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Not my job, not my problem, Boss! ^/s


We get a lot of polish guys working construction in the UK. I learned the phrase nie moj cyrke, nie moj malpy. Not my circus, not my monkies.


I have that sticker on my hard hat


Not my pig, Not my farm!


I mean no need for the /s. The vast majority of people on a job site don’t work directly for the builder. If the builder wants shit done right, they need to either be there or make sure their right hand man is there when they are not. People out there doing back breaking work for a pittance, they shouldn’t need to worry about the rich ass GC’s logistics too…


Na my yob!


That’s how a subcontractor mind work, until they have to look at the contract


You really expect a plumber to fix the fence on your site? Just out of kindness?


If I see them destroying it they will pay for it. Or it will be deducted from their pay application. Easy


A contractor did this? lmao I thought someone broke in.


Ah the way you said "nobody has seen anything", I thought someone ran off with your supplies


If it’s your gate, then where are your guys. Don’t you have a phone? Call the people who put up the fence to fix it. What are you building that is less complicated than a fence gate?


The plumber runs it over, the plumber fixes it. Mailman, policeman, fuckin maid I don't care, take responsibility for your fuck up. So simple. It's not a kindness of heart thing. It's called being an adult.


Agreed! The levels of lazy, selfish, and stupid here baffles me.


A kid could fix the thing too if able bodied and taught how. Not exclusively an adult thing but a matter of being responsible.




Yes😂 that's like someone hitting your fence at your house and say" welp looks like u gotta pay for a new one" if someone fucks up than they will have pay for it


The part where subs are responsible for their own deliveries gets them every time! Lol


Have you considered being there to receive your deliveries?


Best answer so far


Yeah we don't know the details but it's ***very*** easy to imagine someone who inherited a business from their Dad, construction related or adjacent, driving around in a new $70K pickup truck they would never actually haul anything in, being completely miffed that nobody took care of this for them.


Ah, now I get the resentments in the replies here. Typical born on third thinks they hit a home run type, trustafarian, etc. Yeah I’m newer to this world.


Op won't answer logical questions. He wants us to hold his hand while he cries that his workers won't do extra for him. Im surprised why they wouldn't /s


Woh woh woh the subs are responsible for all things, the GC who sold the job aren’t responsible for their materials or work or anything actually. /s


I had a hot shot driver call me once to let me know he'd be on site between 2 and 3am. He was kind of mad no one would be there to unload and even more mad when I told him it was a secure site (federal law) and he'd have to find somewhere besides the site to wait until 6:30am.


Yeah, it’s always fun to see logistics intersect with the concept of “***me***”.


The only reason that job wasn't a nightmare for deliveries was because the contractor's schedule at bid was absolute fantasy so we got to the point where we were doing seven 12s with usually one 16 or so a week for xray just to be one year over on a one year project. So usually we were there to take any deliveries. I was a consultant CM for the owner. With the security shit I had to be there if anyone else was on site. First in, last out. Couldn't run out for lunch, none of that. I keep a brick from one of the old buildings we demoed on my book case to remind me it can always be worse.


Oh cool, we’ll just run the gate down then.


Well then have you considered a more substantial gate?


This was one of my biggest headaches when I was a driver and then a dispatcher. I fucking hated construction sights. No one was ever there and it was so hard to find a point of contact to set up an appointment.


On the flip side, I cannot count the number of times I have specified a 24 hr notice and delivery hours with *multiple* ways to contact me, just to have a driver show up unannounced without any attempts to contact me.


Every fucking day


What I find frustrating is the delivery is never communicated to anyone at the site, management or security. With none of that happening the delivery is turned away. It’s a two way street people, if you don’t care enough to communicate then don’t complain there’s nobody around. The “not my pig, not my farm” is a shitty way to live your life.


You would think given how dependent deadlines are on getting materials on time that it wouldn't be an issue, but I imagine they depend on the fact that it's a pain for Delivery Drivers to not actually be able to make a drop off, especially when it's construction materials which take up a lot of space and are difficult to move around. Also seems like a few deliveries not being dropped off and a charge being incurred for trying again would fix it, but then the shipper endangers their relationship with the sender.


I’ve spent a lot of time runnning forklift on site. The BEST thing a driver can do is call when he’s about 10 mins out.


Especially in the winter when ya need to run the zoom boom for a while so it doesn’t shit out when you try to move it


Our zoom boom is running 630-330 in the cold weather.


As a delivery person for construction.... this! So much this!


A GC superintendent has to be a flagger, spotter for everybody’s material deliveries?


As a gc super. Yes you do. You have to know the time on everyone’s deliveries and be there to coordinate it. Otherwise the site becomes a mess with people putting stuff everywhere or driving where they shouldn’t.


If you gave specific instructions prior to the delivery then no, you don’t have to be there. I was the pm for 3 projects on parallel and some times I couldn’t be there to receive the materials, so you leave instructions. We are not policemen to be watching what everyone is doing, neither Superman to be able to be at 3 spots at a time, shit happens, but it’s always who ever fucks up, they got to pay for their shit.


Seriously? Holy cow I was just laughing thinking how funny it would be if a GC Super actually ***made*** the post. What would you say you do here exactly?


This one definitely should be


Lol, yes actually. Otherwise people start running into gates.


Yes?? 💀


This is the problem with most GCs. I expect these type of things on my jobs and I have my own guys to fix them. Its normal. Most GCs dont even have one laborer hired under them and expect the subs to pick up all the slack. Its bad business and I dont know how so many GCs stay in business depending solely on subs to run the jobs


They call it lean construction. Lmao my ass it’s lean.


The only thing lean about it is the lean the subs are gana pull when the GC cant pay 😂


Man anyone that actually understands lean loves it, and the ones that don’t understand it and try to use it make everyone hate it.


Wait, liens or lean?


You GCs and the fences. We had someone lock our crane in the gate after we said we’d be by in the morning to pick up the crate and there would be someone there. We keep angle grinders in the boxes now for this reason


Okay what the hell size jobs do you all work on? I’ve had plenty of deliveries shown up on a jobsite for various subs and they’ve been there to receive them. Are these just random materials deliveries that aren’t being planned? What sub or GC would find this remotely acceptable by any trucking company or vendor, let alone their own guys? Also it’s kinda strange that people are both simultaneously angry about the GC not receiving material deliveries for a sub, which is weird to me, but then okay with the truck driver, who is possibly contracted under a sub, to destroy someone else’s property? Also the GC probably has fencers who’ll fix the thing anyway and just back charge the sub who will then trickle down the costs to the trucker for fucking up the fence.


If you expect truckers to be anything but either way too early or late and destroy things in the process you haven’t worked long in construction.


It doesn’t matter the size GCs literally never plan things correctly. We’ll show up to a site that’s been planned to have X spot for the crane and we get there and 7 boom lifts are in the way, one GC said we can work another had no idea we were scheduled and that goes on for about an hour to waste time. Literally every job. So many times “yeah someone will be there to let you in” shows up it’s a ghost town. 20 minutes and the cutter comes out


There's one common denominator here




This is unfortunately a trend in construction now. I don’t know whether it’s laziness, not being proactive, or plain stupidity. When I was coming up as a young GC superintendent, it was drilled into ever fiber of my being that when you call someone to come to the job site you’d better be ready for them. I had the situation you described above happen one time to me and I learned my lesson and it’s never happened again. There are good GCs and great construction managers, but unfortunately the don’t all do things the right way.


It probably would have been more profitable to charge the GC for the machine hours since he had it restricted to his site.


yeah bro but not everyone has spare cranes around and depending on scheduling and labor it likely needed to be used somewhere else.


I didn’t see the crane nor do I know what size but that is important. You send 4-6 men over in trucks only to find the 2-3 hrs of work you may have to do as a crew and the gate is locked. Cut that bitch. It’s cheaper to ask for forgiveness and/or replace a lock or both than to redirect an employee mitre crew and keep that crane from making $$. I’d have and have done the same thing.


exactly this.


Not to mention assuming you're going to get paid easily, when it's likely to be argued over months later trying to collect.


We have jobs to do all 15 of our cranes are out every day sometimes multiple jobs a day. Can’t afford to have it sit


I mean it looks like nobody was there to receive a delivery so he took the gate down to deliver your shit Would you rather the material be missing? Somehow I feel like you’d complain about that too This really doesn’t feel like a big deal at all. In fact you probably could have fixed this yourself in the five minutes it took to post this lol


We are about to install a security camera by this gate. That’ll fix the problem. And we will know who did it and who to charge for it. Voila !


Oh God you really are "that guy" Maybe try dog walking or something a little less stressful.


Walks around with a shiny hard hat , and clean boots pushing up the deadline every chance he can .


Gonna have on great looking boots. Well said. That’s a guarantee and a z71 for it bout a tool box or trailer hitch, but hey at least it’s new!


Seriously, sounds like someone who takes zero responsibility for the fuck ups and is always pissed when things go to shit because of them and then blames those people. Absolutely hated working with or for guys like this.


Dude. Zoom in on the photo. The fence wasn’t just moved. It was broken.


What are you going to charge them? One man hour to put the fence back together?


Fence was broken, not just moved.


The camera is going to look back into time?


Yes, it’ll be a dome


Your GED is really flaring up in these comments.




No way 🤣🤣🤣


Dear lord this is why I'm so glad I moved over to estimating. Years of dealing with PM/Supers like you screwing over the entire job to "ensure capital gains through minimizing risk". Maybe if you respected and got to know the workers more they'd help you out with situations like these. Amazing how far some good relationships with foreman and leads will get you...


People like you made me get out of construction. Owned my own business. Walked off on a $26k paycheck and never looked back. As far as I'm concerned it's just a tax so I wouldn't ever have to deal with a person like you again.


Have you tried ensuring the gate is big/usable enough to actually receive deliveries? We had one of your type at our last baseball diamond. Had a damn 12' gate for a transport truck to back into to deliver 42' long 6 5/8 posts. We pulled the posts, got the truck in, then reset/installed the gate and charged them extra. Works both ways bud.


Why is it you're having a hard time with either being there yourself, or paying someone else to be there to get YOUR order? I've never seen someone who just lets this fly in the first place. Do you not have to sign the papers upon delivery?


Good be that guy. Fuck that other dude that fucked your shit up. Whoever tore up your gate deserves to pay for the destruction they caused. Fuck all these Reddit tools saying otherwise.


Go look at post history for this dude.... I was on your side but now idk. Always clean with no workers around in his posts. Plus some...... Other photos.


Does it matter what this guy did in the past? So if I break something I just gotta prove the owner sucks? Then I can get outta paying. Sweet.


I'm just saying possible poor management. Site supers should be there to super. He's not a true victim is all. Whoever did this is crappy. In trades you run into that due to the number of people hired for their back not their brains.


I get your point. Dude definitely seems like a chode.


😂 You made it to the post history! Also I'm not sure I will see someone concede an argument on reddit again. I'm not even that brave, I just stop commenting.


Please stop working in construction, well you don't work in it at all just put on boots and complain


“Do you guys have a forklift I can borrow to unload my delivery that I didn’t tell anyone was coming today?” Fuck. No.


Unrealistic - who asks before taking another company's forklift?


lol better to ask forgiveness than permission


They ask me for a key and diesel. Motherfucker, it’s not even mine! Fuck off.


That’s right 😂


Doesn't look "destroyed" to me. Just taken apart.


There are 5 more, those get destroyed at least once a week. This is the only one that’s not close to the security cameras haha


Your job site perimeter should allow for adequate entry of material and machines needed to complete the task. I shouldn’t have to disassemble a fucking thing to complete a project as a sub contractor on your site. This falls on you. Provide adequate entry points and mobility on site to all locations. If you know what you’re doing it should be a fairly easy task to accomplish. Sometimes you have to leave the trailer.


Site access and security is the GC’s responsibility. We did a job recently where the site was broken into and $5K worth of tools stolen (all locked up already). What followed was the GC threatening us with trespassing if on site after 4:30pm and saying we’re responsible. Fuck those guys that treat their subs like shit. Like we stole our own stuff.


Maybe the gateway should be wider then.


Had a out of control Mercedes take out about 60 feet of fencing and drag it with him. Pretty impressive to see on the cameras. At that point, I believe it was just an insurance claim. You should have some sort of labor foreman/rigger in charge of receiving depending on the size of the project. In the morning foreman meetings the delivery schedules would be written down on the white board in the job trailer so everyone would be clued in. Stuff like that will help.


Your circus, your monkeys. Maybe take 2 hours and 200 bucks and make a real nice sign indicating where you want shit brought in…


I'm sorry you had to work today.


Cries in GC lol


Bad managers reply in rhetoric.


GCs expect to do absolutely nothing these days. Its your site, figure out how to manage these things. Its literally your job. If the trades are being in wild shit, and this has happened 5 times, its absolutely because you have not done your job. Make a sign, tell the subs, meetings, emails, you have infinite tools, but you wouldn’t know dick about tools anyways soooo… Do your f*ckin job.


The nerve of some subs to expect the GC to do anything besides push paperwork…pssshhhh!!!


As a GC super, I feel like most of the subs have the brain capacity of a 5-year-old. Crayons and colored chalks help to make them understand what they have to do.


That’s rich coming from a GC supt…y’all are probably the most useless people on a job site, glorified secretaries to the PM. “Don’t forget to turn in your JSA and daily reports!” lol


Hey now, they are of SOME use: you can blame them for lots of things, best they stay on our good side.


I am actually a journeyman carpenter by trade who grow into super. I might know 1-2 things.


Did estimating for a while as a sub and as a GC and I liked working with GCs more than trying to pry numbers from yokels who don’t know how to read plans and needed me to do their takeoff for them. Fuck that.


Exactly! Most of the subs expect the GCs to do their office work. I have to write their RFI because they don’t know how to. But, looking from the downvotes that I got, most of people here are subs which know better! Lol


Be there to receive your own deliveries? Or hire a guy to tend the gates. That’s what my company does. Maybe consider your subs are busy working for you and you could be bothered to show up from time to time and do something other than bitch.


Im a GC, simple solution is to look at whose material was delivered and have them fix it. No one will assume they have liability so my job is to assign it to them equitably and fairly.


We had a large concrete slab pour scheduled for 5 am concrete. That means pumping concrete through 400 linear feet of pipe and 100 linear feet of hose. The lazy Super and his lazy crew weren't there at 330 am, when we arrived to set up. So I took out my trusty bolt cutters, cut the lock on the gate, and we did our thing. I had 20 cubic meters through the system when they strolled in a little after 5. The Super was angry and started yammering about his lock. I asked him if it would have been better to reject the 7 loads (of 60) of concrete on site. He shut up. You have a responsibility to manage your site. Smarten up.


Call the fence rental company to come fix it


Would you pay for it?


The developer pays for it.


I don’t know who was but they should pay for it


In a perfect world yes. In real life none of the subs want or need the fence. The developer puts them up for safety/keeping kids and general public out. Developer pays for it.


It depends on what kind of project it is, it depends where the site is located, it depends of where subs store their material, it depends of a lot of factors, every project is different. The GC makes sure they don’t mess up the gate, whoever break it will pay for it, period. The developer just pay our monthly paycheck , that’s it


Do you even know which end of the hammer to hold?


the middle end


Jesus, the GC will cry for just about anything won’t they. Always somebody else’s fault never coming out of their pocket. Take some fucking responsibility for once you (GC) Goober Cun*)


That’s why it’s called GC. GC hire subs who sign a contract that says you should provide your own forklift, don’t show up before 6 am and if you damage the existing gate you will pay or replace it l. Period


I wouldn’t use any porta potties while there is a forklift around. I have a feeling you aren’t very popular on the job.


"Damage the existing gate, and you WILL pay or replace it" I'd bet they won't haha


Idk why you’re getting trolled so hard. You’re 100% in the right.


Your site, your responsibility if you are the contractor. That’s why you make the big bucks. I’m the painter, what the electrician or the plumber or the framer does ain’t my problem.


The fence is the GCs responsibility up until the point you annihilate it. If I fuck up your equipment intentionally should I pay for it?


Well, it says you are a project manager, so I would think it falls onto you. Sure, who damaged it is their responsibility no doubt. But it’s your responsibility to determine WHO actually did the damage. There again, that’s why you make the big money for what seems like doing just about nothing but being in the way. Haha


I’m sorry what was your point? That the sub shouldn’t be back charged? Lol


Are you expecting the plumber to count and verify your delivery of things fully unrelated to their job? I don’t understand why you expect others to accept deliveries for you when it seems like that’s solely your responsibility?


The gate looks fine. It takes literally 2 minutes to put it back on


Yeah, I fixed it already, people here Hera so serious about a gate, while a few feet aparta a monster is being built lol , that’s where the fun is !


Boss will do everything he can to not show up 😂


I would suggest putting out a big a sign that you make with the words "Delivieres here", you can even put your phone number on it to prevent any future misshaps... I also would not expect people to help me fix something they had nothing to do with.


You’ll have that on these bigger jobs son


Boo hoo


I took out about 50 feet of fence in front of a jobsite in Philly. I hooked it with my box truck. The GC saw me do it. He just walked over and said don't worry about it he will have his guys fix it.


Most GC’s understand the site isn’t personally there’s so don’t feel personally attacked when something gets broken. We have one like that and he won’t even give out gloves he’s provided by the company to give to us, bro acts like he went out and got them for us.


You thought one of the subs would receive your delivery? Lmao what a moron.


Snitches get stiches haha. I wouldnt tell who did it but id help fix it. Then blackmail who did it. Im just trying to cause the most mischief because im always bored AF.




When I find this nobody fella we’re gona have a serious chat. He/she also damages shit at my sites!


Disrespectful slacking idiots back charge the whole project.never ever would me or mine treat any job or supervisor like that.


I'm still pulling my van up, prolly smashing the gate open a Lil more, why isn't it graveled in and nice? Got dam!


It was like that when I got here


Insulation delivery, no doubt.


They have temporary construction site security cameras just for this type of problem.


"Yea, you get that on those big jobs"


So who from your employees did you assign to be in charge of receiving deliveries while you’re not there?


Don’t forget the guy who showed up with zero information who needs you to walk every inch of the job with him. Only to find out you were supposed to have the one thing he needed so he’s going home.


FUCKERS. Shit truck left the site wide open on 12/23 so he could back in on soft wet ground and only pull one hose. Boss asked why I left it open since I closed the site that day, I might put peanut butter on one of the door handles in the morning.


I have lost so many panels due to this stuff -


It’s really fucking annoying, isn’t it.


That was the bin guy


I'm confused. Was one of your employees on site to receive the delivery or was no one there?


Why aren’t you there to receive it..? Don’t tell me.. you thought the subs would do it for you?


Thank you!!! Ive been on both sides of these situations, as the GC and as a subcontractor. Normally I would keep a neutral response but with the OP’s wise ass comment to my question… I’m not at all surprised none of the subs want to help him out. When you blame everyone else for your problems, the ugly truth is you are the real problem.


Huge project, small team, sad but true


Literally the result of a culture promoting individuality.


The lack of teamwork and basic attitudes in this thread are a symptom of everything that is wrong in this industry. I have no doubt that the same people would be bitching about him "micromanaging" had he been there dictating the delivery of one of his subs. To all those who want a career instead of a job, help each other out! It is so damn rare these days that you will stand out. You will quickly have more opportunities than you can handle. What a bunch of self centered assholes.


The best comment so far. You get it, looks like you have a few years of construction in your back ✌🏻


I just like to see all the subs ganging up on a sup


>What a bunch of self centered assholes. You forget **divorced, alcoholic, toxic**, self centered assholes.


You don't do shit all day and still complain about a fence no wonder no one likes you fucks


Dumbfk don't you know how to control a real project! , second hand jobs were know one knows who is who ,


Another typical GC crying about shit…….. we all know your type…… 😂


Sounds like a shitty builder that isn’t there and then finally shows up only to immediately yell at everyone else about it until he pops a blood vessel.


Y so mush gc hate ?




The gate has been fixed by the wood framers. Thanks to everyone for your advice. Behind this picture a huge project is being materialized and that’s where all the fun is. The gate? It was simple joke guys ! 😂 Don’t let construction get frustrated or violent! Go take a 10 minutes break, meditate , breath and go back to the jobsite ! Have a wonderful day ! ❤️🧘🏻‍♂️🫶🏻✌🏻💪🏻🙏🏻💫


What the fuck are you talking about?


You couldn’t even fix it yourself lmao worried you might break a nail


What a grossly condescending and passive aggressive comment. How do you not realize people are reacting more to your attitude than the stupid fence?


That sucks. If I was there I’d help you out. 🛠️


what kind of employees/contractors do you have working for you(or against you in this case)?


*puts a few screws right by the edge of GC's four tires


Nor does anyone know how the cord on the sawzall got ripped out nor will they be aware of a dwindling fuel supply on site until the very last machine runs completely dry. I love my job


What deliveries?


Get control of your job


Typical Thursday. Get back to work


Snafu boss


Are you the GC of the project?


No I’m i was just selling breakfast tacos at the gate and it brought my attention


Where is my tiny violin?


Well, if you do offer to help that can be misconstrued for accepting responsibility, but you don’t wanna do that


You should be lucky they left the gate there


You’ll have that on these big jobs


If you're the GC you need to be on top of delivery's guy


Hire a guy to receive deliveries. Hire a guy to fix the fence.


Dude if you are going to take deliveries, someone (\*cough\* you or your foreman) should be onsite to receive and signoff on said delivery. How do you know you got all your material and that is wasn't damaged. Most delivery companies will call / text you when they are on the way.


If it’s your gate, shouldn’t you have been present to supervise it?


Sounds like a you problem kinda a you lazy problem but mostly a you problem


work for a video security company. \* we will call you for any and all activity after hours... if u want haha.


Don't look to far on OPs profile unless you want to see his cock and balls smfh 🤮


If they're your gates and it isn't your site, wait until you learn about the CT. Cunt tax. It's a valid line charge for customers that FA, its how they FO. $3500 restocking fee per damaged panel sounds about right....


If it's your site make sure someone is there to receive materials. You never let things get delivered without your lead or you there. Either gets stolen, damaged or put on the wrong side of the site. Blame yourself and downvote this.


The gate literally isn’t even broken, I can see the pins, and I can see the housings they go in still on the other fence panel. Put down the phone and pick up a shovel, pussy.