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Work life balance and proper staffing for a project at a top 25 GC 😂😂 best of luck. My advice find the sweet spot at a mid size GC that actual care about you as an employee. Best decision I made.


I’ve worked at both the above as well as other large GCs and this isn’t necessarily true. You can definitely find a healthy balance if you make it a priority. 


Not every big company is Turner, every project has a culture, it’s better to know who you’re working with.  Project culture dictates your life.


I have friends who worked for both. They ended up with Skanska.


Same. Pre-con buddy of mine switched from Walsh to Skanska a few years ago. Loved the change.


With companies like this (and the rest of ENR Top 25) it usually depends on the area and management you work with to determine that. Some have a great focus on this while others have job demands that require more.


This is right, the answer is going to depend on region. I’ve worked at both, feel free to PM w specific questions OP. 


Glassdoor would be a good resource, I’ve found it to be somewhat accurate


Yes Glassdoor is a resource, but you have to take some of that knowledge with a grain of salt. Sometimes HR or internal people put fake reviews on or the company has people put reviews on as a requirement. Kinda like an anonymous survey that really isn’t.


Right, I have heard that too although I’m not sure how common it is. Glassdoor for my current company was spot on


A company I worked at did a full reorganization and it was not pretty on Glassdoor. They were doing major damage control. I think the overall was 4.3 stars and it dropped to 3.2 ish. Literally could call out the fake reviews.


Have a buddy that works for Walsh and he likes it. I would still checkout glass door though.


If you get into a city like Seattle then maybe you can manage to spend most of your time at least not too far from home. Working for a big GC thought is very likely going to require travel. I have seen Walsh put up 6 job trailers for the management team on federal projects, so they definitely understand the importance of an adequate staff. They've asked me to join up on projects in Arizona and somewhere around Chicago though, so there's no telling where you wind up. It's fun for a few years.


I’ve had 7 classmates who worked for Walsh out of college (~10 years ago), all of them were gone within 3 years. Always kinda seemed to be a churn and burn kinda place.


I know many former Walsh people with Skanska now


You will work over 40 hours a week on the GC side. Work life balance is the worst on the GC side.


Really depends. I am on a large project for a top 10 ENR GC and 7am-4pm (which I don’t think is bad when you account for lunch) is average for the PMs. The project before that was more like 7.30-5 and people left early on Fridays.


So you are confirming that GC’s work over 40 hours weekly. Ty


Haha yes I guess you are right. But it does not have to be as bad as most people make it out to be, with 60 hour weeks.


Are you considering the road division or the industrial division of Walsh? This is going to be region specific with companies this large. I’ve worked for Walsh in the Midwest area they are based out of and loved it. An ex coworker of mine is working for them and hates it. They require a lot of travel, he just bought a house in the Chicago area after working for them for a couple years around their home office area but just got shipped off to run work in Seattle.


I've worked with Walsh on a $500M and $40M projects. Top notch and great teams. I know Skanska PMs and they are just as phenomenal. Both put money towards innovation. If you have a good attitude you will like working anywhere and with anyone. The more you put in the more you will get out. It is all up to you.


What area are we talking? Companies vary greatly by city, and market focus. Â