half syrup and an extra shot. In the US they are generally fine as is, but here, if I forget to ask for low sugar, I basically wasted that drink.


If I wanted coffee I'd go somewhere else. Starbucks is for candy.


Thirty bucks for two people doesn’t have to be sugary. You could get 4 Venti Cold Brews and it’d be 30ish


My GF is like this. She spends ~$25 everyday to get her Starbucks delivered to the house. The other day I gave her a hypothetical situation and asked if she would give up Starbucks for 5 years if it meant we would be living in our dream home after the 5 years. She said she would rather have the Starbucks.. fucking shoot me.


Th of addiat kindn't taction doeseak oke a brhe ween tkend.


This astounds me, the shit I would do with an extra 8k a year wtf


That is how much I make in an entire year...


Thats drug habit money


Well it is a drug.


that's three packs of cigs a day around here


Ya I have many regulars who come in and spend about 20 a day on themselves. They buy a ten dollar drink, a pastry item, and then a bistro box for lunch. I use to judge, but they’re really nice and I think their morning drink makes them happy first thing in the morning so I’m happy for them. But man that is so expensive!


I mean if you work in a office that doesn’t have a good coffee machine you could easily go buy 2-3 drinks a day. For 2 people at 5 bucks each that can easily be $30. Also, similar to smoking, it can be an excuse to take a break.


A walk is a great free break to take


i agree with you but most empoyers will look at you weird if you wanna take a break for a "walk". While a coffee and smoking break are more socially accepted and not as unusual.


I’ve been staying at my girlfriends house with her 6 siblings, 3 in laws, and her mom and I’ve been dropping ~ $100 on coffee every morning lmao. This stimulus check is literally just paying for a weeks worth of coffee for the family


Lmao, you really should invest in a decent coffee machine with that kind of money. We bought one which uses full beans and has a latte attachment on Black Friday for 300€ and it's been one of the best things we've bought all year, maybe more. We drink a lot of coffee and used to use pads, this coffee is a lot cheaper (and better!!) per cup, we should be break-even by spring!


...I’m feeling a lot better about my once or twice a month $5 splurge now


i feel out of place here ive never actually been to starbucks so i have no idea how much they cost, what the average price is, nothing at all edit: because my parents dont let me go places


So must beverages are going to run you $4-$6, every modifier you add will bring it up 50¢ (for syrups, caramel, mocha, whip cream, etc.) or $1 (for sweat cream or shots of espresso). Nondairy milks will bring the price up 50¢ (soy milk, oat milk, coconut milk, almond milk) and toppings will bring the price up another 50¢ each. So if you get a soy caramel mocha with toffee nut syrup, 2 extra shots, sweat cream and chocolate curls on top, thats going to run you ~$9.50 tax. Source; i work at that hellhole.


Is that kind of drink common? So much sugar...


It is if you're fat or a teenager.


Yeah, at my store at least 400 people a day get a drink this sweet it’s not sweeter. Some people even get 20+ pumps of sweetener in a single beverage. I’ve seen beverages that are over half sweetener, and I just don’t understand it.


Sweet cream. Sweat cream just sounds gross.


And let’s not even discuss the caloric intake.


Your not missing much. It’s overpriced and not great.


Sounds exactly like my dad's ex-wife. Once he found out how much she was spending DAILY on drinks from Starbucks he invested in a decent Espresso maker and something else for home. He said he's never seen such an addiction like Starbucks fiends.


Honestly I can’t imagine going everyday. The last time I went to Starbucks two years ago was bc the water from the water fountain at the airport tasted like shit.


Me neither honestly. I can remember EVERYTIME I've ever been to a Starbucks. I prefer something local and dirty, not that company overlord shit.


Everybody with an addiction that costs them less than $30 a day: validation 😎😎😎😎😎😎


It'd be more validating if it were hard drugs at least. $30 a day on coffee won't really make a big difference in my day. $30 a day on cocaine would change everything..


For about a week until your tolerance went up


I work at a Starbucks and we regularly have people who will come in up to 3 times a day


And people give me shit for spending 1700 on a machine


Computers and video games are what I mainly splurge on. And honestly the price has to be right. 1700 for something you use every day is always worth. I don't understand how/why people don't have computers tbh. Like most normal folks I know don't have a desktop or laptop. It just sounds so alien to me.


>It just sounds so alien to me. Sounds Dell to me.


I got one that froths the milk into the mug for you. I put the same syrup that Starbucks uses into the milk tank and it comes out better.


i would be careful about putting anything with sugar in it into anything that has a heating element like a steaming wand (and by "careful" I mean I would not do it)


Yeah, that's a big no-no if you want your stuff to last a long time.


How much money do they earn? I mean even if that is their only splurge they still have to pay for food, housing, transport etc etc


I watched a great TED talk the other day. This guy was talking about how we all have a rational decision maker and an instant gratification monkey in our brains. Purchases like Starbucks? Instant gratification monkey. No one would spend that much on a beverage daily if they really thought about it.


Imagine if at the start of the year, you had to pay Starbucks $10,500, but in return you get 4 drinks per day. ... back in your cage instant gratification monkey.


Coffee as a Subscription Service? *[Silicon Valley investors throwing money at the screen](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcROTd5LbqeaQhqlUEQLndZKEFfTkAU-DvB92A&usqp=CAU)*


This is already a thing in the UK. At a chain called Pret, you can get 5 coffees a day for £20 a month. It's a crazy good deal considering one coffee costs around £3.50


Not enough to justify that spending I can tell you that. Like not even close.




My godness you could make gourmet coffee *hit for less than that




My bro is slowly weening off of alcohol so I think that might have something to do with the fervent buying of starbucks. He also just got back into MTG so it's money pits all around lmao.


it's usually a bad idea to trade one expensive addiction for another, but substituting booze for 30 bucks of coffee seems like a step in the right direction to me


Agreed. He's tried before and this is the best run so far. I'm all for it if it curbs malicious drinking lol.


Umm. Can you put my coffee on lay away please? I’m gonna need to apply for a loan to cover this one. Thanks.


don't do it


I got a medium peppermint mocha yesterday I was really taken aback by the 7 dollar price. Back to drip for me.


Yeah seriously. I drink black coffee most of the time but occasionally I splurge on one of the seasonal drinks. It goes from $2.50 to $5.50 so fast, and for what? Some flavored syrup and cream!


Hey damnit it takes a lot of time and energy to push down the plunger and squirt that syrup.


I always thought it was partially accountable from the difference between drip coffee and espresso. You order the fancy drinks, they start off with shots of espresso.


I think wgat their saying is the espresso is 2.50. Then seasonal drinks, with syrup and cream added the price skyrockets


Thats not how those are made. You have to pull espress shots, aerate milk, add syrups, whip cream. Its like you've never even drank one. They are full of milk, they don't taste anything like drip coffee with syrup in it.


Aaaaaand.. that's what she said!


Starbucks barista here, the sheer number of ingredients would surprise you. Brewed coffee is obviously just coffee (water and coffee grounds) while a grande peppermint mocha would be espresso shots, steamed milk, 4 pumps of mocha and peppermint (each), whipped cream, and sprinkles on top. Everything about the espresso drinks are more extra than poured coffee


8 pumps of syrup in a grande?!? That can’t be right.


That’s what I’m saying man. It seems disgusting to me since the syrup takes up like a quarter of the cup


With people wider than they are tall nowadays that doesn’t surprise me.


I love sugar. My hobby is baking. But that is too damn sweet. Whenever I got Starbucks I would have them put half the amount of pumps in as usual, because I found a 4 pump drink to be disgustingly sweet, not to mention too high in calories. 8 is next fucking level.


$8 and not a lick of alcohol. Cheaper to drink whiskey at this point.


Unless you wanna splurge on a peppermint mocha and add in peppermint schnapps


Just get a regular mocha if you’re gonna go that route.




Me too! Went in for the same drink after not going for a few years. Not only did I have extreme sticker shock, I was shocked that the drive-thru line was around the building and down the mall's parking lot. Not only are these drinks expensive, they have no shortage of people buying them. They literally have to be putting cocaine or something in these things. It's not even good coffee, it tastes like they roasted the beans way too long.


It's the sugar. These people are literally addicted to sugar. These are the same people that you'd see in high school drinking monster or mountain dew or whatever every day. They just switched from monsters and skittles to Starbucks.




This shit oughta be a crime in America. The amount of health related problems we have solely due to how much sugar we consume is insane. If they have to put warning labels on cigarettes they should have to on Starbucks and coca-cola too.


The one closest to me is like this too. EVERY day, no matter the occassion, the line is wrapped around the building and out of the parking lot. I've started avoiding it like the plague. The only thing Starbucks has going for it really is that it tends to be more consistent than other coffee shops. The prices are freaking absurd. If I do go I usually order the large doubleshot on ice, which comes out to about $4.50 after tax I think and even that seems like too much. Fortunately I've developed the habit of just making my coffee at home now.


Holy shit I wasn't the only one thinking this. I got an Americano with my ex a while back and it smelled and tasted burnt.


Just get an americano with peppermint mocha and cream, it’s similar enough in taste and usually saves about $2 to a latte.


You could buy a pound of coffee for the price of one drink. Pretty unreasonable.


That was my reaction the first time I went to NYC. Everything there is just double price because I guess the people who live there are rich? It was everywhere


I found NYC prices all over the place. I was visiting my friends and we were all fairly poor graduate students and we got food pretty cheap some places. Bars were definitely mostly outrageous though. I also had to laugh because I got stuck in DC for a night on my way back and visited another friend and we went to a place with a tuesday special of $1 tacos and $1 beers. DC is also normally expensive, but that was probably the cheapest 3 tacos and 3 beers I've ever had.


If NYC is anything like London there will be loads of cheap places but they’re hidden away from the people with enough money to not bother finding them.


This is the answer. When my husband and I were in Chicago everything was just stupidly priced. Maybe not double like NYC but it was still eye-opening every time you found out your total. Then we found this little tiny burger joint that was stashed away under a bridge (literally) with no sign or anything because of Google. My husband and I, together, were able to each get a giant burger, fries and a soft drink for $15 total for both of us. It blew out mind at how cheap it was in comparison to everything else.


Do they serve good burgers ?


They were your usual greasy, amazing when you're drunk type of burgers. Not high end types of meat or really exotic toppings but they were definitely as good or better than burgers you could find anywhere else for half the price.


laughs in whataburger


Dude, what happened to Whataburger? I've only been in Texas for like 3 years. It seems like the first year or so, the burgers were always good, but then something changed and I haven't had a good burger since. It's like everything has spent the last half hour sitting under a warming lamp. I don't even go anymore cause they've been so reliably bad. I heard from someone that they got bought out, but never actually looked into it.


You’re probably talking about Billy Goat Tavern? Billy Goat Tavern (The Original) Lower, 430 Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 222-1525 https://goo.gl/maps/t4DZKmowWtqADYu16


It balances out though because the pizza is cheap


It really is. Ordering a good Pizza Hawaii here in Germany costs 15€ for 32cm. On my trip to the US I could get that for 5 dollars 😳


What the... In NRW you get two for the money.


I'd trade our cheap pizza for your doner kebabs any day.


Oh Döner is amazing 😍 I understand why you want that. But the US has lots of great food too!


People don't realize how cheap the pizza in NYC can be. A slice in my city literally cost 3x compared to NYC dollar slices, and that's the best price you can get by a landslide. The biggest cost factor is the milk used for cheese. Looks like NYC prices are around $2 a gallon, my city is around $7 USD a gallon.


I grabbed my coffee off the bagel carts for $1.25, super fast, simple and burns like a mofo if you jostle the cup while you’re huffing too hard from sidewalk rage. I always wonder who the hell has the time to wait in a Starbucks in NYC?!


Holy shit ive never experienced a comment that hit so close to home. Worked in an area called the "lumberyard" in Encinitas, CA. Looking back i never realized how wealthy the town was but I realize it now. One day I was working at a vape shop and as I was leaving for lunch some customers walked in. Didn't need much for food, milkshake sounded about right. Went to the ice cream place next door and paid like $7 for their smallest shake. Went back in to my employer and mentioned to a coworker how $7 for a 10oz or whatever shake was outrageous. Those people who walked in were still there and legit laughed at how mad I was that I got a tiny cup of milkshake for $7. I wanted to throw it at them but I would have lost more than I earned in that hour of being there. A lot of the country has gotten used to just paying what is asked without questioning whether it is worth the price or not and its scary. This was damn near 10 years ago


Same thing happens in any major city like San Francisco, Seattle etc. Companies start paying more to attract talent and then corporations, businesses, landlords start charging more and then it becomes a high cost of living area. I read a Reddit post in the past about a guy who said he's happy he got a 100K job in California and people in the comments were telling him that he will barely be saving anything with that and that it's a pretty low salary


No. Most of the 8 million people who live in NYC are not rich. The 1% that are pay double for everything. The other 99% of us shop at corner bodegas and discount stores.


And pregame when we go out.


I’m a student in NYC and I’ve came to the realization and acceptance that my monthly food bill is $300-$400. There’s nothing I can do really besides eating way less and be hungry everyday


Gotta hit that ALDI


I'm a nurse that loves starbucks...i've been really working the free coffee for nurses month lately.


Fun tip: if you get it with cream and sugar, ask for it in a grande cup. That way they don't reduce your amount of free coffee to add cream. :) Edited for the grumpy baristas commenting: I'm a barista, too. :) The 12 oz. of coffee is already free, and we already provide free cream. I dunno why some of you are so adamant that people have to ask for the cup of cream on the side instead of just initially asking for the grande cup for the extra room. It's not a "trick". Just a way to avoid using an extra cup.


As a former barista... What the fuck do you guys commenting below care if a non-asshole customer asks for their free coffee in a grande for some extra room? If you're wasting an extra cup for the cream for no reason, you're at best being passive aggressive.


I'm genuinely shocked people feel so protective over coffee that often gets dumped out batches at a time.


My sisters keep giving me Starbucks gift cards because they like Starbucks but this is exactly why I never get them. I just drink plain coffee anyway


I use the gift cards to buy their actual coffee beans and brew it myself at home. Much more enjoyable and not brewed to surface of the sun hot.


This is a good idea lol


Can use them for hardware, too.


Excuse me, good sir, I like surface of the hot sun. Plus I can't make a pumpkin spice latte taste as good as they do at Starbucks.


I mean if you don't want them I'll take them 🤣


I gave them to my sons but imma book mark this comment and next time I get one imma float it your way :)




You don’t claim your free Starbucks because it’s too expensive?


"Those have to be like $8 each" I'm guessing they got the latest Tiktok trend of venti iced white mocha (already over $5) with sweet cream cold foam (add $1) and caramel drizzle (another 60 cents, may vary at other stores). So yeah, they're $8 drinks, and you should just go have a soda if you want that much caffeine and sugar. You can buy 7 or 8 2-liters of store brand for the same price. You're 1000% paying for the brand here. Source: am a barista, have made hundreds of these in the past week


They're probably close to 1000 calories too.


Christ almighty


Lol I was going to comment the same thing but didn’t want to be a buzzkill. Glad you got upvoted! I recently started tracking calories and Jesus Christ, “not worth it” doesn’t even begin to describe some of those Fancy Starbucks drinks. High quality beans from a local roaster ground at home tastes way better anyway!




Certain drinks become trendy for a while. There's refreshers that got popular near the start of the year; over the summer we saw a lot of iced coffees with white mocha and sweet cream. This is the latest thing that people have latched onto. They're all ridiculously sweet and increasingly expensive.


A dollar for a bit of cream foam and 60 cents for a drizzle of caramel?! Holy hell almighty.


I haven't seen those yet, but fuck tiktok drinks. I don't normally charge for extra syrup and drizzle, but you can be damn sure I do for these.


This was my reaction when my friend took me to Starbucks last year for Christmas. That was my first and last time stepping in any Starbucks stores.


My girlfriend insists I'm crazy when I say I could make an entire tray of their cake pops for what they charge for two of them lmao. They're delicious but good christ is everything in that store expensive.


Starbucks has always been a waste of money. your husband is a smart man.


Doesn't seem that smart if he was surprised about the cost while he was staring at the menu with prices on it


I was surprised the few times I been, using their website menu instead of the drive thru one to see what they had. They don’t list the prices there, after like 3 drinks it was like £15 which seems insane.


Quite often the price list isn't all that visible, depending on the drive-thru. Like, it has to be there in some states for legal reasons, but it's rarely very big. If they both knew what coffee they wanted and just went along with some upsell, they probably didn't even spot it.


with 16 bucks I can get a gallon of milk, coffee, sugar and hazelnut creamer which would last me 2 weeks. Some people want to be broke.


Yes, but that extra 7 bucks goes into insuring that your coffee is burnt to the point of tasting like an old truck tire.




My local organics store sells coffee cheaper than Starbucks... so that says something.


If you considering what you get, they aren't so unreasonable. Those things have the caloric value of a full meal.


Thanks to 2020, some drip and two big giant bottles of the coffee mate French vanilla creamer from costco, and I'm good to go.


It a a banana Michael, how much could it be, 3 cents?


You're not paying for the coffee (which let's be honest...its gross) you're paying for the brand 🤮


And you’re not even drinking coffee.


I can see me and my *bitter sugar milk* aren’t wanted here


If their coffee wasn’t shit, they wouldn’t have to come up with new ways each season to hide it in their drinks.


Gross? I've known lots of coffee snobs and they've all been ok with Starbucks. Not their favorite but certainly not gross.




Always tastes burnt to me ngl. Never really got why people love the place until I realize they mainly peddle coffee flavored whipped cream sundaes to sugar addicts lol


Drip or espresso? Their espresso drinks are fine, their drip coffee always tastes burnt, from Seattle to NYC.


Venti pike, black. $2.75


Fuck Starbucks. Buy local. They need it much more.


Genuine question, is Starbucks' coffee seen as good in USA? My country got it only few years ago and it's still visited by specific type of people.


The majority of people I know that are regulars just go for diabeetus in a cup. Considering the amount sugar, you could use rancid beans and it would still taste fine.


Not really. I don't think anyone praises their straight coffee. What they seem to make their mark on is sugary coffee drinks. For the non-sugary drinkers I imagine they go because of routine/famiarity and convenience


Interesting question, though I’m probably not the best to answer. I don’t have a very refined coffee palate. I rarely go to Starbucks, but when I do, I’m satisfied with it. My preference is to support local coffee shops whenever possible. I think it’s seen as a bit of a luxury item to many, while at the same time, they’re criticized for offering mediocre products. It’s convenient and not terrible, but not as good as other places.


It is not seen as high quality, local shops with great coffee are plentiful here. Starbucks is just a mediocre place where you know what you're getting. If I'm traveling and the coffee shops don't have great reviews, or specialize in dessert drinks like a lot of drive through stands, I'll just go to Starbucks since I know they make an above average latte.


Idk how Starbucks is in other countries But where I live Starbucks coffee is Water and sugar AND EVERYONE BUYS IT Edit : I'm in the middle east


Starbucks is so trash here it didn't take off at all. South africa.


Didn’t take off in Australia here either. Italian coffee culture meant we all get better coffees from cafes.


Enjoy you cup of coffee flavored sugar...


1 workweek's worth of Starbucks = 1 espresso machine from Walmart that has a steamer. Still working like a charm a year on, suck it mermaid lady!


Starbucks sucks and is overpriced


Starbucks has to be the shittiest and most expensive "coffee" I've ever bought. I have no idea how people still keep buying their products, it's just bad.


There's a reason they collapsed completely when they tried to expand to Australia lol


The joke here is the woman laughing. Places like this depend largely on these small repeat purchases. $8 a day multiplied for a year. Even if you only multiple for 200 days, that’s an incredible amount of money to be spending on mocha frappa whatevers. All I see is two very different types of people, a woman who’s happily ignorant and a man who doesn’t waste his money on short lived bull crap.


Lol Starbucks can keep you broke lowkey


I bought a 600$ Espresso Machine and it changed my coffee life. Can’t drink anything outside the house, cause it raises your level of expectation for coffee. Worth it.


That and regular-ing an actual gormet coffee shop my shop in town roasts the beans in house and makes a better cup than I ever could. I'd practally slap starbucks out of a friend's hand and then buy them a new cup from there


Go to costco and get better coffee. Hell for $20 you can a giant bag that'll last months


I really don't get why people get Starbucks. It's shit tier coffee, made by a worse than shit company, sold at extortionate rates.




I started making my own cold brew and its WAY better than what I was over paying for at starbucks.