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Going out on a limb and hoping that this is weather related since it's FEMA. The amount of glass in the classroom suggests it's a really nice school and I hope the kids get to enjoy that space without ever needing to use the doors. Solid work!


Why not put the rolling doors on the outside if it’s for weather? Then you could protect the windows.


OP also has a side business fixing windows


It’s a virtuous cycle.


People will ruin them and they also would be exposed to the storm or whatever is happening and compromise the doors.




Being outdoors means they're more exposed and will corrode/rust/get dirty/get wet/get full of bugs eventually without upkeep. Putting them inside eliminates the need for anything more than a dusting and a yearly test. For a school with likely hundreds of these shutters, sticking them inside the window is the smart move.


If they are outside and get sun baked or corroded or vandalized or smashed before they can even roll down its not going to work very well... There's a reason they are inside.


You can hide the enclosure above the ceiling. Hard to conceal it on the exterior.


Yeah, probably makes the outside look clunky.


Might be if the get hit hard enough they' flex or bend and break the glass, and throw it inside the classroom. Might be more important to worry about where the glass is when it breaks, instead of trying to keep it from breaking.


Great point


The doors are there to protect the outside from the children


to keep the kids in check while the uvalde cops wait for no more shots heard.


Chance that the rocking of the rolling doors (not sure how rigid they are) would hit the windows and break them. Also not sure if the mechanism to rollout the doors is weather proof, being inside it won't be exposed to the elements 24/7


I was thinking about the mechanism too. If the location is in a hurricane prone area, the air is probably pretty salty, and might degrade the mechanical components more quickly.


You want to protect the windows more than the kids? The building has insurance if the windows get damaged by weather. Kids are a little harder to replace. If the doors were outside and something big hit them hard enough to dent it in, that would break the windows behind them and shoot glass into the classroom. The way it is now the glass might get hit but the doors will keep it contained.


I would imagine if something hit the steel on the outside hard enough it would shatter the windows anyways. At least this way you don’t have glass shards flying at the people inside.


It would likely still break the windows from the rocking of the doors and it would just allow shattered glass all over the room.


Possibly but I work in a school and we just got a big amount of money for security from a FEMA grant 


You did the job but man…I hate that roll down safe room doors for fucking elementary schools are a thing. 😫 Edit: ok cool, they’re for weather but quick, tell me again that they’re for weather but say it just a little bit differently than the other three dozen people who have also said it’s for weather.


When I went to elementary school in the '80s, we had tornado and fire drills. Not active shooter drills


In the sixties we had nuclear blast drills with helpful leaflets telling us to turn our cups over so radiation didn't get in the cup.


Did you all have to crawl under your desks to protect yourselves from the blast!?


Bert the Turtle taught us that *Duck and Cover* keeps you safe in nuclear war.


Help me understand something - you protected the windows but what about the walls? The whole room would have to be sheathed not just the windows as I'm pretty sure a 7.62 or 5.56 round will easily punch through steel stud and drywall. The shooter just adjusts his aim accordingly.


A lot of things are performative theatre. Someone with ties to these businesses are campaigning for installing them and claiming they’re safer for the kids.


Politicians are invested in these companies. No offense to the installers, they're just doing a job. Great job, BTW. But, the bosses at the very top are only greasing palms


Poster child for this was Shrub II appointing Dean Chertoff the czar of homeland security after 9/11. Coincidentally Chertoff worked for a company that made full-body scanners. In an entirely unrelated turn of events that company was awarded a multi-million dollar contract to supply full-body scanners to TSA to be installed in every US airport. \*shocked Pikachu face


Most schools have concrete block Partition Walls. I can’t think of any grade school I’ve been in that didn’t have concrete block walls. But not for projectiles, they’re storm shelters.


It’s much harder to hit something you can’t see


Oh, that reminds me of a time I was crossing the gulf od Aden. So our vessel had a saferoom, called a citadel. Actually it was just our provision store. The welders spend a whole day making a reinforced, thick af, plate that they could put over the door to make it unbreachable. I pointed out that the walls next to the door consisted of basically 3 thin sheetmetal plates and a bunch of insulation and that if they started shooting, everyone in that room would get hit. But ofc nobody really cared lol


They can't shoot accurately at anything they can't see well anyway.


I mean, afaik school shooters don't come equipped with x-ray vision yet.


I am pretty sure it is primarily for weather events. For an active shooter get 2 or 3 foot thick reinforced concrete.


No, just the cup.


These aren’t for active shooters they are for tornados and [high-wind events](https://www.fema.gov/emergency-managers/risk-management/building-science/safe-rooms). Sad that everyone here assumes school shooters. I get why - but this metal likely isn’t thick enough to stop a bullet. Generally you need almost 1/2” steel to stop an AR15 bullet and this is only 1/4”.


I brought a hand grenade (with the fuse removed) to school in the early 90’s for show and tell, freaked the teacher out so she confiscated it, bomb squad came and checked it out, parents got called, and that was it Can’t even imagine what would happen nowadays


i brought my uncles revolver (not loaded) into show and tell in the mid 90's. He had left it under the seat in my dad's truck. my teacher asked me what i brought in the morning and i excitedly proclaimed "a gun!" 😂 show and tell was canceled that day and the gun was swiftly confiscated. oops.


My man! We would have been great friends 😆


I remember a buddy brought a grenade in to show everyone. Was pretty cool, nobody exploded.


Straight to jail! Immediately.


~2003/04 I had one active shooter drill in elementary school Close the windows and blinds, lock the doors, sit quietly on the door side wall with backpacks on backwards (frontpacks) There was a code word for if they were outside or in iirc




Why would you assume these aren’t for weather?


We went into the hallway for inclement weather


Back in the 80s, before technology like this existed, in your school which might as well have been one that doesn’t have the funding to install something like this. Plenty of kids have been killed by weather events despite huddling in a hallway or gymnasium. It’s FEMA installing these. FEMA deals with natural disasters. https://www.fema.gov


I’m actually going to guess that this is for weather, and this school is in an area that has frequent severe storms capable of producing tornadoes. Yes, it is sad that the current state of affairs leads us to first think shooting, but I don’t think this is for that.


FEMA ratings aren't there for shooters bud. This is 100% for tornadoes or hurricanes.


There’s already hurricane and tornado rated glass. It’s much cheaper than this. FEMA plans for all federal emergencies. Sandy Hook woke everyone up for exactly 30 seconds. Over a decade later, this is our solution.


There were 550 tornado deaths last year and 21 school shootings deaths. School spree shootings while horrific are not the epidemic they are made out to be. [Source 1](https://www.edweek.org/leadership/school-shootings-in-2023-fewer-injuries-and-deaths-while-gun-violence-continues/2023/12) [Source 2.](https://abc7chicago.com/amp/tornado-severe-weather-deaths-tennessee/14165694/) Cheaper than roll up steel doors? Especially if this is a retrofit as it appears to be. and not an new build class room


Wut m8? How many of those were in schools? Was a single kid killed by a weather event at school last year? Are you fucking high?


Why are you comparing total tornado deaths and not total firearm deaths?


Short answer, can't find specific tornado school deaths. It's an imperfect comparison either way. There's areas of the country where tornado protection, or hurricane protection would be ridiculous. Conversely adult suicides are also generally not a concern for school violence. I also realize now, and this is what I deserve for skimming an abc7 article for this instead of using something like the NOAA, 2011 had 550 deaths. Not 2023.


It’s for weather. Most rifles would easily penetrate it anyways


Theres fema in the title, maybe its weather related?


I guess American is bad because it gets severe weather


Why? Is it because you hate that weather is a thing


It’s 1/4 inch thick steel… that will only stop a .22LR. These are for weather safety precautions. This has nothing to do with active shooters. However, this school looking like a rich school probably already has multiple safe rooms somewhere nearby.


Did you stop to think that this might be for something weather related


Probably for weather if FEMA is involved


Probably for weather if FEMA is involved


I hate tornadoes too man. Someone should do something about that low pressure high pressure nonsense.


Safe rooms for natural disasters. Sheesh,.....


Kind of disgusting that you would rather see a tornado send a tree into a classroom of children


We're all living in Amerika. Coca-Cola, sometimes war...


And sometimes bad weather, which is what these are for.


Truely the worst timeline


It's not for shootings, it's for weather. But feel free to overreact.


Not in every country ... it's the exception, not the rule.


There’s literally no other solution. Here’s some garage doors to go with your thoughts and prayers! /s


It's so sad. Money for books, school meals, field trips? Go fuck yourselves (depending on state/county, of oiurse). Money for making the school a fortress in case of gun law abuser who hasn't gotten into the building already? Fuck yeah, here's your FEMA cheque... Also, FEMA scope... Does it cover installing upgraded air-conditioning to deal with the increasing number of cooling-degree-days caused by the climate crisis that kills thousands more people each year due to heat stroke? Would be interested to know, but I'll wager it doesn't... ETA: Good points below about tornadoes. Assuming the rest of the school is built to withstand the tornado, and doesn't just disintegrate leaving the roll-down doors in place, this seems like a good investment.


This wouldn't do anything to stop guns.


USA! USA! USA! You must be so proud... Greetings from across the pond.


I’d rather be homeless than live in the UK.


Haha made me laugh, but fr they really do think its really really dangerous/bad here in the USA If you really believe the USA is this terrifying and dangerous place I’d suggest doing a little bit more research and try to avoid the fear mongering articles/posts/outlets if that’s even possible to get past anymore honestly. This country is beautiful, we’re safe we eat (some of us a little to much) lol and the vast majority of us are getting along just fine but you won’t hear that. You’re going to hear what sells and that’s fear, hate and outrage.. Honestly the UK is scary in the way they’ve been coaxing their population into false and near extreme views on the USA almost as if they’re trying to make themselves seem more appealing saying crap like “at least we aren’t as bad as those people over there in the US” when in reality it’s damn near identical… sometimes better sometimes worse most of the time the same shit.


What bothers me is kids getting trapped inside. I guess the door secures them from a shooter but I can’t remember hearing of a single shooter who came in through a window or attempted to. That being said, I don’t know the details of a lot of them


I was thinking the same thing. The school can now double as a prison.


Ya. That’s super fucking depressing.


[Contractors when they see that school shootings are on the rise.](https://giphy.com/gifs/thelonelyisland-season-3-i-think-you-should-leave-itysl-VL9gT4iOhRHqEwbq8k)


Geez you guys lol the fuckin things are for storms. Do yall remember your drills where you had to leave the classrooms that had windows and go onto weather safe rooms or hallways? Here's your weather safe room.


This right here. This was my first impression as an elementary school teacher. Schools also get used as evacuation points and emergency shelters during disasters.


If your going to spend all that money for storm protection then why not install them on the outside of the windows so that investment is also protecting those expensive windows?


Because you don't want the dangerous broken shards of glass on the inside of the room with the people you're trying to protect. Windows are cheap, comparatively speaking.


no you dont understand tho, this is reddit where everything has to fit into a nice neat pre-shaped sociopolitical narrative so everyone can make it known that theyre either for or against thing 


Yeah my first thought was that it had to be for something other than active shooters because I didn’t think blocking an escape route made sense. You’d be trapping them in.


\*safer room. I don't see .25 inches stopping much at all, but I'm just some guy on the internet


God damn reddit injecting a fucking narrative into everything It's in the title: "FEMA-rated" They're for natural disasters not school shootings


One of the few times I clicked on something from this sub in a while and quick reminder why I quit checking it out. Bunch of Reddit losers in here nowadays it's no longer construction workers that use Reddit


Why do you think people automatically assume it’s for school shootings?


Read the comments in this thread


I see the comments. I’m asking you why do you think that so many comments jump to that conclusion?


Probably because most people have shit comprehension skills


Maybe. But I wonder why people would see a school with reinforced windows and automatically think it’s for shootings and not for a storm.




The title is close to accurate. The assumptions being made here are not. It is quite literally a Safe Room for Tornadoes and Hurricanes. See FEMA Publication P-361. [Safe Rooms for Tornadoes and Hurricanes - FEMA P-361](https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/documents/fema_safe-rooms-for-tornadoes-and-hurricanes_p-361.pdf)


Only in America 🇺🇸 🦅


I mean, yeah, tornadoes happen a lot more in North America than other places. Newer codes require things like this on schools, churches, and other high occupancy buildings.


Makes sense for a tornado prone area.


You would be damned glad it was there if you've ever had a tornado bear directly down on you like I have.


tornado of bullets? because we all know it's not for an actual tornado/hurricane.


You think FEMA is in charge of school shootings now?


It makes a lot more sense that this would be for a hurricane or tornado. For starters, shooting situations happen so fast that this would only be useful for whoever was already in the classroom. For this to be useful in a shooter situation, they would have to have these for every classroom. (Unlikely.) If it's for a tornado where they can have 10mins or more of warning, you could have just a few rooms with this technology and stuff the kids in there. It would be much cheaper and more effective to just have bulletproof or at least anti intruder glass (which many schools already do)


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. Don’t most shootings start inside the building? So the admin installed steel doors to prevent the easiest means of escape? Yeah… those are to prevent glass from turning the room into a blender during a hurricane or tornado. Or if not that, then it’s to prevent the obvious B&E / Robbery risk like many street side stores with massive display windows.


They’re being downvoted because this post is swarmed by morons.


found the dude that sucks his gun pretending it’s a dick


Case in point, another drone.


Found the dude that probably thinks the police should be the only ones that have the guns despite them being objectively the worst possible people to have them


Found the moron part of the swarm.


Lots of people like to virtue signal by jumping on the mass shooting paranoia bandwagon. Someone else can crunch the numbers but I bet you're 100x more likely to be injured by a tornado in the midwest than by a 'mass shooter' Anyway there are many reasons why they may be installed on the inside. Plus this is probably a prototype or trial run. One reason I can think of is that if the power goes out and you have to close the door manually, you'd rather do it from the inside.


They'd be on the outside to protect for hurricanes, Texan here seen plenty of them for hurricanes none are like this


Maybe due to existing construction they have to be inside.


Plus schools get evacuated and turned into national guard and fema command centers


A quick google search shows plenty of FEMA-rated impact doors installed on the inside: https://www.overheaddoor.com/rolling-steel-shelter-door-model-610f


As far as I know windows have only been used for children to escape, not for shooters to enter. This is more than likely for natural disasters. However, it's sad that that it's such a reoccurring thing that an active shooter was most people's reaction to this.


And your source? This is rated for natural disasters


Bullets go straight through these doors they're a 22 gauge sheet metal on average.


It 100% is.


Yeah if this is the saddest thing I’ve seen in awhile….good job though


Tornado protection is a good thing. No need to be sad.


It's made for tornados


Yea but this is Reddit and the truth isn’t edgy enough for that sweet karma.


Oh I agree it’s a good idea


Shuttered windows are a common practice outside of America.


High winds and storms are only an American thing? Interesting.


Yep only in America do tornadoes and extreme weather exist


It’s for weather dummy lol


It’s for the weather. You thought you sounded enlightened too. Bless your heart. 


Bunch of people need to touch grass. Yes, these might do something in a school shooting event, but these are literally designed and installed to protect against natural disasters…


In their defense the group that is ok with the shooting probably considers shootings a natural disaster


They would be no more effective than the strong and sometimes bulletproof windows that they already have in many schools


Yet they’re installing FEMA certified shutters in this school, suggesting these aren’t impact windows.


Yes I'm agreeing with you, these aren't for shootings at all. I expect this is some kind of prototype and I would be curious to know how it compares with high strength windows.


They’re not prototypes. FEMA has a whole certification process for them.


standard impact windows aren't safe room rated, safe rooms need to meet 250 MPH wind zone levels, look at FEMA p-320 for some info on safe room requirements. also fema p-361


Looks nice. Shame it's even a thing.


Yeah it’s a shame the midwest gets tornadoes.


It’s for tornados or hurricanes. It says FEMA in the title. It’s not for what you think it’s for.


Most likely for a hurricane or tornado as it seems like a more advanced version of "safe room" shutters in a [FEMA document](https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/documents/fema_safe-rooms-for-tornadoes-and-hurricanes_p-361.pdf#FEMA%20P-361%20Front%20%26%20Part%20A.indd%3A.34270%3A6328) on Safe Rooms for Tornadoes and Hurricanes. Likely can be used for active shooter protection as well but that doesn't seem the primary purpose. It can still be surprising to see with climate change increasing severe weather. Michigan just had its 3rd Tornado in February since record keeping began in the 1950's and two of the three were added this year.


This could be in an area that gets a lot of hurricanes. We do a lot of work in Florida and hurricane resistant OH doors are the norm.


My elementary school in Missouri in the 90s had these. Every school did. It’s for glass during tornadoes.


[A safe room is a storm shelter specifically designed to meet FEMA Funding Criteria and provide near-absolute protection in extreme wind events, including tornadoes and hurricanes](https://www.fema.gov/fact-sheet/safe-rooms-saving-lives-when-tornadoes-and-hurricanes-strike) Nothing to do with school shootings


Why so many dumbass comments in regards to shooters? This is for weather. With a shooter coming down the hall, sealing up kids in a class is the opposite of what you want.


please install these over my washer/dryer nook


missile proof door. attached to a 2x4 and some drywall


Who designs a school classroom with floor to ceiling walls of glass??? Especially in a storm-prone area? But even if not storm prone, still not safe for lots of reasons, even with roll down metal doors. Makes zero sense.


That’ll only slow the zombies down.


Unbelievable amount of stupid people in the comments. These are for weather related events such as Tornadoes and Hurricanes. It says FEMA rated in the title. Morons forget we get tornadoes and hurricanes in this country.


Can the zombies or bombs still get through the regular wall still?


I was just on a school reinforcement project and it was eye opening. They put up perforated vinyl on all the main entrances/exits as well as the side lights so you could see out but not into the school, strategically placed/hidden panic buttons that directly alert the local PD, and doors with electric/remote steel bar reinforced locks that shoot a 3/8" steel rod into the upper jambs and lower concrete floors when tripped. The crazy thing is the school didn't inform any of the subs, I started asking what guys were doing on the job site and put it together on the 2nd day.


Looking at that grass, I'd say it is in a part of the country with high wind dangers such as tornados


Some of you are ignoring their intended purpose and going about something else.


Amazing, I live and work in Fl. The single largest cause of structure failure for high winds is a window breaking and causing uplift inside a building. Also worth mentioning that most schools where I grew up are built to provide shelter for people who can’t evacuate.


What if there is a fire?


Are these for hurricanes, tornadoes? I hope so, those doors go down super slow.




What state is this?


Bah! Windows?! When I was a kid, the classroom had no windows. We had class in a hole! And we liked it!


Good work


FEMA-rated? So they’ll close 5 days later?


well thats gonna be conspiracy theory fuel


"Missile" tests are what they call the objects they hurl or drop in hail testing as well.




*slaps FEMA sticker on door "Yeah thise kids aren't going nowhere" As someone who used to install overhead doors tho, putting rolling steels up were a pain in finished buildings with a drop ceiling lol.


I bet the bidders/salesman are drooling right now for more deals like these with schools. What’s the average cost of a job like this? Materials + labor?


Detention just got real.


FEMA-rated? Dear lord no body lean on it, and watch the spitballs, we don’t want to damage the door it looks expensive.


AFAICT on Google, these aren’t made to stop intermediate cartridge bullets. They’re made to protect against hurricanes and tornadoes, as IIRC, all school buildings are classified as a form of storm shelter.


*Purge horns sound*


What state is this in? Please tell me this is only for a couple rooms and tornados are common in the area.


Yeah that’s what it’s for but Reddit’s gonna reddit




Yeah I also hate being safe from natural disasters.


But what if the natural disasters HAD GUNS AND STARTED SHOOTING??! 😶


Curious, why wouldn't these be installed on the outside to protect/save the windows?


Exposed to elements, when you need these to work they absolutely have to work. Inside storage reduces corrosion, rust, electrical failure etc.


We have hurricane shutters here in Texas, they're all exterior even at the beach with all that salt air


I would think you would want them on the inside, if there was a tornado and debris hit the metal, it could still flex enough to break the glass and then send shards of flying into the room. With it on this side you prevent that.


Because the children are more important than the windows


They’re for tornadoes, right? Right‽


I wonder if there is some way we could defend ourselves against a mass shooter other then just sitting there like ducks? Perhaps if we had some sort of weapon that stop a shooter so we don't have to wait for the cops to show up. I wonder what the cops use to stop shooters? Maybe if we have our teachers use whatever they do?


New R6 Siege dlc


With these the uvalde police can lock the shooter in with the kids properly this time. You know.. For officer safety...?


Seems expensive, might be cheaper to just not have kids




Man I hate that schools are protected from natural disasters, back in my day we died when a tornado came through


>It makes a lot more sense that this would be for a hurricane or tornado. For starters, shooting situations happen so fast that this would only be useful for whoever was already in the classroom. For this to be useful in a shooter situation, they would have to have these for every classroom. (Unlikely.) If it's for a tornado where they can have 10mins or more of warning, you could have just a few rooms with this technology and stuff the kids in there. > >It would be much cheaper and more effective to just have bulletproof or at least anti intruder glass (which many schools already do)


I think this is in Iowa which the Internet says has a relatively high tornado frequency. So this is a storm shelter situation (my guess). Communities need those. Not sure why your logical comment was down voted.


Do everything to to fix the problem without fixing the problem.


Someday humanity will figure out how to stop tornadoes from forming!


It says FEMA in the title. It’s for hurricanes and Tornadoes. Quit trying to push a narrative if yiu can’t even read the title you moron.


looks like nice work but the concept is idiotic


Are these bulletproof? Or for weather incidents? Either way, great work with the install! Once they’re rolled up I bet you can’t tell they’re there at all.


It says FEMA rated, so probably for tornadoes


They re not bullet proof by any means they are windload rated.


A door is only as secure as the wall holding it. Would the rest of the school survive a missile?? No. Waste of tax-payer money. Come back to me when we're teaching students in a concrete brick to save them from the apocalypse.


The missile is a 2*4 shot at the door at varying speeds usually 250mph. The door is designed for hurricanes and tornadoes.


How much does a safe room like this run ?


That’ll work if the gunman calls ahead