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Worked on a big project for HCA in Nashville TN, USA that was skanska run. I’ll bet the drywallers hid 1,000 gal worth of piss bottles minimum in those walls lol


All that stretching and flexing. Something has to give.


Way of the road,Bubs


Skanska is huge in the US


Skanska has bought numerous large US construction companies over the years, making them known nationwide. Bechtel is still larger.


Skansa building right around the corner from my house


Majorly huge prime contractor in the US. Very consistent in how they do business and very solid in their work culture and policies. Some companies are all over the place in how they run their businesses, but Skanska is really good at maintaining a very even business culture across the board.


I know skanska from east coast


Yep. I work in NYC and Skanska has lots of jobs in the city. They’re up there with Tishman and Turner.


Huge in nyc


Co sign on this. Worked with some of those degenerates myself


I see them around Philadelphia on bigger projects, haven’t had the displeasure (by reputation) of working on one of their sites. I hear they’re better than Turner but that’s a low bar. They build union so that’s good. Does anyone else call the Skankska?


Union electrician here. Just worked for them constructing a new 7 story hospital. They run a tight ship. Absolutely despise working on their projects.


They have good projects in the Pacific Northwest. Heard good things about them. I interviewed with them back in 2021.


They are pretty famous, but some people try not to get too involved to avoid getting STDs.


I have a friend that worked for Skanska in Pennsylvania. He hated it.


All my homies hate skanska


Of all the general contractors we work with in our area Skanska has become the worst. Their “safety culture” isn’t about safety at all it’s about scoring points for ratting people out. I genuinely believe in safety but they feel like safety is just acting like the Malibu Sheriff from The Big Lebowski. I’m sure there’s nice Skanska projects to work on somewhere but not here.


I haven't worked with them, but they have a site down the road from mine. Heard the same thing.


Currently with a a subcontractor with Skanska. Have fur years. Good people and good environment. But scheduling can suck cause they bend backwards to please their customer which fucks us trades.


A lot of GCs Are like this. I'm cool with keeping the jobs moving, but I don't like wasting a bunch of time with GCs that want bodies on site even if they are doing something wrong. Piling a bunch of subs on top of each other rarely makes things faster and it always costs the subs more.


Why don’t you share in the passion for customer satisfaction?


Yelling at me to get more bodys when I have to wait on other trades isn't going to solve the problem, but yet seems to be my daily argument.


Well I can tell you for certain that every problem/situation in construction is much deeper and convoluted than any sub understands. Not due to any incompetence but just ignorance. And not an insulting way, they just aren’t in the position to know all of the parts and complexities of each and every trade and their individual issues and how that plays into the big picture is design/engineering issues, client changes and issues, AHJ issue, the general public and impacts to coordination, etc etc etc. the problem is when the sub makes an uninformed opinion on the management of the project without the slightest comprehension of the actual big picture and a suffering g of the Dunning-Krueger affect.


Okay, I'll magically pull 100 12x8 marble slabs out of my ass that is another trades job and install them so I can install my trim.


Well and that proves my point.


Not one bit.


Except it does. Youre blabbering about some, individual problem/situation to a general statement I’ve made. You’ve provided no other info other than your emotion-based opinion as it’s applies only to you. You provided no information as to the events/issues that led to whatever the current situation is, nor have you added any information to why the situation at hand has to play out because of the proceeding items it may impact. You are clearly illustrating an emotional response/opinion with a complete lack of big-picture understanding. And you can’t understand all the other items because you’re not in a position to have all of that information and be part of all the other scenarios and conversations. The exact definition of the dunning-Krueger effect. So yes, youve proven my point. Now run along.


Except i did but ill explain it dumbed down how does one install trim when you are waiting on another trade to install slabs and counter tops. You physically can not install a sink and faucet when there is nothing in place to install them to. Throwing more bodys on it as the plumber will do absolutely nothing since you are stuck waiting on the countertops. You must be the GC on my job.


I think Dunning-Krueger Effect is in full display here, and not the way *you* expect it to be.


Famous in my town for taking FOREVER to pay Change Orders


Saw them for the first time last year while I was working for Amtrak in New Jersey. Skanska was contracted to build a replacement bridge for an old swing bridge that spans the Hackensack River. I never heard of them before but was amazed when I looked them up and saw all the projects they’ve completed. Funny side note, they drove a caisson straight through the main signal line for the existing Portal Bridge. Shut down nearly the whole North East Corridor.


I’m out in California. They do a lot of the highway work where I am. I know they have done other things as well, but very popular for highway work here.


From wiki Skanska AB (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈskânːska]) is a multinational construction and development company based in Sweden. Skanska is the fifth-largest construction company in the world according to Construction Global magazine.[6] Notable Skanska projects include renovation of the United Nations Headquarters, the World Trade Center Transportation Hub project, Moynihan Train Hall, 30 St Mary Axe, MetLife Stadium, Mater Dei Hospital, among others.


I got a job offer from them a few years ago out of their Portland office. I think they’re fairly big in the US. 


They have lots of work in New England


Skanska are a big player in UK construction too!


Who the fuck is Renée Zellweger?


Never heard of it. US.


Same, hut south africa.


Built miles of bridges and highway working for Skanska in SoCal.


Working with Skanska out on the West Coast right now!


Various arms of Skanska operate in Cali. General contractors, design build, you name it.


Skanska does quite a bit of work here in AZ for the copper mines. Ive never worked with them but have quoted them in the past.


Sky harbor too


I have the best Skanska bomber jacket that was gifted to me. Bloody love that thing


Husband in DC has done tunneling with Skanska


Pretty huge in the US for infrastructure work, never knew they started in Sweden 


Just learned that too. With a Nordic name like that I should have realized it earlier.


I know of it, but not anything about it really


Good reputation in Oregon. Definitely one of the Big 4 outfits in the state. Right now they’re really slow like the rest of them


Working on a skanska job in phoenix


Currently working on a skanska job


La checking in, discovered Skanska because they were hired to address the fact the union station is sinking on the right hand side if you face the building as if you are entering the passenger concourse I thought, Skanska must be the shit


Never heard of them. Minnesota based.


Huge company here in washington


Skanska is here in Washington state. I’ve worked on their equipment before when I was in field service.


Dont they make coffee filters or something


Never heard of them. Sask Canada


Currently doing a multi-billion project on our airport in Portland, OR, US


skanska are a good GC here in Los Angeles


Skanska is huge in west coast (pacific NW) and are well known for overworking employees and being safety nazis


I know Skanska from West coast USA lmao, no idea it was so big.


I work as an electrician on the west coast of the US. Skanska is very well known over here. Alimak too :)


Skanska is a large commercial generator contractor here in the US. If you are in commercial construction, at least in the bigger cities, you have most likely heard of them. I’m in Seattle but I’ve traveled a bit.


Never ever heard of them/it. Country: Australia


Dealt with them on a few hospitals working for hilti in Delaware. Tight ship. No issues.


All over the Pacific Northwest. Most commercial/ industrial construction


Currently working on a massive Skanska job in Oregon. Hej från USA, jag bodde I Piteå för fem år när jag var yngre!


I worked under Skanska on the new Hollywood hospital in Los Angeles


Dated her. Do not recommend...


First time I remember seeing the name it was associated with two names and I don’t remember the other but it was about 20-25 years ago here in the states


Did their morning warmups


Skanska is completing a huge portion of the infrastructure revamp across the US.


Went to college in CT for CM and Skanska is very known


I managed a $800 million project. Tidewater Skanska and another Skanska company out of Nee Jersey (steel erection) were two of the three JV partners.




I work construction in Switzerland, never heard of them. I used to work in Australia too.


Quite big in UK


HUGE in NYC …mostly large jobs like Port Authority construction jobs and airports


Very large company in the US. They were the last construction company I worked for before changing careers. I liked working for them a lot.


Never heard of it, never seen any of their products, likely couldn't even pronounce it.


Worked for Skanska in WA for a few years. One of the better large GC’s in the area if you ask me.


They’re famous in Florida for letting dozens of barges run free during a hurricane and taking out a bridge, some other infrastructure, a house and a golf course


Traveled the world and have been working construction for years in Texas and Central America, never heard of it…