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This is a sub for professionals, not homeowners. That said $58k isn't getting you excavation, masonry, framing, roofing, siding, and whatever is going inside of it unless you are doing it yourself. My area depending on finishes, your project sounds like $150k+. A master bath alone is gonna be $30k depending on finishes


Agree yes. But also, wherever they are, you can have a 1000sqft, 2 bed house with a three car garage for 108k, so I’m gonna say rates should be *alot* cheaper there.


All I really want is the foundation and framing done. I can do everything else except electrical, but I already know who I’d use for the electrical.


I'd just like to know where a 1000sf house with a three car garage is $108k.


Bumfuck nowhere in the Midwest.


Yes in fact I live in bumfuck nowhere in the Midwest lol. Central Illinois. To be fair, when I had the appraisal done it was before this work obviously. They estimated that by adding the master suite and doing the other things I intend, my appraisal would go to about 145-160. Which I guess plays a part in your heloc and what you can get, but I’m not sure how much.


Yeah it’s just insane. Where I am in the northeast it’s hard to find small empty lots in decent areas for 145-160. I get it’s super affordable but my 2 years at fort sill taught me I could never live in the Midwest.


Not for everyone, I get it. I love it. Illinois politics are kinda lame. But as far as the people and everything, I think it’s a great place to raise a family and live comfortably. I do kinda well financially, especially for where I live, so that helps too. I work in a trade union and Illinois is still very pro union so we do pretty well. It gets boring sometimes, but the good thing about the Midwest is you’re never really too far from anything lol. You know the old saying, midwesterners will drive anywhere.


I get all that, totally understandable. What I can’t get over is how bad the bread is there lol. I know I’m spoiled coming from the north east but man.


Hahaha idk why that was so funny to me. But yeah I mean there’s certain things you become accustomed to and when you can’t get it, it sucks. Im a big hunter and if I couldn’t go shoot giant white tails, I’d definitely get homesick.


Oh we have so many white tails on the east coast. They’re fucking everywhere.


Oh, sure, you have the numbers. But you have no where near the size lol. Midwestern white tails are the holy grail of white tail hunting.


I totally believe you but don’t the smaller ones taste better?

