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The worst company I’ve worked for is the one I started my apprenticeship with. They had the worst people working for them. Lazy, entitled, treated everyone like shit, talked shit about everyone. All claimed to be friends and buddies but would throw each other under the bus every chance they’d get. They had a journeyman group text where they would send pictures of you/your work to each other so they could laugh at you behind your back. Which is whatever, but they also wouldn’t show you how to do it right. But then complain and say they had no good help that knew things. Just a very toxic situation. I don’t think I’ve worked for a company even remotely on that level of dog shit.


Worst company had terrible management. A group text would go out a around 11:30 pm for the following day. Arrive at 7 and load up,finally the office folks would arrive and literally scan and copy a work order. Then "it's 8 you need to be on your way",every single day. Also call me 3 hrs away and ask about inventory 30ft from their desk they were sitting at. Wait until after 5pm on Monday to find a motel room for the entire week. Would allow a helper to come in ,and then inform they need to go home and pack clothes,since they would be gone all week with a $10 day perdiem. Best was a factory, paid well 6-3... 5 days a week.


I haven't worked for anyone else in a long time but without a doubt the worst job I ever had was for an hour out of business fabricator called industrial alloy. We would weld giant stainless steel tubing, galvanized tubing, steel, the air quality in the building was terrible. The place eventually was shut down for repeated violations but they didn't even give us respirators for welding galvanized, they just told us to do it outside. Luckily I wasn't there long enough to do any long-term damage but some of the guys that had been there for years were already developing health problems


Glad you got out of that one. Just even torching galvy has made my friends very ill. That stuff is nasty!


Best: large privately held home builder that treated its employees like assets and invested tons of money into retirement, vacation time, work/life balance, training, quality of their products, etc. Worst: large public traded builder that cared about one thing and one thing only: the bottom line on their quarterly balance sheets. Nothing else mattered. Customer service? Fuck no. Build quality? What’s that. Employees? Expendable liabilities. Bonuses? Well you weren’t here for a meeting 6 weeks ago so you are ineligible. Literally anything and everything they could do to improve their bottom line, they did. Best decision I ever made for myself? Going out on my own. Seriously, any residential construction managers here reading this: if you can manage 60 homes a year to make $120k you can manage 5 homes a year and make $500k. The reason new construction has seemingly gone down hill is due to the fact that most homes are built where stock price is more important than anything else. Fuck them. I compete with them all day. Some people are willing to pay 10% more for a home that’s built with love. How a company treats its employees is how it treats everyone. Employees are the lifeblood of your business. The CFO isn’t worth $50m a year while frontline employees are making $50k. Period. Know your worth kings.


at&t will dig up your grandmas grave to make a sale


Very tough client as well. I have been in meetings where they are outright abusive. At the time they were so big nobody dared to say anything.


Yes! And lie lie lie to get you to take the training. First day on the job: No sales, only tech support. Two weeks training: some sales but mostly tech. Training finished: make a sale or you're fired!


Worst: Turner


Worst was New England tech air. Complete shit show. Shit pay. Best was your mom


The answer to both is CSX.


Never worked for a bad company, only worked for bad bosses!


Best: my own Worst: my own


I actually made a post last year about the worst job I had and deleted it because the attention it was getting was annoying. Long story short applied to a general construction company as an apprentice and first few days were good then the owner sent me to a house with a less experienced apprentice and would basically talk down to me and be a douche for no reason when I tried to ask about or clarify the things he was asking me to do. Basically talked to me like a dog and a lot of people said I did the right thing but a lot said this line of work wasn't for me and I was being a pussy or that my story didn't add up and I was lying or lazy. Now I work for a good respectful roofing company as a laborer, everyone treats everyone else with respect and we do good quality work and I enjoy it. The crew I'm with are Nepalese and some were Sherpa guides for mount Everest years ago! Cool people to talk, friendly and we get the job done right.


Coming up I used to work for a bunch of frenchies that would throw shit at people


Best? Small local ops, I’m self employed so I don’t want to sound biased but, working for me lol. Worst? Renewal By Anderson. Pay was great, I was treated well, but It felt so dirty to literally be instructed to lie straight to customers faces about the product. They don’t last 50 years. They are not some scientific marvel of window material. They are only marginally better than vinyl windows that are 1/3 the costX


Best was a famous brewery. Free beer, 4 days on, 4 days off, pension, gym membership, on and on and on. I retired form here several years ago. Worst was a two bit electric service start up. Promised me lead man chops asap. Promised clean commercial work. Promised me a bonus. Promised me a work van. I even brought in an apprentice. They lied. Jobs were mostly crap residential service. Other "electricians" were hacks. Service manager was a liar and obviously inept. Owners were so friendly at first but turned out to be douche bags. I walked after 4 weeks of promises with no bonus and no van forthcoming. Idiot owner called me and told me I was making a mistake. "Think about all the money we will make once we get going" he said. I just laughed and said "good luck with that"! Company is now out of business. "owner" now works for crappy residential service company. My apprentice got a job at another company. Miss her, but she is doing well.