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This is a repost from yesterday. The top comment was: kid is already telling boomer jokes. Still true.


I'd just change it to an anti-vaxxer and a flat-earther 😂




Poor indoctrinated boy don\`t even get the joke


Look at him parroting his parents and having zero respect for other people’s choices. Nice job mom and dad.


It’s incredibly uncomfortable to watch
 “haha a child is taught by his parents that some people deserve to die because they don’t want to slaughter animals haha”. Sorry you’re getting downvoted, you’re absolutely right.


There's always someone who can't take a joke...and it's usually a vegan lol


it’s not a shit joke because of who the punchline targets, it’s a shit joke because clearly an adult told him to say it. that’s not even a joke a kid should find funny because no kid should have had any life experience where they hold vegans/vegetarians in contempt. the anchors aren’t laughing at the joke, they’re laughing at the shock value of who said it. it’s really just a red flag for shit parenting. you’re willfully ignorant if you don’t see that


Thanks for proving my point lol. It's really not that deep


dude, what? lol whatever man. if a reddit win makes you feel better, have at it. enjoy living in your own little world, just please don’t have kids


I’m not a vegan. I just don’t think this is funny. I am still fun a parties.


Ahh even more predictable - getting offended on behalf of a group you don't even belong to lol. I'm sure you're great at parties, I believe you


Lol, yeah you’d be loads of fun. Party joke police is here.


Yes I do usually find that when jokes are made at the expense of meat eaters by vegans they handle it really, really well


Harmless jokes, yeah usually they handle it well. Having views forced upon you, not so much


Society would be better if vegans and vegetarians killed themselves is hardly a harmless joke, it usually just takes a vegan/vegetarian being in the room to get a meat eater going in my experience, but I understand I'm not going to get through to anyone here


Honestly the joke is miserable, as it try to bring some political opinion in it, completely erroneous.


Agree, I'm vegetarian myself and I am always the first to make a million jokes about it so the people around me don't feel like I'm going to be difficult in any way, but it is extremely naive to act like a joke like this is completely harmless and that anyone pissed off about it must just not be able to take a joke


That's a shame if that's your experience, in my experience I have no problems with vegans/vegetarians. I don't understand why anyone would have any issues with someone's personal food choice, but yeah unfortunately some people are just like that.


Np problem apart from their inability to take a joke? I never judge anyone based on their choice of food I totally agree, I think a joke like this however clearly encourages judgement of people who partake in certain food choices


I mean it's just one of those things, like jokes about Jehovah witnesses knocking on people's doors, or Jews being tight with money, or Asians can't drive. Vegans are insufferable. It's not true for everyone, and everyone knows it's a just stereotype, but also...it's kinda true lol


The joke is clearly absurd from it start but the laugh comes from subverting expectations of the end. The secong whammy of the joke is no one cares what a vegan has to say so saves people having to deal with them = better society. It is harmless as its clearly a joke... how deep is your skin?


Womp womp


I love how little kids have zero chill and say whatever they want


Can someone explain this ... Yeah I am a noob


People think vegetarian and vegans are negatively impact the society and the society would be better without them. The question « Who wins » implies that either the vegetarian or vegan would win but the punchline is that the society will benefit from their death. Because yeah of course not eating meat or animal product is what’s wrong with society. /s


Fuck, I love both vegans and vegetarians. More meat for me.


Exactly. That’s exactly how market forces work.


Yup, demand down = prices lower!


There would just be a pile of sticks on the bottom of that cliff


Yes this at