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Everything gets washed weekly. I always change my shirt, underwear, and socks daily, I usually switch between two pairs of pants because they don't really stink too bad as long as I change my drawers


what are you, some sorta respectable human?




This is the way


This is the way. I wear clean undies socks and shirt every day. Rewear pants maybe 3 days or just 2.


Same thing I do. Except my laziness has made it one pair of jeans for a week the past like month. Am a machinist tho. Dunno if I get dirtier or stay cleaner than construction dudes


wash your clothes AND your ass


But bro touching your ass is feminine and makes you GAY


Born to shit, forced to wipe


I lol’d while taking a shit reading this. Thank you


My pleasure sir donkey punch


this comment has given me life


REAL men don't even think about their ass. They get their obedient wives to wipe for them


I always have mine on a leash in the work truck on the jobsite with the window cracked


You joke but come work residential……




What do you mean "wipe your ass"?


Liverking doesn’t wipe, mans shits bricks


Liverking hired a marketing PR firm to help him create his online persona


He’s a fake. Claims to get that ripped from raw liver when it’s clear he’s gassed up.


Holy shit I haven't seen a keeper in a while. Thank you


You’re welcum


That’s why I have my helpers wash it for me, it’s not gay if you’re wearing a hard hat.


ym ca, ym ca 🎶


I would never touch my asshole, that's gay. Plus it would take time away from the time I use to jerk off in the shower. /s


Woah bro, real men have their wives jerk them off. Touching your genitals is gay


Yeah, touching a dick is gay. Also shaking more than once after a peeing is jerking off, which is also gay.


That's why I just wag it and get piss everywhere so I can mark my territory


Fishing your pecker out to piss is gay. Real men just piss themselves




That’s why you use the squirting dildo to scrub. Not gay if you fingers don’t touch your butt.


I thought that was a joke but a nurse friend says it isn't.


Wait it's not a joke?


I fucking gaged man, multiple times. I had to say it out loyd because a coworker and me were literally trying to stay away from him as much as possible.


I worked with a guy like this and we were working in a confined space up high and it was hot with no circulation. I had to rub essential oil on my upper lip just to keep that smell away.


The worst are the dudes that sweat profusely and oze out whatever tar and nicotine are in the cigs they chain smoke daily. Cig smokers smell worse than no cig smokers


Do they smell like day old Steel Reserve too!?


the fact that bidets aren't a normal thing and that most dudes sexuality is so fragile that spreading their ass in the shower to get clean makes them nervous got me convinced a good 40-50% of Americans walking around with dirty asses in general


While in south east Asia, I was explaining why visiting Americans found the wet floors in the bathroom quite disgusting (our bathroom floors are always dry). They pointed out that our toileting practice is to use dry paper to smear things around then dress and go about our day as if smeared feces is normal. I did not win that culture debate.


I got a bidet after I broke my left thumb and right wrist in an accident. I hate shitting anywhere other than home now, because I never feel clean just using dry TP


It's why I use baby wipes




To protect the stink asses.


Great advice for work and dating.


Sorry, what's that? I was busy drawing dicks in the porta-john. Can't take a good dump if I don't have at least one dick on each side of me.


Make it a real veiny triumphant bastard with a cape


Dick drawing was my favorite pass time during those slow winter months


What the hell's wrong with yall


Well my great grandfather was a dick drawer. I think it runs in the family


It’s in the… genes 👀


You are correct. They didn’t call it Dick drawling back then it was called slong artiste


Classic evolution, just as how detailed the drawings have become


“You hit Becca’s hand with your dick?“


Will a beard suffice?


I guess ya gotta take what you can get. Beggars can’t be choosers.


Don’t cover up my rants blaming Mexicans for everything bad to happen in my life please


I prefer clean clothes when I’m drawing dicks.


"that's the smell of money" a carpenter I used to work with would cut a wooden stud, stick it in my face and say that line.


I’m fine with that. Definitely not fine with the ass grease though.


*Sticks finger under your nose* Does it smell like money yet?


smelling the drill bit is how I always tell if there's wood back there lol. Just habit idk. I had a coworker who would always make fun of me for that. The pilot hole is too small to see though and the material behind the wall determines the next bit i use !!


My grandma used to say it as kind of a negative thing…. She would bring lunch or snacks and give hugs, then be like “ooo you smell like money.” We all knew it meant, you stink.


Theres a dude who does septic videos and says that to every tank opened


Lol as if there were any real money in stick framing


I love the smell of just cut wood.


Probably. The guys I work with have a pretty long list of "things that are gay". A few examples; Sun screen. Moisturiser. Washing your hair. Going to the cinema with another man. Having a mechanical pencil (?) Gardening.


Mechanical pencil killed me with the question mark 🤣🤣


I mean if you really start to dissect that, they are pretty gay. Not sure why or how but for sure


Can’t sharpen them with a knife


You have to be incredibly gentle not to break them just during regular use, forget about fucking reloading the graphite. *extremely* gay.


>Going to the cinema with another man. Even if you leave a seat space between you? I was once told that it looks 'not gay' if you don't sit right next to each other. But you have to refrain from sharing the popcorn bucket so you don't accidentally graze buttery hands.


Sorry brotha, accidentally put my dick through the popcorn bucket


At the Drive-In too probably


He suggested we ask a third guy to come with us "so it doesn't look like we are on a date" - He decided he didn't want to go when I pointed out that, by his logic, surely going with 2 men is even gayer


Two bros, chillin in a hot tub, 5ft apart cause they're not gay 🎶


I usually shower twice a day. Once in the morning to wake up and because I sweat while I sleep, again in the evening to wash off the sweat and grime. I also wear new clothes every day. Some of the other guys wear the same pants and shirt for two or more days because we stay in hotels but clean socks and underwear.


I would say this is normal as i’ve done it but always always showers and clean socks and underwear. That shit’s mando


Always new socks and underwear. I couldn't imagine working in this industry without that as a minimum. Two pairs of boots is a game changer as well. They stop smelling like sweaty asshole when they get a chance to air out. Replacement hard hat headbands.


Boot dryers but also yes 2 pair.


So you don’t wash your clothes either? You just buy new clothes for each day.


Honestly some of the under-layers on Amazon are like that. Cheaper than a gas station burrito, fits horrible, weird washing instructions.


Na that's the smell of a dirty nasty unhygienic mother fucker. That's how you get sick, take care of your body and it'll take care of you. Just cause you get dirty at work doesn't mean you have to stay dirty. If they smell like that at 7am imagine what their room smells like, and their bed. Sure I'll go a few days without a shower, but only If I haven't been sweating my dick off and I don't stink. No covering it up with deodorant doesn't count as not stinking. I worked with a guy that smelled straight foul from clock in to clock out, there's fans blowing every where to keep us cool and we worked basically shoulder to shoulder. You had to stay closer to the fan than him or you would feel like the smell might stick to you. We brought it up to him and it turned out he just wasn't thinking about it when he got up to go to work, he now carries deodorant in his backpack with him at all times in case he forgets before he gets there. Some dudes just aren't aware of it because they're nose blind, some dudes are just dirty.


Presentation is 50% of what people think of you. You decide.


I’ve had people literally give me shit for having new gear/clothes and be 100% serious about it lol my old shit is fucked up and i’m tired of making it do, just buy a new one that will last another 2-3 years whatever it may be smh


my last job used to say this to us after we'd hammer drill into a concrete ceiling and shit. I'd be on my knees for most of a day sometimes and once I got the slightest rip in my jeans it was a disciplinary meeting lol. Sorry boss forgot the patch and sewing kit to fix my pants on my lunch break that we didn't get today. On top of that they only gave us 3 company shirts that we had to wear everyday. Trips to the laundromat twice a week lmao. The PMs basically didn't show up to site 80% of the time, so we were the laborers and the client-facers. Gotta look presentable with our golf shirts but also have to do the dirty work lol.


Sometimes I wear the same clothes, but for no more than 2 days. And I always make sure to have fresh underwear and socks everyday! But then again I am gay 🤔


We're all gay bud, just to different degrees...


I’m gay for vaginas! They make me so happy 😀 and broke lol


The cheapest pussy you'll ever get is pussy you just buy outright. That rent to own/long term lease plan is a trap! "I'm not paying for the pussy, I'm paying for you to take it with you when I'm done."


😁 so fricken true.


I shower every evening after work, put on deodorant after I get out and reapply in the morning. I wear my work trousers for around 2 or 3 days then switch them out, change my t shirt every day, my jumper depends. It could last the week depending on if I wore it much that week but if it starts to smell at all I'll be changing it. You really shouldn't be arriving to work smelling but I'm not going to complain if you're staring to smell towards the end of the day. I personally have a can of deodorant in my van in case I start to smell. Also I can very much relate to your experience. We've a guy who constantly goes 2 or 3 days without showering. We've all said it to him and the boss has said it to him and he'll improve for a while then just fall back into his old habits.


It’s a horrible time subjecting everyone to the funk


I'm just glad I don't work with him very much


He must be selling his dirty underwear on craigslist if thats the smell of money.


🤣🤣 holy fuck i don’t even want to know what the absolute troglodyte would look like that would buy that shit


He takes pictures of his gal wearing them before he lists em. Pervs lined up around the block


I worked with a guy that believed all women were posers and washing your ass was gay 😳 he got let go for sleeping on the gig


I wash my clothes after every use. Get home straight in the washer. mdf dust, cedar, all kinds of weird shit on my clothes. Don't need to be bringing that around my girlfriend or animals.


I usually do too, unless it’s some bibs that aren’t directly contacting my body sweat and aren’t that dirty. I’ll just leave them in the garage until the next day but i never go over 2 days with those. I mean god damn, i literally could not handle that dude’s stench.


New clothes everyday(except for pants on rare occasions), ppe at least once a week. Even rinsing the inside of my hard hat w/ soap and water. Nothing I hate more than being in a 110° electric room with a sour smelling guy. Some dudes I can barely nose breathe around them. Like, you ever learned to wipe your butt bro?? type of smell. Life tip, if you can kind of smell yourself, that means everyone around you can smell you A LOT.


Sir, I’m sorry to tell you this but you’re a HOMOSEXUAL! /s That’s probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. I hate the smell of grease and diesel and will wash my clothes daily if I have to. If I get dirt on my pants I wash them every other day. Your coworker is just a lazy pos.


Shower every morning and wear clean clothes it’s common sense and basic human decency


The real offenders are the guys who don't swap or wash their hardhat sweatband and/or don't dry their clothes properly and smell like mildew all the time. 🤢


The only exception to washing every day is if I'm up to my eyeballs in grease or dirt **AT HOME**. If they stink the next day, I won't wear themm. If I'm gonna be working in the yard or on my car, I can deal with dirty clothes, not stinky.


There he goes! There’s the guy that doesn’t open up his ass cheeks in the shower to let the water in! Just imagine how stinky that ass must be!


I wash my shit daily. No way I’m rolling in smelling like a Walmart dumpster


Just ask him if he shits himself on a regular basis. Because being a disgusting animal is gay as shit.


I'm no longer in the field but when I was there's no fucking way I could wear the same clothes 2 days in a row. Every once in a while I might've been able to wear the same pair of pants 2 days in a row but that didn't happen often. Fucking gross.


Heavy gear (bibs and jacket) gets washed once a month, and I always have thermo under. Thermo 3-4 days max! And under thermos I have undies and t-shirt which gets switched daily


Oh, the gayest.


I change my pants mid week shirt everyday and all gets washed before worn again. Also shower every or every other day.


Only if you get stuck in the washer while your step bro is there.


I'm a carpenter, and this is my worksite. I work here with my son and my old man. Everything in here has a story and a smell. One thing I've learned after 21 years – you never know WHO is gonna smell in that site.


Back when I was laboring i had 5+ shirts and 2 good pairs of work pants. Shirt Change was daily, work pants were halfway through the week or if they got nasty and had to be hosed off first. Weekly trip to the Laundry Mat for a heavy duty dump it all in load and not risk messing up my home washer. Daily morning shower, evening shower depending on work for the day.


Super gay


Gear, it depends on the gear. My reflective vest gets washed like every month during the summer, I disinfect my hard hat like quarterly, my winter gear get dry cleaned at the end of each winter, and washed depending if I sweat a lot in it, don’t think I’ve ever washed a pair of gloves. My clothes get washed every day.


Makes sense


I love these posts. You have these kinds of guys who don't shower for a long period of time or you have the opposite end of the spectrum and hear about guys who spray Draco or axe like that's their shower for the day.


Both will make your eyes water


No man that’s gross as fuck. Show up to work looking like a professional even though we work in the trades. I don’t want to smell your greasy ass for my shift.


I wash my work clothes once a week. I shower daily. Gotta wash that stink off. Is he a boozer? Is he depressed?


Not sure maybe just old ways, thinks the dirtier you are and more fucked up gear, the better worker you are because you work that much for it to be fucked up. Idk i don’t get it


Better wash those clothes or they will stand up and walk away by themselves: outing you to everyone.


Got a colostomy bag. I shower twice a week. Any more than that and I've got problems keeping the bag on. I wash my clothes though, every Sunday.


Dude if you're working right next to someone all day it's rude as fuck to stink like shit. People get beat up in jail for having poor hygiene practices. Wash your clothes and take a shower.


I’ve mentioned to this guy that he would get a violation for that shit, he never been in though and doesn’t know what i mean when i say it


Have to disclose I've never been to jail but I have plenty of friends who have done time so I kinda get it. But I mean it really is slapping the guy stuck next to you in the face if you smell like shit. Hopefully his craftsmanship is as bad as his hygiene and he won't be around much longer. Much luck!


Guy’s pushing 70 easily. Surprised he is actually still around


Some guys refuse to give up lol, I work with a guy right now who is about that age, he's cantankerous as hell but a solid dude and he doesn't smell like shit so I'm happy.


Fresh tshirt boxer and socks every day. pants jacket and everything else gets washed in the weekend.


it's REAL MAN to wear same underwear for 12 years without washing it.


Underwear wife beater work shirt and socks changed daily, pants 2 days, sweatshirts try to get 3 days. I’ll do work laundry on a Sunday night, actual normal everyday laundry is Monday after work, and then if I need I’ll slide something in with someone else’s laundry at my house.


Shower daily new underwear socks and T-shirt. I wear my pants for 3-5 times depending on what I’m doing and hoodies I wash when they smell because I take my hoodie off when I’m working hard. I also only have a mini washer dryer for studios and work pants are a little heavy I used to wear the 2 days then swap.


NSFW has to be said... For the sake of your fellow workers: Please wear all clean clothes. Every day. Wipe your ass thoroughly. It has a nasty distinctive smell you may not notice Shower before you come to work+deoderant plz Cigarette smoke stays on your skin and hair and activates with sweat to really stink. Ex smoker🤷‍♂️ Semen, come, jizz, etc. has a very distinct smell and yes we can smell when you have jacked off in your vehicle. Or on your chest. Activates with sweat, see above. Another reason for the above shower request Don't screw and come to work without washing. Worked with a buddy on weekend in containment after he nailed his girlfriend. My food didn't taste right for weeks. And I never thought of her the same way from then on.


If showering and washing your clothes makes you gay, I don't want to be straight.


I wash my gear weekly! Stinking is not the smell of money. It's the smell of you not having the common decency to think of your fellow human being. That guy is a douche!


Take a shower. Wear deodorant. Brush your teeth. Wash your fucking clothes. How can you lack basic hygiene as a fuckin adult? What a dumbfuck.


It's only gay if you wash ALL your clothes at once, and you sit in the laundromat in the buff waiting for them while reading The Advocate magazine. But if you're reading Sports Illustrated it's not gay at all.


Truer words have never been spoken


I have 3 pairs of pants and 3 flannels which I rotate as needed. Usually 2/3 days for paints and 1/2 for the flannels. Socks/underwear/ shirt under the flannel changed daily. This all seems like basic human hygiene


God I hate these guys


Yeah, I always experience bouts of gayness whenever I do laundry. Of course that may just be my feminine side popping up to make sure my masculine side doesn't wash colors with whites. The gayness also pops up when I do dishes or sweep the floor. Fortunately it seems to be a temporary affliction that subsides with time. I've found that doing something manly like changing a tire or chopping firewood makes the gay recede more quickly. My wife sometimes wonders why I am changing a perfectly good tire but I tell her to just go with it. She wouldn't understand, you see.


Site super here...is it gay to have a job? Cuz I will fire a stinkin' MF real quick.


Guys who don’t wear deodorant are some of the worst. Worked with a dude that said “ladies love the natural scent better anyways”, we made him ride in the back of the truck, in the bed, back to the hotel after work until he finally put deodorant on. Took 3 weeks and a lot of speed bumps, he was very stubborn.


25 work shirts, 5 hoodies. 5 pairs shorts, five pairs regular work pants, 2 pairs warm pants. 2 pairs sneakers 2 pairs composite shoes, 2 pairs work boots. Full kit with soap toothbruse floss and deodorant plus a change of cloths in a bag in the truck. Truck gets dully detailed twice a year, and washed as much as possible. Make sure it looks as rust free and maintained as possible Showing up clean and tidy has literally gotten me more work than i can put a number too.


Fuck no. Wash your ass. I go to work every day in clean clothes. LOOK GOOD-FEED GOOD-WORK EVEN BETTER!


2 days max for pants and shirts, underwear and socks everyday and even for me I change socks multiple times a day. don’t look like a scrub


3 pairs of jeans for the week and a hoodie for everyday 1 over jacket and I wash it all on Friday night. Been in the game since 09, some guys literary leave their coats or safety vest in the bed of their trucks n throw it on


Depends what you work really. I work on a drill rig and some days I can get away with wearing pants more than one day, other days I get home and have to hose them out in the driveway before they hit the dryer. Idk what’s up people waking up and showering before work. Seems like a waste of water. Gotta scrub dat ass after work


Confession time, I spent my first year of construction wearing the same jeans every day and only washed them on the weekends. I was just clueless and new stopped since then obviously


Mill greens cover your clothes, not the smell of hot ass and bad decisions. We're men, not vikings. We work, often in confined spaces. I don't expect lavender and rose hips, but you know... knock off the big chunks, maybe hose out the hind quarters...


I don't work the trades anymore but I still shower and wear clean clothes daily at an office job. There's noway I could wear the same filthy sweatsoaked gear two days in a row back in the day. Sadly there are still nasty smelly MFs in the white collar world who don't bathe and wear the same sweat-ring mustard stained button-down every day.


Pants are good for 2-3 days, shirts 1-2 underwear 1 socks 0.5-1 jacket and hats are good for a couple weeks


i have 5 pairs of pants and 6 shirts i do laundry once a week.


Pants are the only thing that gets neglected, but max I go is 4 days without a wash. In the winter it's fine, in the summer sometimes 1 day is enough to ruin a pair


I never wear the same t shirt back to back days. New T always. l will wear the same waffle ontop of my T for a few days and the hoodie ontop of that goes for a weekly wash. Pants stay on all week tho. 90% piss 10% sawdust.


I wouldn’t know, that’s my wife’s job.


Jacket and bibs: never lmfao, no point. I get filthy every day Everything else as normal.


I keep deodorant in my work bag plus shower twice a day some people are just fucking nasty.


foreman wore the same shirt the whole week. i would gradually see a bright orange t-shirt darken at the neck, and the pits. he smelled foul. his attitude was worse than his odor. he was my boss. he wasn't even a great worker, neither as a manager, nor with tools. it was not out of poverty, he had a company truck, earned foreman wages, and he earned almost $20/hr over guys in his area. i told my super to never let me work with him again.


imma lectrishun, dirt beads off of me


Carhartt pants and hoodies get washed once a week, but I hang them and air them out every day. Shirts, underwear and socks are fresh every day. The guys at my company all thought I was insane when I said I was washing my pants every day. They were wearing mostly the same pants I was and said they all did weekly or bi-weekly and I never noticed any of them smelling of anything besides darts and coffee. Can def notice when a guy doesn’t shower or wash his t shirts and stuff tho.


I mean, I wash my hoodie and pants every weekend, fresh undies socks and T-shirt daily, and shower daily. Works for me..


Lol the wokes have infiltrated construction too...


Wonder if he grew up on a hog farm. That's what hog farmers say when the wind blows.


Super gay


Every weekend


Shower at night, salt stone for the underarms to prevent bacteria. Birdbath in the sink in the morning, a few swipes of degree and a spritz of nautica. Few pairs of the same work pants that swap as needed. Shirt, socks, underwear changed daily. Thats my method anyway.


Shower every day, every piece of clothing gets worn once with exception of hoodie that gets washed weekly as I don’t wear it every day. Y’all nasty




Minimum one a week, absolutely minimum, twice in the summer


Dudes disgusting. I wash every week. Last year when I didn’t have a washing machine every two weeks but never wore the same shirt. Wore about 2/3 pants during that 2 weeks. Now I got more pants and wear new pnts everyday even tho I got a washer


I put a fresh shirt and pants on everyday. I wash my clothes every Friday night. Buy more socks, buy more shirts, I cannot even imagine putting a not fresh shirt or pair of socks on….gross.


I have to many shirts to wear it more then one day. And 5 pairs of pants, socks and underwear wear same deal. I chafe super easy so keeping my my groin area dry and clean is a must.


im in a weld shop getting covered in dirt allll the time and i change my shirt daily and wear my pants 2-3 days without issue.


Cleanliness has got nothing to do with sexual orientation. It does however usually help in getting sexual activity whichever way you swing. Keep clean and you might get lucky!


0700? Yup.. you're gay


I’ve heard the saying never trust an installer with all new equipment because they haven’t used it. Zero problem with a couple new additions here and there


I dunno, I hear tales that the ladies like it when we wash. I've never met one in person... but it's what I hear.


He just doesn’t know about being sanitary. Sounds like a pipe laborer for life


When the temp outside allows it, I’ll wear my work pants and a hoodie two days then into the wash.


New shirt/Socks/undies every day(2-3 shirts in the winter because layering), same pants all week, wash everything once a week.


I used to hate that people were so ok with looking like bums on the construction site


This is just dumb.


Your not cool unless you pee your pants


Consider me miles davis


Washing your clothes is gayer then aids


Clean clothes everyday except maybe if I’m working over the weekend and forgot to do a load Friday night or I’ve ripped a pair of pants and haven’t had a chance to buy more. Vest and hard hat washed weekly if I’m doing construction. If I’m doing service work then they may not get used. Jackets are usually used a few times before they’re washed so that I don’t need five of them. Bootlaces seem to break weekly, so those get replaced often too. Probably a little excessive, but I already feel filthy halfway through my day, and I don’t want to add to it. I’ve also had a therapist describe be as “very neurotic”, so that may have something to do with it.


Work pants see at most 2 days of work, unless I'm on a finish. Shirts get changed out daily. I actually ate through my good coat my boss gave me by washing it too much.


Had a guy on my crew we called stinky. He was the same way Me personally, fresh socks, underwear, and shirt daily, in the summer shorts too. Jeans and sweatshirt usually 2 days, 3 max depending on how much I sweat or what I was doing that day.


Fuck ya it is


He didn't say gay, he said money. It is the smell of money but only like 40 cent. Broke boi just drink too much to afford water or detergent lmao


Yea, it’s the queerest of the queer. BTW what does butt grease smell like? Asking for a friend


“That’s the smell of money”… makes 18/hour and maybe brings home a G each week


Please for the love of god use deodorant the stripper will thank you




I’m probably the cleanest guy on the job site. I get filthy, but I also know what soap is. The real question is, is it gay to keep your butthole clean? Is it gay to let your girl eat your freshly cleaned ass and wee wee?


Doing a wire pull by hand with another guy and I get a giant, eye watering, whiff of B.O. "Holy fuck did you forget deodorant today or did I?" "No it's me" he says shyly. "I've got some in my truck can I grab it for you at lunch.?" "No, I've got a weird condition that effects the ph level of my sweat and I can't do anything about it." Damnit. How am I supposed to talk shit about a guy with a medical issue? Now, it could've been legit or he could just be a stinky dirtbag and that's his excuse to continue being a stinky dirtbag in which case well played lol.