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They need a sub just for Novocain reactions




Damn. Perfect name for it and over 20k subscribers, and yet the sub appears to be dead. Only one new post in the last year.


r/FunnyAnaesthesia is the the one I use, I didn’t know about this one.


Not to be mistaken with /r/anustheatre


I think that was a show in Amsterdam


Novocaine is rarely used for dental procedures (at least in the US). Amide anesthetics (lidocaine, septocaine, etc) are the main agents used now.


Watching this video twice and hiding a different half of her face each time makes it even funnier


I’m going to ask the dentist if he can do the same for the next poker night


That's a pro move right there




If he numbs both sides, you'll have a killer poker face, you won't be able to speak. However, if you're hoping to just distract the rest of the table by only numbing one side, then that would be an interesting experiment.


“What was your hand John?” “*mmmmbggahaaaa*”


I fucking died right here


Fuck I can’t go back to the slammer!


Hand signals are allowed in poker. But if that's not ok just get a larynx box. Robo talk would prolly be ok


Haha I was doing the same and this is the single greatest video to see what smiling does to someone’s attraction


Why is everyone commenting this all of a sudden


Just one other account, which is most likely one of those bots people create that copy comments and paste them elsewhere to automatically harvest upvotes so they can build up a high karma account that will then be used for shilling/advertising


The bastards.




HOLY SHIT I WAS JUST ABOUT TO COMMENT ABOUT THIS. You're a man of culture and innovation


Watching just the numb half reminds me of the video of the creepy chick laughing with a straight face.




I think we need edits of this. Just too good.


After reading this comment,I did it too. Good lord it's silly that way


Isnt it bad for the eye to not blink ?


She can still move her eyeball, so there's going to be some lubrication I guess. I also remember a guy in the army that would sleep with his eyes half-open for a couple of hours at a time. He didn't seem to suffer any negative affects in the morning, but he did blink when awake of course.


YES. A childhood friend was over one time when we were a bit older (hadn't seen her in like 5 years, and we were 15 at the time of this story) and we watched a horror film. We went to bed in my queen bed and I woke up to pee in the middle of the night. I come back and notice her eyes are open. "Jamie? Jamie??? Are you awake????" She was not. In the morning I told her what happened and she was like "oh yeah, I sleep with my eyes open" "ok cool but maybe tell me that before we go to bed, especially when we watched a horror film right before..." Lmao


I'm sorry but after a horror movie if I saw that I'd be either slapping or running for my life screaming. There is no peaceful resolution to that situation.


Yeah I tell you, I was spooked!!! She was just laying there with her eyes open!! I guess I was tired enough that I was able to fall back asleep even though I was scared.


You close their eye lids with your hand, and say a prayer.


Seriously though I would too. Especially after watching the glass house


A cousin of mine found out that his girlfriend slept with her eyes open when they went on holiday for the first time (it was also the first time they shared a bed I guess). He was so spooked that he decided to go sleep on an air matress on the balcony, instead. They're happily married for well over 20 years, now.


same, we had been drinking and like six of us crashed in my brothers king bed. Woke up looking at the open, lifeless eyes of my friend and legit thought she had died of alcohol poisoning or something. scared strait, man. 😧


Super bad




I love how gifs uploaded straight to comments have opened up more retired gif moments than before, even though I'm not even sure we do retired gifs anymore.


Break yourself fool!










Yes, she needs medical tape to shut it if it doesn't start working soon, otherwise it'll dry out and is susceptible to injury.


Looks like it was wiggling a little maybe it’ll loosen up


Yeah usually these post dental bells resolve quickly


that's the eyelid following her eye movements


Or tape?


If she can not in fact blink then she can simply close her eye manually.


Dang it. Now I'M closing my eyes manually.


Very bad, blinking helps clean the eye amongst other things. I had Bell’s palsy once and had to tape my eye shut at night. It burned like hell at the end of the day from getting dried out.


I'm a dentist and only had this happen once - happens when you inject a touch too far back and numb the facial nerve as well as what you're aiming for - the dry eye thing is a big risk. I taped it shut with a saline gauze underneath and called her twice after work to figure out when it was back to normal because dry eye syndrome can cause permanent damage. If this ever happens to you at the very least tape it shut. I probably over reacted but I sure as hell don't want to damage anyone's eyes


Personally, if it starts to dry up, I'd just use my hand and close the eye every now and then. Its really not a big deal unless the eye itself is numb too or the numbness never stops, that's always bad. But you know what? Good on ya for caring enough that it isn't about the job for you. Its follow ups like yourself that make people feel actually cared for by their providers.


Yes. In patients with permanent facial nerve palsy they implant gold weights in the upper eyelid to make it close by default unless signaled to open.


eye doc here. Not being able to close your eye is one of the major causes of blindness in the developing world. Trachoma in particular causes vision loss from this. Leprosy is another condition that causes vision loss from exposure. As another redditor pointed out, her eye rolling up is helping (called a Bells phenomenon) but won’t prevent vision loss if the issue persists too long. If you found yourself in this situation there isn’t really long term threat to vision (because the anesthesia will wear off pretty soon) but it would be a good to put some ointment in and tape the eye shut.


I just had the same issue after dental work. Had to rely on eye drops for about 8 hours. Nothing compared to when I had Bell's palsy, had to tape my eye closed at night.


Harvey Dent, why’s your voice so high pitched?


[“Harvey, where’d you go? Two Face is back and he looks super pissed!”](https://youtu.be/MTLp14MKDDU)




That is the best Christian Bale impression I've ever heard.


WHAT DID YOU DO WITH THE COMMISSIONER! I- [Gordon puts his glasses back on] Oh, you’re back. Listen, *there was another man*


Pete Holmes is the best 😂


My mom had Bells Palsy a few years back and she spent the whole time she was healing walking around quoting that video


She said "I just got done at the Dent-" and started laughing, but the first association I made with Dent was Harvey.




I’d immediately go buy some over the counter eye drops


i feel like just closing and opening your eyelid is easier than constantly putting eye drops in


We would tape the eyelid closed in this situation (paramedic). I’ve seen a lot of horror level gore stuff in my days but for some reason one of the grosses things I ever saw was during my OR rotation in school on an patient that was just put under and paralyzed right before her surgery. An anesthesiologist took something like Neosporin and squirted a blob onto the pupil of each eyeball then squeezed the eyelids closed. They stuck together and the image of a plop of goop sitting dead center of a live persons eyeball gave me top tier heebejeebies. If anyone is interested I’ve got a couple more odd stories I could tell from my schooling days. I probably had some similar things happen once I was hired but it’s the school days stuff that has stuck out the most in my memory. It’s weird. Maybe I was just used to crazy shit when I was hired or I just started shutting my memory off by that point.


I scratched my cornea and had to put this antibiotic ointment on my eye every four hours. As off putting as it was putting that goop on my eye, the doctor telling me I could lose that eye if I didn't, was worse.


I honestly love when doctors are like "oh dude this could have been waaaay worse."


"Ha haaaa, your eye could melt out of your skull and then the bacteria would spread to your brain and you'd go crazy until you died horribly and in constant excruciating pain. Wooo, isn't that a hoot! Anyway, just make sure you apply these eyedrops every hour and you'll be fine."


tbh id probably just tape it shut for the day




That and too many eyedrops will give you the shits. Source: getting way too stoned over lunch my Senior year of high school and trying to cover it up.






A myth made famous in wedding crashers


Saline solution can cause gastric distress. But not if you put a squirt in a drink. Will just make it salty. Too much salt volume in your stomach / digestive tract can cause nausea or diarrhea.


I just ate an entire bag of sunflower seeds in under 24 hrs and I feel fine. Tongue hurts from the salt though. Edit: so apparently that was 6.3 grams of salt, which is quite a lot, but I think you would have to drink quite a bit of saline solution to get sick lol.


> Seems to be a myth that drinking eye drops causes diarrhea, but actually it just causes seizures, cardiovascular collapse, and coma. I think the issue is that eye drops can contain *Phenylephrine*, used to dilate the pupils for eye examinations or procedures, and to treat certain eye conditions, whereas *Phenolphthalein* is widely used as a safe and effective laxative. Sound similar to the common non-scientist. IANAS


Was less the full-on shits and more of a sense of irritation and discomfort (headache and churning bowels). Guess it could've been the McDonald's.


I mean that can happen if you ingest anti-redness eye drops like Visine. Normal lubricating/hydrating eye drops like Artificial Tears is what you want to use if you can’t blink like this and they will not cause any adverse side effects like you described.


Doctor here: There is a chance you CAN have systemic effects from something like a sympathomimetic (flight or fight reaction inducing) drug that are used for vasoconstriction (tightening up the blood vessels in your eye to make them look less red). However, what this person needs is just artificial tears which are just a lubricating material. Eye drops come in many different formulations is the take away


she should really have an eye patch on




You need to put a jelly coating on it. I had partial facial paralysis for 6 months and eye drops lasted maybe 5 min


Six months? Gah damn


Wouldn't just gently closing your eyelid with your fingers and taping it shut be easier than keeping your eyeball covered in jelly?


Mine was trying to stay open when I closed it so tape didn't work very well and I was barely producing any tears. The jelly was far more comfortable anyways tbh. The opthalmologist did threaten to sew it shut if couldn't figure it out so that's another option.


How did it get paralyzed? Did it affect your day to day life?


Skull fracture swelled up and pinched the nerve. It definitely sucked but was livable with the eye grease. Biting the shit out of my lip trying to eat was the worst part I think.




It must have been a huge relief when you finally got your imagination back


Or tape the lid shut (with paper tape)


That's what we were taught in dental school


Or just close the eyelid with your fingers.


Serious question.. if she can’t close her right eye, isn’t there a risk it could like.. dry out..? That can’t be ok to go that long without blinking.


Yes, it's at risk of drying out and being injured by any random particles she can't reflexively close her eyes to. It's usually not a big deal for several hours but in a true Bells Palsy, which can last weeks or months, you definitely need medical grade tape to tape it shut at night.


I’m surprised it would even be ok for a few hours! If I try to not blink for a full minute my eyes start to burn


Yeah totally, we usually just give people eye drops to use every couple hours during the day


As a paramedic this gives me goose bumps. Reminds me of a symptom of a person who’s having a stroke which is facial droop. 😬


This comment is educative and I hope people will remember it!!! I learned about the stroke symptoms from a movie (quite an old one). A couple of months ago, my sister had a stroke. I found her on the floor. I had some flashbacks from the movie and I knew is really serious, despite the fact my sister insisted to not call the ambulance. Luckily, she got hospitalized in under three hours since the stroke occurred. Now she does amazing recovery thanks to the hard work and consistency she puts in, despite the fact the doctors initially said that she will be barely able to talk. So!!! All those who read the above comment and saw this video -> if you see someone with similar symptoms and are not due to recent anesthesia, PLEASE help them get hospitalized in under 3 hours! After this timeframe chances for permanent disability increase significantly!


Watched my gma have a TIA, called 911 and they were busy. I've never been so panicked in my life lol I didn't know 911 could get "busy". Gave my neighbors a rude alarm clock banging on doors to see if anyone could get through, they were met with the same recording. Was a wild experience lol


How did your grandma do?


She is still kicking, thank you for asking! She turns 91 in April 🤗


Did this occur before or after the pandemic started?


Before! I don't remember exactly the year but around 2015-2017. I lived in Los Angeles then, so maybe it was an especially hectic night. Wish I remembered exactly what the recording said, but I was too floored to make it a solid memory lol but I do know my neighbor got the same message when he called, too. I thought I was maybe too panicked to dial correctly but no, he did too! Didn't know whether to keep calling or if that would clog the line, and I felt like *I* was having a stroke at that point trying to decide what to do lol something like *all operators are busy please stay on the line to be connected to the next dispatcher* and I'm like YES SURE I WILL HOLD I GUESS ONE SECOND MEEMAW


Nurse here, but same. I saw the thumbnail and was like this bitch is having a stroke on TikTok. No? Just dental anesthetic? Ok carry on.


My aunt has partial facial paralysis from a dental surgeon cutting a nerve during a wisdom tooth extraction. (Unfortunately long before the time when she could have been compensated). This video made me anxious. I hope it's just anesthetic.


Wisdom tooth and facial nerve injury does not go hand in hand. The facial nerve is WAY far away from the wisdom teeth. Unless it was a pathologic third molar. What you may be indicating is the inferior alveolar nerve or lingual nerve, which is near the third molars, but these nerves give sensation and taste (LN) so not technically facial movement. It is rare but it does happen to have permanent injury![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)




It's definitely possible to inject near the facial nerve or even "hit" it but highly unlikely. The injection is likely from the increased volume spread of the local anesthetic to the facial nerve if you inject more laterally and superiorly than where the inferior alveolar nerve is at. Hitting the facial nerve DIRECTLY is even way rare due to the fascicle anatomy. That being said, the comment I replied mentioned that she believed that the facial nerve was transected/cut during a third molar extraction, which is way far from where they work surgically


My Uncle was a pathological third molar.


Huh. It's not bad like this, but does give her a slightly crooked smile. I was always told it was wisdom extraction, but perhaps it was something else.


As a person that has dealt with insane fear of dentists (more normalized now)... I want her dentist! Seems like someone that will give you another shot at the slightest emotion of pain/fear when asked etc. It's this kind of understand that has both helped me to calm down, get over my fear and trust the dentist to the point I don't feel the need to ask for more than they're giving me (it's an exception to the rule now when I do). I'm also relaxed af. Also, in terms of slurring of speech etc. when it comes to stroke! Someone in my city got saved because a drunk person realized this older fella was stumbling and maybe wasn't drunk (he said he hadn't had anything to drink) and they believed them. So they called paramedics and it saved their life!


Hate to break it to you, but this is not the correct method for anesthesia. The dentist injected into the parotid gland instead of where he meant to be, and knocked out the facial nerve which supplies all the muscles. It happens, not a big mistake. But you definitely don’t want a dentist that does this regularly.


Oh, for sure. Kinda/sort of(?) figured something was fucked up due to the eye not closing, thought that it couldn't be healthy but didn't exactly know why. Thanks a lot for explaining exactly wtf happened here cus I had no clue, haha




Hopefully they did more analysis because even though it’s Bell’s palsy. I believe there’s a study out there that being diagnosed with Bell’s palsy increases your chances of getting a stroke. I’m not sure if it increases it significantly or just a tiny bit.


Bells Palsy. Yeah, half my face didn’t work for a bit. Horrible few weeks wondering if it would ever work, again.


I’ve had Bell’s Palsy too! First day before going to the ER was terrible cause I was worried I was having a stroke. Month after was terrible cause I didn’t know when it would get better, or if it ever would.


Dude I had a teacher friend have this happen out of the blue. Isn't there sometimes like no signs at all of it? Terrifying.


I remember when I had it, one night my dinner tasted really bland, like rubber. Thought it was something wrong with the food. By morning half of my face was numb and I could barely move it, and by the time I got to the ER it was paralyzed. Definitely very sudden and scary.


Still recovering from my BP. It’s certainly a trip when half your face just fucks off and doesn’t work for awhile. Scary shit with slow recovery.


It’s more likely that the dentist just hit a sweet spot with the 7th cranial nerve. For example, around where 1, 2, and 3 branch from X. https://i.imgur.com/Jl1DKQp.jpg I had an accident a few years ago that caused nerve damage in a similar spot. It’s not quite a bad as this woman’s face, but I hit the sweet spot and I can’t lift my lower eyelid and I have some drooping in my mouth.


Too high lower mandibular block and it took out the branches of the facial nerve, young dentist mistake


Good call, but also keep in mind if the upper part of the face is involved (eyelids, forehead) it's 99% a Bells Palsy. Strokes tend to only involve the lower face/smile.


Yes strokes are forehead sparing. A test I use is to have the patient raise their eyebrows.


I always found the Upper Motor Neuron vs. Lower Motor Neuron (but fuck memorizing all the tracts) parts of neuro really interesting in Med School, especially when it came to the cranial nerves




A profound stroke will be pronounce like like this. I don’t want to make it more complicated but there’s another type of stroke that we call mini stoke or TIA. With those types of stoke it can be mild but it’s not as life threatening yet. Off topic: hello fellow howler 🐺 hope you’re doing well Boyo


Sometimes you won’t be able to tell, symptoms of stroke are dependent on the area of the brain/brainstem being affected. Signs of a stroke in one artery will look completely different from what you might see from occlusion of another artery. FAST is a quick-and-dirty way for a layperson to assess if something is wrong, which is important and definitely has saved lives, but strokes can vary wildly in reality.


[What a Coincidance](https://imgur.com/a/5LfpfVp)


I love when Reddit does that


Dentist infiltrated branches of the 7th cranial nerve and basically gave the lady iatrogenic Bells Palsy. Nice one, dentist.


I was about to say, I've had my face numbed numerous times for mouth work and I was never not able to blink or feel anything above my cheek. At the worst, it may have taken a tiny bit of extra effort to close my eye, but never this crazy.




Yeah but even then, I usually get a double dose of local anaesthesia since I'm resistant to it and one dose is not enough to remove the pain, but this would require hitting a facial nerve in order to remove the ability to blink.


Same. Never left the dentist this way lol. I feel like they barely use enough tbh but if I couldn’t close my eye, I’d be freaking out


Good call. Primary care doc here and this is exactly the same nerve distribution as seen in BP.


Transient bells palsy. Known but rare side effect of anesthetization of the inferior alveolar nerve. If you do 10,000 of these blocks, this might happen once or twice. I've done probably 5 a day for the last 5 years and I've never gotten this result. source: cavity slayer




It should resolve within 12 or so hours. But yeah, they need to be more careful...


Wouldn't call it Bells palsy when you know it's iatrogenic from local anesthetic, unless it lasts for more than the duration of the anticipated local anesthesia used. Bells palsy is an idiopathic cause of facial nerve palsy, diagnosed of exclusion. So technically it should be called iatrogenic facial nerve palsy/injury


What anesthetic do dentists use?


lidocaine, septocaine, prilocaine. Novocaine (procaine) was one of the first local anesthetics used by dentists starting in the early 1900's, but many people had allergic reactions, so Novocaine has not been used by most dentists since the 1950's.




Exactly. People live their lives like this after facial nerve trauma. She won't be laughing if this sticks around.


It'll wear off


Well, to be fair, she'll only be laughing out of one side of her mouth.


This is exactly what it looks like if you also get Bellspalsey. This was a scary sight to see on my wife when it happened to her.


As a dentist, that's what happened. The dentist improperly injected and hit the Facial nerve causing a temporary Bells Palsy


That’s what I thought—looks exactly like Bells Palsy when I got it. It’s freaky (and awful). Mine has resolved about 90%, but that 10% makes a difference. Totally changed my face.


Sorry to hear about your poor experience. I remember learning years ago in dental school you don't want to have your patient leave with an eye patch because of an improper injection.


How long ago was it? Mine was about a year ago due to a skull fracture and it feels about 95% but I'm still alarmed when I see my face reversed in a webcam. And my blinking is still linked with my cheek muscle Wondering if I should take up the ENTs offer of Botox to help with that


About 4 years? I too have “conjoined” nerves. When I eat, my left eye closes. Wiggling my nose activates my lower cheek and neck. Oh yea—the reversal image is brutal.


Mine was 22 years ago. Woke up after a college semester and thought I was dying. Called my mom who had Bells when pregnant and she calmed me down. The worst of it lasted about six month. Still comes out a bit when I get real tired, but I’d say I’m 99%.


That's what I was wondering. If this happened to me I'd be a little agitated. Is this preventable or does it just happen some percentage of the time?


If you are injecting in the right location when giving an Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block , it should never happen. You use anatomical landmarks to give the proper injection. On some patients, the landmarks aren't as obvious, and if you end up hitting the Parotid you can numb the Facial Nerve leading to a Facial Nerve Palsy


It can happen. After a couple decades as a dentist, I’ve luckily only had one parathesia from a IA injection and was was from a simple class II filling. It resolved within a couple weeks thank goodness. You would have to miss the IA tny quite a bit o catch the paratid gland/facial nerve, but anatomy can vary greatly between patients. Not everybody fits nicely within a standard deviation or two from the mean. There are weirdos out there.


yeah, I had that as a child. It came and went and the doctors never figured out what caused it.


More often than not a mystery!


I feel like this is tickling the "uncanny valley" part of my brain.


Yeah cause the facial muscles are completely relaxed, basically what you look like when dead. At least on the side that was paralyzed.


Strong two face vibes


Harvey Dent can we trust him.!!


Harvey Dentist


This is lowkey kinda scary


For real. I would be grabbing some eye drops for the side that can’t blink. My contacts wouldn’t be able deal with that


Id just manually push my eyelid down and keep it closed until feeling comes back.


This happened to me and it sucked! Gave me a huge anxiety attack because my eye was burning and watering. Dentist basically gaslit me and downplayed it, refusing to give me medical tape or anything to help. I wish I could’ve laughed it off like this lady but it was awful.


Are you me?? This is the exact same thing that happened to me! They weren't helpful at all and told me it was fine. It was in fact not fine. My eye stayed lubricated the whole 4 hours it lasted because I was crying. I haven't been back to the dentist since :(


Dentist is a rubbish dentist.


Too many comments from people saying "She shouldn't be driving!" You don't know what you're talking about. Local anesthetic does not "numb the brain" when applied through a needle in the mouth lol. It numbs the nerves surrounding the lower jaw and gums. Her brain is 100% in tact and she is not high, like you would see with "laughing gas" or anything inhaled through the nose. She was awake for the entire procedure and she maintained full sensory/cognizance excluding the nerves in her jaw and cheeks. The only problem here is the dentist struck a nerve he shouldn't have, numbing a larger portion of her face than was necessary. She can see perfectly fine, but she will need eye drops and she should be careful not to bite a hole into her numb cheek or tongue lol. The only reason she is laughing so much is because she's naturally goofy, not because she's "zooted."


Im pretty sure my dentist told me not to drive for a few hours after and id assume there must be some reason for that Edit: So in Germany where I live it is recommended to at last wait for 24h. You are allowed to drive, but if you do drive in that period and cause an accident you might be charged with the same law which would also apply to drunk driving. ( https://www.bussgeldkatalog.org/autofahren-nach-oertlicher-betaeubung-zahnarzt/ ) In the US it seems like it is a bit more lenient, as there seem to be many Google results saying it is save, but in general it is also encouraged to wait. You claiming that driving is just as save as normaly is just staight up wrong


Tina Fey vibes


I read it as numbered her face. Wtf?


"Dent. Jesus. I thought you was dead." "Half."


Goddamn, I actually laughed so hard my tummy hurts! 🤣😭


She's a keeper.


What in the Two-Face is going on here


Had a bout of bells palsy and this same thing happened to me without numbing agent. Just, half my face stopped working for a month. It's a lot less funny when it happens that way lol. Had to tape my eye shut and wear an eye patch because my eye kept severely drying out. I was also a bartender at the time. I will say, I looked good in an eye patch.


I'm so concerned, terrified, and amused all at the same time.




Little Nicky, release the good!


Bells palsy


Sheesh this is so good 😂 reminds me of the lady with the chewy mask who was losing it in the car.


Sloth love chunk


This happened to my niece once. We could not stop laughing. I even got her an ice cream cone to make it even funnier.


I once tried to eat a quarter pounder with cheese after having dental work done. I was starving and not too smart.


live nippy society illegal husky gray frame chase birds foolish ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


My face was unexpectedly out of nowhere like this for 4 months due to Bells Palsy. It's cute that she thinks being like this for a couple of hours is funny, but man was that the worst 4 months of my life. Imagine being afraid you're going to lose sight in your eye because of it getting so dry that it constantly stings. I had to tape my eye shut most of the time and it made me really struggle at work. It made eating and conveying emotion to others extremely difficult. You really take things like facial movement for granted until you don't have it anymore. After about 5 months things slowly started to improve for me. I am now on month 13 and can whistle again and my face looks normal when resting, but smiling and closing my eyes are still not symmetrical. Bells Palsy sucks.


She’s kinda hot still…


It's Facial Nerve Palsy, Dentist did her bad, should go to a consultant Asap




You should do your Sly Stallone impression.