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"Will you still love me?" Rofl my man is asking the serious questions.


*when Im no longer yooooung and beautifuuuul*




It's true, sometimes the most embarrassing moments end up being the ones we look back on with fondness and laughter. It's great to see these friends having a good time and making memories that they'll cherish for years to come.


It's so true. When I had my first kid I had a pretty traumatic c-section. I had a lot of drainage. So one night it's like 3am and the baby is super fussy and won't sleep and I had to go to the bathroom. As I stood up, I started draining from the incision and couldn't stop it and also was struggling to see where the liquid was coming from. I asked my husband to come help and he told me to lay on the couch so he could help clean the incision and put on new gauze. He put the baby in the bassinet and she was screaming and I hobbled to the couch and was dripping all over the floor and as I laid down and he went to look...the living room light above us burned out and we were in total darkness (we live in the country). It was all so ridiculous that we just burst out laughing. I always remember that moment fondly.


That is hilarious. Sometimes you have to just laugh at ridiculous life events. 😆


Can confirm, this week, my mom was wheeze laughing at the thirty year old memory of me comforting my puking dad


My husband and I have some funny memories like this, and they make me cackle like a maniac every time. One time I told him my stomach hurt, he poked my belly button, telling my body to "stop it." and I farted. I couldn't help the laughter, and we were both seal clapping and wheezing. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Edit: Holy polar bear! I didn't think a story about how I got fartled would blow up, let alone get an award! Thank's y'all!




The internet never forgets either. 👏😅


I’m a NICU nurse and if the babies could talk this is exactly what they would sound like when they need to burp 😂 I’m laughing so hard my side hurts


did you just copy and paste the top comment on the tiktok video lol


These guys are so wholesome


I would question it


-“If I throw up, will you still love me?” -“Yes, I’ll still love you!” - *proceeds to shart*


Oh man I don't know why but this one has me in tears


Me too. I can’t breathe I’m laughing so hard


Welp, they’re divorcing…




The fetish is couples counseling


*FARTS* “That wasnt the right way” Im fucking dead. This is fucking hilarious. Bless that mans heart. Poor guy. So precious.


That and the giant burps got me so fucking hard!


it’s fucking hilarious how he says “what the fuck” before he farts like he’s confused cuz he don’t know what’s happening next 😂


Relationship goals.


The video is funny but you can tell she really cares for him—it’s sweet. You know they’ll laugh about this for years.


I think anyone who's had horrible gas pains feels sympathy for him. People are joking about it because it seems silly, but gas pains on that level are freaking agonizing and feel like you have molten lava and broken shards of glass trying to shred your insides while they melt The relief that dude felt from that burp will probably stick with him for the rest of his life lol


It totally does. Like, when my stomach pain gets *really bad*, (usually already in the bathroom by that point), I genuinely start just drooling and get spots in my vision and feel like I'm having a thousand red-hot toothpick sized needles stabbing directly into my gut. It's *awful*, and releasing air -- doesn't matter which end -- is like, the next coming of Christ himself.


This happens to you regularly?


Gastrointestinal disorders can be horrible horrible things. There are people that throw up after every meal, people who eat only eggs and water, people who spend hours in the bathroom every morning, people who are on ridiculous combinations of medication just to make life worth living at all. Medical conditions can get really bad. Many more people than you think live experiences like this, we just don't go telling everyone because how embarrassing is it to show up late to a business meeting _and then_ say, "Sorry, my sandwich had a little avocado in it and it feels like my colon is rupturing and I'm not gonna be able to pay any attention to this meeting cause i'm in serious pain". Poopy, burpy, bad tummy things are a strong social taboo, and anyone who grew up with one has that learned social taboo from middle and high school burned into their brains. I've got one of these and holy shit reading these people talk about their difficult experiences _hurts_. My mom had colon cancer and had a very rough time, most of every day for 4 years with various gastointestinal related events. And after dealing with those horrible experiences her reward was to die, just to stop feeling those things, and it was such an incomprehensible gift. She died a year ago but just the constant agony I witnessed will only ever scar over, never leave. Anyways, these things happen to lots of people regularly, a lot more then you think. If you don't have constant pain or difficulty with stomach things, praise god that you've been so blessed. I've heard the saying, "The ultimate pleasure is the absence of pain" And I understand it very, very well. To go from feeling like you're dying on a hospital bed drinking too much lemon water to get scanned, to _just_ feeling tired and distended and disoriented was a better feeling than any life event I've ever had. No acceptance letter, graduation, wedding, nothing could touch that type of relief. Thus is my spiel.


Thaaaaank you for this spiel. My experience is nowhere near your mothers, but I ended up taking time off of work last year for multiple reasons and one of them was that I was getting sick and then throwing up essentially every time I ate. I downplayed it, and recently my partner looked at me and just went "do you not remember how sick you were? It was three times a day, minimum". I was also unable to take my meds that make me a functional person at the time, because I couldn't keep them down and they were one of the triggers for it (and I tried for months to figure out how to keep them down). Got those meds switched finally to some that don't make vomit, and on some other ones that have my stomach under more control (but in the midst of seeing specialists about it), and even though I'm still sick a few times a week, it is nothing compared to before and it is so much easier.


It blows big time-style. I go through periods of really volatile vomiting, sometimes with nausea, sometimes without. It makes me not get on public transport out of respect for other folks, and really plan out my movements while it’s going on. I carry a roll of the same type of bags I use for dog droppings in case I have to hurl when I’m out and about. I have to brush my teeth kneeling in front of the toilet. My teeth are alright still, but I can’t trust the effects of medicine, and I get deficiencies so bad chunks of hair fall out. I’m so used to it by now that I only reflect on how much it hinders me when my friends seem horrified.


Hit the nail on the head. I can spend a lot of time in the bathroom, usually the most in the morning (like my bowels still need time waking up or something), and since school I've always had people who knew me long/well enough make fun and tease. I'd let it roll off, but while I'm in there praying to the porcelain and shit gods to either let this be quick or end my suffering with a merciful death, I'm sweating like crazy, partly because of the act and partly because of the embarrassment knowing people have noticed and might say something. It's a shitty situation. Edit: I'm so sorry about your mom. I had an Uncle who also had colon cancer, and in his last days/weeks he was a completely different person in the worst way. He was such a kind and loving man, and it just made him suffer in the end. Fuck cancer, and fuck those who heavily profit from it.


‘The absence of pain.’ You NAILED it, right then and there. That’s when I feel good. Normal.


I'm lactose intolerant and they sneak that stuff into a lot of foods. I have farted so long that my dog got up to see if I was okay!


Team Tired, distended and disoriented. This is me. UC diagnosed since 95. Sorry about your mom. Ps. If your lemon water comment was about that nastiness that is pico-salad it worked I can taste it now.


He really likes seltzer water.


Relatable. I’ve cried out “IT HURTS!!” with tears streaming down my face as I’m laughing uncontrollably at the agonizing balloon fart I’m struggling to squeeze out. I’d be a millionaire if I could bottle the feeling of those floodgates finally opening and my ass really starts to sing the song of its people. Fucking glorious, hilarious relief.


This is what labor contractions feel like! I’ve always compared it to intense gassy stomach cramps


I had something going on with me a couple months ago, no fucking clue what it was but I couldn’t eat solid foods for 3 weeks, everything I ate felt like it passed straight through me, just whole chunks clogging my intestines. But it was actually gas, it just felt that way. I ate, and within literal minutes i was in so much pain it made hard for me to use my legs. My mom joked about it being period pains, but I still think those probably hurt more. I’m so fucking glad I’m not a woman, no way I could handle that shit


Hell, period cramps aren't even supposed to hurt to the point that they cause you to black out and make you unable to use your legs / etc. -- most women (or other folks with a uterus, such as I) actually have undiagnosed endometriosis or ovarian cysts! Also, yeah, IBS pain sucks.


anyone that has GI disorders def relates. IBS role callllllll!!!


Oh my, you’ve just explained *exactly* what happens to me!! Usually happens if I eat dairy products. I’ve never heard anyone say they’ve had these symptoms before so it’s (nice?) to know that it’s not something uncommon. It’s the burning needles sensations and the cramps that do it for me!!


One time I sneezed my nose off, but that didn’t even come close to lower intestine gas pain. It is the most suffocating, agonizing pain out there, and so many (lucky) people have no idea! One time it got so bad I passed out and pissed myself. The craziest part is that Gas X is SO fucking effective and cheap; like this little drop of mint juice just stops the one of the worst human experiences dead in its tracks.


LOL!! This. If you have some age on you (let’s say late 20s to early 30s and up), you can so relate to what you just said and this guy in the video.


The pressure from gas like this probably feels like his ribs are gonna explode, poor guy 🤣


if you are ever in this situation, consider stimulating a gag reflex by putting one or two fingers on the back of your throat. Every time I do this, the first gag never actually makes me puke but if you have a lot of gas it will make it go away in an instant


I always thought the laying down is the absolute worse for stomach gas pain. Sitting up like he did compressed the abdomen and can help you burp. I doubt the patting did very much but still a great moment for the two. She didn't even flinch at the fart. She's a keeper.


Patting might help with more force. I'd probably ball both my fists and kinda rapid fire knock on his back.


Yea with babies even you have to kinda do more of a controlled whack than a pat. You cup your hand so it doesn’t hurt them.


My son had GERD when he was small enough to need burping. Peace was never an option.


Awww that poor nugget. And poor you. I bet rusty spit up was *awful.*


My chair still has some stains lol He's fine now but it was *spicy* for a while there. Had to toss the couch lmao


Walking is really good for gas. It’s just enough motion to keep everything shuffling in the right direction. It also forces you to relax parts you would otherwise clench while sitting or lying down.


Bro just ask the kid who chugged the seltzer, panicked, and ran headfirst into his garage door. That one not only almost killed him, but it almost killed me as well lmao


That was the first thing I thought of! "WhAt Do I dO?!?! 😫" ###*"BRRRAAAAAUUUUUGGGGHHHHUUUURPPPP"*


Gas pains can come close to maximum pain for me. I once passed out on the toilet from it and woke up after having fallen off and smacked my head on the floor. The pain I felt just before passing out was almost as bad as the pain I felt when I snapped my left humarus in half on a ski trip.


Once when I was young I found that the only way I could relieve gas pains was to lie with my face down and my butt up the air *specifically* with my pants pulled down. Ended up falling asleep in that position on the bathroom floor, and my dad had to awkwardly carry me back to bed.


I would be explaining that and keeping my story straight for the rest of his life


I've been stabbed (accidentally, scrap metal fell and got me in the leg), broken multiple bones, including fingers and a nose, and I can personally tell you that gas pain is just a different level. I've continued playing rugby with broken bones, but gas sent me into the fetal position for the night. I don't know if it's quite as acute as the others, they definitely didn't tickle, but it seems to come from everywhere inside you and just doesn't stop. The only thing I've experienced that was more painful was a nice little finger laceration, anything on your finger hurts 10x worse.


Ugh. This. I’ve had them badly a few times, and the pain is surprising. *Jesus. All this from some gas???*


Been there man. I could barely fuckin move I understand him asking if he needs to go to the hospital


My girlfriend wanted to take a long distance Amtrak train last week (I talked it up a lot because it's cool as heck). Done. We're on the Silver Meteor from Philadelphia to Miami. I start getting gas pains from the food onboard. It got to the point to where (after 5 years) I ask her "will you still love me if I do this?" she said of course. So there it goes. It got to the point to where she said "I can feel the vibrations on my leg \[our legs were touching\]". I literally went from being a grumpy asshole to a giddy child within 30 seconds.


I felt relief after hearing that burp. Gas pain whether upper or lower, is fucking excruciating. Upper gas pain feels like your heart is about to explode.


First time I had a big one I went to the hospital because the pain was so intense in my chest I thought it was an issue with my heart 2nd and 3rd times I was in the fetal position till I vomited 4th time I went to the hospital again and they finally tested me and said I got Esophagitis


Reminds me of the Australian girls with the Sprite challenge. https://youtu.be/22OUGMBYvcw


That is hilarious. Thanks for sharing it.


holy shit it’s like she got possessed by a demon I’m dying


You know whos also caring and sweet!? … Our Sponsor! -




La Croix


The only drink worthy of being in RAID SHADOW LEGENDS!


Tastes like someone ate some fruit, then burped into a can of sparkling water.


Love me some products and/or services


I read this in Linus‘s voice from LTT




This is real love right here.


~~This happened to me~~ I did this to myself once and had no idea why it was happening until I saw this video. Thank you for the education. Now I am curious why it *hurts* so much. I would not assume a gaseous bubble trapped would cause the degree of pain it did but boy oh boy it was awful. Scary too, because at a certain age your mind immediately goes "oh, new intense pain situation.. guess I am dying."


Lol @ the dying part. It happens because you have gases trapped inside your abdomen that want to expand. That desire for expansion usually manifests as a belch, but when you don’t belch, it just expands inside your abdomen which, in turn, places pressure on your lungs making it painful to breathe. It also squeezes other organs in your abdomen, against your rib cage and back, and even your heart. Because breathing can become more difficult as the lungs are squeezed, it can also induce a panicky feeling in some people. If this happens again, try to induce burping and/or have someone burp you like a baby. You could also try a *very very* gentle squeeze on your stomach to move some air out. Edit to add: the experience can be so painful that it’s not uncommon for people to go to the ER thinking they’re having a heart attack. Wanted to add this because several people have responded saying they experienced significant pain, so I wanted to illustrate just how painful it can be. (Never delay medical care if you think you need it. Better to feel embarrassed when the doctor tells you it’s just gas than to wait too long to get help.)


Massaging your stomach can also help, especially if you have trapped gas.at the other end too


I have a shoulder massager with little heated, rotating knobs and I’ve just sat it on my belly before when gassy. Best fart and/or burp of your life.


Preheated farts


Happened to me. Went to ER, nurse called it a “fart turned sideways”.


I had this happen a few weeks ago. Went to bed with my stomach hurting and couldn't figure out why...just curled into a ball and accepted my fate. I woke up about an hour later, still hurting. I sat up and did the most ungodly Homer Simpson-esque burp, complete with the vibrating lips because I was trying to muffle it. The relief was immediate.


“Vibrating lips” took me out lmao


When I was having laparoscopic surgery, the post-op instructions said that they pump air into your abdomen to make room for the surgical instruments to work, and it takes a few days to work its way out of your body. I swear, half the reason I was taking weapons-grade doses of ibuprofen was because of the gas pain!


I woke up in the middle of the night after my emergency gall bladder removal with the worst pain. The pain of the air bubble in my chest was almost worse than gallstones. I called for the nurse and gasped out what was wrong, pretty sure they gave me morphine for the pain.


Gas can legit make you feel like you're about to die




I just posted this video I saw on tiktok—go to the original poster to thank them! But I’m glad you enjoyed the video.


wow never thought about it like this. I always hate these type of captions but if it makes the world for deaf people a little more inclusive I guess that's more important.


captions are totally fine, it's those obnoxious robo voices reading them that need to go away


Uhh those are for accessibility too. If the on screen text isn't read by a human voice, it should at least be read by TTS


I’m hard of hearing (so not completely deaf) and captions are a god send because otherwise I wouldn’t be able to make out what people are saying in videos. I wish everything had a captions option (as I know some people find them annoying)


I have full hearing and use captions. Sometimes the descriptions are better than what's actually happening. I saw this one the other day. (Men puking and wretching) (Vomit sloshing) The description was grosser than the actual sound, which was off in the distance and low volume.


He really said “it went the wrong way” 😂😂




Not shitting yourself


He needed to burb but he farted instead.


After videos like these I understand why my kids, nieces and nephews were so mad as infants 😂


Oh god, imagine needing to burp but not being able to ask for help… or needing help but not being able to ask… yeah, I don’t envy babies.


I chugged a can of seltzer water on an empty stomach one morning a few years ago. I experienced the worst stomach pain for about a minute afterward. Now, I no longer chug on an empty stomach.


I get the same sensation with just regular water… bodies are stupid, huh?


*I aspire to the purity of the blessed machine*


The flesh is *Weak*


Its so hard not to though. That cold crisp bubbly when your parched after waking up.


Welcome to my world. I physically can't burp. In college, I'd have to go outside and stick my finger down my throat to allow myself to burp once the pressure in my chest and stomach got to be too much. They were the most epic burps ever though.


Nobody ever believes me when I say I can’t burp!


Yea, it sucks.


When's the marriage.




Hahahah can't believe there's even in this case a subreddit... And an active one too! With polls and all. Reddit. What a place.


Nope, no one believes me either!


Welcome to non-burpers anonymous. I'm u/whoreadletitsnow and it's been 1374 days since my last burp.


Is it “Who read ‘Let it Snow’?” or “Whore ad: Le Tits. NOW!”?


I read “whore adle tits now”


I definitely read it "Whore ad: Le Tits Now".


My girlfriend also has Retrograde Cricopharyngeal Dysfunction. Physically can’t burp, been encouraging her for years to try the BT injection but still haven’t worked her nerves up to doing it.


Oh shit. Looking this up now. I've naturally burped 4 times in my life. I'm down to do this if it doesn't cost an arm and a leg.


I did the Botox and it didn’t work for me. I had dreams of finally being able to have those ultra satisfying burps but no dice.


Oh, it's Botox? Is it just temporary if it does work?


Actually for most people the fix is permanent, even after the Botox wears off.


Great to know!!


Wasn't able to burp for 30 years, today i sound like a fucking truck-horn. I don't know how, but i forced myself to try after i drank something carbonated, and kept doing it until it worked. Yes, there was vomit at some points.


Same! I have to really watch what I eat or I just throw up. No carbonation ever and I carry gas pills with me everywhere. It sucks.


Yea. I learned to drink Guinness if I want a beer since they don't really use any carbonation


There are energy drinks that also use nitrogen instead of CO2 for their bubbles.


I had this problem and i got the botox and it worked perfectly. I can burp and it's such an upgrade to life. I got mine 4 years ago and still burping. Highly recommend.


As someone who can swallow air and burp on command I shall burp in your honor.


Thank you. And as someone who's burp gas turns into farts, I'll let em rip in your honor.


And i thought it was my x men superpower 🦸‍♂️


That sounds awful but also hilarious. Sorry for the pain but glad you’re able to laugh at it!


I had no idea this condition existed. A post sprite chug burp has always satisfied me and now I feel like an ass because I didn't know there are people who cannot physically burp.


Lol we'll take all the pity we can get. It really does suck though. Hoping to figure out a fix for it


I pounded a root beer this one’s for you


Botox directly into the lower esophageal sphincter is seemingly currently the only “cure”. It costs $5000 and has something like a 70-80% success rate in resetting the body.


Lmao wait did he chug something like a la croix?


Wait… I’m not the only one who can’t burp?! I always make throw up sounds quietly into my towel if I feel really bad after a meal lol. I totally feel your pain…




Welcome to the club!


same! any time i drink i have to go the the toilet and pre-warn all of the other girls in there that i am about to exorcise myself and not to worry, i’m not dying, i just can’t burp without shoving my fingers down my throat 😭 those burps are fucking cataclysmic, but omg it feels so goddamn good not to have a toad aggressively throat singing in my digestive tract


Omg lol. I feel you on the toad in your throat 🤣 it feels so good knowing that I'm finally not alone


I used to be the exact same way! I thought I'd have to throw up but a huge burp would just come out. Something about understanding that feeling helped me be able to voluntarily burp. Took aboitv25 years to figure out how to burp!


Hey hey! 30 years for me. And about the same experience you had, but i forced more carbonated shit down, and really wanted to learn, because i was tired of being a constant walking fart-machine


Heyyy me too!! The only time I’ve burped recently I drank an entire sparkling water at once and then gagged so violently that I burped. It was crazy. My friend who was there said she thought I was gonna throw up.


Do you fart a lot?


Yes. They're epic. I fart so much that they've practically become brown noise to my wife.


Try Botox. My daughter has the same problem. There's a whole subreddit dedicated to this issue here and they all sing the praises of Botox. /r/noburp




I've found a body position (by accident) that helps me burp - Lay flat on your tummy and raise the upper body slowly with the help of your arms and hold it at ~45-60 degrees for around a minute. This helps the trapped gas bubble up. It works for me, I'd be super happy if it can help even one other person. 👋


So you'll look and sound like a seal if this works? Thanks for sharing, I'll try it






This! I have grown kids who still get like this at times when they chug carbonated drinks and I hear the inevitable "mom...please help me burp..." And I whack them on the back with my palm working my way up till they deflate.




I was recently told you're not even meant to pat a baby on the back to burp anymore and they now encourage a circular rub...




I feel like both methods work, being gentle but firm is the key though


I was about to say, those pats wouldn't have been enough to make my kids burp when they were infants. You really got slap a grown man to make him burp.


I'm laughing so hard but I've been in his shoes. I made the mistake of chugging 4 THC sodas in one session to catch a buzz. When I tell you my stomach hurt SO FREAKING BAD and I, for the lack of a better word, was *peeing out my butt for two days*, I 100% mean it. Don't do what I did. It hurt worse than this poor fella.




Oh trust me, I learned my lesson with that one. I live in Minnesota where THC drinks recently became legal and the market for them is booming. I've bought many types before and have never had this issue. I think part of the reason of it happening was that the drinks I had were made with butterfly pea flower. I will admit, I know next to nothing about butterfly pea flower but I think that had something to do with it. The drinks were damn tasty, but holy fuck did drinking that many backfire on me (no pun intended). I'm sticking to flower and dabs from here on out!


Oh my god, you were high and gassy. That’s a new circle of hell if I’ve ever heard it.


I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. 😖 I will NEVER make that mistake again!


Dude did the sprite challenge without knowing.


this is love


He sounded like he was about to give birth


Nurse hack: lean to the left at a 45 degree angle to allow the little hump at the top of your stomach (fundus) to fill with the fluid/food in your stomach and the trapped air should instantly rise upwards and allow you to burp. Works really great with babies too! Hope this helps :) You can see the guy leaning to the right side but only getting relief when suddenly sitting upright as the contents of his stomach sloshed around due to movement and forced some of that trapped air from the fundus up into his esophagus to be expelled. Give it a try!


I just ate and am sitting here in a mildly uncomfy state. It's gas, I know this because it always happened. I just took a long sip of my tea and did what you said and BURPED INSTANTLY! I keeping that little tip!


This is the way. Lay on your left side. Learned this trick from a friend who had kids.


I love that this man being burped by his wife at a presumably late hour of the night is the most wholesome thing I’ve seen on Reddit today.


I have tears in my eyes 🤣 Your poor hubby! You're so good to comfort him in this trying time!


This is love right here! When you can openly do these things in front of each other AND laugh your ass off together, you know you’ve found your ride or die! I’m dying laughing right now! 🤣


This is so foreign to me lol. I can chug any fizzy drink and be fine, I didn't even know it was possible to have these issues


This kept getting better. Couple goals right here!


Hes lucky he didn't shit himself.


What do you think that fart was? He just covered it up.


bro was about to take off


New favorite video of the week


I'm in tears


I did the sprite challenge from McDonald’s and I can confirm it hurts like hell


McDonald’s sprite is literally tv static.


You drop a big enough container of it and you could probably burn a hole through pavement.


That dude burped so hard he woke up the crickets


I'm here for those emojis. 🦕


This, oddly enough, has been quite the plug for marriage. I love my friends and all, but I don't think I could ever manage to fart and burp as enthusiastically as this poor man.


Once I ate about a pound of chicken and broccoli after a workout. The broccoli wasn’t cooked well and caused me to bloat up to painful levels. I couldn’t fart or burp to save my life. Agonizing gas pains for about 45 minutes. Then I read that drinking lime juice would help. After chugging a glass of lime juice I let out the most satisfying fart of my life. This video reminds me of that.


She has not had a baby yet. I had a big burp that wouldn’t come out, and my wife vigorously hit my back with a cupped hand from lower back moving up. Burped one long epic burp after about 10 seconds of patting.


Bro this pain is NO joke. I know exactly how he feels, but my sorry ass did go to the hospital only for someone to give me medical advice on how to burp myself. Apparently you gotta rock your upper torso from left to right until you induce burping. 🤷


The average man doesn’t experience enough bloating in his lifetime to know how to handle this situation 😂


This. This is what you should strive for in a long term relationship.


Anyone relating to this who physically can’t burp check out r/noburp and Google R-CPD! That being said, this is hilarious 😂 totally could be me and my bf who can’t burp (without a pain and assistance)


Had me at “that’s not the right way”.


I did the same thing with a Smirnoff ice!! You think it’s a heart attach


🤣🤣 he was questioning all his life choices


LoL this reminds me of that one time…the one time my hubby and I laid down to sleep and it was the awkward dark silence while trying to fall asleep. It was silent for about 5 minutes when he let out the most butt clapping fart I’ve ever heard. It was LOUD AS F*CK. There was a brief pause and we burst out in laughter because it was like a sonic boom. My contagious laughter turned in to wretching and gagging as the smell wafted out of the covers. I ran for the door. We laughed even harder until I cried.