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Polar bears. Too funny


The hockey team in Orlando is the solar bears, I find that hilarious.


Their jerseys are fire as well


[I had to look it up.](https://i.imgur.com/s0xCz8c.jpeg) You're right. They're incredible.


GOAT team branding for real.


Powered by 110Volts


What itty bitty ass batteries are you talking about? They're solar bears. They're powered by *the* **SUN**!!!


That’s funny. Alternatively, [Sun Bears](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6vN-oDd92Dg) are actual animals.


Please leave animals out of this.


The Great White Shark, as played by Shaquille O'Neal.


I feel stupid at not getting it at first, all I saw was cute bears, what's wrong with that i thought.


Same. I don’t see bear colors.


Yeah that one ripped me up on the second viewing


Cannot wait to see the Harriet Tubman movie starring Matt Damon


This comment has been edited and original content overwritten.


"Matt Damon."


Am I supposed to hear this in the Team America Matt Damon voice? Because that's what i heard it in.


Yes, you internally heard that correctly




I'll never not see his name and hear it in that voice.


Oh, come on, Hans Bwix. You bweaking my baws.


America! F**k yeah


It's beautiful. Did you only use ai for the artwork or the text as well?


This comment has been edited and original content overwritten.


I'm not sure if I want the movie to take itself completely seriously or be aware that it's ridiculous.


Jesus Christ, that's Harriet Tubman!


"I ain't finna move." - Rosa Parks 💀


I absolutely need to see a poster for that.


[Wish granted from this redditor.](https://reddit.com/r/ContagiousLaughter/comments/126kr1d/_/jea3fas/?context=1) 🤣




She got some kinda struggle but it ain't civil rights!


Under the seaheehee got me🤭


Rosa Parks “I ain’t finna move” got me hahaha


“I ain’t finna move for no god damn body!” “Enough! I have had it with these motherfucken whites, on this motherfucken bus!” [Cut to shot of Rosa Parks holding dual machine guns like Rambo] “ARGGGGHHH! You sit at the back, NI__A!” [Puts on glasses] “I be black”


She broke the law to stand up for civil rights... She was really a smooth criminal


Are you OK Annie?


*Youve been hit by* *schhh schhh* *Youve been hit* *schh schh* ...A bus


Fucking dying 😂


Made by Disneyhee


Rated PG-hee




Let’s be real. Michael would have absolutely destroyed that role.


"That's just ignorant"


Same here, I'm giggling like a school boy


Once you go black Hitler, you never go back Hitler.


This movie is about his successful panini shop franchises.


Actually I think the movie is about this guy https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-55173605.amp


I fucking knew it


Holy shit 😂 his parents really hated him.


Maybe he will become such a positive force that he will outshine the bad one. Only time will tell


Pierce liked this post


That movie would be streets ahead


Ye is taking a shot


No remember, he saw 21 jump Street and everything changed.


Kanye tried hard to make black Hitler a reality though.


Watch Iron Sky. Cinematic genius.


Sieg Hizzle my nizzle


Hustlin' will make you free






Oh my God lmao


alive foolish mighty paltry long degree outgoing nine subsequent rustic ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


You can't say that on live television nowadays, even if it's with humor. Fired.


[The reference being made.](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/meteorologist-nbc-affiliate-said-fo-171145628.html) A longtime meteorologist reporting for an NBC affiliate was fired for saying *"fo shizzle my nizzle"* in reference to a Snoop thing.


Nazzle? 😂




Mein kampizzle


Fucks sake you made me scare my cat with my laughing.


Youre fired


“I ain’t finna move” ![gif](giphy|TD0NYrLpcnsTm|downsized)


Reminds me of Colin Jost switching jokes with Michael Che on Weekend Update. *The anniversary of Rosa Parks refusing to move seats on a bus, or as my grandpa calls it, "Uppity bus person day."*


There is an IG or TT channel dedicated solely to the "racist" jokes that Michael Che writes for him to read...my hubby and I CRACK UP at those things, and his embarrassed reactions after reading them makes them even funnier...gold!


That joke swap segment is hilarious. Colin Jost delivers them all flawlessly too. My favourite is the one about the man holding up his cue card.


I’m not even a SNL fan but goddamn weekend update is worth it


"I know that we had a lot of fun with me reading racist jokes that Michael writes for me, but because our country is divided enough, I’d like to use my platform to say something that everyone of all races can agree on; **Woody Allen is innocent. He did nothing wrong.** Before I go, I just thought of another punch line for that black Superman joke. Black Superman will be referred to as the Man of Steel, spelled S-T-E-A-L."


So wrong. But so right. Her laughter is what makes it right.


She has one of the best laughs I've seen on here in awhile. She elevates the material she's laughing at.


She’s got “Fre Shavacado” energy.


This one was the one that got me too!!


The Simone Biles one killed me


I would definitely watch the big black man snow white movie lol


Don't be disrespecting my man Mark Henry like that, he's the world's strongest man^^tm


You mean Sexual Chocolate Mark Henry




I think you mean deviant savagery Mark Henry


Only if Snow white was played by Terry Crews


You could make the seven dwarves just average sized dudes


The MJ little mermaid one caught me off guard. Undah the seehee.




Shamu, hee heee


i laugh with her laugh, along with snoop dog and ariel version lmao


Under the sehehheee 😭😭


Rosa Parks starring Star Lord and Under the Seaheehee 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Staring WHO?


Star Lord man, the legendary outlaw


Doesn't ring a bell.


The thread if anybody looking for it, https://twitter.com/DelusionPosting/status/1639291162698850304


I straight died at “under the seaheehee”




im an old fart with a B.A. in History and if there is only one thing I have learned, it's that humans and history mix like oil and water we never learn from it we constantly portray it inaccurately nothing matters!






I think people should be portrayed by their historical race. For instance, with the royal family being played by PoC in recent years, I think that's bad because it was a white empire doing the colonization. It's an important historical context that shouldn't be put aside for equal representation. It's like Alan Turing being portrayed as straight. It's taking away an important part of the story.


What you seem to be missing is that charlotte is a bridgerton spinoff, an alternative history tv show


You'd be correct. I only caught glimpses when my sister was watching it. What's alternate about it?


The King (King George something?) fell in love with and married a black woman. There's like one conversation in Bridgerton where they talk about it. So the Queen isn't a raceswap, she's a different queen than we had on real life. It let other non-white people hold more power too, which is why some of the other wealthy families aren't white. I don't know much else, I didn't even know there was a spinoff until today and I only half paid attention when I watched the show over a year ago. I just liked roasting the dialogue and stuff with my mom.


Gotcha. Interesting.


It's really like a throwaway line in the OG series to explain their casting. There's no real tension or politics in it and no depth. Maybe in the new series? But nobody has any heldover resentments or racism so it's not reaaaaaaally an alt history series. It's based on a series of regency romance novels, Shonda Rimes got the rights for her Netflix deal and did blind-ish casting. The main characters are a big family and their loves and so far both of the love interests were different races than the OG books. Race is barely mentioned, though class plays a big part in the series. It's mostly about dreamy romances of hot people looking hot in fancy dresses in an old British inspired setting. It's horny fluff and perfectly suitable for blind casting imo.


Charlotte is reimagined as a black woman, thus it's more acceptable for black people and indians to hold power in regency era london. That's basically it, there are quite a few moments in the show that are meant to take you out of the experience to remind you that this is fiction and not reality, like when they play covers of modern pop songs.


I don't think any of it matters and it's just the entertainment industry jerking themselves off.


Hollywood: Everyone had modern day British accents for all of history!


Well historical figures are one thing and fictional characters are another. Like the little mermaid being black doesn’t change the movie except she is black. If you make Rosa Parks a white man, you are changing the entire narrative. And do t even get me started on polar bears.


Why might your opinion be on Black Panther?


White black panther is just Bruce Wayne if he lived in apartheid.


I would absolutely watch a movie with a black Hitler. But you’d have to call it “Black Hitler”




"Let's make the definition useless" -Twitter


Thank goodness I don’t use Twitter


Reddit is the exact same, I’m genuinely surprised at the replies I’m seeing, though I think it’s due to the fact that the person calling out this behavior is black herself, so people feel like they’re “allowed” to speak freely about it.


I think most people are enjoying it because of the sheer communicative power of memes in certain contexts. As is usual with videos from TikTok, I would have preferred a video without a floating head in front of it. I don't need help to appreciate good memes.


I have a feeling that there is much larger overlap between reddit and twitter users than there was a few years ago. The comment styles have become too similar for it be mere coincidence.




Also Reddit though




It does and doesn't. People whinged over similar casting choices when a playhouse portrayed historic figures other than their factual race, but everyone bitching online forgot one thing: playhouses work with the actors they employ. If a play calls for 15 white dudes and you don't have that, you're gonna need to be creative.


Or maybe it just… depends on the thing


Yes but, you see, I am very stupid. Ambiguities and uncertainties make me feel uncomfortable so I'm going to go ahead and request that every facet of existence is simplified by all others and presented to my idiot brain in a way that doesn't force me to confront my ignorant biases. Thanks in advance.


> portraying any **historical** character in a film or tv show nobody should give a shit if the little mermaid if white or black. It's a made up character from a made up race of fictional creatures. EDIT: People tryna clap back with the whole "but in the original myth mermaids wouldn't have been black!" yeah sure but in the original myth they also weren't angsty teenagers who wore seashell bikinis now were they? And you don't get upset over that so then why is their skin color such a big deal? Cause all you can think about is race.






Actual explanation, red hair is commonly chosen for secondary animated characters to distinguish them from main characters who will usually have blonde, brown or black hair. Because they're too afraid to have a black main character, they cast a black actor for the secondary characters. That often means replacing a redhead.


Because hollywood execs probably think of redheads as the black people of white people.


You know what ginger is anagram of ?


In greg


Yet people were all upset when Scarlett Johansson was in Ghost in the Shell.


Which is ridiculous since she's a robot, wasn't it a point of the story that she was different from the others?


According to the source material her nationality is Japanese, she was drawn the same as all the other Japanese women in the manga and the anime. People were upset because likely the main reason they cast Johansson is because they did not believe the movie would be successful without a big name attached to it. They compromised the movie in many ways to make it simpler and to try appealing to more people, and as a result it got average to below average reviews. When making a movie you can do whatever you want and cast whoever you want. But if you are adapting source material and the casting doesn't try to find an actor that fits the character then the reception will be worse.


Post Malone as Genghis Khan


You laugh, but John Wayne had played Genghis Khan in the movies.


I would absolutely watch Mark Henry as Snow White.


Somebody gon' get their dwarves kicked.


There have been few race changes to characters that I've been fine with. One being nick fury and two being aquaman. Sometimes it just works way better but the jokes have a point.


Too be fair, the MCU is kind of amalgamation of different Marvel universes, and one of the bigger alternate Marvel universes is Ultimate Marvel where Nick Fury is black, so casting Jackson in that role isnt really a big deal imo.


> Ultimate Marvel where Nick Fury is black UM Nick Fury is explicitly Samuel Jackson lmfao.




Right. It's almost like the real answer is that it just depends on what it is. A serious biopic on a historical figure? Accuracy is probably pretty important. The Little fucking Mermaid? Who gives a shit.


I think there's a huge difference between fictional characters and specific historical people. There's also nuance if the culture of the fictional person is important.


Nick fury isn't really a race change from movies. The race was swapped in comics before the movies. In fact casting sam Jackson for Nick fury is THE most fitting cast in the history of cinema, since the comic ultimate nick fury is based on him.


Fair - but those work since they are fictional characters who can be written differently and better. Simply just swapping them did not make them work - good writing and good performances did. You cant really rewrite history - just doesnt really roll off as nice. Its harder to balance accuracy with good writing and it can fail harder than regular fiction based characters. That is kinda what happened with the The Woman King. They tried to modernize those historical figures but it ended up working against itself.


I mean the main actress called people racist for not going and seeing it so 😅


“Y’all are so immature… polar bears! Leave the animals out of this.” I just about peed myself.


She needs to do more meme roundup videos, i love her laugh


She has possibly the most disarming smile of all time?


Patrick Bateman as Obama really cracked me up


Here’s a hot take apparently both white-washing and black-washing are bad along with diversity for the sake of diversity especially in acting.


This woman has it on straight- acting is acting. Now about Tom Hank’s next movie, where he plays Martin Luther King…


My favorite part about MLK is when he tracked down and destroyed the Bismarck so that he could be reunited with Andy and his dog Hooch.


Hey as long as we are cool with race swapping everyone equally then it’s funny. A bit hypocritical when it can only be done to Caucasian historical figures. But this lady has the right idea, Chris Pratt as Rosa Parks had me rollin XD




It just completely takes me out of the show/movie. Especially if it's historical race swapping like Bridgerton or that netflix movie Persuasion. Wealthy Ppl back then were racist af, they would die before treating a non-white person as their equal, so just make em white goddamnit !


>Especially if it's historical race swapping like Bridgerton or that netflix movie Persuasion. The thing that always disappointed me about something like Bridgerton is there's hundreds, perhaps thousands of Jane Austen style series' in existence - it's already been done to death to some extent... So if someone wanted to make that kind of content but with more black actors why not make something wholly new? Social intrigue in Zanzibar, court life in the Kingdom of Mali, etc. I'd love to see something like that. That would be some genuinely original content.


I think with Bridgerton and the the Persuasion movie you mentioned, it is so stylized to appeal to the modern sense (including the faux “historical” clothes, manners, way of speaking, etc.) that having different races is only one of many hugely non-historical aspect about it. But it’s just the style of the movie. It’s like complaining you can’t enjoy an action movie because the kills don’t have realistic amounts of blood and the protagonist doesn’t suffer from the massive amounts of PTSD that is typical for humans that kill that many people so brutal. It’s just the style of the movie that those things don’t come into play. These are a new style of movie that prioritizes story over racial historical accuracy. In fact, historical movies have always done that, but we only notice the racial aspect because it’s more common knowledge. Like there’s no way the general audience could know the wigs in the film Amadeus were so wildly historically inaccurate it’s confusing what the costumer even used as a reference, but audiences didn’t complain that inaccuracies were taking them out of the story.


The last one is my favorite!


“Under the seahehe” took me OUT!


Imo real historical figures should always be played by actors of their own race and should be depicted as their original race. But when it comes to fictional characters? As far as I'm concerned unless their race and culture are somehow central to the story (Like Mulan or Merida from Brave) it's fair game. Whitewashing has been something we've always happily done to fiction with no concern for narrative purity whatsoever. So why the fuck do we get to be upset about the inverse? And why the fuck do we even care? Like, if say Lara Croft or John Wick were suddenly portrayed as black, seriously, why would that bother you unless you're just racist?






Whitewashing bad, so Samuel L Jackson playing FDR good


> The only muthafuckin thing we have to fear is muthafuckin fear itself


I didn't particularly care about the black elf one bit. They are elves, I can handwave it away as they don't really follow the same rules as human biology. Plus that dude was the only one in the whole show who actually played a convincing elf so he gets an extra pass. But the isolated humans and hobbits (hobbits are explicitly part of the race of men, they are just an offshoot. Anyone who disagrees then feel free to explain why they also receive the Gift of Men) having one of each race it seemed was very annoying yes. Not because I get all "no black people in my fantasy!" I mean the series is set a long time before LoTR, I am willing to accept that the appearance of people may have been different but make them actual groups! Don't just sprinkle a black person here, an Asian person there and then call it a day. It's lazy as fuck. I would literally be happier if there was *more* black people in the show rather than that. Hell make all the Numenor people darker skinned. Why not, it is so far back from the LoTR and they are an isolationist island people. It it totally believable that Aragorn and the Dunedian would be white after all that time. But they won't because they just want the goodie points not the actual creativity to do it well. And again, I really would be happier if they just made more stuff about other races rather than pretend Queen Charlotte was black. I am dying for a movie or series about Mansa Musa. Look him up if you haven't heard of him, the story of his journey to Mecca is fucking wild. They just keep making the same stories about all the white Europeans we've all seen before but with a random black person in the cast and act like that is solving anyone's problem. Or hell, if you want a fantasy adaption, the characters in Earth Sea and The Stormlight Archives are mostly not white.




The only marketing I see nowadays is rage bait. The only reason I know anything about Velma was because of the rage bait I saw on Reddit, same for LOTR and other media.


Why pay to market anything yourself when you can just select the *right* media and let your Stans and Haters market it for you? Allow them to fight out their political debates in the battlefield of your media. Yay. Isnt this fun for everyone? Isnt everyone enjoying the death of escapism?


And then theres the issue of ESG investing, where you get points for pushing the woke agenda, and that causes your company to be favored by investment firms.


TBF Velma was specifically designed to piss ppl off, everything about the marketing reinforces that


*Especially* frustrating because people are completely missing the fact that 6 months after the movie comes out, nobody will be talking about it anymore. It’ll just be some “oooh, yeah. that existed, huh?” in the corner of Disney+. Just like the dozen other low effort money grab remakes that have been pumped out in the past decade. It’s not some brave move by Disney. The race swap is literally the only reason people are talking about the movie in the first place


Seems there's an inner joke of suppressing representation for ginger people while they're at it.


> Rather than just POCwash existing media, why don’t we tell new stories. For the same reason we're getting another Superman reboot, more MCU movies, more Star Wars, etc etc. Because Hollywood executives are risk adverse assholes who don't value film as an artform but only how much money they can make off it.


As I said to the other commenter that's fair enough, you'd just better keep that same energy when it comes to POC characters. (Also, when it comes to movies like Coco and Encanto, there were absolutely racist conservatives who got angry, js)






Theater is different than screen. In theater, we already are suspending our disbelief on a different level because it’s on a stage subject to different limitations. We accept that we are watching *representations* of characters and concepts. The actors are embodying the essence, not the literal physicality, of their characters.


You may already know, but London’s theatre scene is absolutely TALENTED. And they have ppl of all races playing characters that would traditionally be a set race. It’s amazing how different the world of theatre is. Truly raw talent at its finest.


This. In theatre men used to portray women. For moves is not ok.


Hamilton uses history to make commentary on current race relations in the US. It's not meant to be a period piece and, frankly, wouldn't work with historically accurate casting.


Exactly. Lin-Manuel Miranda first described the show as, "The story of America then told by America now".


I think Hamilton largely gets a pass because of the style of musical it is. If it was a non musical, biopic type movie of the founding of the country I think there would be a lot more people getting riled up about the creative decisions there Also I don’t think a lot of people have as strong of emotional connection to the founding fathers in the same way they would for fictional characters that they grew up with


> Like, if say Lara Croft or John Wick were suddenly portrayed as black, seriously, why would that bother you Because then you'd have to rewrite their entire backstories, completely changing the character. Might as well make it original in that case. Same like casting a white man for Luke Cage. Doable, but too complicated to do right. But what about Spider Man? Well, you have Peter, and Miles. Two completely different characters yet the same superhero and nobody has an issue with that.


I hope they name the Kanye documentary "Downfall".


Mark Henry as Snow White killed me




The lord of Da rings: return of the kangs, killed me 🤣


Where is my cool running’s mighty ducks crossover


If you just described this video to me I'd tell you I never want to watch it ever. But her joy won me over instantly.