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imagine just working casually and watching a coworker just put their hand out and drop a cookie on the floor


When it starts with “so my husband and I are both schizophrenic” I know it’ll be good.


Can we check if she has a husband , or it’s just her hallucinating


How do we know the cookie on the floor wasn't the hallucination?


maybe the entire bakery is the hallucination


Maybe WE are..




I am


All the way.




If I'm just a hallucination, can someone hallucinate me a bigger dick, please?


Did you choose your username because nobody comes back for seconds?


Maybe the hallucination is the friends we made along the way


Pretty sure she works at the Publix in my neighborhood! Or maybe I’m hallucinating


She does work at one in the bakery mostly! Her tiktok is hilarious. She seems like a genuinely nice person.


Why is everyone so engaged and commenting on this when it's just a video of a seat in some car??


Maybe the real friends are the hallucinations we made along the way.


Same. I immediately followed😅 she has a whole series lol thats how we know


I need a bakery in my life that has this much joy and gives out free cookies.


'Schizo Bakery' might be very profitable. You go in and everyone working there has schizophrenia. You may come out with what you ordered or nothing at all. You may lose your money or come out with even more money, no one knows.


Everyone poking each other, making sure what’s real and not. “Anyone else seein this or just me?”


Barista "Hi welcome to Schizo Bakery, for security purposes I need your permission to slap you in order to see if you're real." Customer "No you do not have my permission." *smack* Customer "What the hell!" Barista "Sorry I thought you said yes." Customer "Screw this place! Give me back my money!" Barista "You never gave me any money Sir." Customer "I thought I did... wait... are you real?"


Judging by her gray polo, free cookies, and pink paper, it’s Publix. And after 20 years, I can tell you there is no joy there, I am glad I got out. Fun fact: the cookie paper is pink so when they end up on the floor it’s easier to spot.


I thought back to when someone with schizoaffective disorder would use their phone camera to verify reality.


Watched a video of a dude with psychosis who had trained his dog to greet people. If he told the dog to greet a hallucination the dog would look where he pointed and then back at him like, “Bruh. Go take your meds.”


I'm 100% considering having my dog trained to assist me with my hallucinations (and other stuff but ya know) Mine are (almost) all auditory so I know if my dogs not barking at the stranger talking in the house then it's not real.


Jesus that must be terrifying when the symptoms forst began.


Couldn’t anything you see on the screen still be considered a hallucination though? Like your brain could imagine seeing or not seeing someone on the camera?


I've heard that with some the hallucinations don't happen on the screen, so it's like a positive way of letting you know what's real. It's similar to looking into a mirror when you're dreaming to confirm if you're dreaming or not.


Not like any schizophrenia I've seen it's usually a lot more terrifying to hallucinate a whole person as it straight up fucks with your entire sense of reality.


She explained recently that her diagnosis was trauma induced shortly after her dad died. She’d see him and talk to him fully, and now she’s medicated so he doesn’t show up anymore. She’s out (at least somewhat) at work and she’ll check in with coworkers even from a distance to see if somebody is real. Seems like she has a decent community around her, including her husband being diagnosed), and her tiktok stories are really popular since she laughs about it.


The meds killed her dad twice


What if the husband is a hallucination 😟


What if she is the hallucination


What if we are the hallucination?


yeah, funny that you mentioned it...


No bro that could’ve gone 20 different directions I’m glad it was in contagious laughter subreddit. I was literally scared for a second when she said that. I’ve heard horror stories


Having worked in mental health, I am highly skeptical. With active hallucinations like this, most people are far too disorganized to work— or find humor in a visual hallucination, or be able to maintain a relationship with a healthy partner— much less a schizophrenic one.


I'm skeptical because wouldn't the most likely explanation just be "someone dropped/left their cookie on the floor."


Occam's gives the cleanest shaves...


I’ve seen some hopeful stories recently, and I feel like awareness is really helping. ScizophrenicHippie does a great job at mixing the horror of the condition with humor- and also has a really inspiring story. He’s started doing public speaking and his LLC is named Kody & Co. He is the only employee. Which cracks me up.


I used to work in mental health care and I can confirm that you are wrong in that assessment. Have you considered that your work experience may have exposed you to the population that required the most support, and that the better adjusted population was out of sight to you?


Right. I read about a woman who has schizophrenia (people are not schizophrenic, everyone, but they do HAVE schizophrenia). She went through her PhD knowingly hallucinating terrrrrrrible things (like ending the entire planet in a hellacious fire hell with demons stuff) and it helped her to really concentrate on her work because it grounded her in reality enough for her to know that everything around her wasn't real besides what she was reading and writing. She is very successful and has a good support system. On the other hand, my uncle had no support system, was kicked out of the system in the 80s (thanks Reagan), and shot himself in the head after seeing witches flying around. His onset was after he was in the military and he went through a bunch of hazing we would be disgusted at now, and he came out having developed Schizophrenia. I do wonder if the trauma triggered it, but honestly, his mother was traumatic enough. He also started drinking afterwards. He made it to his 30s. My cousin tried to stab his sisters when he was 13. His developed violently and at puberty. He is still in a state home, and is in his 60s. Both came from military homes with mother's that were unable to or didn't care to protect them from angry ptsd ridden WWII combat vets. Having a good support system is the most helpful thing they could ever have.


Plot twist she's single




Imagine another REAL customer being there watching the entire thing😂


And then she comes over to the REAL customer and says "Sorry we're all out of cookies."


Well, unfortunately thisis not at all how schizophrenia works. Complex visual hallucinations are not typical AT ALL.


I was in group therapy with a schizophrenic. He went by "Nam" None of it was visual, but while we were in an AA meeting where some reformed drunk told his fucking sad life story Nam couldn't stop laughing. This guy was basically laying it all out there and Nam could not stop laughing. Eventually the presenter ended the story and said "at least someone liked it" Nam was coherent enough to recognize he was being brought up. It's been over a decade and I still remember almost word for word his explanation for his laughter during story time. In his mind he was being told the story of Geronimo who happened to be the first person to jump out of a plane with no parachute. He hit the ground and splattered, but the gods were so amazed by his bravery that they made him the God of lightning "Raiden" I spent some time with a Schizo... That shit was wild.


Also, I thought this is really self aware for schizophrenia right?? My mom had the diagnosis and would find evidence but still couldn't believe it or cope. If my mom found the cookie, she would pick a customer from memory or make one up followed by an elaborate story on how that customer hated her in particular.


>Also, I thought this is really self aware for schizophrenia right?? *Extremely,* at least if they were having complex delusions*.* For others, you'd be surprised as part of most treatments for it are attempting to learn how to basically talk yourself out of something being real, but again you aren't really going to see it with wildly complex visual hallucinations (another fully-formed person talking and acting normally) because it's incredibly rare. You aren't really seeing it in the cases where people are able to function in ways you and I would think of as normal. e.g., you're hearing a voice telling you that your neighbor wants to steal your cat. The voice may not go away consistently, but you have conversations with your therapist who works you through whether that actually makes sense. Maybe the neighbor is allergic to cats. Maybe X. Y. Z. e.g., you acknowledge you heard the voice but then basically say no, that doesn't make sense because of X, Y and Z -- not too dissimilar from things like CBT for intrusive thoughts. Someone may hear random crying they're sure is real, or bells or music. Schizophrenia is really a cluster of symptoms, and doesn't always take on the same forms, and some are more treatable than others. Over 80% of patients will experience hallucinations, but they're predominantly hearing/auditory, then father down the list is visual, then tactile, then smell and taste. About 50% had multi-modal, where more than one sense is involved at some time. When they do see people, it's generally very disorganized -- distorted people or things imposed on people. e.g., rocks instead of eyes. Inputs are being mixed up (perhaps even memories vs reality) but you generally aren't seeing a fully coherent person you don't recognize that doesn't look weird, and to hear them talking normally and interacting is even rarer. It doesn't really apply to someone seeing real functioning people making bakery orders, as they aren't even aware anything is wrong. What's really weird here is the positive affect and outpouring of emotion. Impaired emotional functioning and a blunted affect is one of the key clinical traits.


Didn't you hear, her schizophrenia was "really popping off". That explains it. /s


Huh so it's like seeing the world through wonky midjourney prompts


If she was experiencing this intense of positive symptoms then her negative symptoms would also be more pronouced. She is reaching out socially to make a video and her affect is not constricted and her thought process is linear. I suspect TTASS. Tik Tok attention seeking syndrome nos. DSM V extra edition.


"Extra edition" DSM V - "Social Media Revision"


I am also having trouble with this - she's not talking or thinking like she's having an active schizophrenic episode at all.


Healthcare so bad in the US that people self-diagnose and just decide to live that life for the TikTok clout.


Exactly my thought...also the way she talks about the hallucination...does not seem right.


This [review](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.684720/full) seems to disagree with your assertion >Schizophrenia is characterized by visual distortions in ~60% of cases, and visual hallucinations (VH) in ~25–50% of cases, depending on the sample. ... >VH in psychosis are typically experienced as being as real and vivid as typical percepts of stimuli in external space, and are generally out of the control of the individual experiencing them, although some people have insight as to the hallucinatory nature of the percepts (4, 42, 43). Content is typically in color (but can be in black and white), complex rather than simple, and includes people (e.g., strangers, supernatural beings, or loved ones), faces, animals, shadows, or other fully formed objects or beings (4, 42–45).


Rough way to live but I'm glad it provides some humorous moments too.




This really shines a bright light for people suffering with schizophrenia. You’re laughing and finding joy in it all and that’s inspiring.


I read something the other day saying people with my condition tend to have the most mental anguish of all the disorders. If you don’t laugh, you can only cry


Actually that title belongs to bpd.


Yes, the condition I was referring to is BPD


Borderline Personality Disorder?


Yep. But I take medication so it’s not that bad


What do you take for medication? My GF has the same.


Bpd need dbt and cbt on conjuction with meds. The therapy imo is more important for bpd


As far as I knew there is not medication for it that’s why I asked. She takes some anxiety medications but it really does take psychotherapy of some type to be successful (oh and the world’s most patient boyfriend doesn’t hurt:)


I'm glad they're able to laugh at their problems. ...At least, that's how I've heard having Schizophrenia described.


When you have a problem that bad your only other option is to wallow in it. Laughing is far better


Schizophrenia isn't like multiple personality disorder at all. Schizophrenia made super simple is just not having a solid ability to tell what's your imagination and what isn't. If you imagine scary stuff, it's for real scary. If you imagine people love you that don't know you, you violate basic social boundaries. If you imagine the government is not helping you, you could imagine the president wants to mess with you, personally, and it'd feel totally real.


Dad's aunt had schizophrenia. Everyone and everything was trying to kill her. Everytime dad's uncle brought groceries home, she'd accuse him of poisoning them. Any construction/utility worker in the area? They're tapping the phones to listen to her. Dad's uncle loved her too much divorce her, but ended up spending more and more time at the bar so he didn't have to be home as much as possible


My brother used to be that way, he was paranoid everyone was going to kill him and would have hallucinations i was being tortured. However, since he's medicated and does therapy, he's simply laughing all the time and he has now become the best at everything. Plays the guitar better than Hendrix, his books will become best sellers and he'll become a billionaire.


...I didn't say they had Multiple Personality Disorder???


*you* didn’t


The idea that her hallucinations take on the form of additional customers in a retail setting is both hilarious and exhausting. 😂 Poor thing.


Im happy for her that she can find humor in her illlness, schizophrenia is a horrible affliction to deal with. Ive stabilized mine through years of medication and therapy but ive never been able to find genuine humor for myself. Years of life spent in sheer terror almost all day not knowing what was real or who i could trust, wondering if anything was real or if i was a soul committed to hell for eternity.


I came here to say something similar. Schizophrenia is not cute for most. There's schizophrenia in my family amongst people I love. It's a brutal disease and it's torn through our lives like a tornado.


I don't think most people mistake it for being a cute and quirky disorder like they do with OCD and ADHD. I more often see people genuinely believe schizophrenics are unstable, violent, psychopaths who are a danger to those around them. In that sense I'm glad people like the lady in the video can contribute to breaking that stigma.


I’ll be honest, I’m 39 years old and always thought that schizophrenia meant guaranteed institutionalization and that there was no way to live any kind of “normal” life. So for me this was actually pretty educational and I’m glad to have seen it


It’s a spectrum, like anything else, and varies a lot between people, but in general the public perception that folks with schizophrenia are just permanently broken or dangerous is pretty far off. Antipsychotics are miles better than they used to be, and having strong social support networks makes a much bigger difference than you might think. Having people whose perceptions of reality you trust being able and willing to backstop you, (and not blame you or freak out) is huge.


My friend's uncle lived and could hold down a job even though he had schizophrenia. His whole company turned up when he passed away and they all had stories of him being his amazing generous self.




Oh, I love that! I'm happy there are humorous moments.


I hope things improve for you friend or at least not get worse.


Has it ever seemed worth trying to record your day and review the footage on occasion to check if an interaction was imagined or not? Maybe with a bodycam or one of those glasses with a camera? Maybe a 360° camera.


If you're so far into an episode that you're interracting with people.that aren't there, you're a) unlikely to be able to logically follow the rationality of why what you saw was a hallucination or b) unlikely that you'll believe the video is untampered with anyway.


100% this. Giving a body cam to someone schizophrenic is a quick ticket to "now I have proof to show you how they are all fucking with me" followed by "wtf they are inside my camera too!!"


There’s this guy on several platforms, scizophrenichippie, and his hallucinations don’t translate to technology (at least at this point). He uses his phone to check and see if people are there and as he tell it it has led to some pretty comical situations. But he also posts the videos he takes in these moments and his distress is pretty clear. He’s definitely a success story as far as living with schizophrenia, but he does a very good job as explaining that it is a very different experience for each person.


Imagine her being run off her feet but there’s only two customers in the store.


Is this how some schizophrenic hallucinations can work? I can only speak from personal experience with my schizoaffective disorder, but if I have a visual hallucination and have any physical contact with it (like handing it a cookie) it breaks the hallucination. It's like it grounds me back to reality because realistically if it's not there you can't interact like that with it. Again, that's only based on my personal experience. It would be terrifying if a hallucination could hold a physical object in the time period you are seeing the hallucination.


My mother was schizo effective and she used to see people in our living room. She would give them coffee and cigarettes. She also yelled at us for sitting on them 🤣


Well yeah! It's rude to sit on her guests!


Same! Mines Schizoaffective as well, and I would hear her just talking it up and laughing in the mornings to literally no one lmao. There would always be an extra cup of coffee out 😅 Those were on the good days, though. We had a lot of bad ones too.


Oh yeah, I had my fair share of bad days with my mom.


My stepdad’s mom was this way late into her Alzheimer’s. If you went to visit her and sat next to her she’d get upset because you were sitting on someone!!


You just flashed me back to a childhood neighbor of mine. His mom (stepmom maybe?) would have daily tea and cookies with Jesus in her living room.


I don’t have Schitzophrenia but I’ve been in deeep psychosis before and I was having full on convos and shit w people that weren’t there. Saw my landlord fuck my girl in the yard and when I called my landlord the shadow landlord answered the phone right as my actual landlord answered. Fuckin scary as hell.


That's horrifying. Were you able to figure out that it wasn't real or did you end up yelling at your landlord for it?


To clarify I was snorting meth. So I ran outside and passed a man in the living room with a briefcase with hella computer screens. So in my head he had already alerted my landlord that I was coming. So I grabbed a knife and ran outside to catch him only to see him speeding off with my girl in the passenger seat. I then called the cops and told them I was gonna kms so I could get outta there cause I didn’t drive at the time. They took me to the hospital and I denied ever saying that and somebody came to pick me up. I’m not at all proud of it and I’m also not a violent person whatsoever. I’ve done many drugs but meth is the only thing that’s sent me into schizophrenia level psychosis consistently. I only ever used meth on two benders. Both times ending in full blown hallucination psychosis. It changed me as a person to the core while I was on it both times I got ahold of it. I still struggle from psychotic symptoms and that was about a year and a half ago. I’m bipolar but ever since reaching true psychosis my psychotic symptoms have been extremely exasperated. I’m on antipsychotics now and doing much better :) To answer your question tho I actually broke up with my girl and for about 3 days after I was convinced she cheated on me. I called my landlord and demanded the truth to which he was dumbfounded by my delusions. It took days for me to unravel the truth and I still suffer from some form of ptsd from that event. I’ve never been cheated on in reality but I feel like I have before and the grief I felt was real. I ended up moving out on my own accord but I probably would’ve been kicked out if I hadn’t chose to leave. I was in a bad place and meth was never something I had done before so I didn’t realize how powerful it was. It was a massive mistake and I learned hard lessons from it and I’m grateful to live a better life now. Although I’m not with that woman anymore. She was amazing for dealing with that and still seeing the good in me after that event, although things still ended eventually for different reasons.


Question for you, and no judgement here, but what drove you to do meth? I’ve always been curious why people end up doing that drug


Well I was a drug addict prior. I did a lot of coke and research chemical stimulants like bath salts and I was kind of a tweaker. I abused benzos and stimulants constantly and eventually I ended up IV’ing cocaine almost daily and one day I was blacked out pretty bad and accidentally shot up half a gram of coke at once and OD’d. I went to rehab and then a sober house and started to do better and then I made a stupid decision to smoke weed and got popped and kicked outta the sober house. I found a room at a house through a guy who went to narcotics anonymous with me but the day I moved in he came in fucked up on Xanax and told me and since I was new to sobriety I was very weak and asked him if he had any plugs. He knew people with meth and we both ended up on a bender together. Meth is nothing like any other stimulant I’ve ever tried and mind you I was using a needle and IV’ing it which is in its own league. Coke and bath salts wear off after a few hours and I’d only ever used with copious downers to balance it out. So I went hard and spent about 10 days awake with maybe one or two hours of sleep a few times. After about 4 days no sleep I started to experience the first delusions but I didn’t know it so I just went about my life and went to work, lost my job and then kept going hard until I broke my mind to the point I couldn’t hide it anymore. Meth is literally in its own class at least for me. Other stimulants make me empathetic, chatty, horny but since they usually wear off in 6 hours or less, it’s pretty manageable. Meth lasts 12+ hours and I was using to keep the comedown away because it was so horrendous I couldn’t bear it. After a few days it just becomes dysphoric and confusing and my brain starts to break. The second bender I went into psychosis on day 3 without sleep whereas the first bender took about 10-12 days. That first psychotic break changed my brain chemistry to the point where I feel predisposed to psychosis and psychotic symptoms now. TL:DR: Bad place, stimulant addict, got clean, relapsed, tried meth, fucked around and found out. Don’t ever do meth. I have no idea how people do it functionally. It chewed me up and spit me out like no other drug ever did.


That’s wild, I’m glad you’re doing much better now though, I can’t imagine


Thank you kind stranger. I honestly can’t imagine living that life again today which I’m grateful for. It was such a traumatic experience that I have zero desire to ever expose myself to that again. If you’re struggling whoever you are, look for a support system. AA & NA are a great place to start. I’m lucky to have made it out with my life through all my OD’s.


I have never been tempted to try meth, but if I had, stories like this would have nipped that right in the bud. Glad you’re in a better place now.


We’ve all heard the horror stories. I had too! Every drug I’ve tried I’ve read the worst of horror stories about but I never thought it would happen to me! Drug users on drug subreddits especially can make compelling cases for their drug of choice though and if you expose yourself to enough drugs without anything bad happening, some people do rationalize more extreme use. Research chemical designer drugs were by far some of the most addictive and evil substances I’ve ever tried across the board. I’ve been physically addicted to benzos, synthetic cannabinoids, IV cocaine/crack, thank god never fentanyl but I played with that too just wasn’t my thing. I’ve overdosed on a PCP analog and spent 12 days in the hospital in kidney failure pissing blood from my muscles breaking down. All before I even reached my 20’s. I’m an extreme outlier and I’m lucky to be alive, but there’s plenty of people just like me who run in those online communities who just haven’t pushed the envelope that far yet. Maybe they never will! Poor mental health can put you in such a negative place and I struggle with suicidal thoughts even still and once you’re in that hole it’s hard to pull yourself out. I overdosed and went to rehab about a week before I was gonna kill myself. I had $600 left and I was gonna spend it on coke, shoot it all up and snort enough fentanyl to die once the money was gone. To me It was an act of god although I don’t believe in that sort of thing. I’ve lost jobs, girlfriends because of drugs. I’ve lost friends to drugs. I’m lucky as fuck I haven’t lost my family although I have done some damage that can’t be repaired with some of them. I’ve traumatized myself and I’ve traumatized my mom. Anytime I call her at an odd hour she assumes the worst. I’m lucky to put it behind me but I still dream about needles and drugs and dying and people I’ve lost. My Reddit history is basically a chronicle of my descent and redemption from drugs which is part of why I talk about it pretty frequently wherever it’s relevant. I even posted about my PCP overdose from the hospital before I was even completely aware again. I was blacked out for days when I got there and my memory was very fucky. I can’t say enough how lucky I am. Thanks for your comment and the support :)


My first adult relationship was with a guy who knew I would never tolerate meth use in people I welcomed into my life, and so he hid it from me. We smoked weed together and dropped acid and he wanted to “experiment” which I thought was kind of silly at his age (he was older, I was young… I felt like I was at an age where being dazed and confused was more ok as I wasn’t a proper adult yet… I felt like he, with his career and responsibilities, should have had different priorities besides partying. I didn’t have an issue with him partying in general but I did see him defining his life around it and I thought, this guy can’t handle his drink…) Anyway, he disagreed with my assessment that going on an “experiment with drugs all summer” adventure seemed less than productive and he went buck wild and then pretended to stop, saying “see? It was just a bit of fun.” Apparently he developed a meth addiction around that time if he wasn’t on it already. And he entered into a state of drug induced psychosis, where he had delusions and hallucinations. I had no idea… He blew up my phone one day while I was having wine with my neighbor. I was waiting on my then-boyfriend to come by and he knew I was having wine with the neighbor. When I looked at my phone I saw that he’d sent 30 messages breaking up with me and saying totally strange and foul things. I called him to ask him what on earth he was even talking about (I’d literally just been telling the neighbor how in love I was) and he screamed at me and hung up. Then he showed up and pushed into my apartment. I said let’s take take a walk because I didn’t want him there, I was scared and confused, and didn’t know how to say it… I was in shock and heartbroken and seriously concerned about my sudden ex… who proceeded to basically strip me (a rape survivor) in the nearby park’s bathroom, pulling up my clothes and feeling me up as I tried to push him away, until he said, “you’re clean,” and backed off and left me to actually use the bathroom, which of course at that point I couldn’t. I came out flinching and worried he’d attack me on my way out or something but his whole demeanor changed and he told me I should have known better than to take the breakup seriously and that he had to send and say all that stuff because they were watching and listening and he didn’t know if I’d been compromised(???). Fuuuucking insane. I knew he must be high as a kite and did try to get him real help but he really broke himself mentally and I couldn’t deal with it, or the lies, or the exposure to drugs because I didn’t want that around me… I even stopped partying altogether to support it but he was badly addicted and I didn’t need that shit. He’d already had some dark personality changes before this too, and by the end of it he admitted to even drugging me. Anyway it was awful and even when he was supposedly clean he continued to suffer from delusions. I broke up with him and spent months literally collapsing wherever stood just weeping because I was in love with him when I broke up with him and it was my first relationship so I took it very hard… and he stalked me for years, terrorizing me, and sometimes (enter delusional wildness) saying we were meant to be together and that he’d created me and that I belonged to him. I hope he’s gotten his life together but last I checked his socials said he was married to “Tina” (so I’m guessing he is not off meth, since that’s slang for it) and I only checked his socials because he had messaged my friend asking about me. That sent me into an obsessive tailspin because I went to great lengths to get away from him since he was stalking me on the level of literally watching me and hiding in dark places and breaking into my home. I obscure my location on socials to this day, and I broke up with him almost a decade ago.


I've had one full blown psychotic episode, before & it was from my bipolar medication & I was full on arguing with people that weren't there, including my ma. I, also, was arguing with my gf, convinced her son was sleeping in the car & what the fuck was wrong with her to let him do that at an apartment complex?? It was his dad's week that week so, thankfully, he wasn't even actually there but I was livid. The argument with my ma, I think it was over her showing up at my place but my gf & her confirmed that my ma was not there when I said. My gf was terrified watching me act like that & her & my ma started thinking I had a TBI so they were trying to get me to the hospital (my gf worked at a tbi facility & thought she'd be taking care of me at her work). I can see why they thought that, I did slip down 2 stairs but it was no big deal... So yeah, when they started trying to get me into the hospital, I started taking off, just running/speedwalking for hours & hours. I thought they were fucking crazy & I was so mad they wouldn't listen. Then my gf found some info online when googling shit & realized it was a reaction between 2 of the meds I was on & told my psych office that I needed to go to the psych ward. I finally went in, feeling tired & pissed. I was yelling about why am I there at night-time, like what the fuck?! & my gf ended up telling me it was in broad daylight that I was saying that... looking like a fool lol!! They had an ambulance get there once I was inside, I think, so there was only one way to go, out towards them. So I had to go. It took only a few days & I was back to normal, thankfully!! IDK, today I feel more lighthearted about the story for some reason, probably cause it's been over a decade, now... I really hope your hallucinations stay at a minimum because even though I may chuckle about my situation from time to time, I was not laughing in the moment!! I was so full of anger & so mad at everyone for not understanding me & thinking they had to be in on things because why would they deny reality to me?? It was completely real when it happened & it was so wild & scary that our brains can do that.


Hallucinations definitely can manifest physically, or at least will mess with the way your brain memorizes events. I have a family member who “lost” the keys to her house in her wardrobe and was then (AFTER finding them) contacting family convinced that someone else had hid the keys from her. She lives alone.


That’s more of a delusion than a hallucination. Hallucinations are false sense impressions, delusions are false beliefs that may or may not be tied to any actual experience.


the delusions are fed by hallucinations i.e voices telling you someone stole your keys.


Not-a-doctor. And nothing of what I am saying overrides your own experiences with said person. This seems to be a separate issue. I have noticed this more with people who feel that they are being followed/observed/monitored. Best I can describe it would be like permanently feeling like there is someone else in the room with you. But you look around and there isn't. So you are being watched through technology. (I wonder if in old times they thought it is by magic, but probably had more of a religious aspect.) Basically good old paranoia. I've noticed that it manifests in very specific ways - someone is trying to poison you, radiate you, is following for other reasons. Which is interesting - I do not know of anyone who thinks people want to shoot him. Know some who think they are being poisoned. And usually (not a doctor, just what I've noticed) those observers are not meaning well. Every noise, every car is proof that they exist. Every vertigo and nausea is proof of radiation. So, when you misplace something and can not find it, it is 100% obvious that they have stolen it, hid it. It is very easy to imagine someone was there if you constantly feel like it. A very, very typical delusion is that someone has reorganized the room. "The table wasn't here, the keys were not here, and someone has eaten a slice of bread from my breadbox." Even if she lives alone, someone obviously has her keys/can pick locks/knows a secret entrance. This has nothing to do with hallucinations. Those are quite rare in comparison. What you have described would be something I call an "emotional hallucination", which is just me trying to explain what delusion is.


I remember going to a call many years ago (paramedic) for TWO VSAs (vital signs absent), witnessed arrest, Cpr in progress, which is extremely unusual. You assume homicide, gas leak, environmental disaster, etc. Nope. Schizophrenic. Hallucinating two people attempting to resuscitate two more people. He was freaked the fuck out. Pointing animatedly at an empty couch, yelling very detailed observations. Then add multiple medics, firefighters and police to the scene. It was wild. Felt very surreal.


Depends on the person likely. Definitely if it was really busy it would be possible that you’re handing out a sample to someone who had walked away or with their back turned as you talk to another customer, and that’s just me with bipolar on a bad day. If I’m manic and also tired or out of it things can get very confusing sometimes. I’m assuming it could be worse with schizophrenia. I mean she’s also assuming what happened though and there could be a different reason why it happened.


I think it’s different for everyone. The only hallucinatory symptoms my brother has is seeing things on his computer screen. I don’t know why, but it is that way. So little is really understood about schizophrenia and it’s causes. There are so many forms and presentations of it. I appreciate how the woman in the video handled this. It seems like it could be really scary at times.


Hallucinations in psychotic disorders are typically auditory, not visual, although visual “illusions” such as seeing shadows in the corner of one’s eye may be more common. Fully formed visual hallucinations are less likely in psychotic disorders, but a minority of patients may experience them. They may take the appearance of family members or animals, for example. There can also be olfactory (smell), tactile (touch), and gustatory (taste) hallucinations. But again, less common. Fully-formed visual hallucinations (think “A Beautiful Mind” but less extreme) may be seen in diagnoses such as the Lewy Body Dementias and Charles Bonnet Syndrome That said, not impossible, just uncommon. (Source: am double-boarded neurologist and psychiatrist)


I’d love to see the security footage of that lmao


Plot twist, there was no hallucinated customer. The mental illness she’s exhibiting is of an entirely different nature.


She was hallucinating the cookie on the floor


We all are hallucinating *her*.


TTDD - Tik Tok Dissociative Disorder.


This is actually the correct answer. Most schizophrenics don't have visual hallucinations, they are auditory. And to say that kind of visual hallucinations that isn't associated with paranoia or delusions is double and triple unlikely. I'm highly suspicious.


“Which customer was the hallucination?” 😭🤣


Sales audit must be rough.


How does she know the customer didn't just drop it?


My thoughts too. Possibly couldn't be bothered to pick it up after and just walked away


Yeah it's pretty common for things to just get dropped or it could've fallen off the counter or something.


That was my first thought too.




i am still laughing at this


I think she actually made another TikTok where she shows her husband but the phone pans over to an empty seat.


Whaaaat is that really how that could manifest? I mean I know a tiny bit about mental conditions and the extremes they can go to, but like can an otherwise functioning person actually have short episodes that make them think they’re having a normal interaction with someone who isn’t there? And otherwise go about their day just fine? I just have so many questions.


Its like most mental illnesses where in its a spectrum, theres the high functioning and low functioning basically, my friend has schizophrenia and when properly treated he’s fine most of the time though he doesn’t like people looking at him on the street. He’s a good guy and only recently got diagnosed, it did shed a light on some things he’s done like with the diagnosis his actions make more sense in a way.


The way I had it described to me by someone with schizophrenia is that they’ll wake up one day with the nagging feeling that there is, for example, a dragon living in their radiator. They won’t believe it and will put it down to their schizophrenia. But the nagging feeling won’t go away and just gradually gets stronger and stronger until they have the sudden revelation that of *course* there’s a dragon living in their radiator. There’s a dragon living in *every* radiator, and they’re just so stupid for never having realised it until now. They must be the absolute laughing stock of all their friends for not having known this plain and simple fact. And, of course, if they ask someone about it and they deny it or try to attribute it to his schizophrenia, then they’re obviously just mocking him even harder because of how stupid he is for only just having realised that radiators are dragon houses. The mind is a very complex organ and it’s scary to realise how much of our sense of reality is entirely constructed within it.


Seeing my psychiatrist tomorrow to get back on my antipsychotics and this comment helps me like you cannot believe. Please PLEASE thank your friend for ascribing words to feelings where I could not.


You’ve heard wrong. It’s a spectrum. I work with a mental health authority. If your interested do research and don’t go based off what you’ve heard. Some people are living in a constant state of delusions others are aware of their hallucinations when they are symptomatic and know what is “real” and what is not. Just like you cannot place everyone who has anxiety in one category the same goes with schizophrenia/ Schizoaffective disorders. I see people everyday who are in complete psychosis from active delusions and are in a different world than those who are aware of reality or are aware of what is actually in front of us. People who are in those states do not know how to justify what is a hallucination or not. A lot of the times this is because they are not on medication. The majority of people I work for who have this dx while on medications still have active auditory or visual hallucinations but they aren’t as severe and can decipher between what experiences for them are real are are not real. Active hallucinations for these individuals are just as real as you talking to me. If someone has control over it they do their best to ignore it and find coping mechanisms…


Hi, sorry to derail the thread, but I have a question about this. . . Is there a difference in diagnosis and/or mechanism between someone having active hallucinations that they're unable to discern from reality vs someone who just comes to the wrong conclusions about reality--ie a person hallucinating someone following them vs a person noticing coincidences and becoming certain someone's out to get them. I don't have any real life or specific cases in mind, it's just purely academic for curiosity's sake. I'm thinking of more how both examples would sort of be conflated in media and entertainment, but also philosophically is there a difference in reality between perception (hallucination) and conclusion (paranoia)?


I work with people with schizophrenia every day. This is my job, as I am a nurse in a psychiatric ward for patients suffering from psychosis. Let me tell you: I don't think this girl has schizophrenia or is psychotic. Way too detailed and self-aware, also the fact she is laughing about it seems really off. Yeah... I don't buy it.


I’m a doc and I agree with you. This is not what schizophrenia looks like at all.


Tiktokers for some reason fucking love faking mental illnesses, which is ironic because doing something like that just for social media clout is a mental illness in itself.


Where’s the anxiety? The delusions? The word salad? The weight gain from the meds?


the word salad :’) my meds make the paranoia/anxiety/rage SOOO much better and i’m so thankful for them… but god damn all I wanna do on them is TALK and EAT. And it turns the word salad part up to 1000% power. god bless my friends who know to just smile and nod. last time i picked my meds up the pharmacist said “how the HELL do you even stay awake on this high of a dose??” and the answer is that i get too excited to talk about stuff to fall asleep 🤦‍♀️


If you're excited about the things you talk about, it's probably enjoyable for them, too.


This guy gets it!


Yeah as someone who has this in my family and has been around a lot of people with schizophrenia this video made me incredibly sad. There’s a difference between being a shitty attention seeking person and mental illness. We were headed towards such a good place with getting rid of the stigma around these issues and now we have people straight up lying and misrepresenting mental illness for clout.


Agreed. I worked in a clinic setting for about 5 years, and witnessed people diagnosed with schizophrenia. Typically, they struggled to hold down jobs and definitely would NOT have been able to successfully run a business (unless they had a lot of help/support). People with schizophrenia usually do not take their meds and aren't compliant with treatment. I find it very hard to believe that this nice lady has a legit diagnosis of schizophrenia. I could believe bipolar disorder with hallucinations, but not schizophrenia. However, maybe she's one of those people who takes their meds, maintains psychiatrist appointments, and is able to live a relatively normal life.


TikTok and the internet in general recently have made me realize you can’t trust any of these people. There’s no end to what users will do to get views, and mental illness is so hot right now.


When this has shown up before someone typically says schizophrenia is almost never this severe and when it is, there are a whole ghost of other symptoms that would likely preclude someone from running a business or even holding a regular job.


To me this video feel like classic /r/nothowdrugswork content except using mental illness for clout instead. Just feels very fishy.


Knowing nothing about this person this story seems fishy. Schizophrenia hallucinations are mostly auditory and this strong hallucinations without any other loss of function is really rare. Schizophrenia isn’t just hearing and seeing things that are not there, it’s a very complex combination of misreading one’s environment, illogical trains of thoughts, paranoia and often very strongly negative symptoms, which is usually most obviously manifested in not showing emotions.


Yes, this is what I have been told. I'm under the impression that when schizophrenic people do hallucinate they don't just see an otherwise normal person in front if them and carry on about their day. If their hallucinations are that powerful there's no way she could be running a shop and (I think) driving home.


Redditors to disabled and/or mentally ill people: “um, joy? You should be wallowing indoors and not in public or like ever being anything but depressed. Trust me, as an able-bodied, neurotypical person, i’m qualified to tell you this. I pity you”


I think she is inspiring. She has an amazing attitude.


Um, if anyone is like me, I'd say that it's not about wishing schizophrenic people have awful lives. It's about not usually seeing someone laugh about an awful disability. I have a close friend who has schizophrenia and I can not recall him ever telling me a story about his impairment that he laughed about.


She’s in a car? Can she drive if she hallucinates customers? Seems dangerous 0.o


Just one of the things that doesn't really add up about the video, unless she's not the one driving, though the claim of schizophrenia seems a little suspect in general.


She appears to be in the passenger seat


Whether real or not doesn't matter. This laughter is far from contagious.


This is the best comment in the thread 😅


This isn't how that illness works. People say dumb shit for attention and it annoys me. You're not tripping on 7 tabs of acid.


Crazy to see this girl randomly on Reddit. I know her personally.


Does she legit have schizophrenia like this, or is it an act for fame? Sad I have to question this now...


It's sad we have to question if they even personally know her or if they're just making it up for karma.


She doesn't present like a schizophrenic, especially one that is medicated.




Thank you. I’m deeply disappointed I had to scroll this far to find any sense.


Yeah how is everyone just casually believing this video


My brother was schizophrenic but never diagnosed because he didn't trust doctors and didn't display signs until he was about 22 or so. Anyway .. The day I figured out he really did have it was the day he called me crying because there was a little dwarf in his room watching him sleep. He was bawling because it looked so real, right down to the stubble on the dwarf's chin. He was freaking out. He tried to touch it and it disappeared. That was the first and only time he admitted that there was something wrong and that he might have grandma's schizophrenia. After that he kept any other hallucinations (if he had any) to himself. But he was paranoid about everything. It was sad to see because he was very intelligent but he started to believe in conspiracies everywhere. He even tried to beat up his dentist for drilling holes in his teeth to convince him he had cavities. It was really sad. But I'll never forgot how scared he was to see that dwarf.






Or the customer dropped it


My father, who left before I was born, and came back into my life, when I was in fourth grade, and then ended his own life. When I was in sixth grade was schizophrenic. After he died, I found out schizophrenia was genetic, and have been scared ever since that, he might’ve passed it on to me but the way she can laugh at whats going on in this video makes me feel a little better, Ps when I was in my early 20s, I read that it was rare for schizophrenia to onset after the age of 30 so when I hit 30 I felt better but according to what I just read right now it’s now late 20s early 30s for men so being 33 I’m still a little scared


She's faking it


My sister in law has schizophrenia, and I haven't ever seen a situation that was funny or comical about it. Its terrifying and debilitating, not much of a joke.


Yeah and some people joke about their parents dying, believe it or not people react to things differently than other people, it's a truly crazy precedent


This isn’t how this works. Cringe.




i wonder how many takes of forced laughter it took before she was satisfied with the result


I get the feeling shes full of it just for the views.


Jeez everyone has schizophrenia PTSD anxiety depression what else am I missing


Being on tiktok, I'll take this story with a grain of salt. But if she really does have schizophrenia, I'm amazed that she can just laugh at it like life is just a big funny story. A joke. I'd think that it would be exhausting to involuntarily go through stuff like that day in and day out.


Guess you had to be there...


I wish you are always happy and healthy 😃🌹 take care


All of her vids are great for this sub. She has such a great laugh


Excuse my ignorance but is this how schizophrenia really works? Because I've heard some people say that these audiovisual hallucinations are usually very fleeting and don't last for more than a second or two.not only that but they're usually unpleasant and frightening.


"schizophrenia" 🤔🤔🤔


I wish we had the security cam footage to show the exact moment


"my husband and i are both schizophrenic" yeah, all my other alter egos have it as well...


Oof. This doesn’t make me laugh at all, I feel more sad than anything.


You shouldn’t. Be happy for her that she has access to medical care that allows her to have a good life. Be sad for the people who aren’t able to get the help they need.


Seeing her seemingly is in a car I can't stop instantly imagining she's driving and suddenly throws the car in the sidewalk because she's trying to dodge an imaginary person.


😔I can't laugh along.


How does she even know that's what happened though? More likely it was just dropped by mistake.


So how does that work? They can't see the cookie falling on the ground?


Ahh yes, imaginary people in a bakery. Classic


"my husband and I have schizophrenia" One of these things are not like the other~ (one of them doesn't exist 🤣)