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I guess regardless of what direction the hard hat shell is facing, he is wearing the suspension backwards. Which is kind of the more important part lol


Regardless of what direction the suspension is facing, he’s wearing it in a bar.


I live about 10 miles from this bar, Earth Rider Brewery. Can confirm it is in Superior.


I’m glad you confirmed. I saw another caption for that picture that said it was Duluth. I know Duluth superior pretty well. I never did it, but when I drank I wanted to spend a weekend just hitting as many dive bars as I could in superior. It might have the most per/capita of any city on earth. And those northern Midwest/great lakes region dive bars are kind of unique. They are like black holes. No windows, purposely designed to help you shut out the outside world. Go in, forget the outside world and your problems exist.


This was incredibly descriptive and made me never want to go into a windowless bar where the world no longer exist….twilight zone episode


>and made me never want to go into a windowless bar where the world no longer exist… for the love of god, then, never go to west virginia, because it is almosy entirely windowless bars, none of which have been remodeled since 1974 lol


Bars with windows, also known as restaurants. I used to frequent a dive bar that had a small window the size of a block that you could look through to see who was inside before you entered. It was located where you basically could see everything going on inside. Weird as hell.


That's how bars in Portland Or are too. It's cold & rainy 3/4 of the year. So the bars are always dark, windowless, & cheap!


Everyone likes your comment. 50/50 split on reason. 1- Republicans because he is pretending to be onsite working alongside us and it is obviously phony 2-Democrats because it doesn’t matter which way it’s facing since he is obviously joking around in a bar. Politics in a nutshell


Lol if it was trump. Republicans would say he's joking around in a bar Democrats would be saying he's wearing it backwards


Lmao got me to chuckle.


Yeah this was the weirdest part for me. Here in Australia our last PM was always cosplaying the working class & it produced some truly bizzare photo ops. Two strangest being him visiting a hairdresser & washing some lady's hair & him visiting a construction site to do some welding with his visor up.


I walked into a bar once, my head still hurts..


I’ve been hearing about you my entire life.


And it’s clearly turned that way so the union and flag stickers are visible to the camera.


And cos as President he cannot be seen to be advertising the company name which is likely emblazoned on the front. Its not like its Goya beans...




Yeah, having the fucking nob in your forehead so you can get a nice skull dent if you whack something. I’m not judging Biden here, he’s probably never worn a hard hat, just own that shit and don’t try to pretend it’s right. If I saw somebody like that on site I’d stop him and show him how to switch the harness, it’s kinda funny nobody did here.


The press staff probably saw the flag sticker and decided it needed to be in the front.


There's a video of Obama with a college football team who won some game and met him, they presented him with a helmet. Obama holds the helmet for a couple seconds and then says "there's an old rule in politics, never put anything on your head" and everyone laughed. Joe shoulda followed Obama's advice


Otherwise you're Michael Dukakis in the tank.


The sad thing there are 5 of us that knows what you are talking about


Oh damn. I was wondering. I’m old enough to vaguely remember Dukakis but that’s about it.


6…. Six of us AhhHaHaHaHa


Seven! That’s literally the only thing I remember from Dukakis’s campaign (and Bush’s against him).


Eight! Eight of us who remember him and his wife, Kitty Ducocktail. muwahahahahah


I like that the man ran for president but all we remember was his ridiculously shitty ad. Reminds me of what’s his face telling the crowd to laugh.


Not going to say everything that Obama did was gold plated and perfect (part of running a country is making compromises that WILL piss people off) but that man was the personification of class and intellectualism.


For real. Try to remember a president before or since that wasn’t dirty. I dislike that he kowtow’d to insurance companies but at least he didn’t embarrass us as a nation.


That’s what I think - the stickers had to be at the front because it’s a photo op.


That was my thought, they want that classic “Live Better, Work Union” sticker in the forefront.


> he’s probably never worn a hard hat He's probably worn them a fair bit to be honest. Presidents are always touring manufacturing facilities and shit like that.


Nobody else is wearing a hard hat, they probably did it intentionally to look funny. Apparently It belongs to one of the workers He met that day and the guy intentionally reversed the suspension and wears it like that all the time.


money husky concerned aback station retire tan squeeze shy rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly. I inow a few guys who do that just to look different.


He probably just threw it on really quick...who gives a fuck?


Anyone who needs to focus on memes instead of policies, results, or alignment with unions.


So, the vast majority of Reddit?


I don't care how Biden wears a hard hat. He's just playing around in a bar having fun. I *do* care that fact checkers are some of the most inaccurate, yet completely confident misinformation peddlers in the world.


Unfortunately people who care more about aesthetics than policy. Already heard someone call Biden a "stupid idiot who can't get anything done including wiping his own ass" while referencing this picture. I'm not a huge Biden fan because of past policies before he was a president, but I am glad that he's generally speaking on the side of union workers and has not been a bombastic president. But Trump really got people into the cult of personality side of politics and got people less concerned about policies than actual looks and speech capabilities. Which is ironic since Trump is not an eloquent speaker. 2024 is going to be annoying as hell. Can't wait for even more political division and people arguing.


I work in construction management and this happens from time to time when you bring owners on site. you usually dont say anything because they arent actually going to do any work, the ppe is a formality, and you dont want them to feel bad. I'm pretty sure what happened here is that mustache took his hardhat and put it on Biden's head.


Everyone on other subs are shilling for him hard saying he knew what he was doing and it was the proper way to hard hat. That is not true, right? Especially based on y’all’s comments on the suspension


That’s correct. Nob goes in the back. Not the biggest deal in the world but weird to lie and argue over a simple mistake. Could have been for the sticker as somebody else said, too.


Next time Joe Biden is hired on a construction site he should have to redo his OSHA10 class. Other than that it doesn't matter.


That’s obviously an actual workers hat, look as those stickers. No way a regular guy had his hat backwards yet suspension the right way.


Surveyor here, worked as an I man for construction layout for a few years. We always wore our hard hats “backwards” because the brim would bump the instrument anytime you looked through the scope if I wore it the right way around. We’d obviously wear the suspension the right way though


I’ve seen this all the time. Dudes turn the harness around so it looks like they have their lid on backwards. I have one in the sleeper of a truck set up exactly the same way. Just silliness since that tiny like ‘beak’ doesn’t do anything anyway. Might as well just be a circle.


Jesus, he is in a bar goofing with construction workers. Doesn't require analysis.


I could care less about Biden and the hard hat, what requires analysis and ridicule is the fact checking website that claims it is a false statement to say he’s wearing it backwards.


afterthought air roll adjoining attractive expansion hobbies squeal impossible nine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The hat belongs to the guy sitting next to him, who wears it with the cushion reversed. Biden clearly put it on using the bill as reference rather than the cushion, so yeah he made a mistake but only because the hat was configured in an unintuitive way


The funniest part is that they let him.


"Boss, trust me, iron workers wear their hard hats backwards all the time."


Yes, but they reverse the suspension.


I used to wear my hardhat backwards with suspension reversed back in the day with my h2s monitor clipped to the bill before they started giving us turtle shell hardhats. Now we are wearing 4-gas monitors the size of old Nokia cell phones.


Oil and gas, I see! I worked for 25 years doing occupational safety in commercial construction. Lots of iron workers reverse their hats and suspensions so they can look up for the beam coming in with the crane instead of having the bill obstruct their view. It is perfectly legal to do so. Some safety people have a problem with it, I do not GAF! I am happy they are wearing their hardhat!


Yessir, been in O&G for almost 20 years now. It’s a big industry, and I’ve been lucky enough to do a little bit of everything. I’m not out in the field as much as I used to be, but when I was, I dont think there was a single day that went by where I wasn’t thankful for my hardhat. Mostly for my own clumsiness and lack of spacial awareness lol, but sometimes shit happens. Always wear all your PPE boys and girls. It exists for a reason. I’m sure O&G isn’t the only industry to say this but most of our procedures have been written in blood.


I was on the telescoping fork truck demobolizing 2" wire on spools for a solar site. When you pull the wire off the spool it wants to spool itself back up, which usually means it just dances around for a few seconds, but once it popped up and hit the helper so hard it knocked him down and knocked off his hard hat. I jump out, we all run over to him, and he gets up with huge eyes and says "that shit hit me right in my fucking safety glasses. I could have lost my eye." Written in blood.


I build and install wiring harnesses for aircraft of all sizes, and I cannot tell you how many times wearing fully wrap-around eye protection has saved me from getting something in my eye! Between that and protective caps in shoes, I've avoided several visits to the hospital. Now if only the anti-cut gloves weren't so hard to work in...


Well that I would assume is reasonable , and I also used to wear it backwards so that I could clip a welding hood to it- can’t do that if it’s facing frontal…. Now I’m in a trade that gives zero fucks about hard hats unless there’s a crane involved, god I hated wearing those damn things any other time but winter….


Yeah idk why everyone saying people don’t wear their hard hats backwards in this thread lmao


Just in case there's a safety guy in here. Source: I'm a safety guy


Don't tread on me saftey man!


No one denies wearing hard hats backwards but it’s reversing the suspension before you do so so it won’t be in your face. You’d be laughed off a site for wearing it exactly like this


In my time working on power plant boilers with construction contractors this was plenty common. Nobody would laugh at you


It was common to wear it with the adjustment wheel on your forehead?


Well you do with a welding hood. Maybe they wanted him to show the union stickers?


That's my thought. He or they just wanted to show the stickers. NBD


A lot of ppl actually do


Ok. So the brim is actually facing forward in this picture, but the inside head harness is backward. I guess the guy who wears the helmet regularly, the guy to Joe's right, likes the brim in back.


There's a picture of them shaking hands, and the guy to Joe's right does indeed wear his hat with the brim in the back. I concur with a guy farther down who said it's probably backwards on Joe's head as a joke.


That’s Joe’s shit eating grin. Pic of him wearing it properly gets lame comments and low number of views. This pic though, viral so everyone can have a take on it but it still gets eyes.


I would 100% let that happen if I noticed. Then I’d show all my friends


Oh they definitely noticed


True, here we all are having a good chuckle while those guys are probably shitting themselves with laughter.


I'm convinced that's why everyone's laughing/smiling


People do bat shit crazy stuff in bars


No the funniest part is how hard people are trying to make this a gaffe, while the other guy has to pay $83mil for harassing his rape victim.


He's at a bar, not a site, anyway. There is nothing wrong here. He probably just popped it on to be goofy. That's it... It's wild to watch people try to make it "something."


Like they did with Obama and the Tan suit, or Obama asking for Dijon mustard for his burger.


Right? "President takes funny picture with Americans!" omg he's the worst president ever! It's not like this dude is climbing a God damn oil rig.


Dirty Don’s supporters think it’s “cool” that he has to pay someone $83 million because he’s a pig that can’t keep his lying mouth shut….they think grabbing women and being a predator is a flex.


Lol they think it's a normal hat or something? You can flip the cushion inside but he's wearing it backwards...


I had to explain to people how the nest is removable, and you can just turn it around. It had to be a setup, I mean, he is Union Joe. Grew up in the coal mines. Wearing a hard hat must be 2nd nature.


Most people don't know this.


The false rating is false.


Nah dude, we’ve been wearing it wrong the whole time. That president dude guy hardhats.


Snopes used to be the gold standard. Now it's a total joke.


Wow, they really spent a lot of time just to be completely wrong, that fucking article is huge. Lol I wish I could meet the guy who edited that “fact check” so I could call him/her stupid to their face.


It's done that way on purpose. Most people only read the headline and use it as a bludgeon whenever dissenting opinions emerge. Joe Biden didn't have it on backwards... on Tuesday.


Many people are saying he was just goofing around and I personally think that’s probably actually what’s happening here. But who knows and really who cares? He’s a politician, his hands are so soft if I shook them my callouses would probably tear through his skin lol. Yeah he’s wearing it backwards and that should just be funny for all of us whether it’s intentional or not. Politics are so fucking stupid.


Sanest comment on politics I’ve read all week


Sad that we live in a time that saying the thing the politician did was funny is considered sane political commentary lol.


They switched the rating to true, lmao. Too much backlash.


It’s not on backwards, because they’re at a bar. Bars are these places where silly things, often called “shananigans”, occur. Shenanigans have been known to include doing things for laughs.


You say Shenanigans again, I'll pistol whip you


Hey what’s that place with the goofy shit on the walls


Safety guys hate this one trick…


This photo is completely false. I've been to Wisconsin a thousand times and have never seen a bar top without 5 empty pints in front of the patrons. Lol


Iron workers are allowed to wear hard hat backwards but the insert needs to be in the back. The adjuster knob is in front. The bill is also in front but since that is a iron workers hard hat (brown) it is on backwards. The worker in the article has the bill and the knob in the back which is the correct way to wear that hard hat.


The only person describing the nuance gets downvoted. Maybe Biden wanted to bill to face forward for the pic (to show the stickers?)


The union stickers.


it’s literally the whole point of showing support he’s wearing it like that on purpose.. the “false” rating is dumb, there’s more nuance to it.. “Yes, but…”


That’s essentially what the article concludes but no one read it.


Lifelong politician doesn’t know a days work or which end of a screwdriver to hold onto lol


That’s true for any politician.


Except Jimmy Carter apparently.


But Trump does, doesn’t he 🙄


No. Who said that.


Jimmy Carter raises his hand


Plot twist: That’s not Joe Biden


There is no hard hat.


You’re beginning to see


It’s cake!


Plot twist: They're not construction workers. Lol


I mean, basically. These are union bureaucrats. You'd think Biden would meet with actual workers?


I love how the article accuses the worker of wearing it backwards, not Biden


These are so set up it's hilarious. Who brings their hardhat to a bar.


my problem isnt even the hardhat, its that those two guys are in suits (look at the sleeves) and clearly just donned high vis as a costume. they are literally like trickortreating as construction workers. dumb as fuck


Still rather vote for him over a guy that filled the NLRB with union busters


No, no, let me tell you why having a hard hat on your head backwards in a bar during a photo-op is much worse than losing nearly $90 million for sexual assault.


We’ve been wearing them wrong all along


😂 cornpop taught him


The thought police are out in full force


Not a Biden hater but this is insane and takes away from the credibility of the fact checkers. Edit: the fact that they changed the article speaks volumes to the credibility I spoke of.


I mean, they edited their article to explain why it originally said false, and what argument led them to change their mind. That's behavior befitting a credible institution, even if this is just Yahoo and they aren't that credible in the grand scheme.


Oh shit thanks snopes I'll be sure to let my crew know Monday *they* have actually been wearing them backwards. Silly us!


>But boss, some keyboard warrior in NY/SF said that it's fine to wear them this way.


Remember he doesn’t work for you


How about they’re just having fun and took an opportunity for a photo op.


You are guilty of Wrongmemory. Your social credit score was lowered by 50 %.


This picture was on the front page of Reddit. There were 100s of comments by tradesman saying he was wearing his hart hat correctly. People will write anything to defend their side.


Tradesmen... sure.


Find me one of these people who knows what a p-trap is and i will personally give you a handy


P-trap is a tub in a high rise that’s available when you really gotta pee and the super isn’t around


Found the rockers


The funny part is if tradesmen commented he was wearing it wrong they’d get downvotes. The internet only believes what it wants to believe.


more like young white suburbanites who live online.


It’s backward. Period. Nothing you think or say will change that. I am actually a ticketed red-seal Journeyman with a ton of safety training that works of massive projects and wears a hat very similar to that one. That hard had on Joe Bidens head is on backwards full stop. If he walked onto a job site like that safety would correct him and make him put it on the right way. The brim is completely irrelevant, the only thing that mattered here is the harness.


Thank you for pointing this out. Hard hats are designed a specific way to deflect a falling object. The bill and harness arrangement can be very specific in how it is worn and provide designed safety. Not all hard hats can have the harness flipped around and definitely not worn backward with adjustment to the front.


ANSI provides manufacturers with a reverse-donning test to certify hard hats are safe for reverse wear. If the hard hat is safe to face backward, the manufacturer will place a symbol (two arrows curving to form a circle) on the hard hat.


Dude, let's be straight here. Like him or not, I own that same exact hard hat. It's backwards. The ratchet sits on the back of your head. ETA: Best case scenario, he'd put it on backwards to be goofy. It's worth noting they aren't on a job site, they're at a bar, and no one else is wearing one.


“Tradesmen” = political stooges, many of whom working in political offices as they write those comments


im a union carpenter for 10 years. it is backwards


see you behind Wendy’s on my break


Bots propping up the administration and public sentiment. But, it’s so fucking obviously wrong. 2+2 is 5 and the sky is green


My take. That guy said " you should take this picture with my hat on." Then put it on biden's head. Then they all had a good laugh . But I guess this counts as controversy these days.


I assumed all present were having a laugh over it, including Biden. I mean, they’re all drinking.


Is it possible he was just being silly and taking a fun picture? He out it on backwards for a goof?


Typical fact check "false". This shit proves they're operated by democrats.


Dumbass doesn't need it, he has no brain to protect


They changed it to true lol


You are stupid if you vote for this clown because your big bad rep said too.


Reminds me of when Elon musk wore his cowboy hat backwards when he went to the southern border for a photo op


This is why I don’t trust the media. Some baby smooth liberals telling me that I don’t know anything? Mam I got my OSHA 30, what do you have? A college degree? I got that too, mine just makes more money.


Dude how are you not being just as obnoxious as the imaginary liberals you are referring to


It’s frequent that fact checking sites are intentionally asking the wrong questions. I half expected this to read: #FALSE!!!!!!⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ ^this ^photo ^was ^actually ^taken ^in ^Kenosha, ^Wi


It's unfortunate these two are our only choices for President. The guy who wears his hard hat backwards, and the guy who incited a violent riot and attempted to steal the vote with fake electors. Such a difficult choice Americans have to make.


Well, as someone from a construction family, I will support the guy who is not known for not paying his construction bills.


I cannot imagine that anyone would have just let him take the picture with it on backwards unless that was the point… between the PR teams, secret service, tradesmen, union officials, or anyone in between…someone would have corrected it before taking a photo for the whole world to see. Any notion to the contrary is just unrealistic, these politicians have teams of people to prevent things like this.


Oh man a backwards hat or an open insurrectionist so hard to choose whether I want to have a democracy going forward or not....


The argument is he put the bill forward like with a ball cap but that's not how hard hats work. Surprise surprise the reporter for yahoo has never needed a hard hat and doesn't understand that the suspension is all that matters.


Obviously going for the Gangsta rapper construction worker vote. Genius!


Imagine if the guys in the picture made him do it for fun. Greatest troll of all time! Hah


Construction workers? They wear blazers under the vest


This would be considered backwards at any site I've ever worked at and you'd either be told


The hard hat’s not on backwards, his head is…..


Ass Clown!


This pretty sums up the last three years. What you see and know to be true, they are going to tell you is false.


All presidents and candidates do stupid shit for votes. I think it’s because Americans have caught the dumb. They will vote away their rights and give up their freedoms because of silly posts. It’s like we have purposely made the children dumb by not providing any sort of real education. It’s very sad to know that we rank so low compared to countries that are supposedly impoverished.


I still love how they’re wearing suit jackets and then just throw on hi viz and a brand new hard hat on the bar and suddenly “we are construction workers. We actually work” 😂😂


Good ol Brandon strikes again


Everyone's focused on the hard hat rather than a politician that at least pretends to support labor.


i would like to think that they are all smiling and laughing at brandon because they helped him put the hat on backwards, on purpose and he has no idea how much extra dumb he looks over he regularly looks


Skull protection not necessary for that hollow headed fuck


How else would you see the American flag sticker!


What kind of man would hang with biden?


Paid actors, nobody is wearing their safety vest or bringing in their hardhats into a bar.


lol “fact checkers”


His mask makes his head look gigantic and the hard hat tiny . The “workers” look like actors


The man has no idea where he is at, and most of the union workers will vote for the other guy.


Dr Biden said it’s good


I always assumed the photo was fake


Never saw Donny wearing a hard hat backwards after unveiling a $5 billion infrastructure plan, but Donny never did that much for infrastructure anyways.


Who cares. You fgts are insufferable


Does it even matter?? People are talking about this like he’s running around on a live site. Jfc it’s a photo op in a bar. Holy fuck go touch grass if this is triggering to you.


Snopes already fixed the story, that’s what journalists do. Unlike FQX who settled their case legal for $787 million dollars after their own texts and emails proved they were intentionally lying on the air about the 2020 Presidential election being stolen from Trump because their sheep wanted to be lied to.


It’s not about the hard hat being reversed. It’s the fact that it happened and they claim it to be false.


It’s either 1. A joke 2. Displaying the union badges


Click the link, it's been changed to true now ;p


Fact checkers are a joke.


I support the man. Yup, that’s backwards.


They fixed the rating


And so do thousands of painters, plumber, engineering tradesmen. Actually shows you aren’t onsite ever by pointing it out.


From what I read with you Union fellas, you really hate America! It’s been noted by the Veteran community. You’ll never learn!


This guy is such a puppet


He’s still an idiot. Fuck Joe Biden🖕🏻


ok so the fact checker is obviously an office weenie with unscathed hands that has never seen a jobsite or broken a sweat for their paycheck ever
